My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and sixty-eight gifts

Before, the efforts at all costs had created such a slight advantage, but now it was wiped out by that green light.

Even though the king of the Tang Dynasty was tenacious, his mood was somewhat turbulent at this moment.

This is so shocking.

This is what the Tang Wang has experienced for a long time. If you change someone with a bad temperament, it is possible to collapse in an instant.

King Wu of Han also saw this scene, and his face changed a little.

The Tang king is in danger.

He wanted to help the King of Tang Dynasty, but he was also powerless.

The White Dragon King's Xingchen real body was defeated three times by him, and the Chifeng Dragon King was defeated more than six times, but the two Dragon Kings never retreated.

However, the real body of Xingchen was broken so many times in a row, and the momentum of the two dragon kings was still affected to a certain extent.

But with the arrival of that green light, the low momentum of the two dragon kings instantly rose.

The White Dragon King and the Chifeng Dragon King unexpectedly attacked him on their own initiative.

I fuck.

At this moment, King Wu of Han really wanted to swear.

In the golden stars.

Ye Huan looked around, and the surface of the golden stars could be described as a mess at this time, with ravines and even deep pits all over the place.

From time to time, you can also see the green magic power and the dark magic power.

Those powers invaded into the main star of King Datang, but King Datang has no extra power to clear it.

Ye Huan looked down at his feet, and even several cracks appeared under his feet.

The King of the Tang Dynasty has been unable to protect him.

Originally, if the Tang King could defeat the One-eyed King, maybe they still had a chance to escape.

But this opportunity became infinitely slim with the advent of that green light.

Boom, boom, boom.

After a few bangs, Ye Huan found that there were a few things under his feet.

what's the situation?

Ye Huan was puzzled, and the voice of the King of Tang rang out.

"Boy, take these things, I will find an opportunity to give you to that guy from King Wu of Han later."

Ye Huan was stunned for a moment, how did the words of the King of Tang feel a little ominous.

"What are you going to do?"

Ye Huan asked tentatively.

"I stopped those guys and created a chance for you to escape."

"You're not sure?"

"What are you talking about, I'm not sure about dealing with a few juniors, just in case, if the boat capsizes, it can't be cheap for those guys."

The Tang King's tone was full of contempt, and when he was thinking about how to persuade Ye Huan to accept those things, he suddenly heard a word.

"it is good!"

Ye Huan's answer was sonorous and forceful, without any hesitation.

He directly held back the words behind the King of Tang Dynasty, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Ye Huan is definitely an activist. While answering, he squatted down and searched, and from time to time he put some things on himself.

The King of Datang looked at Ye Huan who was quickly putting things on his body, and felt that he couldn't hold his breath in his chest.

Although he intended to give those things to Ye Huan, you can't refuse a little bit.

Pretend to be polite.

Looking at Ye Huan, who was pretending and being picky over there, the King of Tang suddenly felt a little regretful.

There is a feeling of inhumanity that my own treasures are entrusted to.

"King Datang, I took the useful ones, and left the useless ones for you."

The King of Datang looked at the various rare materials that had been thrown to the ground, and was speechless.

Unexpectedly, his collection was disliked by the little guy Ye Huan.

However, he is not very good at speaking too clearly.

That's it, that's it.

When it really doesn't work, let those things go with him.

It was the most precious star fragment, Ye Huan didn't leave a single piece for him.


The one-eyed king's Xingchen real body has almost recovered.

The Immortal King Xuanji, the One-eyed King, and the Mowen King once again surrounded the Datang King.

After maintaining the real body of Xingchen for so long, the King of Datang still has to protect Ye Huan in the main star, and the King of Datang is probably about to run out of oil and dry up.

The Immortal King Xuanji and the other three never thought that the King of the Tang Dynasty would do this for a genius who had not yet grown up.

If King Datang didn't protect Ye Huan, they would never have the chance to force King Datang to this point.

However, this result is something that Immortal King Xuanji never dared to imagine before.

Use a Ye Huan to drag the Tang King to death.

Both the evildoer and the old man of the human race died here.

This will definitely be a huge gain.

"King Datang, give up Ye Huan, so you may still have a chance."

Xuanji Immortal King said.

On the surface, it seems to be thinking for the King of the Tang Dynasty, but in fact it is disintegrating the fighting spirit of the King of the Tang Dynasty.

As long as King Datang lets out that breath, they will win more easily.

hum, hum.

The space vibrated, and the golden stars burst into dazzling golden light. Later, the whole star trembled, and in that tremor, the shape of the golden star was changing.

The golden stars disappeared.

An incomparably huge long saber appeared in the air, and the golden saber aura permeated on the long saber tore apart the surrounding space.

Just looking at it lightly can make your eyes hurt and cry.

call out!

A sharp voice sounded.

A pale golden trace was left in the air, and the huge golden long knife disappeared.

When the huge golden long knife appeared again, it had already smashed into the sacred star real body of the one-eyed king.

The speed of the golden giant sword was so fast that the three Immortal King Xuanji didn't even react, and the golden giant sword had already slashed into the sacred star.

The rich divine light on the star circulated, trying to block or delay the speed of the golden giant knife.

Too bad it doesn't work.

The golden giant knife split the one-eyed king's Xingchen real body in half from the middle.

The one-eyed king will definitely be terrified, but after seeing the recovery of the Xuanji Immortal King, the one-eyed king no longer thinks it is a big deal.

Anyway, King Datang don't want to kill him in a short time.

What surprised the one-eyed king was that the Tang king did not take the opportunity to further expand the victory, and the golden giant knife rushed past.

The King of Tang wanted to escape.

Immortal King Xuanji and the other three couldn't help but flash this idea in their minds, but they didn't panic.

If the Tang King escaped at the beginning, they might still have a headache, but at this time, the Tang King fled again, but it was a bit late.

The Datang King, who had run out of oil, ran away again, but instead helped them, making it easier for them to kill the Datang King.

But the Datang King didn't want to run away, he just passed by the Chifeng Dragon King.

"Chifeng, be careful."

Xuanji Immortal King reminded, at the same time, the three quickly surrounded the past.

The King of Tang and King Wu of Han cannot be allowed to join forces. Once the two completely kill one of the dragon kings, I am afraid it will add variables to the battle out of thin air.

(Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket.)

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