My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 642: Cold Ripples

Jian Feng Wu watched Jian Lan Cheng's figure disappear into the wind and snow, without any intention of following.

He has been able to survive on the dangerous starry sky battlefield until now, relying on the identity of the immortal race and being cautious enough.

Jianlancheng looked confident, but Jianfengwu still didn't want to take risks.

Anyway, what should have been earned has already been earned.

The five figures of Jianfeng melted into the wind and snow like a gust of wind, and then hid under the snow and ice in the distance. The traces left on the ice surface were quickly covered up under the violent snow and snow, leaving nothing behind. Mark of.

Yes, Jian Feng Wu did not follow Jian Lan Cheng into the ice valley in front, but he did not leave immediately.

He does intelligence, and there will be first-hand intelligence here soon, how could he be willing to leave.

Whether it's Gladiolus Cheng winning, or the cold little girl from the human race winning, this piece of information won't come cheap.

Jian Feng Wu hoped that Jian Lan Cheng would win. The figure of the human race Bing Niu made his heart warm just thinking about it.

He chose to stay, in addition to intelligence, there are no other thoughts in it.


In the center of the towering canyon, because of the ice walls on both sides, the wind and snow in this canyon are much smaller, but the temperature in this canyon is lower than that outside the canyon.

Ordinary star liquid warriors can't even stay in the canyon for a long time.

Leng Rianyi casually sat cross-legged on the blue icy ground, with no star energy flowing on his body, letting the cold wind blowing that could freeze ordinary star-liquid warriors to death.

Leng Ripple deliberately rushed from the Blue Star to the Starry Sky Battlefield.

The three clans of immortals, demons and gods offered a reward to the human race, which was too arrogant.

Leng Rianyi originally planned to find an opportunity to help the human race named Ye Huan.

What happened after that was a little too fantastical. Some of the things that the human race called Ye Huan did make Leng Rianyi a little stunned.

So strong.

Leng Rianyi found that she couldn't seem to help Ye Huan, so she quietly left and found such a place.

Leng Rianyi is not ready to go back for the time being.

Ready to retreat for a period of time, Houlang is a little too scary, and if you don't work hard to cultivate, you will be beaten to death by Houlang.


Leng Rianyi, who was cultivating, opened his eyes and looked vigilantly at the canyon in front of him.

"It's quite vigilant."

Jianlan Cheng said with a smile, took a few steps forward, and then stopped.


After seeing the figure clearly, Leng Rianyi's eyes that had no emotion at all became more and more cold.


The wind and snow in the canyon suddenly became violent, and Jianlan Cheng slashed at Leng Ripple with a sword.

The canyon suddenly became golden, and a golden giant sword slashed towards Leng Ripple like a glimmer of light.

Leng Rianyi sat motionless on the ice and snow, but his body seemed to be equipped with a booster, and the whole person slid out on the ice like that.


With a loud noise, the golden giant sword fell to the ground, leaving a crack on the icy blue ground, but it was only one more crack.


Leng Rianyi was still sitting cross-legged on the icy blue ground, but the void behind her trembled slightly.

Then a blue lotus flower emerged from behind her. The blue lotus flower had nine petals in total, but at this time, most of the petals were illusory, and only one was slightly solid.

The prototype of the law.

This is the rudimentary form of Leng Ripple.

As soon as Leng Rianyi came up, he directly used the prototype of the law.

As soon as the rudimentary form came out, it frantically absorbed the rich cold air in the canyon and also absorbed the blue star element in Leng Ripple's body.

With the addition of the two, the rudimentary form quickly expanded like air.

One meter, two meters, three meters...

When Leng Lianyi displayed the prototype of the dharma image, Jianlancheng was not idle, and a ninth-grade gladiolus emerged behind him. As soon as the ninth-grade gladioli emerged, it was devouring the inside of his body in a frantic forehead. Xianyuan, in this process, the illusory ninth-grade gladiolus became more and more real.

The rudimentary form of the dharma phase is the rudimentary form of the dharma phase.

The Qi machine of one person and one immortal stirred in that canyon, and even affected the towering canyon.

Some ice and snow on both sides of the canyon slipped from the canyon, and as soon as the falling ice and snow fell into the canyon, it was smashed by the air machines of the two, and the appearance of the ice and snow could no longer be seen.

The brilliance flashed.

The rudimentary forms that stood behind the two disappeared, and they collided violently in the middle of the canyon.


A loud thunder sounded, and a golden-blue beam of light shot straight into the sky.

click, click...

The ground of the ice valley began to crack, and the ice and snow that had accumulated for many years on both sides of the ice valley burst. Thousands of tons of ice and snow rolled down from both sides of the canyon, and the white snow and ice even covered that one. Golden blue beam of light.


Massive amounts of white snow fell from both sides, like a pair of giant white palms slapping the golden-blue beam of light fiercely.


A sound like a crack in the sky sounded, and the entire space seemed to tremble.

The golden-blue beam of light burst immediately, and the large amount of ice and snow from both sides also burst directly, rushing to the sides and below of the ice valley.


Both of them below the canyon groaned, with a little blood dripping from the corners of their mouths, and then one person and one immortal rushed towards their respective Dharma prototypes frantically as if they had negotiated.


At this moment, the ice valley seemed to be cracked, and a huge amount of ice and snow poured down from the ice valley, all over the sky.


The ice and snow rolled down, and the whole world seemed to tremble at this moment.

Leng Rianyi and Jianlancheng are both hiding under their respective Dharma forms at the moment, resisting the avalanche of the ice valley.

Yes, Avalanche.

The previous battle between the two directly caused the avalanche in this ice valley.

Under the overwhelming snow and ice, Leng Rianyi and Jianlancheng looked at each other, and then the nine-petal blue lotus collided with Jianlancheng's ninth-grade gladiolus frantically.

Boom, boom, boom.

The blue lotus and the ninth-grade gladiolus collided wildly, blowing up a lot of ice and snow every time.

The battle between one person and one immortal made the avalanche even more violent and violent.


Under the ice and snow, Jian Feng watched this scene from a distance, and couldn't help but feel fortunate that he didn't go, otherwise he would have to shed a layer of skin even if he didn't die.


The avalanche continued, and a large amount of ice and snow slid down, directly filling up half of the ice valley.

At this moment, the gladiolus leaves of the ninth-grade gladiolus suddenly separated and slashed towards Leng Rianyi's rudimentary form like a sharp sword.

Leng Rianyi was a little caught off guard. Under the impact and the slash of the sword orchid leaf, her blue lotus flower pattern shattered directly, and she was thrown far away and fell into the ice and snow. .

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