My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and seventy fourth preparation

In addition to Tang Tianjie, there is also Wang Xiaolan. After getting on the spacecraft, Wang Xiaolan has been holding the space bag that Ye Huan handed her.

At this moment, Wang Xiaolan looked at the starry sky outside, and the previous scenes appeared in her mind.

She wants to imprint all that deeply in her mind, those damn races, she must poison those races in the future.

Wu Changqing looked at Tang Tianjie and then at Wang Xiaolan, trying to comfort the two, but for a while he didn't know how to speak.

"Look at the list of stars, maybe Ye Huan will have a good personality."

Wu Changqing opened the mouth and said, the voice was not loud, he himself knew that this possibility was not very big.

However, Tang Tianjie and Wang Xiaolan seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, and immediately summoned Fanxingbang.

Some other human races also summoned Fanxingbang, and Wu Miexing also summoned Fanxingbang.

Everyone looked at the last name on the star list.

Ye Huan.

That star-studded name.

Just staring at the Fanxing Ranking for a while, Wu Miexing's expression was slightly different.

The other human races are weak and have no experience, but Wu Miexing knows that the battle between the main star realm warriors will usually be decided soon, especially the battle of life and death.

There is no result at this time, maybe there is something abnormal there.

It's just that Wu Miexing didn't make a statement. After all, this was just his guess, and there was no evidence. He didn't want to make some people happy.

Wu Miexing glanced at Tang Tianjie and Wang Xiaolan.

Wang Xiaolan stared at Ye Huan's name on the Star List, for fear that Ye Huan's name would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Wu Changqing wanted to persuade Wang Xiaolan not to have too much hope, lest the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

But in the end Wu Changqing didn't speak, even he had great hope in his heart, how could he speak to dissuade others.

At this moment, Tang Tianjie and others saw that the starry sky of the spacecraft turned red.

A large number of fiery red stars fell, like a hole in the sky.

Wu Miexing, Tang Tianjie and others were stunned for a moment, and then they reacted.

Fallen phenomenon.

This is the fall of the main star realm warrior.

"Father, judging from this vision, who might have fallen?"

Wu Changqing immediately asked.

Wang Xiaolan and Tang Tianjie immediately looked at Wu Miexing, and many other human races in the spaceship also looked at Wu Miexing.

"From this vision, it seems to be the Chifeng Dragon King of the Dragon Clan who fell."

Wu Miexing answered with some uncertainty.

Five-on-one, the King of the Tang Dynasty actually destroyed the main star realm on the opposite side. When did the King of the Tang Dynasty become so powerful, doesn't this mean that his old man is behind?

Wu Miexing's thoughts diverged for a while.

Tang Tianjie was also stunned when he heard it. Five against one, when did his grandfather become so powerful, doesn't it mean that he was too low-key before.

Although he has always been worried about the safety of his grandfather, Tang Tianjie felt a little unreal when he heard the news suddenly.

Wang Xiaolan has a face full of smiles.

This is good news, at least temporarily Ye Huan is safe.

Just when everyone on the spaceship was still in a trance, they heard the terrified cry of the White Dragon King again.

This made everyone feel that the previous news was much more true.

After all, the White Dragon King began to cry for help.

"Tianjie, your grandfather is so powerful."

Wu Changqing looked at Tang Tianjie, and his eyes were a little wrong. He wondered if he should beat Tang Tianjie now, so as not to make a bad attack in the future.

Tang Tianjie was also a little dazed, when did his grandfather become so fierce.

It didn't take long for everyone on the spaceship to see King Datang and King Wu of Han flying towards the spaceship quickly together.

I see.

Seeing the two human race bosses, many human races have a feeling of sudden realization.

It's just two to do five, and one to kill. Are the King Wu of the Han and the King of the Tang so fierce?

Many human races feel a little weird.

Two rays of light shot out from the spaceship, shrouded the two human race masters astral warriors, and then took the two human race bosses into the spaceship.


The two human race bosses just entered the spaceship, and their eyes were strafed, and they were full of expectations.

The two human race bosses naturally know what those people are looking forward to, but they don't have time to say those things at this time.

"All races return to the human realm as soon as possible."

The voice of King Datang spread to all the nearby human spaceships, and the voice was full of seriousness.

After that, the spaceship moved forward at full speed.

Seeing this, the other human spaceships didn't dare to be neglected and moved towards the human realm at full speed, even though their hearts were itching like a cat scratching their heads.

In the spaceship, after some explanations, King Datang and King Wu of Han were ready to walk towards the spaceship driving area, where there was a secret room.

At this time, King Wu of Han looked at Wang Xiaolan and looked at him expectantly.

"Ye Huan, it's okay."

After saying this, King Wu of Han and King Datang went to the secret room.

Some things must be reported to the day as soon as possible, and it is best to prepare. Maybe it's a disaster this time, a huge disaster.

They don't have time to talk to those little guys.

Wang Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was confirmed from the Star List that Ye Huan was still alive, there was no reassurance from the words of King Wu of Han.


in the secret room.

The King of Tang Dynasty and King Wu of Han contacted the blood slaughter king Tianqi, who was guarding the human realm.

An image rose, and the two saw the figure standing like a gun and the suffocating army behind the figure.

The moment they saw the figure, King Wu of Han and King of Datang both breathed a sigh of relief, as if as long as there was that person, the human realm would be stable.

"What's up?"

In the scene, after looking at King Datang and King Wu of Han during the day, he said.

King Wu of Han entered the starry sky secretly and played a dark game. Since King Wu of Han appeared, it proves that there was a change in Xinghe Yuandi.

King Datang quickly recounted what happened here. Now is the time to race against time.

At the beginning of the day, his face was expressionless. In all these years on the battlefield, he had never seen anything, and there were not many things that moved him.

But when he heard the King of Tang speak about the future, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows during the day.

If he can do things like this, is this still a guy from the Astral Liquid Realm?

"Come back quickly."

In the daytime, he opened his mouth and said, at this time, he has realized that things are unusual, and with his current manpower, I am afraid he will not be able to handle it.


in front of people.

After hanging up the communication, during the day, he couldn't help but look at the human realm behind him.

If the little guy was smarter, he wouldn't choose to return to the human realm at this time, but some preparations should still be done.

"Pharaoh, give me a divination for a little guy's message."

During the day, he would transmit a voice to one person in the human realm.

(Ask for a ticket.)

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