My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 150: Revenge (1)

Liu Wei has not seen the scene of being surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. In Kaiyang, he was surrounded by Cao Yu’s 100,000-strong army. But at that time, the Lord will be Lu Bu, who has no need for Liu Bu. What, now the Lord will be Liu Wei himself, his every move will affect the morale of the entire city, his behavior determines the fate of the eight thousand defenders in the city.

Under the wall of the city, all of them are enemies, and the city management army plus the Liu family squadrons are less than 8,000 people, and the city is very large. It is really a place for the Lijiang River. His four walls The walls that are built very tall are also very wide. It can be said that it is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but there are more places where the walls are to be defended.

If Liu Wei’s hands now have more than 10,000 defenders, he does not need to be afraid at all. If the 20,000 army is in the hand, even if the enemy has 100,000, they can completely repel them, and the grain in the city is absolutely sufficient, so that the city is full. People have no problem in the first half of the year.

But now Liu Wei is only less than 8,000 people. He has too many defenses. There are clouds in the art of war, ten in the encirclement, and five in the attack. In the case of the war, the 100,000 army is only eight thousand. You can know how much pressure Liu Wei is.

What he needs now is to hold it. Even if it is the last person to fight, the city cannot be broken. Once the city is beaten down, Lu Bujun has no source of grain. If the army without grain is strong, it will not be able to fight. When Lu Bu really wants to collapse, now Lu Bujun is mainly in Shucheng, Liu Wei has issued a request for help. Waiting for the support of the main force of Shucheng Lu Bujun.

There are still few opponents of Lu Bujun on the top of the land war, not to mention the eastern part of the river that is dominated by the water army.

"The butcher Liu Wei is here!" The following Sun Cejun began to call out "Butcher Liu Wei, you are the Han Dynasty ancestor as the Crown Prince, you should benefit the people, good governance, but you are obsessed with the three surnames, Together with the greedy wolf Lu Bu, I occupied the city pool, killed my people, and committed the sins of the sins of the heavens. Now I am still not stalking myself, and I am rolling down the tower to surrender, so that my Lord can still look around the shackles. Er, etc. Is it necessary to wait for my army to break into the city, and the first level of the squad!" The following scribe came out of the horse, no books and no manuscripts, Zhangkou came and talked.

Self-binding and surrender? It’s a joke! Not to mention that Lu Bujun and Sun Cejun have become deadly enemies, even if they are ordinary attacks, they will not attack the city without a single soldier, and Liu Wei will surrender and really live! Looking at the two heads hanging above the city, one is Zhou Cheng, the head of Jiang Dongjun’s second person Zhou Yu’s son, one is Zhou Tai, and he is the general of Sun Ce, both of whom are Liu Wei’s Killing, even if Sun Ce wants to circumvent himself, the people under his command can't promise, let alone Sun Ce, the dead lady, is still in the city.

"Who is it!" The soldiers went to the army, and then the cuts were made, and the soldiers were cut again. The ideal is good, but the reality is cruel. Liu Wei looked at the literary scribe who asked.

"Wu Nai Lu Su Lu Zijing, the king of the palace will surrender to the lower city! I am a teacher of 100,000, you only have thousands of soldiers and horses in the district, what do you take, and wait until the city breaks, it is better to offer the city now. My master and grandchildren will be able to keep you safe, send you a meeting, and your country will rule the country!"

“Lu Su?” Liu Wei saw another historical celebrity. Lu Su Luzi respected the people of Dongcheng County in Huai County, and was an outstanding strategist and diplomat in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Born in a family of a family; lost in the childhood, raised by a grandmother. He looks handsome and has a good reputation. He likes to read and shoot. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he saw the imperial court, bureaucrats [***], social unrest, and often called the youth in the village to practice martial arts. He also despised money and earned money, and won the admiration of the villagers. At that time, Zhou Yu was the chief of the nest. Because of the lack of food, he sought help from Lusu. Lu Su gave a gift of 3,000 yuan to Zhou Yu. Since then, the two have become friends and have worked together for major events.

He is intimidating! This is to force Liu Wei to the road! This Lu Su is really an honest man, Liu Wei surrendered, Sun Ce injured does not hurt Liu Wei, this is two said, Lu Su said that sending Liu Wei to Xu Du is a no return, but also a business country is ? As soon as Xu Du Cao Yu can take Liu Wei, Xu Du’s Cao Yu and Jiang Dong Sun Ce are no more than Sun Ce hate Liu Wei.

