My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 131: The defeat of the Black Chess Army

"Dying and dying! I will send your city management army to **** with you!" Zhou Chengsheng was in his hands, his mouth was raised, and he couldn’t wait to see this noble king of the royal family being crushed. The situation on the ground.

"Dying dying? Oh, this **** person is you!" Liu Wei responded.

"Just rely on these wastes to throw away the armor!" Zhou Cheng smiled, these so-called Lu Bujun has no armor! Only the sword in the hands of the sword, let alone defeat yourself, and even the defense of his own soldiers can not be broken.

"Just rely on them!" Liu Wei is too lazy to talk to Zhou Cheng. What he needs is to annihilate all these people. Otherwise, the three thousand heavy infantry will become a big worry sooner or later. To solve them, they can only use human life to change. Is the wolf riding still in the camp or using the urban management bureau? These are the elites of Lu Bujun and one of them will die.

So let me solve you.

"Give me kill them!" Zhou Cheng said, in his opinion, Liu Wei is completely looking for death. What do you fight with me? Zhou Cheng’s only regret is that Lu Bujun is only part of it, but it’s okay to kill them. Going to the South Gate and the North Gate to clear the shackles, especially the traitor of the Liu family, Zhou Cheng’s heart has already labeled the Liu family with the genocide.

"Kill us, what do you use to kill? Just you alone!" Liu Wei smiled.

"A person, you are joking, the black chess army in my hands is...!" Zhou Cheng couldn't tell, and he suddenly found a serious problem.

"Oh, it was originally called Black Chess! Sorry, today he will be removed from the world!" Liu Wei finally knows what this unit is calling, but it doesn't matter. The appearance of this unit represents his tragedy.

"What!" Zhou Chengyu lived, and he called the elite troops in his hands. Now that I have completely lost the kind of spirit and the power of the charge, I have collapsed on the ground like a dead dog.

"Since they can't do it, it's our turn! The whole army will attack!" Liu Wei looked coldly at the opposite youth. The heavy armored infantry defense is also very explosive. The only thing that can fight him is the same weight. With the troops, Liu Wei is not a fool. The urban management army in his hands is the imitation of the Macedonian phalanx. Only the hundreds of giant shields in front are heavy armored infantry and cavalry battalions. If you use these and the troops to fight hard, if you can’t win, this is a problem, even if you win, The Urban Management Bureau has absolutely no one, and even the team of thousands of people can disappear directly into the establishment of the city management army. This loss can not afford Liu Wei.

So this is to avoid the edge of the retreat, heavy armor, the explosive power is amazing but you should not forget. Since he is called a heavy armor, his armor must be about a hundred pounds. At this time, the Han Dynasty did not have the modern ironmaking technique. A pair of heavy armor can be much more complicated before and after.

And this is the biggest shortcoming of the heavy armor, he can only be explosive and can not last.

An ordinary soldier can run, and an elite soldier can run better! But when an elite soldier puts on a hundred kilograms of armor and goes all out to run! Oh, that's a good way to support a few miles.

From Ximen to Dongmen, just across the entire city, the black armor, the heavy armor, has been chasing after the ass, and no matter how good the physical strength is. He must be strong in the heavy armor, and he will be able to pursue it with such a long journey. These soldiers who are wearing a hundred pounds can’t hold it!

Liu Wei’s urban management army is different. Only the front giant shields are heavy armored infants. Although the cavalry battalion is also a war horse, the distance is still able to survive. The giant shield soldier Liu Wei also let them lose the speed of the giant shield. The armor on the body can also be taken off. There are even some clothes left, so these roads are a warm-up for them.

In Liu Wei’s vision, one after another, the elite of the Black Chess Army is either tired and vomiting, or sitting on the ground, and some good physique is still strong and holding a long knife but also The big mouth is gasping.

How can such a force be refined? Now they are afraid that they can't even move the knife!

"Catch up! It's time for us!" Liu Wei's urban management army is very wrong, and they have been chased by the back of their **** without fighting. Now it is their turn.

"Get it!"

"Also my brother is coming!"

"Kill! Kill these enemies!" The anger of the city management army must be vented.

"You are getting up, get up! The enemy is coming, give me the enemy. Meet the enemy!" Zhou Cheng panicked, the most heavily entrenched heavy infantryman could not even move the knife, how to fight, watching Zhou Cheng was afraid of those urban police officers who had red light.

