My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 176: select

Like the wall of the city, there was a massacre in Sun Cejun’s camp. All the slaves’ slaves were killed by Tai Shici with Danyang soldiers. Sun Ce’s own for the sake of clearing the line. The relatives did not let go, and Sun Ce personally sent him on the road in the eyes of the Wu family's master.

Wiping the blood stains on his hands, Sun Ce said coldly, "The child is ready for everything!"

"All the bosses are ready!" Lu Su said with a fist, he is not like the kind of wholeheartedness of the beginning, and the kind of worship, but a fear of a respect.

Today, Sun Ce can kill his kinsmen in order to annex those private soldiers, that tomorrow! I am afraid I will kill him Lu Su! This person has the ambition to be a generation of heroes but not the lord of the ruling son. This time the Battle of Lijiang ended, Lu Su was ready to hang back to the Kuaiji, perhaps that person had what he needed.

"Then be ready to start!" Sun Ce also stood up. He took the helmet handed over by the pro-armor and picked up the Xichu Bawang who belonged to him. He was ready to leave the camp.

"The Lord is your injury!" Tai Shici was a little hesitant. He was the general of the generals who knew the depth of the injury. Sun Ce’s injury was completely serious for the average person. Even if Sun Ce had already broken the forging, now it is the peak of refining the god. The warrior, but the injury is still hurt, this can't change, one day can't heal.

"Do not worry, I am fine!" Sun Ce waved his hand, his injury he knows, he also knows that the injury is a hundred days. He also wants to rest, but time is not allowed. Today, he must break through the city, otherwise he will not say revenge. It is a problem to be able to withdraw from the army safely.

Looking at the worry of Tai Shici's face, Sun Ce's heart is soft. "I have my own thoughts! Rest assured that your lord has not taken you to the world, how can you die like this!" Sun Ce dare to play in person Naturally, he has his considerations. Although he has been rushing forward and retreating in the past, he is not a master. It is more like a military commander, but this does not mean that Sun Ce is stupid. He will do what he is not sure about!

"I know!" Tai Shici nodded and he left with a fist. He was not Lu Su. He was a military commander who did not have the literati's wounds in the spring and autumn. He did not have so many strategies to think about. What he needs to do is to help him. The main public is in charge. He was convinced that Sun Ce is because Sun Ce was convinced from the martial arts personality, but also because Sun Ce was convinced that they had been enemies.

Don't say that Sun Ce only killed such people. Even if Sun Ce and Liu Wei had slaughtered tens of thousands of people, he would never leave.

"Oh!" The drums rang again, without the leg of the sects, without their fingering. Sun Cejun became more and more formal, and there were not so many mixed flags. In front of the Chinese army, five thousand Danyang soldiers and 10,000 ordinary soldiers were on standby.

The ladder in their hands, the sword is ready. Even after these soldiers, there is a big car that helps the giant wood. These are the rushing cars, also called the cloud car, which is a siege weapon. He came to the gate of the city. He didn’t come out because of the time, but today’s day’s battle was not used because of the city’s noon, and Sun Cejun got the army. Now they need them to play their strength.

"Rushing!" Liu Wei looked at the one or two cars there with a telescope. In the ancient siege, in addition to occupying the city wall, there was another one that broke the gate. These rushing cars were made up of hundreds or even Thousands of people pushed him to the city gate. The front end of the giant wood was made of iron, which was extremely strong. Every collision could bring a huge blow to the city gate.

"Drums, marching!" Sun Ce’s long-handed gun pointed out that he must break the city gate of this city today, "kill!"

"Kill!" Five thousand Danyang soldiers took the lead, they were the elite nature of Sun Cejun, and most of the ladders were also handed over to Danyang soldiers by Sun Ce. Now Danyang soldiers are led by Tai Shici, a refining **** commander, one It’s chilling to the eyes.

"One thousand steps, eight hundred steps, seven hundred cloths, six hundred steps, four hundred cloths, three hundred steps!" The moat of the city was buried in Sun Sijun as early as yesterday, and it was no longer able to block Sun Ce. The army’s tens of meters of river surface was rushed by one after another.

"Let's throw the arrow!" Liu Wei slammed his hand, and the moat was only a few dozen miles away from the city wall. It happened to be in the range of bow and arrow throwing. In front of Liu Wei is to attract more Sun Cejun to the wall, so that the city management army will let Sun Ce I’m close to playing again, but now the same strategy is impossible to use twice. Sun Ce also knows that there is a heavy armor in the city, so he chooses to bloom everywhere, if you Liu Wei also put the three thousand heavy armor Putting the battle together, then you are waiting for the city to be broken. If you don’t put it together, then the heavy armor will not only become a powerful weapon, but because of the heavy armor, let them stay in the city. It is a weaker point than an ordinary soldier.