Without Liu Wei, he had already won Lu Bu, and he got a little embarrassed. How could he lose a little life in the squatting, how could there be Liu Wei’s public anger in Kaiyang City, how could half of the tiger leopard ride be destroyed? Cao Chun, the general of Li Dian, died.

Surrender is death, not surrender or die! This Lu Su really will persuade.

"Lu Zijing, I ask you if you are a big man!" Liu Wei did not want to bully the honest man but now he has to speak, because the Liu family private soldiers in the city are somewhat shaken, and they do not need to fight when they surrender. Let's go! Snoring is a need for dead people, and the enemies underneath are numbs of tens of times more than the enemy.

"Well?!" Lu Su brows wrinkled, what the king wants to say. Although I don't understand, Lu Su still nodded and said yes! Although it is a troubled world now, the reputation of the Han Dynasty is still there, so those dignitaries who do not put Handi in their eyes but honestly call Hanchen, the reputation of the Han Dynasty for eight hundred years is not to say, Only Yuan Road, who was lost by the greed of the mind, was directly guilty of the emperor. Then the ending is also certain, that is, the group will attack and attack, and finally only the way to defeat.

"Then I will ask you if Yucheng belongs to Qijiang County?! Is this Lujiang County belong to Yangzhou!" Liu Wei asked again.

"Yes!" Yucheng started from Lukang as the governor of the Lijiang River, and Lujiang County belonged to the entire Yangzhou.

"Well! Lu Sujing, Lu Sujing, you seem to have forgotten that this king does not only have the throne of the sire and the sergeant general of the South, not to mention this Yangzhou, even if Yuzhou Jingzhou Yizhou is in the territory of the king! How come you call this place the city of the Lord! What are the faces of the people who are killing the people! Under the heavens, it is the kingdom of the earth, and I am the king of the Han Dynasty, and I am the one to defend the animal husbandry. This city is under my rule! The Lord is only a member of the Kuaiji Taishou. If you see that the king is not squatting, you still want to commit the following crimes? If you really regard my Dahan law as nothing!"

Ok! Lu Su used the righteousness to press Liu Wei to expect Liu Yu to surrender. Instead, he was led by Liu Wei. You Lusu is not acknowledging that he is a big man! You Lusu is not following the Han room! Now on the Han Dynasty, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, the general of the Han Dynasty, is here. Don’t say that the whole city of Yangzhou is even under the rule of Liu Wei. What else do you have to say about Lu Su! Do you want to rebel against the imperial court?

To tell the truth, now the Han Dynasty Handi has authority, and the princes of all places are yin and yang. In addition to the history of the state, the other official positions are determined by the princes themselves. How can you ignore the Handi, if the Handi is useful? Then, Cao Yu does not need to start the military conquest, and directly let the Han Emperor's next imperial decree not do it!

Of course, this is only a hidden rule. On the bright side, it is still a respectable Chinese room. Liu Wei is now playing this kind of bright and honest, and he has to be a loyal loyal loyal to the Han Dynasty. You really can't take him.

General Zheng Nan is one of the four generals, only under the generals of the car, really true, but the characters of the commander of the four continents

"You!" Lu Su is really not a good debater. Lu Su's plan is biased toward stability. In the original Lu Su succeeded Zhou Yu as the Soochow Metropolitan Governor. He is steady and steady, although he is small but not Lost.

"When the king loses his morality, he naturally needs to be corrected by the minister! I am talking about the king of the king!" A familiar voice passed from the army.

"Sun Ce!" Liu Wei’s eyes glimpsed, and the phoenix-winged crown that came out of the battlefield was not exactly the same as Liu Ce who had a feast with Liu Wei!

"His Royal Highness does not know that General Su Fei can be well!" Sun Ce smiled and looked at Liu Wei on the city tower.

"Su Fei!" Liu Yu felt a pain in his heart, it was a water army handsome talent, so it was abolished by Sun Ce, people! People are jealous! How can I go to such a hand?

"Do not bother the Sun Ce general to worry, but the taste of the meatloaf can be okay!" Liu Wei knows that now is not sad, he wants to help Su Fei revenge, this 100,000 army I Liu Wei decided.

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, your father-in-law thinks about me, and I have a number of jewels. I don't want to let you spend the time. I don't want to let the city go to the army to prepare hot food, big wedding night. I invite you to celebrate together, but how do you treat the Sun Ce in the military, take my city, kill my wife, and even more harm to the whole city, and the whole family, how can you get down? Going out, those are the people of my great man!" Sun Ce is upright. In his mouth, Lu Bu and Liu Wei are a ungrateful villain. I don’t know if the Entu newspaper has captured the people’s city and killed the people. And Mrs.

