My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and eighty second reaction, wake up

Ye Huan is on the star on the star list.

The news quickly spread on the battlefield of the stars like wings.

At the same time, information about Ye Huan spread quickly, including what Ye Huan did in the Xinghe Yuan Mansion.

The sixth level of the Star Liquid Realm, the seventh hundred and twentieth on the Star List...

The details of the information make people shudder.

The young warriors of all races who were originally scattered all over the Starry Sky Battlefield began to gather towards Ye Huan's location at this moment.

There are strong people, and there are even many weak people.

Some weak people are here to join in the fun, some have other purposes, and some just want to pick up bargains.

In case of encountering Ye Huan who was seriously injured, wouldn't it be cool to kill him.

a day.

In just one day, the common reward of the three clans spread throughout most of the starry sky battlefield.

In just one day, Ye Huan did not show up, and became famous on the battlefield of the starry sky.



On the thirty stars, the news that the three clans jointly offered a reward to Ye Huan spread like wings.

"The three clans are so arrogant that they dare to openly offer a reward to my human clan, and I must not let the three clans succeed."

"This is a good opportunity to hunt and kill all races."


The news spreads in the human realm, and the performance of the human race on each star is also varied.

blue star.

The news also spread, and it was extremely hot.

Wu Changqing and Tang Tianjie were gathered together at this time and were eating at a table.


The moment I heard the news, the table collapsed, the bowls and plates shattered and fell to the ground.

I'll go, the three clans are dead Ye Huan's heart that will never die.

Tang Tianjie and Wu Changqing looked at each other, and both saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

Immediately, both eyes were filled with worry.


Too harsh.

The three clans can be said to be too ruthless this time.

The rewards for Xingchen Profound Liquid and Xingchen Fruit are nothing, they can only be said to be quite satisfactory, and that's how they are attractive to many talented warriors.

What really makes the warriors of all races crazy is the first reward of the three races.

The master of the main star realm is a unique skill.

Whether it is used for enlightenment or to save one's life, it is definitely a lever.

As the direct descendants of the main star realm powerhouses, the two of them were a little moved when they saw this reward, not to mention other race warriors.

I am afraid that not only the warriors of the star liquid realm, but also the warriors of the star dust realm will be moved.

Even a warrior of a higher realm, if they meet Ye Huan, I am afraid they will not mind killing Ye Huan at will.

After all, no one cares that there are too many good things.

The more the two of them thought about it, the more they felt that Ye Huan's future was bleak. It was not an easy task for Ye Huan to survive the killing set up by the three clans.

Go, go to the Starry Sky Battlefield, even if you can't save Ye Huan, you can share some pressure on Ye Huan.

Tang Tianjie and Wu Changqing decided without any consideration.

Without further ado.

The two looked at each other and separated. Since they decided to go to the Starry Sky Battlefield, they always had to make some preparations.

It's just that after the two returned, they were placed under house arrest by their own.

The reasons are surprisingly consistent.

The two of them were too weak.

Even if he went to the Starry Sky Battlefield, he probably wouldn't be able to help Ye Huan, and he might even be a disservice.

The relationship between the two and Ye Huan must not be concealed. The two really went to the Starry Sky Battlefield. Maybe some warriors will take the risk and use the two to threaten Ye Huan.

After hearing this, the two knew that what the two elders said was quite reasonable.

At the same time of understanding, it was also a bit sudden. The two of them had always regarded Ye Huan as their peers, which was indeed the case, but before they knew it, Ye Huan's cultivation had greatly thrown them away.

You have to work harder to practice.

At this moment, this idea appeared in their minds at the same time, and they seemed to have forgotten that they had worked very hard in their previous cultivation.

In the end, in order to reassure the two of them, both elders assured them that they would send someone to help Ye Huan.


Hanwu Empire, Hanwu Intermediate Military Academy.

Vitality martial artist.

"I'm going to help Junior Brother."

Xue Changqing confronted Xiong Wu and Tieshan Road next to him. With the Centennial Dream Dragon Fruit that Ye Huan had brought back from the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, under the treatment of Xiong Wu and Tieshan, Xue Changqing had already woken up.

"You stop, stop making trouble."

Xiong Wu glanced at his big apprentice contemptuously. Once upon a time, he found Xue Changqing quite pleasing to the eye and felt that Xue Changqing was quite a genius, enough to pass on the vitality martial artist system.

But since the apprentice of Ye Huan, Xiong Wu has despised Xue Changqing.

This is really what the sentence said. You have to throw things away, and people will die if you compare them.

Xiong Wu had already selectively forgotten that Ye Huan was the apprentice that Xue Changqing took on for him. For this, he almost cleaned up Xue Changqing.

It doesn't matter how the apprentice is accepted, what matters is that Ye Huan is his apprentice.

Look, Xue Changqing has been practicing for a long time before the second level of Star Liquid Realm.

Yes, Xue Changqing has reached the second level of the Astral Liquid Realm.

That one hundred year dream dragon fruit not only rescued Xue Changqing, but also with the help of Xiong Wu, let Xue Changqing break through two levels in a row, reaching the second level of Star Liquid Realm.

At Xue Changqing's current age, he has cultivated to the second level of the Astral Liquid Realm, and he is the second level of the Astral Liquid Realm of the Vitality Martial Artist. It has to be said that he is a genius.

If it wasn't for Ye Huanzhuyu, Xiong Wu would definitely praise Xue Changqing fiercely.

But thinking about Ye Huan's cultivation at this time in the information that came back, Xiong Wu felt that Xue Changqing's cultivation was not good enough, and a little boring.

"Master, I don't like to hear what you say. Why am I making trouble? I'm already at the second level of the Astral Liquid Realm. No matter how miraculous the Xinghe Yuandi is, the Junior Brother's cultivation base at this time is also the Astral Liquid Realm. Yizhong, how can I be considered to be causing trouble, I can definitely help in the snow."

Xue Changqing looked at his master and said with some dissatisfaction.

He found that since he had a younger brother, his own master has become more and more partial.

Before the cultivation base did not have any advantages, he was not good at expressing anything in front of his master.

At this moment, the cultivation base regained the upper hand, and Xue Changqing's self-confidence also came up.

He wanted to let Master Xiong Wu know that he was also a genius.

Looking at Xue Changqing, who was in high spirits in front of him, Xiong Wu and Tie Shan looked at each other, saw the pity and worry in each other's eyes, and even hesitated.

After the two rescued Xue Changqing, Xue Changqing has been cultivating a stable cultivation base. There are many things that the two of them haven't had time to tell Xue Changqing. Xue Changqing listened to a scale and half a claw.

Both of them were hesitant to tell Xue Changqing all those things, they were a little scared.

Afraid that Xue Changqing could not bear the news.

After all, the two of them were really shocked at the beginning.

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