My Eyes Are Mutated

Five hundred and fortieth chapters gladiolus

Lin Honghai also realized the unusualness of this blow.

The magma-like galaxy wrapped around him submerged into Lin Honghai's body.

When the galaxy entered the body, Lin Honghai's aura increased again.

The crimson Xingyuan gathered towards Lin Honghai's back, rendering the space on his back a fiery red.

The red star energy filled the air, as if another space had opened up behind Lin Honghai.

At this moment, the golden sword lights with amazing power were lasing over.

huh, huh, huh...

The red star energy behind Lin Honghai rolled violently like a wave, and a big hand burning with flames suddenly stretched out.

The flame's big hand patted the golden sword lights.

Boom, boom, boom...

Intensive explosions sounded instantly, and more than half of the golden sword lights with amazing power were shot by the big flame hand at once, and only a few golden sword lights remained unexploded.

The remaining golden sword light tirelessly attacked the big flame hand.

The flame's big hand clenched a fist lightly, and the golden sword lights that were as flexible as fish exploded in an instant.

Jianlancheng watched this scene, his pupils shrank slightly. This sword ring move can be said to be one of his unique moves. He had helped him kill many powerful enemies, but at this time, in front of the big flame hand, he even a little bit. The wind and waves did not splash.

What is that big flame hand, how can it be so powerful?

"You can be proud of forcing me to use this method."

Lin Honghai looked at Jianlancheng in surprise.

That flaming hand looks simple, but it's not easy.

It was a special attacking move that he had spent a lot of time researching.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Ye Huan and eliminate hidden dangers, he had to lower his cultivation base from the Stardust Realm to the Star Liquid Realm.

After the cultivation base dropped to the Star Liquid Realm, Lin Honghai has been considering whether to use some of the Stardust Realm's power in the Star Liquid Realm.

After all, I once boarded the stardust realm,

Lin Honghai knew how powerful the Stardust Realm was. Even if he could only use part of his power, it would be enough for him to sweep the same level.

The emperor pays off.

After tireless attempts and research, after thousands of failures, Lin Honghai really developed a method.

It was the big flaming hand that Lin Honghai cast just now.

He called the flaming hand the hand of Dharma.

The reason why it is called this name is because the big flame hand has a certain power of martial arts.

In Lin Honghai's original idea, the hand of the dharma can have the power of one hand of the complete martial arts, but after all, the research time is too short, and this goal has not been achieved, so that the hand of the dharma has only one hand of the complete martial arts. part of the power.

But even so, the power of the hand of the law was enough to surprise him.

After squeezing the remaining golden sword light, the huge hand of the dharma that was burning with flaming flames did not stop there.


The wind howled, as fast as thunder.

The huge Dharma hand slammed towards the golden sword circle in the air.

Destroy that immortal's means of attack first, and let that immortal feel despair.

The huge dharma hand swiped horizontally, right on the golden halo.

It was like a small piece of meteorite hitting a huge steel giant hand.

The golden aperture released a strong golden light, like a dazzling golden sun.

But that was only its last splendor, and in the next instant, the golden aperture completely exploded.

The golden energy that dissipated with the explosion didn't even spread far, and was fanned out by the hand of the law.

The hand of the law, like lava, continued to sweep away with an invincible momentum.

The next target is Jianlancheng standing next to the golden circle of light.

For the first time, Jianlancheng felt the threat of death, and that terrifying and unusually large flame hand was simply not something he could resist.

Jianlancheng lowered her head and looked at the sword-shaped object in her hand, which looked like a sword and a leaf of some kind of plant.

"I didn't expect to use you in this situation."

Jianlancheng murmured softly, he now regrets it a little bit, and is a little too embarrassed.

Knowing that the human race is so powerful, they should unite with the same race to use the battle formation method to solve the human race.

It was too late now. In order to save his life, he could only use that precious life-saving means.

The golden color on the sword-shaped item in Jianlancheng's hand began to peel off, just like not long ago, as if it had been baked and stripped of the golden paint.

But as the pieces of "gold paint" fell off, the sword-shaped object left Jianlancheng's hand, and an abnormal breath was released from the sword-shaped object.

That breath is obviously not strong, but it easily breaks the strong oppression brought by the hand of the law.

Jian Lancheng also raised his head at this moment, and looked at Lin Honghai with pity in his eyes.

He didn't know what the flaming hand of the human race was using, but it didn't matter. In front of the gladiolus, everything would be annihilated.

The golden gladiolus flew up, and as the golden gladiolus flew up, a powerful sword intent that seemed to pierce the sky suddenly erupted.

In front of that sword intent, Lin Honghai's magic hand was like a bug in amber, and it solidified in an instant.

Then the hand of the Dharma was like being delayed by the sword intent. The flames on the Dharma's hand fell off piece by piece, and were dismembered into thousands of pieces in an instant.

Lin Honghai looked at this scene, and his face changed wildly in an instant. At this moment, he had realized what that golden gladiolus was.

That golden gladiolus must have something to do with Sword Immortal King.

"I'm not mean."

Lin Honghai shouted at Jianlancheng, since he knew the origin of the golden gladioli, he knew that he would not have any chance.

Jianlancheng looked at Lin Honghai, but ignored Lin Honghai. Regardless of whether the human race was malicious or not, after he used that sword orchid, everything was no longer under his control.

Puff puff……

There were wounds constantly appearing on Lin Honghai's body, and blood splashed, as if countless flying swords were cutting Lin Honghai's flesh and blood.

The golden gladiolus was suspended in the air like that, and the fierce sword intent cut through Lin Honghai wantonly.

Lin Honghai didn't have any resistance at all, and he became riddled with holes in an instant.

That gladioli was not only attacking Lin Honghai, but also attacking Menglong Canyon indiscriminately.

The dream blue flower near Lin Honghai shook violently, emitting a strong blue light, resisting the sword intent attack of the gladiolus.

Puff puff……

The blue light went out, and the dream blue flowers disappeared under the attack of the sword intent.

With the extinction of a large number of Dream Blue Flowers, more Dream Blue Flowers in Menglong Canyon lit up, fighting against the Sword Intent of the Gladiolus.

How dare you resist?

The gladiolus seemed to be provoked, and there was a hazy golden light on it, and the sword intent became more and more fierce and dense.

However, the main target of that gladioli has changed from Lin Honghai to the "provocative" Meng Lanhua.

This made Lin Honghai, who was already seriously injured and thought he would die, was lucky enough to save his life.

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