"Call. Call!" The black chess army's soldiers are breathing heavily. They have to slow down. A group of black chess troops are looking at the enemy who is attacking from the opposite side. Now don't think about the anti-charge, only wait. Delay the time to let other people rest, as long as one-third of the robes can force the sword, no, as long as three or five hundred is enough, they can counterattack, and generally no defensive enemy is in heavy step In front of the war, it was a massacre.

However, these elites can't wait until that time, because their masters will panic, and there is no opinion. Although Zhou Cheng is a young master of Zhou, he has also witnessed military affairs since childhood, but it is actually a better than Liu. The young people who are still young have not yet crowned, and there are no ligatures.

The original pride and ambition, the original idea of ​​showing the limelight disappeared, turned into a fear, a fear of the battlefield.

"I will be killed? No, no!" Zhou Cheng gave himself a heart in his heart. "How dare he kill me? But the young master of Zhou family killed me completely and broke with Zhou." But Zhou Cheng Yi thinks that Zhou Jia is not already tearing his face with Lu Bujun now! Looking at the Lu Bujun soldiers who are red-faced, Zhou Cheng knows that he has been caught and there is absolutely no good result.

Zhou Cheng was in a panic and could not help but make some impulsive moves. Zhou Cheng raised his whip in his hand and slammed it toward his nearest soldier. Although the heavy armored infantry was full of armor, but the face The Ministry was difficult to cover, and a whip was drawn on the face, and a **** stamp was brought up in an instant.

"Give me up, give me up! Meet the enemy, meet the enemy!" A whip followed by a whip, this whip is still very painful for the war horse, don't say people, these black chess soldiers have faces They are all bloody, but they can't move. First, they have to accumulate strength to wait for the enemy forces on the opposite side. It is this lord who is swaying. They dare not resist and cannot resist.

"Ah!" Zhou Chengyi whip up and took the weight directly from the eyes of a soldier. A screaming white thing flew out, a soldier squatting on his face and bending down. It’s coming.

The white thing is still hot, this is an eyeball, a person's eyeball.

Although these black chess players usually have a relationship with each other, after all, they are all competitors. Even when there are 5,000 people, they have killed those who have been eliminated, but now they are watching their companions. The horrible situation caused an angry color. The black chess sergeant, who had already recovered some physical strength, was no longer standing up, but was squatting in the crowd, but the weapons in his hand were thrown aside.

"You, you!" Zhou Cheng panicked, and looked at those who did not respond. He turned his horse's head and ran away. He couldn't be arrested. If he was arrested, he would never be forced to die.

The war horses are indeed much faster than people, and the speed of the black chess army blocking the city management army was immediately delayed.

"Liu Wei, you are waiting for me, waiting for my grandson, Sun Ce, to let you fly away!" Zhou Chengyu's words were put down, but the words had not been finished yet, and the long beep of the horse came from the front.

"Where do you want to go, Zhou Chenggongzi, since you are here, let's stay! Let my Liu family do the best of the landlord!" A young man with a battalion of cavalry blocked in front of the road, cavalry It is the city management army, but this young man is not a soldier of the city management army.

"Liu Neng?!" Zhou Cheng finally saw the figure of the person in front of him. This is not the son of Liu Jia’s son, Liu Neng. If it is not Liu’s timely notification, I am afraid that this city has already been lost. Thousands of heavy cavalry are a big threat.

"The traitor!" Zhou Cheng’s eyes are burning out. If it weren’t for this Liu’s family, he might have already suffered such a change. He had already occupied Yucheng, and there was no current defeat.

"Treason? Hehe, my Liu family is a decent Han Chinese patriarch, do not go to help the same room, the king of the royal family, can you help me? Zhou Gongzi?!" Liu Neng讥 said.

"Don't you know the attitude of Lu Bujun to our sects! And Lu Bujun is only a tiger in the woods!" Zhou Cheng Li said.

"Yu Hu? Isn't it with you? My Liu family is a Han family clan, originally the first family of this city! But since Sun Ce came, Zhou Jia, Yu Jia, even Chen Jia dare to I am a master of the work of Liu Jiatou! So I advised Zhou Gongzi not to get a good finger!" Zhou Cheng did not say that it was good to say that Liu can have a stomach!

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