The sound of screaming death is broken down in the following. Most of the shots are shot by ordinary soldiers, while the Danyang soldiers are constantly swaying around. They are not avoiding the arrows, but hiding in front of them. Behind him, use the body of the person in front to stop the damage of the arrow to himself. The typical dead friend is not dead.

Therefore, those ordinary soldiers are unlucky, and Liu Wei’s one arrow has suffered at least thousands of deaths and injuries.

How many thousands of deaths, Sun Ce has soldiers and horses, and there are no piles of soldiers. Sun Ce also needs Liu Bujun’s Lu Bujun to hone for these miscellaneous soldiers. What can survive this war is definitely The military is elite, and these tens of thousands of miscellaneous soldiers Sun Ce can be half as long as they can survive.

"Up!" Another battalion of ordinary soldiers was caught on the front line. These are the private soldiers of the sects. They were supervised by their respective masters one day ago. These private soldiers are all money in the eyes of the sects, so The sects will not easily send these private soldiers, and these private soldiers will be happy. Because the battlefield is going to be dead.

However, at noon, they sent people from the Sun Cejun camp, telling them that their master had already died on the wall. They are now vested in the commander of the Jiangdong army, and it is impossible to escape to the city wall.

Although they were holding a big knife, they could use the knife as a fork as a shovel. The sects of the sergeants rushed toward the wall.

The ladder has already been built on the wall, and Sun Cejun, who is densely wormed like a worm, has attacked the city.

"He said, we are doing this now!" In the Danyang soldiers, although there was a battalion of people who ran very positively, they quickly rushed to the bottom of the city wall, but they never climbed the ladder to the city, but were everywhere in the city.徘徊 模 。 。.

"Can do this! Energizer is less on the wall!" Lin egg is big, no. No, Chu Zhongtian bit his teeth. Danyang Bing now has 5,000 people left. They have basically lost one-fifth of the Danyang soldiers in this battalion. It is too obvious to move.

That's right. This is the Chuzi camp in Danyang soldiers. Each of them has a white strip wrapped around their arms.

"No! This is too obvious!" Two dogs are on the side, Danyang soldiers are the first to rush to the wall. But now many of the soldiers are on the wall, but they still rely on it. It is easy to see that one of the ten people may not see one, but one of the five people is less obvious.

"What to do!" Chu Zhongtian also ignited. "Don't you want to go to the city wall and fight with the three grandfathers?!" He saw it yesterday, knowing that there are not many soldiers on the wall, especially when Sun Ce Chen Wudong After the three generals went to the city wall, Lu Bujun retired, and Chu Zhongtian at that time. The heart is smashed, and he is too worried about the safety of the three grandfather.

Later, Yucheng held it, which made Chu Zhongtian relieve his breath, but now he has to attack the city.

"No! You must go up!" said the two dogs. The clothes worn by the thousand people in Danyang are not likely to be mixed with you.

"Well!?" The two dogs guessed correctly. They have been noticed, standing in the middle of the army, Lu Su frowned. Yesterday, yesterday, this Chu character camp went to the city wall and then suddenly retreated. Originally, Lu Su thought that the enemy on the wall was too fierce, because the other camps had progress, only the Chu character camp was repulsed. It can only be said that the Chu Character Camp encountered a hard bone.

However, Lu Su’s discovery at night was not the same thing. The 10,000 Danyang soldiers’ wall finally came back with only 5,000. Every big battalion has losses. There are only a hundred people left in the loss, but this Chu The word camp has only died less than a hundred people, and the injury is only a few dozen. It is not normal.

In addition, a camp officer from the left character camp reported to him. He said that the Chu character camp was squatting on the wall. They were Danyang soldiers. Sun Cejun should also swear by Sun Ce instead of kneeling on the wall. Suyi thought it was the camp officer of the left character camp who hated the Chu character camp, because these two camps were originally enemies, and meeting them was a day of fighting and not being uncomfortable for a day.

However, this scene now makes Lu Su doubt again. This Chuzi camp wants other Danyang soldiers to go to the city wall and the left character camp is still under the city. Is it true that the left-hand camp officer said it is true.

Just when Lu Su thought about whether to tell Sun Ce this idea, the Chu character mobilized, and 800 people began to climb the ladder and rushed toward the wall.

"Hmm?!" On the wall? The doubts in Lu Su’s heart began to be dispelled. Is it really wrong to blame them? Just because the number of people in front was too high, Lu Su shook his head. As long as he went to the city wall, it was time to go to the city wall.

"Kill!" More and more Sun Cejun rushed to the wall but did not break through the defense of Lu Bujun.

