My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty-Three Who?

The shards of stars in his hand were heavy, but King Tang's heart was falling towards the dark abyss of stars.

The Tang King reiterated the previous gambling contract. First, he was really reluctant to bear those star fragments.

That is dozens of star fragments.

The second reason is to delay time.

Yes, stall for time.

After confirming that what happened under Xingyuan was really done by Ye Huan, the King of Datang told Bai Qiqi what happened in Xingyuan and asked for help.

According to the time, reinforcements should also come.

But the vicinity of Xingyuan is still silent, and there is no change at all.

During the day, people will definitely be sent to support, and there is only one possibility in this situation.

The support of the Terran was intercepted.

The Tang King took a deep breath, Wanzu's determination to kill Ye Huan was stronger than he imagined.

"King of the Tang Dynasty, protect Ye Huan or protect the junior warriors of the human race."

Immortal King Xuanji said coldly.

These words can be described as sinister and vicious, no matter what choice the King of Tang makes, he is bound to offend one party.

The brows of some human kings are slightly frowned, and the junior warriors of the human race are more or less related to them.

Seriously, let them watch those people get attacked and ignore them, they really can't do it.

Baoyi or Baozhong.

This seems to be unnecessary.

Ye Huan's talent is a demon, but after all, he is only one person.

The process of growing up is full of risks. Once Ye Huan has a problem, he will lose everything.

But the junior warriors of the crowd did not have such a risk.

Although they are not as good as Ye Huan, they are also geniuses selected by the various life planets of the human race.

Even if some die, others can grow into the mainstay of the human race.

Some kings still prefer the latter.

However, none of the kings said anything. After all, the person in charge here is the king of Tang Dynasty.

Some kings looked at the King of the Tang Dynasty, wanting to see what choices the King of the Tang Dynasty would make.


The White Dragon King of the Dragon Clan watched this scene excitedly, and even the depression of losing the Star Fragment lightened a lot.

It is best to force the King of Tang to give up Ye Huan.

To personally give up the human race, a peerless genius, the King of Tang will be very painful when he wants to come.


Not only the bosses of all races, but even the juniors of all races on the spaceship are paying attention to this scene.

On the spaceships of some races, those races looked at Ye Huan with some pity.

Abandoning Ye Huan was actually the best choice for the human race.

Those geniuses of all races who escaped from Ye Huan's slaughter were a little fortunate to see this scene at the moment.

That horrible guy is finally dying.


in the human spaceship.

Each of the junior warriors of the human race was somewhat silent.

They never thought that the Terran would be forced to make such a choice, and they became a bargaining chip.

Whether they won or Ye Huan won, it was a kind of sadness.

In one of the spaceships, both Tang Tianjie and Wu Changqing held their hands tightly.

They were all a little nervous.

Still have to have a little faith in the human race.

At this moment, Wu Changqing couldn't help but think of the words he once said to Ye Huan.

Looking at the lonely figure beside the pitch-black Xingyuan, Wu Changqing closed his eyes in pain.

This time, can the human race give Ye Huan more confidence?


Ye Huan stood quietly beside the dark Xingyuan, half of his body was in the dark, and half of his body was bright.

Ye Huan laughed as if he didn't know his situation at this moment.

Ye Huan just smiled and looked at the King of Tang Dynasty.

King Datang looked at Ye Huan who was smiling beside Xing Yuan, and for some reason felt a chill in his heart.

"The Immortal King is good at calculating."

The King of Datang looked at Xuanji Immortal King Dao.

Immortal King Xuanji looked at King Datang calmly. He didn't think King Datang would be such an easy person to compromise.

If that were the case, the King of the Tang Dynasty would not have made a name for himself under the stars.

Sure enough, the next moment, the words of the King of the Tang Dynasty were as sharp as a knife.

"Every clan obeys the order, any race dares to attack our clan's spaceship, and they will attack them in groups. They will never die, and they will swear to destroy this clan."

As the words of King Datang fell, a sword intent surged into the sky, and the space was cut open faintly.

"I will never die, and I will swear to destroy this clan."

In the spaceship, Wu Miexing's voice sounded.

"I will never die, and I will swear to destroy this clan."

"I will never die, and I will swear to destroy this clan."


After Wu Mianxing, other spaceships also heard voices one after another. At first, it was a little sparse, but in the end, it became extremely neat, and the rolling noise made many races discolored.

At this time, many races suddenly woke up.

The human race is not a small clan that they can handle, it is one of the four major clans under the starry sky.

Some strong races such as fairy gods can not be afraid of human races, but their races can't.

Attacking the human race spaceship, once the human race is really angry, the human race can't do anything to the fairy gods and other races, and it is still easy to destroy most of their races.

After being awakened by the operation of King Datang, those races were a little hesitant.

Do you really want to take the risk of offending the human race to attack the human race spaceship, besides, there are spaceships of all their races present.

If you really want to do that, absolutely no one will please you.


in the spaceship.

Tang Tianjie and Wu Changqing had just roared so loudly that they were exhausted, and their voices were now hoarse.

The two looked expectantly at Ye Huan next to Xingyuan, with hope in their eyes.

Will things take a turn?

Next to Xingyuan.

Ye Huan also glanced at the Datang King unexpectedly, but did not expect the Datang King to have the courage to do so.

It's just that the reinforcements of the Terran are there, why haven't they appeared yet, or is he not worth saving by the Terran?


"Force kill."

The Immortal Sword King from the Immortal Clan transmitted the voice to Immortal King Xuanji, and then the clone hurriedly dispersed.

Immortal King Xuanji was stunned for a moment, and then he rushed to Ye Huan next to Xingyuan.

"Force kill Ye Huan."

After the Immortal King Xuanji appeared beside Ye Huan, his voice spread like thunder.

Immortal King Xuanji slapped Ye Huan with a slap.

Looking at that palm, Ye Huan wanted to move, but found that his body couldn't move at all.

The King of Tang suddenly appeared beside Ye Huan, grabbed Ye Huan, and appeared on the other side.


Immortal King Xuanji's palm fell, his immortal essence flashed wildly, and the falling stones fell like rain under the abyss of stars.

"You escort the Terran spaceship away."

The King of Datang was benevolent to others, and before his voice fell, he took Ye Huan and swept away in other directions.

A master star realm powerhouse quickly handed over.

The King of the Tang Dynasty was stunned to attract five main star realm powerhouses, and the other human race main star realm powerhouses wanted to help when they saw it, but they were all intercepted.

For a time, the Tang king was in danger.

As if he didn't know his own situation, the King of Datang slipped Ye Huan and flew forward, and quickly left the big battlefield.

Immortal King Xuanji and others followed closely behind him and quickly forced into King Datang.

The next moment, the five main star realm powerhouses stopped the Datang King and surrounded him.

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