My Eyes Are Mutated

Six hundred and seventieth chapters of the abyss

The situation in the outside world was changing, and Ye Huan didn't care about him at all.

At this time, Tongueyuan City, in that hut.

After practicing the fourth round of Xuan Gong, Ye Huan was a little sad.

It's not that the fourth rank of Xuan Gong is too difficult to cultivate.

Ye Huan has never had such an experience since his eyes mutated.

He was worried that the fourth rank of Xuan Gong would consume too much.

After killing so many star masters, Ye Huan's harvest is still quite big.

The Xingchen Profound Liquid has harvested more than one million strands, which is enough for him to cultivate to the peak of the Star Liquid Realm.

And the amount of vitality liquid has reached more than ten million drops.

The amount of this vitality liquid is definitely not small.

But beside him is a big family who devours vitality liquid.

Leaving from the star house, that one transmission consumed seven million drops of vitality liquid.

Let Ye Huan's vitality liquid lake become shallower at a speed visible to the naked eye.

More than three million drops of vitality liquid, that's not a lot.

Looking at the vitality liquid left in the bronze cauldron, Ye Huan once comforted himself so much.

But now, after practicing the fourth round of Xuan Gong in Tongueyuan City, Ye Huan cracked.

After some practice, the physical strength increased the power of 50,000 orifices.

This progress is quite good.

It's just that the consumption of vitality liquid is also quite "gratifying".

A total of 200,000 drops of vitality liquid were consumed.

At such a consumption rate, his more than three million drops of vitality liquid will be completely consumed within a few times of cultivation.

This made Ye Huan sit down a bit.

He is also preparing to open a shop, and at least he has to keep some vitality liquid for backup.

Yuan Qi liquid.

Looking at the pond-like vitality liquid in the bronze cauldron, not long ago, he thought it was pretty good, but at this time, Ye Huan felt very pitiful.

He only had so much vitality left.

What's more, cultivation is very difficult.

Ye Huan felt this way for the first time.

Of course, in addition to the Primordial Qi liquid, Ye Huan also had some Primordial Fruits that contained energy, which could also be used to practice profound arts.

For example, star fruit.

It's just that Ye Huan won't be so extravagant unless he has to.

A star fruit can turn a star into star dust.

Xingchen fruit is a good product for cultivation in the stardust realm, and it is indeed a bit extravagant to use it to cultivate profound arts.

However, the other Yuan Guo Ye Huan did not intend to let them go, and they were all used to practice profound arts.

In the hut, Ye Huan calculated whether the resources on his body were enough to cultivate Xuan Gong to the peak of the fourth rank.

In the end, Ye Huan found helplessly that unless the resources consumed by Xuan Gong were constant, the resources on his body were definitely not enough.

Moreover, how could the resources consumed by the cultivation of profound arts be constant.

As the physical body becomes stronger, if you want to improve again, the energy consumption will be further intensified.

"Vital Qi liquid, Yuan Qi liquid..."

In the hut, Ye Huan kept talking, and at this moment he suddenly realized that he was really poor.

Vitality liquid, energy.

Looking at the abyss surrounding the hut, Ye Huan's mind suddenly flashed a light.

Yuanqi and liquid are energy, Yuanguo is energy,

These abyss airs are also energy.

Thinking of this, Ye Huan became restless, his eyes were congested, and his blood was boiling.

The city of the abyss lacks everything, but there is no shortage of abyss.

If he can really refine the abyss qi and use the abyss qi to practice the eighty-nine profound arts, then he is still worried that the primordial qi liquid will not be enough.

Taking a step back, even if the abyss qi in Tongueyuan City is not enough, there are seventeen other abyss cities.

At this moment, Ye Huan felt that he had discovered a great avenue, a great avenue for practicing eighty-nine profound arts.

The fourth rank of eighty-nine mysterious arts consumes resources like this, so if the fifth rank wants to cultivate successfully, it is definitely a black hole of resources, but if the abyss can really be used, he doesn't need to worry about resources at all.

Whether the specific abyss qi can be used to cultivate the eight or nine profound arts, it will be clear if you try it.

As soon as he thought about it, Ye Huan had a secret manual for the fourth rank of Xuan Gong appeared in his hand.

With eyes like stars, Ye Huan stared at the secret book and looked at it.

After reading the secret book, Ye Huan put it away, and there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

After reading a copy of the secret book, Ye Huan could clearly feel the changes in the flesh and blood all over his body. At this moment, every part of the flesh and blood was like a child waiting to be fed, waiting there with his mouth open.

Ye Huan used to devour the vitality liquid to satisfy those flesh and blood. After all, in this city of Tongueyuan, there was not a trace of vitality, and he didn't have to suck it if he wanted to.

Looking at the grey abyss surrounding her body, Ye Huan let out a long sigh of relief. Whether that crazy idea can be realized or not will soon be known.


Ye Huan inhaled, and part of the abyss was swallowed by him like a small snake.

As soon as the snake-like abyss entered his throat, Ye Huan couldn't help shivering.

So cold, so cold.

The Qi of the Abyss is like avoiding snakes and scorpions to other warriors. He has also personally experienced the difficulty of the Qi of the Abyss, so it is better to be cautious.

If there is an accident, it can be saved.

As soon as that little snake-like abyss entered the body, it spread out, trying to erode flesh and blood. How could they miss such an excellent opportunity.

But as soon as they approached the flesh and blood, they were swallowed by the flesh and blood that was already hungry and thirsty.

Ye Huan has been closely watching the changes in flesh and blood.

After swallowing some of the abyss, that part of the flesh became a little stronger.

Ye Huan carefully observed that part of the flesh and blood, except that it became a little stronger, that part of the flesh and blood didn't seem to have any bad changes.

The energy of the abyss can really be used as the energy of vitality liquid to cultivate the eighty-nine profound arts.

After confirming this, Ye Huan no longer hesitated and let go of the control of flesh and blood.

Without Ye Huan's suppression, the flesh and blood of the whole body turned into gluttonous food, madly swallowing the abyss in the room.

click, click...

Ye Huan's mouth opened and closed unconsciously, and her lips were even a little black.

So cold.

It was as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

Ye Huan only had this feeling when his whole body was devouring the abyss.

click, click, click...

There was a strange noise on Ye Huan's body, and Ye Huan's body was covered with a layer of ice cubes, and that layer of ice cubes was getting thicker and thicker, and even turned gray under the scouring of the abyss.

Cold, so cold.

In addition to being cold, Ye Huan also noticed that his body was getting stiffer and he was losing consciousness a little bit.


I was too excited before, but I forgot the cold attribute that comes with abyss.

This time, the body swallowed a large amount of abyss Qi at once, and it is completely normal for this situation to occur.

Ye Huan quickly suppressed the devouring of flesh and blood all over his body again.

He didn't want to freeze himself into a popsicle before he successfully practiced Xuan Gong.

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