If you don't know the scene, the people really want to be confused by Sun Ce.

"Sun Bo Fu, when did you become so fake!" Liu Wei face disdain "I haven't given you revenge for your army in Lijiang! The value of the river in Huangzhou is not the price of your thousands of stones." As for killing you, you are saying this!"

Liu Wei’s sword in his hand slammed a skull hanging on the wall and fell on the ground. The wall of the city had three feet. When a meat-made thing faded into the ground, it turned into a muddy burst. Assassination of other people’s family, it’s really a big handwriting, a big handwriting! Only General Sun Ce is willing to do it!”

It is true that Sun Ce regrets that a refining warrior is not so good. Every one is a baby-like thing. He can be a soldier who can also be a soldier’s courage. The sword can be inserted directly into the enemy's heart.

For example, Gongsun’s white horse is righteous. Originally, there was Zhao Yun’s existence. Under the leadership of Zhao Yun, he was invincible. No one was able to stop in front. Later, Zhao Yun was sent to Qingzhou by Gongsun, and then Baima from the righteousness met the big cavalry of the cavalry. It’s only a matter of hate and returning to the camp.

Sun Ce regrets is sad, then one person is angry.

"Liu Xiao children, if you have the courage, you will go down with me Jiang Qin for three hundred rounds. I must take your head off and pay homage to my brother!" A tiger-backed battle will be played from Sun Cejun. Liu Wei, on the wall, yelled.

"Jiang Qin!" Well! This enemy is coming together, that is, you are so defeated by General Su Fei! Even if Jiang Qin does not come to Liu Wei, Liu Wei will dig up Jiang Qin. Today, use your head to pay homage to General Su Fei.

"Huang Zhong is here!" Liu Wei stared at the roaring man below.

"The end will be!" Huang Zhong stepped out and hugged his fist.

"General Huang, the screamer under the city is the chief culprit in killing General Su Fei. I want you to bring two thousand urban management soldiers to give me the head of this thief!"

"The end will lead the life!" Huang Zhong and Su Fei's feelings are also very good, knowing that the following is called Jiang Qin is the murderer who killed Su Fei.

"Hey!" The drums smashed up. The big battalion in Yucheng slowly opened up to be the giant shield, then the pikemen and archers. Only the remaining dozens of cavalry were sent out by Liu Wei. It is.

"Ready to come out in the field?!" Sun Ce looked at the direction of Yucheng. "I want to die faster, then I will fulfill you!" The entire army of Sun City received only a thousand troops, and even defending the entire city is a problem, now it is Dare to go out of the city, this 蜀王刘莽 is really an idiot looking for death.

Yes, Liu Wei is out of town to prepare for the field, but it is not looking for death! He is breaking the deadlock, and is also encouraging morale. For the courage of the soldiers, a lion can defeat a sheep with a flock of sheep and a group of lions! Why is that? Because the soldiers are raging, they will bear a nest.

Huang Zhong is a trump card in the hands of Liu Wei, refining the gods and peaks. In addition to Lu Boss, no one is his opponent. The first battle is the most test of the ancient cold weapon moments. When the tiger is closed, Dong Zhuo is why there is no fear because there is Lu Bu! Lüb’s first battle to kill the enemy, to kill one to kill two, can be said to completely defeat the 18th princes, so even if the strength is several times Dong Zhuo, they dare not step into Thunder pool half step.

What Liu Wei needs now is the victory of the first battle. This will not only attack the morale of the opposite side, but also improve the morale of his army. The thousand thousand private soldiers have actually gone through the battlefield for less than a thousand. This is why it is clear that the two sides of the north and the south, Liu Wei needs to The city management army spread out to give them the reason.

The enemies underneath this are Liu Wei’s guilty conscience, let alone those who have not been on the battlefield. Liu Wei urgently needs a victory to bring the morale of the entire army.

"Jiang Qin Jiang Gongyi is here, the enemy will quickly come out and die!" Jiang Qin hit the horse in front of the moat, and then rushed to attack and then pulled again. He was provocative.

The city management army also listed the battlefield, and came out of the battle horse from a figure in the battlefield.

As soon as he saw the person, Jiang Qin smiled, and his mouth flashed some contemptuous look. "Lu Bujun is no one! Send this toothless veteran!" (To be continued.)

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