Three thousand black chess troops took off their heavy armor, heavy armor is too heavy, one hundred pounds twice a good time, the number of times, and even the strength of holding a knife may not be, and some replaced the city management army Equipment, some directly in the cloth.

They wear heavy armor and are heavy-armed. They take off the heavy armor and they are elite soldiers. The black-flag army who wears the armor of the city management army is mainly engaged in the battle. They must be able to slash and kill people with a knife and a knife. One person dared to slap a few Danyang soldiers, but the black chess army that did not wear the armor could not be underestimated. They were extremely flexible and had no armor protection, but Sun Cejun’s sword could not cut them because they were too fast. Now, I can always avoid the attack of Sun Cejun. I avoided a knife and he gave Sun Cejun a sword. A sword must have blood.

"Ready for the car!" Sun Ce looked at the movement on the wall, Danyang Bing and those miscellaneous soldiers are difficult to break through the defense of the city, this is what it is like!

Yesterday's urban management army Sun Ce knew that it was a strong soldier under the slogan of Liu Wang, who was good at united and well-armed. The three thousand city management army and five thousand miscellaneous soldiers actually resisted the attack of 10,000 Danyang soldiers.

The army that appears on the wall now, although wearing the armor of the city management army, but Sun Ce knows that this is not a city management army, the city management army is a heavy attack, and now this army is mostly fighting each other, singled out this is Danyang Bing The strengths, single-handedly a group of dragons, a group of insects worthy of the Danyang soldiers, you can not expect Danyang soldiers to play the military array, you can only count on Danyang soldiers to go to the battle.

But this is the case, Danyang soldiers who are single-handedly one-stop are not the opponents of these mysterious soldiers. Often, the death of two or three Danyang soldiers can bring damage to a mysterious department.

Who are they? In the camp? Sun Ce guessed that this is a heavy armor, and the only heavy armor under Lu Bu’s hands is trapped!

wrong! Sun Ce shook his head and swayed the camp. Gao Shun commander, Sun Ce did not see Gao Shun's figure. You must know that Chen Wu and Dong attack of Sun Cejun were able to kill Liu Wei, and Liu Wei was Lu Bujun. If you are a small protagonist, it is impossible to save Liu Wei if Gao Shun is in it.

It’s not the camp! When Lu Bu’s men had such a piece of music, it’s terrible to be trapped in the camp and the state wolf ride. With such a black army, how much strength Lu Bu hides.

If Sun Ce knows that this piece was originally his Sun Ce, it was Zhou Zhou’s enthusiasm for helping Sun Si to fight the world for the sake of Zhou’s future, but it was only directly given by Zhou Cheng’s defeated family. Lost, and finally I was taken over by Liu Wei.

If you know this, Sun Ce must vomit blood. These three thousand elites not only prevented Sun Cejin from being the chief culprit in the city, but also killed Sun Ce’s soldiers.

A frame of rushing began to move. Under the leadership of five thousand ordinary soldiers, it rushed toward the wall of the city. Now it is already a chaotic battle in the city. Although Danyang soldiers can’t beat the black chess army, they have The help of the miscellaneous soldiers still dragged the black chess army.

The Black Chess Army is also killing the enemy, and is simply unable to take care of the rushing car.

Even a decent arrow rain did not encounter the rush to the city.

"Boom!" The first wave of attacks began. Two rushing cars slammed into the gates one after the other, and the punches wrapped in iron sheets slammed on the gates.

The huge city gate, which was spoiled with millennium wood and copper juice, also made a loud voice.

"Someone is hitting the city gate!" Huang Zhong is a veteran who has experienced more battles than Liu Wei has eaten. Naturally, this sounds like the sound of a car crashing into the city gate. If the city gate is broken, Sun Ce’s tens of thousands The army can only rush into it directly, and at that time it can't stop it.

"Less master! Let me bring people to open the gate and shatter this car!" The way to deal with the car can only be washed out to break him, but now the walls are full of Sun Cejun, the black chess army to deal with these People are still difficult, and there are other soldiers to support the city.

"Hey!" Sun Ce’s mouth sneered, and he was watching the city’s squatting horses. This made the Danyang soldiers directly press, that is, to drag the defenders on the city, let Liu Wei’s shackles, if you If you want a city wall, then these two cars can crash and destroy your city gate. If you want the city gate, then the walls of the few soldiers can't keep it.

"Liu Wei Liu Hanyang, I see how you choose!" Sun Ce looked at the top of the city, the golden figure, whether it was to break the city gate or take down the city wall is the time when Sun Ce won the city.

"Choose?!" When Sun Ce looked at Liu Wei, Liu Wei was watching Sun Ce! That lonely and overbearing figure can’t be noticed.

PS: Big loss! Another two thousand! I go! I have to make up four thousand tomorrow!

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