My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and forty third battle

But in that beauty there is the ultimate danger.

It can arouse the defense of the canyon Meng Lanhua, and it can be seen how terrifying the high temperature released by the magma-like galaxy in Lin Honghai.

Jianlancheng naturally saw this scene, and felt more and more that he was right not to let his fellow clan take action, otherwise, the high temperature alone would be enough to drive away most of the immortal clan.

However, this also strengthened Jian Lancheng's determination to kill Lin Honghai.

Menglong Canyon is bound to become the final decisive battle ground, and it is naturally excellent to be able to cut off a master of the human race in advance.

And he is sure to kill the human race master.

"Jin Yuan sword."

Jianlancheng meditated in her heart, while keeping her hands in a pulling position.

A golden sword tip emerged from Jianlancheng's forehead.

No, to be precise, it emerged from the golden sword-shaped mark on Jianlancheng's forehead.

As soon as the golden sword tip appeared, a sharp and incomparable aura permeated all around the sword orchid.

The dream blue flower near Jianlancheng also swayed, emitting a misty blue light, which for a while complemented Lin Honghai's side.

A golden lightsaber appeared, suspended in front of Gladiolus Cheng's forehead, like a sword, and like the leaves of some kind of plant.


Jianlan made a finger, and the golden lightsaber turned into a streamer and shot towards Lin Honghai.

Wherever the golden lightsaber passed, all the nearby dream blue flowers swayed, and wisps of blue light lit up on them.


Looking at the golden lightsaber that shot over, Lin Honghai exclaimed and recognized Jianlancheng's attack.

Lin Honghai did not dare to neglect, the galaxy behind him flew out like a wandering dragon, facing the golden sword light.

"What's your relationship with Sword Immortal King?"

Lin Honghai asked.

Jianlancheng glanced at Lin Honghai unexpectedly, but ignored Lin Honghai.

In his opinion,

Lin Honghai is about to become a dead person, there is no need to say anything to a dead person.


Lin Honghai snorted coldly and stopped making fun of himself. He was going to take down the immortal first.

The golden lightsaber and the magma-like galaxy of Lin Honghai met in the middle.

The dazzling golden-red brilliance lit up, and even a golden-red mushroom cloud rose in the air.

rumbling, rumbling...

The explosion sounded like thunder, and the explosion never stopped after the golden lightsaber and the magma-like galaxy met.

The golden lightsaber pierced directly into the magma-like galaxy.

In the galaxy, the crimson Xingyuan was thick like magma. After the golden lightsaber stabbed in, it rolled violently, but it couldn't resist the advance of the golden lightsaber.

Lin Honghai watched this scene quietly, without any surprises.

If it can be easily blocked, it is not a gladiolus.

The crimson star rolled over, and a fiery red star appeared in front of the golden sword light.

The invincible golden sword light finally had a brief pause in front of the fiery red orifice star.

But the pause only lasted for a short moment.

The golden light on the golden lightsaber suddenly flourished, and then passed through the middle of the aperture star.


After the golden lightsaber passed, the acupuncture star exploded, and the scarlet star in the galaxy was violently shocked.

Just as the golden lightsaber pierced an aperture star, another aperture star appeared in front.

The golden light on the golden lightsaber prospered again, and then passed through the star.

One, two, three...

The golden lightsaber is unparalleled, just like wearing a candied haws, passing through one hole after another.

It's just that those acupoints, stars and candied haws did not stay on the lightsaber. After they were passed through, they all burst.

Xinghe is an important place for a warrior, but now it is being ravaged by a lightsaber.

Could it be that Lin Honghai is really not the opponent of Jianlancheng?

But Lin Honghai watched quietly, without any waves on his face.

After the golden lightsaber pierced through one hundred orifice stars in a row, it finally stopped in front of the one hundred and one orifice stars.

At this time, the golden lightsaber was dull, and there were even many broken places on it, and it no longer had its previous power.

"As expected of a gladiolus..."

Lin Honghai looked at Jianlancheng and said, wanting to let Jianlancheng retreat.

But Lin Honghai didn't finish his words, and he couldn't help being shocked, and looked at the galaxy in front of him.

I saw the red magma-like galaxy standing there quietly, but at this time there was a dazzling golden light that erupted, and even that part of the galaxy swelled up.

Lin Honghai's face immediately became cold and severe. He has been showing his favor to the immortal clan and did not want to have a real conflict with the other party.

But the immortal clan ignored his good intentions again and again, and even detonated the gladioli directly in his galaxy.

This is him. He returned from the Stardust Realm to the Star Liquid Realm. Although his cultivation base has retreated, Xinghe has become extremely tough after this special experience.

If you change to other warriors, I am afraid that this time Xinghe will be severely damaged.

In the red-red galaxy, gold swept everywhere, rolling past, rolling the stars one by one.

Boom, boom, boom...

The acupuncture stars exploded, stirring the golden color.

The detonated golden sword light directly swept the three hundred orifice stars before they were completely consumed.

Lin Honghai could clearly perceive the slightest change in his own galaxy.

Three hundred orifice stars, plus the hundred that had been pierced before, he lost four hundred orifice stars in a short period of time.

Four hundred orifice acupuncture stars is not a small number.

The number of acupoints and stars he possesses has always been a point of pride for Lin Honghai.

On the bright side, he has 1,500 orifice stars, and secretly hides 300 orifice stars.

In fact, all this is just a smoke bomb that he let people let out.

The number of acupoints and stars he really has is two thousand.

But even with 2,000 orifice acupuncture stars, it can't stand such consumption.

Lin Honghai looked at Jianlancheng, just in time to see three golden lightsabers appearing in front of Jianlancheng.

It's too much to deceive people.

Lin Honghai only had this thought at the moment.

Three golden lightsabers shot towards Lin Honghai again like a streamer.

Looking at the three golden sword lights, the cold light in Lin Honghai's eyes flashed away.

The lava-like galaxy flashed with light, and another Lin Honghai appeared, but this Lin Honghai was dressed in red and all his hair was red. From a distance, he looked like a burning man.

As soon as the red-clothed Lin Honghai appeared, he flashed before the three golden sword lights.

Raise your hand, reach out.

The red-clothed Lin Honghai grabbed the two golden sword lights directly with both hands.

The red flames surged on both hands, and the two golden sword lights burned and collapsed.

At the same time, the right leg kicked out and directly hit the third golden sword light.

A strong golden light erupted, and the third golden sword light also burst.

From the appearance of the red-clothed forest and the red sea, to the explosion of three golden sword lights, the time was extremely short.

Jianlancheng glanced at the red-clothed Lin Honghai, opened his mouth and spat out three words.

"The body of stars."

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