My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 626 Opportunity

"Ye Huan is too careless, how can such an important thing be exposed."

Tang Tianhui spoke on the platform.

Tang Tianhui's speech expressed the thoughts of those on the platform, and many people felt that Ye Huan was too careless.

Isn't this tempting those star masters in the dark to shoot at him.

In Ye Huan's current state, can he continue to fight again?

"Changqing: You all think Ye Huan was careless, but what if Ye Huan did it on purpose and wanted to tempt the secret warrior to take action."

Wu Changqing posted a message on the platform.

After seeing this news, the humans on the platform couldn't help but be stunned.


They have always been worried about Ye Huan, but so far, no one has determined Ye Huan's specific strength.

In the battle between Ye Huan and Xuan Xing just now, it seemed that Ye Huan and Xuan Xing were evenly matched, and in the end it was a lucky victory.

But is this all true?

"King Tang: Pay close attention to the situation over there, and if the situation is wrong, take action immediately."

In the end, King Datang sent a message.


over there on the battlefield.

After accepting Xuan Xing, Ye Huan looked around with a sneer on his face.

Immediately, Ye Huan flew up and went in one direction.

It can be seen that Ye Huan tried his best to stabilize his flight, but from time to time he would deviate a bit, flying a little crookedly.

The fish silk sea of ​​the moustache clan was watching Ye Huan in the dark.

Yusihai wanted to get a bargain, but he didn't want to put himself in.

The Bearded Fish Clan is a small clan, and Yusi Hai can be ranked in the top ten of the star list as a small clan warrior, which is of course indispensable for the support of the clan.

Possibly keeping the ninth position on the list of stars, this is Yu Sihai's own ability.

After all, I don't know how many warriors are staring at the Star List, and none of them are easy to hold.

Yusihai will come to hunt Ye Huan, one of the reasons is the requirements of the clan, and the other is that he is tempted.

As long as you can win Ye Huan, you can get a lot of benefits.

Not to mention the many treasures on Ye Huan's body, the invisible luck on Ye Huan's body is enough for him to benefit endlessly.

If he really wants to defeat a son of strong luck like Ye Huan, Yu Sihai feels that he can go further on the star list.

Now that he has decided to deal with Ye Huan, of course, he must find out Ye Huan's information.

All the information about Ye Huan collected by the Bearfish Clan was naturally given to Yusihai.

Yusihai read all the information about Ye Huan, and then Yusihai found Ye Huan sitting on the top of the mountain.

In fact, Yusihai came much earlier than Xuanxing of the Immortal Clan, but Yusihai suppressed the greed and impulse in his heart and did not act.

Yusihai knew that with the exposure of Ye Huan's position, the immortals would definitely come immediately.

In this case, the immortals are already roasting on the fire. Once Ye Huan's position is determined, they will definitely take the lead.

Yusihai decided to observe and observe before deciding whether to shoot.

After all, the information he obtained also needs to be checked again.

As for the possibility of Ye Huan being taken down by the immortals, Yusihai also considered it.

If this is the case, it can only prove that Ye Huan is not his dish, and has no relationship with him.

Yusihai's ability to live to this day is also closely related to his cautious personality.

This once allowed Yusihai to avoid many deadly dangers.

So Yusihai watched a wonderful battle in secret.

During that battle, Yusihai observed something that was not in the information.

For example, from the battle just now, Yu Sihai had determined that Ye Huan had not mastered the rudimentary form.

Without mastering the rudimentary form of the law, he was able to fight on a par with Xuanxing who had mastered the rudimentary form of the law, and even defeated Xuanxing in the end.

This made Yu Sihai have to sigh with emotion for Ye Huan's genius. He defeated Xuan Xing only with the power of the stars in the star liquid realm, which proves one thing, every star in Ye Huan's aperture is extremely powerful. .

Ordinary warriors can do it if they strengthen the acupoints and stars to a certain level, but to strengthen them to the level of Ye Huan, it is not something that ordinary warriors can do.

Yu Sihai asked himself that there was no way he could do it.

But since Ye Huan has not mastered the prototype of the law, even if he is strong, there is still a certain degree of strength.

After observing the battle between Ye Huan and Xuan Xing, the fish heart in Yusihai started to get restless.

However, even if Yu Xin began to be restless, Yu Sihai did not act immediately, but was still hiding in the dark.

Until Ye Huan set off to fly into the distance, Yusihai had been hiding in the dark, silently sensing Ye Huan's changes.

Yusihai also doubted whether Ye Huan was fishing.

But judging from Ye Huan's state, he could even feel that the star energy in Ye Huan's body was consumed quite a lot.

Ye Huan seemed to be trying his best to hide this, but Yusihai still vaguely sensed it.

Yu Sihai followed Ye Huan silently.

Ye Huan flew crookedly at first, but then the speed became faster and faster.

Yusihai followed, and there was a smile in the eyes of the fish.

Ye Huan was indeed able to pretend, but he still found a flaw.

Yu Sihai decided not to wait any longer, otherwise if he was cut off by other star masters this time, he would probably regret it to his death.

Now that you think this is an opportunity, let's go.

Yu Sihai suddenly accelerated, rushed in front of Ye Huan and stopped Ye Huan.

Seeing the fish silk sea suddenly appearing in front of him, Ye Huan's expression suddenly changed, as if he did not expect a warrior to appear at this time.

"Ye Huan, isn't it a surprise, I didn't expect that a warrior would dare to appear again at this time."

Yu Sihai looked at Ye Huan whose face changed and smiled, and admired his meticulous observation more and more.

"I advise you to leave, or you will regret it."

Ye Huan's face immediately returned to calm, and he looked at Yusihai calmly.

But all this fell into Yu Sihai's eyes, and Ye Huan pretended to be calm.

Yusihai became more and more calm.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

A sound like a current sounded from Yusihai, and strands of blue demon essence appeared on the back of Yusihai, and then formed an incomparably huge fish.

The huge fish had scales all over its body, and there were many white whiskers on its huge mouth.

As soon as Yusihai came up, he used the prototype of the law. Since it was determined that Ye Huan did not master the prototype of the law, of course, he had to use his own advantages to deal with Ye Huan.

huh, huh, huh...

After the rudimentary form of the giant fish emerged, the white beards moved and shot at Ye Huan like arrows.

A white beard pierced the air and appeared in front of Ye Huan with a sonic boom, very fast.

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