My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth IX situation

The list of stars just appeared in front of them, and before they had time to see more things, a group of people were shocked by a name.

Ye Huan!

Yes, they actually saw Ye Huan's name on the list of stars.

Although it is only the last place on the star list, it is shocking enough.

Many people clearly remember that the last place on the Star List was an immortal named Jianlan Cheng.

But at this moment, the name was changed to Ye Huan.

Shouldn't it be the same name?

At this moment, those human races have the same question in their hearts.

Ye Huan, it took only three months to break through to the star liquid realm, and he was on the star list.

Although they are of the same clan, this is really unbelievable.

That is the list of stars, a list that the younger generation under the stars competes for.

Within three months, Ye Huan had stepped on the efforts of most of the warriors under the stars for many years.

They didn't want to believe that their years of hard work were not as good as Ye Huan's three months of cultivation.

With this mentality, many human races looked at the little star with Ye Huan's name on it.

The little star in the eyes of everyone quickly enlarged, and at the same time, the words on the star were also enlarged.

Ye Huan, the human race!

The first thing I saw was these four words, followed by some simple information introduction.

The more they looked, the more restless the hearts of the people became.

This direction becomes more and more clear.

After reading all the brief introductions, even though they felt incredible, those human races had to admit it.

Ye Huan, who is number 720 on the Star List, is the Ye Huan they know.

Ye Huan, Star Lord.

It took only three months to break through to the Star Liquid Realm, and he entered the star list where many geniuses competed for under the stars, and became a star master.

Although it is said that Xinghe Yuandi is a place where miracles are created, this miracle is too scary.

Tang Tianjie and the other human race read the list and then looked at the few red light beams in the Star Liquid Realm area.

They looked at each other for a while.

Since it was confirmed that Ye Huan became the star master, then the matter in the star liquid realm area must have nothing to do with Ye Huan.

"Maybe Ye Huan did it together with the humans in the Star Liquid Realm area."

A human race said so, and the others all agreed.

This is something they all agree with, it is acceptable, and they feel more reliable.

"Even so, do you think the immortals will let Ye Huan go."

Wu Changqing said with a wry smile.

Tang Tianjie looked at the beams of light in the Xinghe realm area and the Xinghe realm area with a wry smile on his face, Ye Huan can really cause trouble.

From Hanwu's secret realm of peeping to the sky, to their Tang Dynasty's Wanzu Tower, to today's Xingheyuan Mansion, where there is Ye Huan, there will be no peace.

Only this time, Ye Huan played a little too much.

This one is not good!

If one does not do well, it will take itself in.

Not to mention whether the families of the Wan clan killed by Ye Huan will seek revenge against Ye Huan, even with the potential shown by Ye Huan now, the immortals will not let Ye Huan live.

Stifling the potential genius of the tribe is what Wanzu has been doing for so many years.

The terrifying potential that Ye Huan is showing now,

Wanzu definitely wants to kill and then quickly.

Thinking about it so carefully, Tang Tianjie couldn't help but feel a headache.

I am afraid that after leaving the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, this trouble has just begun.


Under the Xingheyuan mansion, looking at the various colored beams of light rising up one after another, the ten thousand clans can be said to have their own ideas. After all, not all ten thousand clans know what happened under the Xingyuan.

On the Xingyuan, looking at the pillars of light rising from the bottom of the Xingyuan, all the tribes were silent.

Looking at the apparently sparse red and white beams of light, a name could not help but emerge in the minds of all the tribes.

Ye Huan.

All this was actually caused by a human race.

At this moment, looking at the sparse red and white beams of light, the bigwigs of all ethnic groups remembered the name.

They have experienced the whole incident from start to finish, but looking at the result at the moment, they still feel a little dazed.

But no matter how unbelievable it is, it has become a fact.

Now it's time to think about how to resolve this matter.

A cold aura gathered on the Xingyuan.


The King of Datang looked at the beams of light rising from the bottom of the Xingyuan, and his brows were instantly wrinkled together.

Although the various things that happened before have made the Tang King have a certain psychological preparation, but when he really witnessed all this with his own eyes, he still felt a headache.

It is not easy to save Ye Huan now.

King Datang stretched out his hand and forcefully smoothed the piled up wrinkles on his forehead.

No matter how difficult it is, it must be saved.

Among the big men of the human race, some people frowned, as if they were worried about Ye Huan's situation, and some people were expressionless...

At this moment, the green beam of light reached Xingyuan, and sent the ten thousand clans still alive under Xingyuan to Xingyuan.

one, two...

As soon as the green beam of light dissipated, the bosses of the main star realms from each clan moved their clansmen to their respective areas.

In the Kaizen Realm area, everything is normal.

In the Galaxy Realm area, everything is normal.

All the clans are silently gathering their own clansmen, there are no unnecessary words, and there is no conflict.

After returning to the human race area, Tang Tianjie and Wu Changqing quickly scanned the human race area.

There is no Ye Huan.

The two looked at each other tacitly, and the atmosphere on Xingyuan was not quite right.

Could it be that the big guys on Xingyuan already know what happened under Xingyuan?

Both of them guessed vaguely, just as they were about to find someone to inquire about the specific situation.

A red beam of light rose from under the Xingyuan.

All eyes.

Tang Tianjie and Wu Changqing had an intuitive and clear understanding of the meaning of the idiom "many people's attention".


It was almost uniform, and one after another looked at the red beam of light.

The red beam of light dissipated, revealing a dragon in the beam of light.

The dragon family originally had a trace of joy and happiness on his face. After all, he was able to come back alive from the Xinghe Yuandi, and he felt that it was simply too easy for him.

Who would have thought that as soon as he left the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, he encountered such a big battle.

All the bigwigs looked at him.

"who I am?"

"where am I?"

"what did I do?"


The dragon's head was buzzing on the spot, and his face was instantly bloodless.

What the hell did he do that deserves the attention of all the bigwigs.

Fortunately, the eyes of the big guys only lasted for such a short moment.

The dragon's heart was full of happiness, otherwise he would probably fall down.

As soon as he came out of Xinghe Yuandi, he was frightened and fell to the ground. He would be completely famous under the stars. He didn't want such a reputation.

"Okay, it's not that person, it's my family."

The White Dragon King hurriedly said, and at the same time took the dragon back.

There are only a few single seedlings left in the Dragon Clan in the Star Liquid Realm area, but you can't be frightened.

At this moment, the dragon clan almost burst into tears, the scene just now was really terrifying.

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