My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 153: Three English Wars Huang Zhong (2)

"My brother's life is coming!" The wounds on Jiang Qin's body and the wounds on his face were as **** as the ghosts crawling out of hell, but what about the ghosts, he Huang Zhong did everything. Block the enemy in front of you.

Jiang Qin slammed the horse and jumped up. The broadsword fell from the sky, and the anger of hatred was already in the heart of Jiang Qin.

"Send you to see your elder brother!" Huang Zhong said coldly. He used his strength to fly up. One person jumped into the air and could make his attack power increase by gravity. But don't forget, you are a human being, you can't fly at all, you can't change your direction in the air, you can only fall, so in front of the master is completely the target of the flaw.

Huang Zhong is such a master.

"Public!" Tai Shici also jumped up. He wanted to stop Huang Zhong or he would definitely be smashed into two halves by Huang Zhong in the air.

Tai Shici regretted it when he jumped together, because Huang Zhong did not jump at all. He was only tempting Tai Shici. Tai Shici was too annoying in front of him, and it was too annoying. Only by removing this obstacle can he directly kill Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin has already flown into the air and can fall at any time. Since he jumped to his side, why did Huang Zhong want to meet it? Just sit on the horse and wait for a blow to kill.

"Kill!" Jiang Qin's eyes have been reddened. He has been completely surrounded by hatred. His eyes are only Huang Zhong, and Huang Zhong, who is in the province, is looking for him.

"Dead!" Huang Zhong’s golden knife was violently pulled up. This time even Taishi Ci could not see the "public servant!" Tai Shici could not bear to see Jiang Qin being Huang Zhongyu into two scenes. Although he and Jiang Qin did not have much affection, but after all, the same account will be a total of robes, if you can save too Shici must save!

"Kill!" Jiang Qin also knows that he may be directly killed by Huang Zhong, but he can't help it. He wants revenge, even if his knife only hurts Huang Zhong a finger.

"Get back!" Huang Zhong suddenly felt that he was locked, and a sense of crisis came over. The subconscious Huang Zhong's knife changed his angle.


"Hey!" The two voices rang at the same time, and the screaming sound was the sound of blood. Although Huang Zhong changed his angle, he still cut Jiang Qin. One arm fell in the roots. The whole knife was cut down by Huang Zhong’s golden knife. The broken interface was very smooth, and the blood vessels did not have time to respond to the arm. No, the blood will only splash afterwards.

A bang, it was a broken rifle. It is extremely fast, coming directly to Huang Zhong’s chest. If Huang Zhong insisted on killing Jiang Qin, it might be killed, but Huang Zhong himself would have to be worn by this long gun. It was never something that Huang Zhong had to consider, so his knife changed the angle of the rifle and took away one of Jiang Qin’s arms.

"Ah!" The violent pain made Chiang Chin's mind clear. He discovered that he had walked in front of the ghost gate, and the steel gun returned to the owner's side. A military officer with a phoenix-winged crown leaped and caught the rifle and rushed toward Huang Zhong.

Sun Ce! The owner of Jiang Dongjun, a man who is almost older than Huang Zhong’s son, has laid down the entire site of Soochow.

Some people have said that if Sun Ce is still alive, then there is no such thing as the three countries. At the very least, after Cao Cao finished Yuan Shao, he had to lose most of Yuzhou. Even Xu had to move to the capital. Liu Bei Liu Da Er would not want to borrow Jingzhou and borrow it, and don’t want to enter Yizhou to be the emperor. Jingzhou can't help but attack the little bully. In the end, the bully can connect Jiangzhou Jingzhou Yizhou to the Yangtze River and Tian Cao and Cao Cao. It is not impossible to force Lao Cao to Hebei.

why! Because Sun Cejiang's small bully is too horrible, he not only has the general force of Lu Bu, but he is more mature than Lu Bu than Lu Bu, of course, this is the aspect of being a master.

The battle of Chibi. Why did Cao Cao’s army go south? Why did Sun Quan’s men persuade Sun Quan to surrender? Because they were afraid, they were afraid of Cao Cao’s 800,000 army. Similarly, Cao Cao was afraid of one person, that is, a living Sun Ce, even Guo Jia’s one for Cao Cao. The semi-enemy Sun Ce is one. Liu Bei can only count half.

When Sun Ce died, Cao Cao took a sigh of relief and then dared to wholeheartedly prepare for the official war.

Now such a master figure has rushed up to face Huang Zhong, a long gun is good at stabbing, sweeping, pumping! You can attack and attack the face. There are many people who can use the guns during the Three Kingdoms period, such as Zhang Ren, Zhang Xiu, Zhao Yun. These three are all masters of the ancestors Tong Yuan, Zhang Ren Zhang embroidery can only be regarded as first-class. The military commander, while Zhao Yun is the first-class peak, the three have used their own guns to spell everything in this troubled world.

