My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 114: Full copy

More and more housekeepers or servants appeared on the government, and everyone who heard the news looked at Lu Bu on the subject.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?!" Wu Jiajia is still strange.

"Master, master!" Wu's slave was also here.

"Afford, how come you?" Wu Jiajia asked, the Wu family's main heart panic.

"Master, it's not good, our family's food, and the granary are all, all are!" was called the slave of Afu's mouth and gasped.

"What's wrong?!" Wu Jiajia is in a hurry. Those rice grains can be his life roots. In the troubled times, the grain is comparable to hard currency, so many scholars have replaced gold and silver with food. If there is a problem with the grain bank and the rice warehouse, then Wu Jiada will have half of his family.

"Going water? Or is it trapped?!" Wu Jiajia's main strength is thinking of the bad.

"No, no!" Afu shook his head.

"Then you said it!" Wu Jiajia’s owner hurriedly grabbed Afu and did not send it.

"Cough, cough, cough!" It was hard to break off the arm of the owner. Afu said that the food bank and the rice warehouse were evacuated by the official army. In the evening, the owner went to the Taishou government. The team then went to the food bank and let them open the door.

They had the heart to refuse, but the knife in the head of the generals was cold, and they were chilling, and they could not help but open the door. Then the officers and men removed the food from a car in the grain line.

"Evacuated?!" Wu Jiajia suddenly collapsed on the ground "all gone?!" Wu family leader pulled Afu want to get from Afu's mouth this is a fake message is to tease him to play .

But he was disappointed. "All gone!" Afu nodded. "It’s the old lady, the old lady asked me to come to you!"

"Official army, official army!" Wu Jiajia master seized the key point, Yucheng has now been beaten by Lu Bu, and the official army that Afu said is only one person. That is the army of Lu Bu, except Lu Bujun has no one else.

"General Lu!" The Wu family will go forward to find Lu Bu, but this bird is not able to take him, and someone is one step ahead of him.

I saw that Chen Yao stepped forward and did not salute. Instead, he pointed directly to Lu Bu and shouted, "General Lu, why do you want to send troops into my grain warehouse? Move him out! Also kill my family and destroy my rice warehouse. Chen Yao’s anger increased greatly. His rice warehouse was not only evacuated by the people sent by Lu Bu, but also was killed by the soldiers of Lu Bujun. Finally, the rice warehouse was burned.

He thought that Lu Bu would give him another trick to think that he wanted to lower the price of food. Who knows that Lu Bu directly gave him action.

"That is, General Lu. What is the difference between you and the robbers!" This is the owner of the Liu family. His loss is the biggest. Not only is a rice warehouse destroyed, but all three rice warehouses in Yucheng are evacuated. It can be said that Liu’s family property has shrunk by a large part in a moment. Liu’s ability to have this achievement is accumulated by several generations. Who knows that one night will turn into nothing.

"General Lu, you must give us a confession!!"

"That is, even if you are the Lord of the City, you can't take advantage of it. If you don't give us a confession, we won't leave today!"

"Let's??" Lu Bu looked at the following sergeant who pointed at his own shackles. His mouth sneered a sneer. Chen Yao said that his granary and rice line had been evacuated. Still dead a family? Also burned the warehouse?

That is what he is taking! Family? That is the family, it is a private soldier! Taking advantage of Chen’s name is lawless, and when the army is on the scene, he dares to show his weapons. It’s not looking for death!

"You want to confess it!" Lu Bu walked step by step toward the heads of the patriarchs of these sects. He went cold every time he took a step. This kind of coldness is a look of dead people. The patriarchs of the patriarchs, how can the owners of the tyrants have encountered.

Each of them subconsciously escaped the eyes of Lu Bu.

"I will tell you!" Lu Bu said indifferently, "When I rate someone and you borrow food, what do you say! Come here, the king of the house. You first say!"

The Wang family wanted to shrink to the back but was named by Lu Bu.

"General Lu, I!" The Wang family also wants to ask Lu Yao as a general question, but he does not dare to look at Lu Bu, only one child can be repeated several times.

"When the king's family does not say then, you will be the master of your family!" Lu Bu turned his gaze to another great patriarch.

"You, me!" The family owner is also a card, and he does not know what he should say.

