My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 665 Discovery

not found.

Nothing found!

No exceptions.

Nothing out of the ordinary!


After the last moment, the information of various ethnic forces is being compiled.

However, as if they had been negotiated in advance, the information of each race was similar.

not found.

Ye Huan, who should have appeared at this time, seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

"Give me a stare."



One by one, the forces did not believe in evil, and issued similar orders one after another.


somewhere in the dark.

Xiong Wu's body tightened tightly, and he didn't help his apprentice much last time.

This time, he was ready to show his hand in front of his apprentice.

But staring at him, Xiong Wu's fat face showed a strange look.

There was no movement.

It is interesting that there is no movement when there should be movement.

The apprentice of his own family seemed to play a lot of races again.


another place.

The two powerful human races, King Datang and King Wu of Han, also looked at each other in dismay.

Something's not quite right.

The boy seemed to be gone again.

"What's the matter, can that kid still stay in the star house?"

King Wu of Han grumbled.

"Ye Huan can even search for the resources in the star house. It's not impossible, but since that's the case, isn't the previous trial redundant? I prefer another possibility. Don't forget how Ye Huan got out of the Xinghe Yuandi. That disappeared."

King Datang looked in the direction of the thirty star house and said.

King Wu of Han's eyes lit up, if this is the case, they don't have to worry about Ye Huan's safety this time.


Under the starry sky, the strong men of all ethnic groups who were hiding in other places didn't look very good-looking after they were reported.

Played again.

He was tricked by the little guy from the human race who was only in the star liquid realm.


Near the Thirtieth Star House.

Long Jinganglong's face was gloomy, staring at the thirtieth star house, wishing to swallow that star house.

After being played by Ye Huan with the star body once before, Long Jingang has already made up his mind that he must take Ye Huan down later and make Ye Huan look good.

What made Long Jingang speechless was that Ye Huan disappeared inexplicably when he finally waited until the last moment, when he was about to make a move.

This made Long King Kong have nowhere to vent the fire he was holding back.


Dragon King Kong let out a dragon roar and turned into the body, and a golden dragon with a length of nearly 100 meters appeared in the void.

Dragon King Kong flew towards the thirty star house just like that.

He didn't believe it, didn't believe that Ye Huan would disappear from the star house so quietly.

This is against the rules of the Stars list.

Perhaps the rules of the Star List have changed, and Ye Huan is still staying in the star house.

This is Dragon King Kong's idea, and he is now trying to verify whether his idea just now is correct.

In the dark, the other Yuezuns also saw the movements of Dragon King Kong, and their expressions moved slightly, but there was no movement from Yuezun. They also have some speculations of their own. Since Long King Kong is willing to test, let him test. Well, they happened to be watching in the dark.

Dragon King Kong was very fast, and soon approached the thirtieth star house.


With a muffled sound, Dragon King Kong stopped as if he had hit an invisible barrier.

This is the defense system of each star house. Unless the star owner's permission is obtained, outsiders cannot enter the star house at all.

Dragon King Kong swam in front of the invisible barrier, a pair of lantern-like golden eyes flashing with golden light, as if he was thinking about something.

After cruising in front of the invisible barrier for a while, the light in Long Jingang's golden dragon eyes became firm.

A dazzling golden light lit up at the dragon's tail, and slapped the invisible barrier fiercely.


A loud bang resounded like thunder, and bright golden rays of light shone in all directions.

Long Jingang's dazzling dragon tail rested on the invisible barrier, as if he would not give up until he broke the invisible barrier.

At this moment, a slender red lightning appeared, and it appeared like a ghost in the sky above Dragon King Kong.


The red lightning struck directly on Long Jingang.


Long Jingang opened his mouth and let out a shrill cry. Where the huge golden dragon body was hit by red lightning, the golden scales shattered, revealing the bright red flesh inside.

The skin is open to the flesh.

The real skin is open to the flesh.

The powerful defense of the dragon family seemed to be useless under that slender red lightning.

Dragon King Kong's dragon tail shrank back like a spring, entrenched in the dragon's body. Long King Kong looked at the invisible barrier in front of him, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and ferocity.

The golden dragon tail swayed slightly, and the golden dragon essence surged above. Long Jingang was hesitating, whether to give the invisible barrier another shot.

However, when he swept to the body with the fleshy skin, the fierceness in Long Jingang Long's eyes suddenly faded a lot, and there was even a little more fear during the period.

That blood-red lightning is not easy to mess with.

Long Jingang once saw with his own eyes that a strong man with a race was smashed to pieces by the blood-red lightning.

Long Jingang looked at the thirty star house, and finally decided to back off.

There is no need to put yourself in for Ye Huan.

And he also tried something out in that test just now.

The rules of the Star List still exist and have not changed.

It is unlikely that Ye Huan is still in the thirty star house at this moment.

Ye Huan should have left the 30th Star House before they knew it by other means.

Long King Kong flew back, but the wound on the dragon's body that was split by the blood-colored lightning was difficult to heal for a long time.

"Tell me about Ye Huan's information and see if it is possible for Ye Huan to leave the Star House early."

After Long King Kong flew back, he immediately gave such an order to the dragon's intelligence dragon.

Not only Dragon King Kong, but also other races such as Immortal Demon God issued similar orders at the same time.

This time, it took so long and spent a lot of money and energy. You can't just understand it so hastily, right?

All ethnic groups vowed to take Ye Huan this time, but in the end they couldn't even see Ye Huan.

Whether it's to block the world's lingering public, or to shirk responsibility, there must be a plausible explanation for this matter.

In fact, Ye Huan's information has been obtained by all ethnic groups for a long time, so soon the earliest information was reflected in the eyes of intelligence personnel of all ethnic groups.

On Xingyuan, Ye Huan once disappeared under the eyes of many main star realms.


Long Jingang looked at this information and was silent for a long time. He is now 80% sure that Ye Huan used that inexplicable method to leave the star house again this time.

All ethnic groups even ignored such a piece of information, and once again let Ye Huan take advantage of the loophole.

Long Jingang smiled bitterly, all ethnic groups didn't really pay attention to Ye Huan.

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