The next one is Chen, and this is the character that Zhao Yun has covered up. In fact, Chen is not weak at all, but it is slightly inferior to Zhao Yun. If he is worse, Chen will not be regarded as a sharp white soldier by Liu Bei. The leader of the army, for Liu Bei, Chen is like the Gaoshun Zhang Liao of Lu Bu.

Gao Shun does not speak martial arts is not the peak, but his training skills are a must, the camp is not afraid of any elite part of the world.

Among these people, the most powerful guns are Zhao Yun and Sun Ce, Zhao Yun’s hundred birds toward the phoenix, Sun Ce’s overlord gun, and Sun Ce’s reason is called Jiangdong Xiaobawang because of this tyrant gun in his hand.

The full name of the tyrant gun is the West Chu tyrant gun. This gun is said to have been used by the former Chu Chu King Xiang Yu, and later spread to the hands of Sun Ce once again to show him the edge.

The entire long gun is more than three meters long than the cavalry's long gun. The cold weapon era is about one inch long and one inch strong. This fighter gun is not only long but also heavy, weighing ninety-one pounds. Made of ferroniobium, the gun head is made of ferroniobium, and the gun head can feel cold without stinging people.

Tai Shici once ate Sun Zhi, the master of the gun, and now it is Huang Zhong’s turn.

When Jindao hit the overlord gun, Huang Zhong felt that his hand was sinking. His golden knife had already had 72 pounds. It was a golden back machete, but he still had no such heavy gun.

One inch long and one inch strong is good, but the longer the gun has the biggest drawback as the cavalry gun, that is, it can only be attacked far, and he will not be able to fight in melee. Therefore, the cavalry’s cavalry gun is only used when the gun is used up. Fight the horse and fight again, and wait until the end of the war to find a cavalry gun.

"Close!" Huang Zhong knows that he can't win in the distance with Sun Ce. You can't even touch people if you can't even win. Only close to him, the weight of the gold knife in the hand is close to melee and the advantage of the long gun can't be played. At that time, Sun Ce will not work.

When he said that he would do it, Huang Zhongyi’s horse-bellied horse immediately rushed up. The horse under Huang Zhong’s battle was not a god, but the time of accompanying Huang Zhong was quite a lot. One person and one horse had a tacit understanding.

Sun Ce also noticed Huang Zhong’s thoughts, but he did not slow down, but he was still pointed by a long gun. The charge was not limited, the King’s gun! Since the name of the overlord naturally wants to dominate the world, how can it shrink?

"Hey!" A knife and a gun collided in the air, splashing a series of fires, black iron and gold big knife only one face two pieces of collision collision no less than ten times.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and Huang Zhong is only one horse away from Sun Ce. The pike has not been able to play the long-term advantage he deserves. Come to me now! Huang Zhong's one-armed arm is on the knife. Sun Ce's overlord's gun is a hegemony. The same knife is also overbearing. It is overbearing to crush opponents with absolute strength.

"Ang!" Huang Zhong did not shoot, but it must be amazing. The big knife has risen to the feeling of dragons because of the speed too fast. A golden dragon figure emerges on the golden knife face. This is this. The inner part of the knife is also the place where Huang Zhong inherits. The golden knife is the full name of the golden dragon knife. Only when the martial arts of Huang Zhong is tempered to a certain extent, when a knife is used, such a golden dragon will appear on the knife surface. .

"Hurry!" Sun Ce was shocked. This veteran is really strong. No wonder he can hold Jiang Qin in his hands. Even the sons of Ziyi can't stop him, but you think that his Sun Ce is a good bully. wrong.

Sun Ce has a sigh of relief. It is true that the advantages of the long gun are all on one word length. But if you think that once you lose the power of the rifle, you have to pay the price. Tai Shici once had a confrontation with Sun Ce. He also The same thoughts of Huang Zhong, I almost lost my life. If it was not the experience of perennial battles, I saved the life of Tai Shici. Now, there is Sun Ce’s love.

“Hey!” Sun Ce snorted, and the gun in his hand was bent at a level that was almost twisted.

"Hey!" Pressing a nearly four-meter long gun to this extent, once released, naturally the power that he broke out is also terrifying.

Nothing is slower than Huang Zhong’s knife. The iron arm of the iron is slamming out. If you hit the human body, you will definitely smash the bones. If you hit the vital part, you will wait for the corpse!

"Not good!" Huang Zhong’s heart is tight. If only a changeable form of the tyrannical gun Huang Zhong can completely avoid it, but now there is more than a pair of eyes, and too Shi Ci also reflected over, two It’s hard to deal with Huang Zhong’s practice, even if he was accidentally on Sun Ce’s.

To avoid the tyrannical gun, Taishi Ci will be stabbed in two holes. If you avoid the shackles of Tai Shici, then you will be unable to hold the armor if you are robbed by the overlord.

Jiang Qin, who had broken his arm on the ground, also bit his teeth and waved the big knife again.

Is it true that the generation will be degraded by Xing Huangzhong?

PS: Finished! Can't be lazy! Depressed to die! Yesterday, the difference of two thousand words will be completed today! The last time I was four thousand, I made up eight thousand! Really not a person to play!

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