"Don't you say that? Well, let me come!" Lu Bu is more than nine feet. That is, now more than two meters, in the world is a standard high-ranking person, not to mention in the end of the Han Dynasty, walking in the main patriarch of this group, is standing out.

Although wearing a general costume of the home, but the majesty did not change.

"The king's family is not saying that the family can't open the pot. Why did you clean up the grain of the whole five thousand stones from your Wang's food line?" Lu Bu looked at Wang's owner and said coldly.

"That is because!" Wang's family wants to defend but he is poor.

"No explanation, I understand! It is not because I am not seen by you in the eyes of Lu!"

"There is still a family! For a long time, I have never tasted the oil! You have to eat the oil that is not oily, then those people, the soldiers and the people I have eaten are the pig food!" Lu Bujian raised his eyebrows.

"See the meals on this table! I know you can't eat! Because these are the people you eat, but I am sorry, I will eat these things on weekdays!"

"As for Liu Jiazhu!" Lu Bu looked at the leaders of these sects. "Han ancestor, after Jingshan, Zhongshan, the whole city called you Liu Bancheng, you actually gave me two hundred stone grass, you are sending I want to eat rice! You think that Lu Bu is a good bully! Open the granary of your Liu family and I found out that you are half-city is belittle you, a full 50,000 stone, this year’s tax burden However, more than five thousand stones, you can even get a ten-year tax on Shangyu City, hehe and you said that you are in a chaotic world?!"

"Is this the reason why Lu Fengxian took me to wait for the grain!" Chen Yao stood up. Others may be afraid of Lu Bu but he is not afraid. He and Lu Bu originally had hatred.

"That is, I will wait for the grain to be the will of me. If you send troops directly, it is a robber. That is a robber!" Chen Yao took the lead. These patriarchs continued to scream, and those grasses were half of them, and they were present. Only those who are engaged in salt iron have the least loss.

"Oh, is that your wish? Yes, I have not forced you, you are willing to donate and donate! I don't want to force it, I don't even ask for it, even if I have the grain, I will give you double compensation. What do you want?" Lu Bu said indifferently.

"You didn't force us, but you robbed our granary and evacuated our rice!" Chen Yao contends.

"Why are you? Do you want to donate to be yours, and it is my business to go and grab it!"

"You are a robber, a thief!"

"Oh, I am a robber, it is a thief, how! Do you want to bite me!" Lu Bu did not know why he and Liu Wei had been affected by him for a long time.

"You, you, Lu Fengxian, don't deceive too much!" Chen Yao said that he was pointing at Lu Bu.

"I will deceive you, how? I tell you, you are shameless to face! I am borrowing with you, you don't want to force me and you to move! I know that you are thinking about Sun Ce, thinking Jiangdong Jun, thinking that I have no grain, it is difficult to hold this city, hold this Lijiang River, and then I can drive me out! Yes! Your thoughts are good! Jiang Dongjun is much stronger than my Lu Bujun! But one thing you forgot! Here! Yucheng, at least for now, he is the site of my Lubu, here I am the master of Lu Bu, but I can’t turn your finger at it!”

"Three surnames, slaves!" Chen Yao pointed at Lu Bu's nose and smashed.

"Hmmm?!" Lu Bu’s eyes smashed up. Is this Chen Yao and Chen Rui a virtue? "Do you know how your brother died?!"

"Kill my brother and want to kill me? Come here, come on? Kill me, I see how you are still standing in the Lijiang River!"

"General Lu, don't make a mistake!" Liu Kai also spoke, although he also wanted to see Chen Yao and Lu Bu disappeared, but did not want Lu Bu to kill Chen Yao.

"You think so too?!" Lu Bu looked at the sects below.

Looking at a pair of eyes that are full of disdain.

Lu Bu smiled. "Since all of you think so, you don't seem to be sorry for your expectations!"

"You...!" A dare has not spoken yet, and Chen Yao can't speak. He finally knew how his brother died, and finally knew why the brother's body had a purple complexion.

Lu Bu left Chen Yao’s body as if he had thrown garbage. “Through my military order, I was surrounded by Chen Fu, and all the Chen’s children did not leave the door to copy!”

PS: It was a bit depressed, I wanted to play tricks! Calculate the character of Lu boss or bloodthirsty!

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