My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 638 Crazy

The dragon brain of the White Dragon King was running at a high speed, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

Anyway, no matter whether that damn golden horn is a dragon or not, it is absolutely impossible to admit it.

Otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"Immortal King, this matter is definitely not done by my dragon clan. There must be other races who want to provoke. Immortal king, think about it, if it really belongs to my dragon clan, will we make it so high-profile?"

The dragon brain of the White Dragon King is running fast, and he is facing the Xuanji Immortal King.

"Who knows if it's a high profile, or it was accidentally exposed."

Immortal King Xuanji still had a bad tone.

"Immortal King, my dragon clan will definitely give an explanation to the immortal clan."

The White Dragon King faced the Xuanji Immortal King Dao on the side of the jade talisman with a serious tone.

"As soon as possible, and the Golden Horned Dragon Race can't appear again."

Immortal King Xuanji's voice sounded from the jade talisman, and then the jade talisman was disconnected.

The White Dragon King quickly walked into the Dragon Realm, and he wanted to hold a meeting of elders to discuss how to deal with this matter.

After the golden horned dragon race, he was a little unsure whether the golden horned dragon race was the dragon race.

White Dragon King, Yellow Dragon King, Blue Dragon King, Red Dragon King and Golden Dragon King.

The five dragon kings of the dragon family soon gathered together.

"Is this golden-horned dragon a dragon of my dragon family?"

The five dragon kings gathered, and the white dragon king posted a screenshot of the golden horned dragon that Jinyi Yehuan had transformed into.

Swish, swish, swish...

All eyes looked at the Golden Dragon King in unison as if with a voice.

That is the Golden Horned Dragon, and the one who has the most say is the Golden Dragon King.

"I would like to say yes, but my Golden Dragon clan doesn't have such a talented dragon."

The Golden Dragon King said with a wry smile, they already knew what happened on the battlefield of the starry sky.

"Since it's not my dragon family,

Then just announce it. "

The Yellow Dragon King said.

The other four dragon kings all looked at the yellow dragon king with strange eyes.

It would be easier if things were so simple. They said that if the Golden Horned Dragon Clan was not a Dragon Clan, it would not be a Dragon Clan.

The key is that other races are willing to believe it.

"The announcement must be announced, and we have to make a gesture to make those races believe that the golden horned dragon is really not my dragon. We want to reward the golden horned dragon, and we have to send the dragon to kill the golden horn. Dragons."

The White Dragon King looked at the four Dragon Kings for a while, and then said.

"That's a good idea."

"That's the way to go."


The other four dragon kings agreed to go along.

On the battlefield of the starry sky, all the clans were still eating melons there, wanting to see how the three clans of the gods and gods would deal with this matter, and at this moment the dragon clan spoke up.

"The dragon clan solemnly declares that our clan has lost a dragon light boat. The golden horned dragon clan is a fake from another clan, and it is definitely not my dragon clan. All actions have nothing to do with our dragon clan. If anyone can provide clues about the golden horned dragon clan, our dragon clan will One hundred thousand strands of star mysterious liquid will be released. If anyone can kill the golden horned dragon clan, our clan will produce 500,000 star mysterious liquid, and the other clan will also send other clan dragons to hunt down the fake golden horned dragon clan. "

Bounty, see Bounty.

As soon as the Dragon Clan's announcement came out, the Starry Sky Battlefield became lively again.

The aftermath of Ye Huan's incident has not passed, yet another fake golden-horned dragon appeared on the battlefield of the starry sky.

The reward offered by the Dragon Race is very tempting, and it makes many warriors of different races excited, but not many people actually put it into action.

Many races of warriors are watching, after all, the golden horned dragons have put their achievements there before.

Before the Golden Horn Dragon Clan had received a lot of famous Immortal Clan, Demon Clan and Protoss Clan on the Star List.


The small platform of the human race.

At this time, the platform still exists and has not been disbanded. After the news came out, the Terran naturally also received the news.

"Han Wu: What the hell, this golden horned dragon clan shouldn't be Ye Huan, so he can't stop for a while, it's so high-profile, it's because he's afraid he won't die fast enough."

After receiving the news, King Wu of Han immediately complained on the platform.

Because Ye Huan hid on the star house and just breathed a sigh of relief, it was mentioned again at this time.

Tang Tianhui and Wu Changchang were also speechless for a while, that one was in such a hurry to die.

"King Tang: Xiong Wu, you have to take good care of your apprentice in the future, it's too much tossing."

Unlike those other races outside, everyone on this small platform knows one.

That Golden Horned Dragon Clan is Ye Huan.

Xiong Wu looked at the news on the platform, and was very speechless at this time.

This apprentice is uneasy.


At this moment, in the human realm, Tang Tianjie and Wu Changqing were communicating.

"Did you get that message?"

"Have you heard from him too?"

The communication between the two was like playing a riddle, but both of them knew exactly who they were talking about.

"It's not human, it's not human anymore, you can say it on the platform, I think I need to be quiet."

After Tang Tianjie finished speaking, he hung up the communication. Looking at the message that appeared on the jade talisman, the whole person immediately became unwell.

"The Golden Horned Dragon King is my star body, let my master not worry."

What a word without beginning and end, even the communication number is extremely unfamiliar.

But this message appeared on the jade talismans of him and Wu Changqing. Combined with the previous situation, it was clear who sent this message.

Ye Huan.

The two of them had already guessed this when they received the message.

It's not difficult.

What is difficult is his star body.

Both of them didn't believe that the three words were true, and they communicated with each other to check this point. Maybe they were dazzled and misunderstood.

But the two messages are that every hair is the same, they don't have dazzling eyes, they are stars.

In the past two months, Ye Huan not only cultivated at an astonishing speed, but also cultivated into a star body during this period.

Both of them felt that this matter sounded a bit mythical, how could they be so reluctant to believe it.

"Special, it is estimated that Ye Huan has been under too much pressure during this period of time. This is to relieve the pressure on the two of us. The golden horned dragons of the gods have disappeared, okay?"

Wu Changqing murmured there.

"Yes, it must be so."

Tang Tianjie madly agreed, feeling that what Wu Changqing said was simply too reasonable, too right.

Just when the two of them were in a trance, frantically looking for a reason, and were about to convince themselves, the two saw the news on the platform.

What's so special, the Golden Horn Dragon Clan really appeared and reappeared.

The two of them were about to convince themselves. After seeing the news on the platform, the various reasons collapsed. It is impossible for so many coincidences to collide.

That can only show one thing, the news they don't want to believe is true.

Ye Huan really cultivated a star body.

Both were hit a bit hard.

"Quiet, quiet, quiet, let them go crazy too."

Wu Changqing looked at the people on the platform, his eyes were full of fiery and madness.

Tang Tianjie, who said he needed quietness, also had his eyes hot.

Everyone is crazy, don't even try to run away.

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