My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 110: The death of Da Qiao third

"Is it worth it?" Liu Wei's sword is bleeding.

"Nothing deserves to be worth it. I only know that I can't let you enter the city!" The city gate couldn't help but vomit a blood.

"Because of you, they are all dead!" None of the one hundred and ten defenders who followed the gates of the city survived. The section of Chengmen Road in the district has been stained with blood.

"They are dead, but their family has survived for this!" The city gates sneered, and he seemed to see the busy wife who was still in the home of Yucheng, the child in the cradle waiting to be fed. And the old mother of the old dragon clock.

There are many people with ambitions in the troubled times, but more people want to ask for a chance.

The gates of Yucheng have been slowly closed. Liu Yu’s long sword in the gates of the city gates caused the city gates to sigh for a while, but then his face showed a smile on his face, keeping a smile forever. Close your eyes.

Liu Wei looked at the corpse of the city gate in front of him and couldn't talk to himself for a long time. Liu Wei did not take back the long sword, but let the long sword sleep with the unidentified city gate.

"Sorry! You lost!" The sound of smothering in the city suddenly resounded. Although the gate of Liu Wei was closed, the other three gates were broken.

Some people can die for their families. Naturally, some people live for themselves. In addition to the city gate where Liu Wei is in the four gates, the gates are all killed. The remaining three, two escape, one surrender, surrender The man even took Liu Wei to clean up the past where they lived in the city.

"Is it here again?!" Liu Wei is no longer drunk like that night, and he can't find his way. Today, he can take a good look at the scenery of this city.

"I am coming!" Once the Taishou House had been restless, the servants and sons and daughters were shaking and waiting to be sent. Liu Wei looked at this familiar place.

Yucheng Taishou Palace, where Lukang once lived, Lukang is the chief of the Yangzhou Lu clan, and also the Lijiang Taishou, the natural house will not be worse.

Later, Liu Xun Sun Ce has been modified and added to China. Several people in several wars have also deliberately failed to let the war spread to this point. Therefore, the current Yucheng Taishou Palace is more than the palace of Yuan Shu, which Liu Wei saw in Shouchun. I can't go anywhere.

Once you enter the government gate, it is a huge rockery. Going back to the back hall along the rockery to reach the backyard is the source of living water, the pavilion pool.

The things of the wedding decoration before the dozens of days have not been completely removed, and the place has not changed. The identity of Liu Wei has changed. On the same day, he is the guest today.

"I want to see her!" I don't know why Liu Wei's heart has a trace of tension. He shook his head and went to this tension to find a son-in-law who asked for a prayer to go straight to the destination.

The scenery on the road is familiar and unfamiliar, and Liu Wei can remember this place. In that place, I used to irrigate, but other places were not impressed at once.

Liu Wei, he put his hand on the door, hesitated. It is reasonable to say that he is the victor. He should break into the door directly, but Liu Wei has a knock on the door.

"Who?!" The familiar voice sounded.

"It's me!" Liu Yuqiang replied with the excitement in his heart.

"Come in!" Liu Wei pushed the door in, just like that day. She sat on the bed and said very lightly, "You are here!"

"Well, I am here!"; Liu Wei also sat down.

"I should call you Da Qiao, Mrs. Sun or He Yu girl?!" Liu Wei's eyes are a bit complicated.

"Is there a difference?!" Da Qiao looked at Liu Wei. "I am who I am, what is your mind, what is she like!"

The two looked at each other and Liu Wei suddenly smiled "no difference!"

"What are you doing today?"

"kill you!"

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The army marched into Yucheng one after another. Some time ago, Lu Bujun came as a guest, but now he has become the master of Yucheng. There are many things that are needed to occupy a city.

Anmin, this is not Huangzhou. Huangzhou is only a long time for Lu Bujun to rest. Therefore, the arrival of Lu Bujun can only increase the riots in Huangzhou. This is the city of Lucheng, which is the place where Lu Bu is the future.

There are many things in the investigation, there are many things that need to be taken over, to figure out how many things there are in this city.

Lu Bu sat on the front of the Taishou House, and the other people were preparing to discuss the matter.

From the beginning of Xuzhou's exile, Lu Bu finally had a decent place, no longer innocent water.

"The public security office will be handed over to you!" Lu Bu said to Chen Gong.

"Yes!" Chen Gong nodded from Luzhou and went to Xuzhou. The role of Chen Gong was not only the military division but also the management of the city pool. It can be said that Chen Gong is the nanny of the entire Lu Bujun. Peace of mind only considers war.

"Lord, although our army has won the city, but there are buried hills in the week of the city, stone, stone pavilion, Shu, Wuwei five cities in the side of the side as early as possible to avoid confusion!" Yucheng was unable to pass the news How long will it spread throughout Jiangdong, although Jiangdong is sparsely powerful now, but once they are closed-door defense, then every next city, Lu Bujun must attack and attack the city, such loss is unnecessary.

Lu Bu pondered for a while, he also knew that this is a hidden danger must be resolved as soon as possible, and the surrounding military commanders are looking at Lu Bu, which is in the eyes of the counselor is five cities, but in the mind of the generals is five special It is Huang Zhong Gan Ning Su Fei, the three new arrivals will be more eager to get the reuse of Lu Bu.

However, they were disappointed "What is Zhang Liao Gaoshun!"

"The end will be!" Gao Shun Zhang Liao walked out of the queue in the envy of everyone.

"Zhang Liao, you take the wolf in the state, and you will be able to speed up the Shucheng in the day and night!" And the state wolf rides the ability to move, and the day is a hundred miles, relying on them to win the two places far away,

"The end will obey!" Zhang Liao took the lead to retreat.

"Gao Shun, you are attacking the mountain with a trapping camp. After diving down the mountain, you will go to the direction of the stone and the Zhangliao round. The battle will be stone. The distance between the stone and the Shucheng is almost the same. The defenders of the following stone in Shucheng should know that the news is closed and the guards are guarded. It is difficult for a military to attack, but it is a joke to get stuck in the camp and to ride the wolf in the state.

He was left in the city to train new recruits. Chen Deng followed Gaoshun. Shucheng was a place not less than Yucheng, so he needed a general to guard and govern. Chen Dengneng Wenwuwu is the most suitable person.

Huang Zhong Gan Ning Su Fei, Lu Bu from the long bow camp left by Chen Deng gave Huang Zhong, Huang Zhong's bow and arrow is chilling, and the rest gave Gan Ning a self-contained army.

Gan Ning still chose the Shuijun and Su Fei together. The generals of Lu Bujun’s land warfare were enough, but the water war was only Su Fei and Gan Ning Huang Zhong.

"Well, you all go down! Han Yang stays!" Lu Bu waved his hand when he made a strategy, and everyone also had things to do with cuddling and retire.

"I heard that Big Joe is dead?" Lu Bu asked a bunch of wine to pick up the glass and asked casually.

"Yeah!" Don't ask Lu Wei to sit down with Lu Bu.

"You killed?!"

"Deceive yourself!"

Lu Bu looked at Liu Wei and wanted to see a little vision from his face, but he was disappointed. Liu Wei was very calm. The life and death of Da Qiao was not the concern of Lu Bu. Lu Bu was disappointed that Liu Wei never told him. To be honest, what a woman can do!

"Okay, it's okay, let's go!"

Liu Wei also saw the disappointment in Lu Bu's eyes, but he did not deceive.

It’s just He Yu who has survived.

PS: The eyes are sour, this story is really hard to write! Personal feelings are very badly written, and I will modify it tomorrow. Mindful classmates can revisit it!

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