My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 561 Prelude

He didn't have any three heads and six arms, but he was quite coquettish.

Looking at Ye Huan, who was dressed in white as snow, the first thought came to the minds of the warriors.


Ye Huan snorted suddenly, his body swayed, and the faint smile on his face was quickly covered by pale white.

A streak of blood flowed down from the corner of Ye Huan's mouth, and against the snow-white clothes, it looked particularly dreary.

Ye Huan put his hands on his chest, staggered two steps, looked at the bigwigs of all ethnic groups in disbelief, and said in an extremely angry tone.

"You guys are so despicable, the dignified boss actually attacked me with a little shrimp, and even sneaked a sneak attack."


A group of junior warriors looked at Ye Huan, and they were all a little confused.

A group of bigwigs secretly attacked you, but they failed to kill you.

Are the big guys so rubbish now?

At this moment, the faces of the big bosses of all ethnic groups are all black.

They had considered this possibility, and directly attacked Ye Huan when he came out of Xingyuan.

But finally gave up.

Since they can think of it, the human race will naturally take precautions, and the probability of success is not high.

Moreover, even if it is successful, the utilization rate is not high and it is a bit wasteful.

On Ye Huan, they wanted to ask for more in return.

But what the bigwigs of all ethnic groups did not expect was that they were hacked, and they were hacked at such a low level.

We secretly attacked you, but we failed to kill you, but only made a wisp of blood splatter from the corner of your mouth.

Please, even if you want to be black, you have to find a relatively reliable reason.

What the hell is this!

The bigwigs of all ethnic groups have been unable to complain.

Just this guy killed all races to the ground?

Such thoughts suddenly popped into the minds of the bigwigs of all ethnic groups.

The King of Datang looked at Ye Huan, who was trying to put on a miserable appearance over there, his face twitched violently.

Your acting skills can't be faked any more.

King Datang stretched out his hands and tried to pull his face, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to make an angry expression.

"Xuanji Immortal King, Demon Mark King, you are so deceiving."

The King of Datang roared, and a sharp blade qi shot straight towards the big boss of all ethnic groups.

Although the King of Datang didn't know what Ye Huan wanted to do, it was enough to cooperate.

On the side of the human race, the Tang kings are all furious. Naturally, the other kings can't watch from the side. Whether it's true or false, at this moment, they all explode.

One after another, the momentum is mixed together, and you have to be careful to suppress the power. For a time, it was chaotic on Xingyuan.

Ye Huan nodded with satisfaction, this was what he wanted to see.

So under the watchful eyes of all the warriors, Ye Huan, who was still weak just now, "recovered" and walked towards Wu Changqing.

Ye Huan didn't use his body technique to escape the golden light. He didn't want some big bosses to mistakenly think that he wanted to escape, so he slapped him desperately.

Ye Huan quickly walked over to Wu Changqing and Tang Tianjie, and Wang Xiaolan also stood beside them.

The three of them looked at Ye Huan with concern, and there was even more hidden worry in their eyes. They all knew that Ye Huan was in a dangerous situation at this time.

The three of them wanted to say something, but Ye Huan stopped them all.

But there is not so much time for them to reminisce,

The chaos he deliberately created won't last long.

"Help me take it back."

Ye Huan took off the three space bags on her body and handed them directly to Wu Changqing, Wang Xiaolan and Tang Tianjie.

The contents of the three space bags were already divided by him long ago.

Primordial Qi liquid and a part of Xingchen Profound Liquid, Xingbing Grass and Dream Dragon Fruit are naturally among them. Besides these, there are also his harvests under Xingyuan.

Except for the resources he will use for his subsequent cultivation, Ye Huan put most of his harvest into those three space bags.

"The King of Tang Dynasty."

Immortal King Xuanji roared.

The King of Tang Dynasty stopped a little angrily, and it was impossible to keep entangled.

"Ye Huan dares to provoke me, and hand over Ye Huan."

Xuanji Immortal King said in an unquestionable tone.

Swish swish.

One after another beams of light fell, and all the clans were gathering their clansmen.

Just as Wang Xiaolan and the three were about to speak, the beam of light fell and put the three of them into the spaceship.

The three beams of light fell precisely, but Ye Huan, who was close at hand, ignored him.

Ye Huan stood there calmly, as if he had expected all this.

King Datang glanced at Ye Huan, and a trace of apology flashed across his eyes.

He wanted to take the opportunity to put Ye Huan into the spaceship, but he didn't dare to do that.

Once Ye Huan was really put into the spaceship, the war would probably break out in an instant.

All the future elites of all races are gathered on Xingyuan at this moment. Once the war breaks out, that kind of loss will be unbearable pain for all races.

For the time being, I can only feel wronged for Ye Huan.

King Datang quickly adjusted his mood, and now the most important thing is to put other human race junior warriors into the spaceship first.

Not only the human race is doing this, other races are also doing the same thing at this time.

For a time, there was a rare tranquility on Xingyuan for a while.

In a blue dragon-shaped spaceship, Lan Wan'er looked at Ye Huan below with a complicated expression.

At this time, Jing Ye Huan was still standing there calmly, without the slightest panic on his face.

Is it a confession?

Lan Wan'er had no other thoughts at all. She didn't think Ye Huan could escape under such circumstances.

But what is she doing here?

Lan Wan'er subconsciously glanced at her left body.


On Xingyuan.

There are fewer and fewer people of all ethnic groups, and the atmosphere on Xingyuan is getting more and more solemn.

"King of the Tang Dynasty, in the Xinglijing area, I, Huoyunxing, still have people under the Xingyuan."

At this moment, a middle-aged man with unusually strong arms spoke to the king of the Tang Dynasty.

Fire Cloud King, the actual controller of Fire Cloud Star, this time he is here too.

King Datang took the time to glance at the star lamp. The people from Huoyunxing were indeed alive, but there was no beam of light rising again.

The beam of light in the Stardust region is already rising. Obviously, the transmission work in the Starliquid region has ended.

"I'm afraid I'm trapped in some special area."

King Datang frowned and said, it's not like this has never happened before.

It's just that those trapped warriors were killed when the Xinghe Yuan Mansion was closed.


So many people in Huoyunxing are trapped at the same time?

The Fire Cloud King glanced at Xinghe Yuandi, wondering what he was thinking.

"Let's lead the people from the Stardust Realm, and pass the current level first."

The Dao of the Tang Dynasty.

The Fire Cloud King glanced at Ye Huan and began to attract the Stardust Realm martial artist.

This wasn't the first time he heard Ye Huan's name, but he didn't care much at all before, but he didn't expect it to be such a big surprise for him.

Will the disappearance of those people in Huoyunxing have something to do with Ye Huan?


As the last beam of light in the Stardust Realm rose and went out, Xingyuan once again returned to that deep darkness.

That darkness is like a big mouth that wants to devour everything.

On the Xingyuan, except for the spaceships and the bigwigs of various ethnic groups, Ye Huan was left standing alone beside the dark Xingyuan, as if he might be swallowed by the endless darkness at any time.

This scene seemed extremely depressing and hopeless.

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