My Fantasy Comes to One Billion Years Later

Chapter 1814 Purple Snow Peony

Old Man Tianshu felt a little unbelievable when he heard Xiao Xiner say that he had memorized it so quickly.

"What you said is true. Have you really memorized everything in such a short period of time?"

He looked at Xiao Xiner and felt that it was a little impossible. After all, it was almost just a glance at such a fast time. How could he remember it so quickly?

"If you don't believe it, you can test me at will. If I fail, then you can kick me out now!"

Xiao Xiner is very confident, after all, her memory is really amazing.

Because of practicing the exercises, her physical fitness has really improved a lot compared to ordinary people, so her memory is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Although the old man in the Book of Heaven was a little unconvinced at first, when he heard Xiao Xiner swearing, he felt that he couldn't believe it anymore, so he started to ask Xiao Xiner to recite the page he just read. .

In the end, Xiao Xiner succeeded in reciting it.

"This is the first time in all these years that I have seen someone with such a photographic memory like you. You are really a genius. Oh, no, you are the second one. The first one is Lin Tian!"

Xiao Xiner smiled lightly at this moment: "Can I join Feilu Novel Network now?"

"Of course you can. The girl has such good conditions and wants to join our Feilu Novel Network. Then our Feilu Novel Network will naturally have another talented person. I am very happy!"

In fact, the reason why Xiao Xiner said she wanted to join Feilu Novel Network was to be able to read all the books here like Lin Tian. It is really rare to have the opportunity to study here.

Because now that she came in, she saw that all the books stored here were books. So many books should have recorded a lot of knowledge.

Everyone is curious, and how many curious things are recorded in this book, Xiao Xiner can roughly know them without thinking about them.

Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner both joined Feilu Novel Network. Naturally, they felt extremely happy at this time, so they started reading here.

Xiao Xiner was actually very serious about reading. After all, when she came here for the first time, she could see so many books that she could not see before, and she felt happy and curious in her heart.

It was as if it was Lin Tian's first time here. She was entranced as soon as she read the book.

Wulong is responsible for delivering food to them every day, and he feels quite happy. After all, there are already two such geniuses in Feilu Novel Network. I believe that Feilu Novel Network will be able to revitalize it in the future.

"Come, Eighth Senior Brother and Ninth Junior Sister, let's have some snacks together!"

"Thank you, senior brother!"

"You don't need to be polite to me. You can read the books here as you like, but you can't go hungry. You have to know that this person is a man of steel. How can he survive if he doesn't eat, so he must eat this meal!"

"Did you hear what Senior Brother Wu Long said? You must eat this meal. If you don't eat, you will definitely be starving. Stop first and wait for a while before watching!"

Lin Tian took the book away from Xiao Xiner and asked her to have a good meal at this moment, and then continue reading after finishing the meal.

After Wu Long left, Xiao Xiner said to Lin Tian: "I really didn't expect that there would be so many books in this world!"

"Yes, Feilu Novel Network must have spent a lot of effort to collect so many books, but this is a good thing for us. Being able to sit here and read books every day not only can we learn There are many, and if we can master them, we might be able to develop some cultivation techniques. At that time, we can create our own martial arts, or even create our own sect."

"Do you have the ability to create your own sect? Why can't I see it?"

Xiao Xiner felt that Lin Tian's strength was average. How could it be so easy to create his own sect? After all, if he wanted to create his own sect, he had to create his own martial arts first. But Lin Tian could create his own martial arts, so-so. Martial arts may be created by oneself, but some advanced skills cannot be created casually.

In the following days, Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner have been reading here. Reading is actually a very good thing. After all, they can read here and they really feel very happy.

Traveling among the sea of ​​books, of course, they feel comfortable in their hearts. After all, they really feel that knowledge is power.

A month later, a customer came to Wanbao Pavilion. This customer wanted to sell a purple snow peony. This purple snow peony was not an ordinary spiritual grass, but a very rare medicinal material.

Because Lin Tian had already told Shui Linglong that if there were any rare medicinal materials, he must buy them. After all, if Lin Tian uses them after buying them, he can at least improve his cultivation level.

After all, Lin Tian's current cultivation level is already very high. If he wants to improve his cultivation level now, he must rely on some pills or fairy grass to practice.

A disciple of Tianbao Holy Sect came outside and reported: "Teacher, this is the news for you from Shopkeeper Shui of Wanbao Pavilion!"

"Oh, is this the news Shui Linglong gave me?"

Lin Tian picked up the letter and looked at it. It turned out that Shui Linglong had bought a Purple Snow Peony. He thought to himself, Shui Linglong bought the Purple Snow Peony and actually thought of himself. It was really good!

Lin Tian then went to the Wanbao Pavilion. After arriving at the Wanbao Pavilion, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Well, Shui Linglong, I really didn't expect that you still take what I told you to heart."

"That's natural. I will naturally take what you told me to heart. After all, our friendship is not ordinary!"

"Yes, the friendship between us is really extraordinary. Come on, let me see what good stuff you have received!"

At this time, Shui Linglong showed the Purple Snow Peony to Lin Tian. Lin Tian glanced at the Purple Snow Peony and said, "I really didn't expect that you could actually acquire a Purple Snow Peony. This Purple Snow Peony is not an ordinary fairy grass, it is the best among fairy grasses!"

"Who says it's not? This Purple Snow Peony was sold to me by a customer. The customer left after selling it to me. Now I don't even know who he is, but this Purple Snow Peony is indeed real. I It’s been verified!”

"Well, it is indeed the real Purple Snow Peony. It seems that you were not deceived this time!"

"How can I? How can I be deceived every day!"

Shui Linglong had an unhappy expression on her face. The reason why she was cheated last time was because she was greedy and didn't check carefully. But this time it was different. She learned the lesson from last time and after checking carefully Just accepted it.

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