My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and ninety second transaction

If Ye Huan was born in the era when the human race dominated, he would definitely be a rising star in the human race.

But Ye Huansheng was in the wrong era.

Now the human race is weak, and Ye Huan was born in that line.

In this case, the more dazzling Ye Huan behaves, the faster he will die.

Wanzu will never allow the rise of the human race, much less let that line produce geniuses.

Lan Wan'er had many thoughts in her mind, and then told Ye Huan all the news from the outside world.

While talking, Lan Wan'er was also paying attention to Ye Huan's change in expression.

She wanted Ye Huan to understand his situation at this moment, but she didn't want Ye Huan's heart to be completely ashes, which would also be detrimental to her plan.

"Dragon Race..."

Lan Wan'er said some information, and at the same time paid close attention to Ye Huan's face, if something was wrong, she was ready to stop immediately.

But as she spoke, Lan Wan'er sensed something was wrong.

She talked about some of the forces outside to besiege Ye Huan, but Ye Huan didn't have any worries or fears. Instead, she found that the cold light in Ye Huan's eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

Lan Wan'er stopped, she found that she seemed to fall into the circle set up by Ye Huan.

"Lan Wan'er, let's make a deal."

Seeing that Lan Wan'er noticed it, Ye Huan didn't hide it any more and said with a smile.

"What deal?"

"Tell me the information you know from the outside world."

"Why should I tell you?"

"Why did you come to me, I can fulfill your wishes."

Ye Huan looked at Lan Wan'er with a half-smile but not a smile.


Lan Wan'er glared at Ye Huan, a red glow floated on her pretty face.

Hu Jinhua lowered his head beside him, but his tiger eyes glanced at Ye Huan and Lan Wan'er from time to time, and a tiger heart thumped with excitement.

Hu Jinhua felt that there must be something tricky between Ye Huan and Lan Wan'er, and now he wants to witness it.

At this moment, he felt a flower in front of him, he came to another place where the flowers were fragrant and the birds were talking, and there was a peerless tigress in front of him.

Hu Jinhua felt that he was in love, and fell into it in an instant.


Lan Wan'er said coldly, she was wearing a veil, but Ye Huan didn't notice the red glow on her face.

It's just that her answer was like a mosquito, if Ye Huan wasn't a martial artist, he wouldn't be able to hear it clearly.

"Do you want……"

Ye Huan glanced at Hu Jinhua next to him, and wanted to ask Lan Wan'er if she should put away Hu Jinhua, but was interrupted directly by Lan Wan'er.

"No, he can't see."

Hearing Lan Wan'er's words, Ye Huan looked at her with a concentrated look, and was almost speechless.

Hu Jinhua lay there, hugging his forelegs, as if he was holding something, and the tiger's face was full of happiness.

Ye Huan didn't bother to care about that lecherous tiger anymore, but looked at Lan Wan'er with a serious look on her face.

"Big or small?"


Lan Wan'er glared at Ye Huan fiercely, her eyes wishing to eat Ye Huan.

"Okay, let's start now."

Ye Huan said sternly, no longer joking, he still counted on Lan Wan'er to help him, but he couldn't really make Lan Wan'er angry.

Eyeballs in the eyes are like stars,

Ye Huan stared at that part of Lan Wan'er and stared intently.

When did Lan Wan'er have such an experience, a shyness rushed straight to her mind, and she subconsciously waved her hand and wanted to hit Ye Huan, but she forcibly held back at the last moment.

He was helping her.

It didn't take long for Lan Wan'er to feel the heat in that part of her.

Lan Wan'er hurriedly paid attention to it carefully, it was an important part of her, and there must be no mistake.

Lan Wan'er could see the clothes on her chest bulging.

This made Lan Wan'er feel agitated, to see who would dare to speak of her in the future.

"All right."

Just when Lan Wan'er was in a turbulent mood, she suddenly heard Ye Huan's voice.

Lan Wan'er naturally lowered her head and couldn't see her feet. She was quite satisfied with this change.

A smile bloomed on the face behind the veil, but in the next instant it was frost on the mask.

Those two changed at the same time, doesn't that mean... Lan Wan'er hurriedly felt it, and the frost on Lan Wan'er's face became thicker and thicker.

"Ye Huan."

The sound of gnashing teeth squeezed out from between Lan Wan'er's teeth.

"You make me the same size."

Ye Huan didn't speak, just looked at Lan Wan'er with a smile on her face.

"I can give you all the information."

Lan Wan'er looked at Ye Huan and said.

"not enough."

"What do you want?"

"Continue to provide me with information."

"Then what if you die?"

Lan Wan'er looked at Ye Huan sarcastically.

"I don't think your chances of surviving this time are very high."

"Then you just pray that I survive, or you'll just have to go on like this."

Ye Huan glanced at Lan Wan'er's chest.

"I kill you."

Lan Wan'er's chest rose and fell sharply, and she waved at Ye Huan.

Ye Huan looked at Lan Wan'er with a smile, and didn't mean to avoid it at all.

Lan Wan'er's arm stopped at Ye Huan's neck, and finally put it down slumped.

"Help me, what conditions do you have to mention."

Lan Wan'er looked at Ye Huan pleadingly.

"You don't like me so much."

"It's not whether you like it or not, it's just that you have no chance of surviving."

Lan Wan'er looked at Ye Huan and told Ye Huan all the information she knew from the outside world.

At this time, she had no idea whether it would make Ye Huan's heart ashes.

Be sure to let Ye Huan get it for her before she leaves this star.

Otherwise, once Ye Huan died, what would she do there.

"You help me, and I help you take care of your parents until they die."

Lan Wan'er looked at Ye Huan with a very sincere tone.

"Thank you, but you have to have some confidence in me anyway."

Ye Huan said, the cultivation of the seventh layer of the star liquid realm broke out with all his strength.

The power of ten million orifices spewed out without reservation.

A blue light flashed on Lan Wan'er's body, her demon essence fluctuated violently, and her body involuntarily took a few steps back.


Next to Hu Jinhua, who was immersed in a beautiful dream, the huge tiger body flew out in an instant like a ball.

Fortunately, Ye Huan's cultivation base is one shot and one shot, otherwise Hu Jinhua, who is immersed in a beautiful dream, would not be as simple as flying out.

Lan Wan'er stopped and looked at Ye Huan in amazement. She was still able to control Ye Huan when she was in the Xinghe Yuan Mansion.

But now she is not Ye Huan's opponent.

Yes, not Ye Huan's opponent.

Although Ye Huan Xiuwei just released that breath, Lan Wan'er could clearly feel the power.

The power of 10 million orifices.

Only the seventh layer of the Star Liquid Realm has the power of 10 million acupoints. This Ye Huan is even more terrifying than the intelligence of the three clans of the Immortals, Demons and Gods.

In the information of the three clans of the Immortals, Demons, and Gods, Ye Huan was at the sixth level of the Astral Liquid Realm.

It seems that the information of the three clans of the Immortals, Demons and Gods is not so accurate.

This thought flashed through Lan Wan'er's mind, but the next moment, her delicate body was suddenly shocked.

She thought of a new possibility.

(Ask for a ticket.)

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