My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 566 The real body of the stars, countermeasures

Ye Huan was standing in the golden stars of King Datang, and he could feel the violent vibration of the ground beneath his feet.

This didn't exist before.

In addition, the star transformed by the Dragon King originally collided with the golden star of the Tang King.

But when King Wu of Han suddenly appeared, a black sword exploded the white stars of the White Dragon King, and after further destroying the fragments of the stars, the stars that the Dragon King turned into suddenly changed direction.

He bumped into King Wu of the Han Dynasty, and he must have saved the White Dragon King.

If he didn't save the White Dragon King, the White Dragon King would be dead.

Using the White Dragon King to exchange for the Datang King is cost-effective for the three clans of the Immortals, Demons and Gods, after all, it is not their clansmen who died.

But he and the White Dragon King are of the same family, so naturally they would not make such a choice.

"Chifeng Dragon King."

The Immortal King Xuanji roared angrily, this is an excellent opportunity to seriously injure the King of the Tang Dynasty.

The Chifeng Dragon King ignored it and ran straight into the Han Wu King.

After annihilating dozens of white star fragments again, King Wu of Han disappeared, and a huge star appeared in place.

The star was pitch black, like a super-large black briquettes.

After the black star appeared, it rolled and crashed into the group of white star fragments.

Like a super large iron ball crushing an egg, the white star fragment was crushed into a large piece at once.

Without waiting for the black star to move further, the dark red star that Chifeng Dragon King transformed into accelerated and slammed into the black star.

The scarlet-black energy storm directly swept through a large area of ​​void nearby.

On the golden stars, Ye Huan felt the vibration under his feet and regained his calm.

He looked at Chifeng Dragon King with some doubts, what was the Chifeng Dragon King rushing towards Han Wu King?

If Chifeng Dragon King did not attack King Wu of Han, but attacked King of Datang together with Immortal King Xuanji, even if King of Datang did not die, he would definitely be severely injured.

But the Chifeng Dragon King ran to attack the Han Wu King.

Ye Huan could understand the roar of Immortal King Xuanji very well.

He almost thought that the Chifeng Dragon King was a human undercover agent.

But what happened next made Ye Huan understand why the Chifeng Dragon King did that.

The exploding white star fragments gathered together little by little in the distance, and became a white star again.

The huge dragon body of the White Dragon King appeared on the white star, but it looked a little dimmer than before.

At this moment, Ye Huan completely understood.

It turns out that the White Dragon King is not dead.

The Chifeng Dragon King gave up the focus on the Tang King, and came to save the White Dragon King, so that the White Dragon King would not be completely killed by the Han Wu King.

Chifeng Dragon King and White Dragon King are both dragons, so it is not surprising to make such a choice.

on the golden stars.

Ye Huan remembered the actions of King Wu of Han, who was destroying the white star fragments.

Ye Huan was still puzzled by the actions of King Wu of Han before, so he didn't waste time to save the King of Tang Dynasty, what to do there.

Ye Huan now understands that when King Wu of Han destroyed the pieces of white stars, he was saving King of Tang.

But at the same time, a new question appeared in Ye Huan's mind.

If you want to kill a main star realm warrior, do you have to destroy the main star of the main star realm warrior? If so, it is not an easy task to completely kill a main star realm warrior.

Ye Huan couldn't help being fascinated by the power of the main star realm warrior.

But soon, Ye Huan restrained his thoughts.

It's useless to think so much, the most important thing now is how to tide over the difficulties at hand.

If you can't get over it, everything is gone.

Ye Huan looked out of the golden stars, and there was another scene outside the golden stars.

The huge stars disappeared, and the disappeared Xuanji Immortal King and others appeared in the field, and the disappeared stars were looming behind the main star realm warriors.

The Immortal King Xuanji, the Protoss and the Demons stood on one side, facing the King of Tang, while the White Dragon King and the Chifeng Dragon King were on the other side, facing the King Wu of Han.

The seven main star realm warriors no longer maintain the star real body.

The star real body is the strongest attack method for the main star realm warrior.

It's not that the seven main star realm warriors don't want to maintain the star real body all the time. As the strongest attack method, the consumption of the star real body is too great.

Even if he is as powerful as a master star realm martial artist, there is no way to maintain the star real body for a long time.

Especially in this situation, the use of Xingchen's real body cannot be reckless.

Once the consumption is too large and the star body can no longer be used, I am afraid it will be a disaster.

Controlling the real body of Xingchen has always been reckless and cool, but often it will end up unhappy in the end.

Therefore, the use of Xingchen's real body is also a technical activity.

"King Wu of Han."

Looking at the black-clothed King Wu of the Han Dynasty, Immortal King Xuanji's expression was a little unsightly.

After calculating and calculating, I didn't expect that King Wu of Han actually came to Xingheyuan Mansion.

Damn, what the hell are the intelligence officers doing.

Immortal King Xuanji was full of anger. If King Wu of Han hadn't suddenly appeared, they would have made a contribution at this time.

The sudden appearance of King Wu of the Han Dynasty added some more variables to this matter that was already a sure thing.

This made the Immortal King Xuanji, who always liked to strategize and control everything in his hands, very uncomfortable.

But after calming down, Immortal King Xuanji also understood that the intelligence officers could not be blamed for this matter.

King Wu of Han is not only a master star realm warrior, but also a well-known powerhouse in the human race and even under the starry sky, who is extremely good at hiding.

If such a strong man really wants to hide his whereabouts deliberately, it is really difficult for those intelligence officers to control his whereabouts.

Immortal King Xuanji quickly calmed down, and things had already happened.

Now is not the time to be held accountable, but what to do next.

give up?

That is absolutely impossible.

Ye Huan must be killed.

Moreover, even if there is one more Han Wuwang, they are not without a chance of winning.

Immortal King Xuanji had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and soon came to a decision.

"White Dragon King, Chifeng Dragon King, you two are entangled with Han Wu King, let's deal with Datang King."

Immortal King Xuanji spoke with a firm tone, and there was no room for negotiation.

The White Dragon King nodded. At this point, even if he wanted to quit, it would be impossible.

There must be a way to go to the dark.

Otherwise, it will not only offend the human race, but also offend the three races of immortals, demons and gods.

Not worth the loss.

Moreover, the task given to them by Immortal King Xuanji is not impossible.

He teamed up with Chifeng Dragon King, and he may not be the opponent of Han Wu King, but it is still possible to just entangle Han Wu King for a period of time.

Entanglement and defeat are two different concepts.

After the White Dragon King nodded, the Xuanji Immortal King looked at the One-Eyed King and the Demon Mark King.

"Don't hold back any more, go all out to attack the King of Tang."

The one-eyed king and the demon pattern king both nodded.

Immortal King Xuanji looked at King Datang. To be precise, it was the looming golden star behind King Datang. His eyes were full of coldness.

When the three of them join forces, it may be difficult to deal with King Datang, but it is not a big problem to kill Ye Huan.

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