My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 670 Xuan Gong 4th turn

While laughing wildly, Ye Huan could not wait to give his head twice more.

Brain is mushy.

Stay near and far.

The real thing is to seek distance.

The most difficult things in Tongueyuan City are the ghosts and abyss. Once they sense the existence of Xingyuan, as long as Xingyuan does not disappear, they will gather more and more.

Therefore, warriors rarely dare to make a move in Tongueyuan City. Even if they do, they are like the figure Ye Huan saw before, and they leave with a single blow, ending the battle in an instant.

Martial artists are afraid that the time will drag on for a long time, attracting a lot of abyss and ghosts.

That would be a big deal.

Therefore, when Ye Huan is choosing new martial arts, he will think about choosing some martial arts that can exert great power with a small amount of star energy.

Such a martial skill, Ye Huanyou, after all, killing so many star masters on the Fanxing Ranking was not for nothing.

Just when he was picking, Ye Huan suddenly realized that even if he didn't need Xing Yuan at all, he could still fight.

In addition to being a vitality martial artist, he is also a body refining martial artist.

It's just that over the past period of time, the cultivation base of the vitality warrior has improved too quickly, and the strength has greatly increased, but it made him ignore the body training.

The one who cultivates the body is pure physical power, and does not use Xingyuan, so it is naturally suitable for killing Yin souls in Tongueyuan City.

After realizing this, Ye Huan's heart was a little restless.

He wanted to get out of the house and try it out.

However, this agitation was forcibly suppressed by Ye Huan.

His eighty-nine profound arts had only reached the peak of the third rank at this time, with the power of the fleshly body of 1,600,000 orifices.

In Ye Huan's opinion, this cultivation base is not high, and there is no suitable martial arts.

In Ye Huan's view, the first task at this time was to practice the Eight Nine Mysteries.

As soon as possible, practice the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art to the fifth rank, and then practice some suitable martial arts. At that time, it is time to really hunt the ghosts.

After all, sharpening knives does not cut firewood by mistake, and the strength is stronger, and the killing efficiency will also increase.


Suppressing the restlessness in his heart, after thinking for a while, Ye Huan put the Tongue Yuan Ling into the bronze cauldron, and then a secret book appeared in his hand.

Eighty-nine Xuan Gong fourth turn.

Now that you have decided, then go all out to practice.

His eyes were many times stronger than when he first practiced the Eight Nine Mysterious Arts.

Ye Huan originally thought that it would not be too difficult to practice the fourth level of Xuan Gong.

But when he really started to practice, Ye Huan realized that he thought the practice of the Eight Nine Mysteries was too simple.

Only thirty-six kinds of heaven and earth elements are needed to turn a Xuan Gong.

The second round is one hundred and eighty kinds of elements.

Three hundred and sixty kinds of elemental materials are required for the third round.

The elements needed for Rank 4 have soared directly to a thousand kinds of heaven and earth elements.

Just refining these heaven and earth elements is a huge challenge for martial artists who practice profound arts.

Fortunately, during this period of time, his eyes were not standing still, otherwise Ye Huan would have had a headache.

With eyes like stars in his eyes, Ye Huan stared at the secret book.

After reading a secret book, Ye Huan took out one of the elements and refined it.

One, two, three...

The heaven and earth elements needed for the fourth rank of Xuan Gong have been refined one by one.

Time is passing quietly.

One day, three days, five days...

Twenty-fifth day.

In the hut in Tongueyuan City, Ye Huan was sitting cross-legged, with layers of blue energy swirling around him. From time to time, the blue energy could be seen fluctuating like water waves, and there was even a faint sound of a tsunami.

Hula-la, hula-la.

That blue energy is like a long river, a lake, and even a sea in Ye Huan.

This is the main element needed for the fourth rank of Xuan Gong, Jiuqu Water Stone.

Only by successfully refining this Jiuqu water stone, Ye Huan's profound arts can successfully break through to the fourth rank.

His eyes can help him refine the nine-curved water stone, but Ye Huan needs to experience and endure the various visions and impacts brought by the refining of the nine-curved water stone.


Water, endless water, is like a swamp country everywhere.

He finally struggled to climb up from a river, and fell into a lake in the next instant. After struggling to get out of the water, a dark vortex appeared, which devoured him in an instant.

He insisted on climbing from the lake to the shore, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the water bank disappeared. Ye Huan found him lying on a broken wooden boat, and a huge wave roared in front of him.


The huge waves slapped, and his body flew out like a sack of sackcloth.

It hurts so much, it hurts all over the body, it's like being crushed to pieces.

Give up, as long as you give up, you don't have to suffer like this anymore.

A voice sounded in my heart.

Yeah, what is he holding on to?

Ye Huan became a little confused in an instant. He only remembered that he had been in this water world for a long time, suffering from all kinds of water all the time.

At first, there were voices persuading him to give up, but he simply ignored it. At that time, he was very firm and knew what he wanted and what he had to insist on.

But so much time has passed, and now he is a little confused.

Does persistence work?

Perhaps giving up is the ultimate liberation.

The boundless sea was stormy and rainy, with lightning and thunder, and waves of waves slapped Ye Huan, sending Ye Huan's body toward the depths of the sea.

Ye Huan no longer resisted, and let her body sink into the depths of the sea.

Darkness, gloom, oppression, etc. invaded from all directions, like monsters waiting to devour Ye Huan, it would be a bloody feast.

Hold on to something and give up and you will be liberated.

Ye Huan was lying on the dark and gloomy bottom of the sea, letting the darkness and coldness swallow him up.

Can giving up really lead to liberation?

There were always some doubts deep in Ye Huan's heart. He looked at the top of the sea, where several faces appeared.

At this moment, Ye Huan suddenly knew what he was insisting on.

He is cultivating the fourth rank of Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art, and he is refining the main element of the fourth rank, Jiuqu Shuishi.

What's so special, it's just a broken stone, and he even wants to devour him.

This thought came to Ye Huan's heart. The body that was originally submerged on the seabed now appeared on the sea surface, penetrating the layers of seawater like a rocket.

On the sea, Ye Huan opened his arms, and the violent storm, turbulent waves, and thunder and lightning seemed to be stagnant, and then disappeared in an instant.

The sea that was like doomsday just a moment ago has now become sunny and sunny.

The sea is blue and the sun is warm.

Ye Huan's body fell and floated on the sea. His body swayed gently with the waves, but did not sink.

The sea, which was about to tear Ye Huan's body to pieces before, is now stroking his body.


in that room.

The energy of the Jiuqu water stone shrouded in Ye Huan's body became warm, exuding a blue halo, and it merged into Ye Huan's flesh and blood little by little. Combined with other energies, it transformed Ye Huan's flesh and blood, making him flesh and blood. be more powerful.

Under the energy of Jiuqu Water Stone, the corner of Ye Huan's mouth cocked upwards, and there was no danger. Finally, he subdued the energy of Jiuqu Water Stone.

Under the nourishment of Jiuqu Shuishi and other elemental energy, Ye Huan could clearly feel that his flesh and blood were undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Eighty-nine Mysterious Art was turned fourth.

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