My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 192: Strong man cutting wrist (1)

And the state wolf rides over the sky, they are non-stop. They keep on chasing the next day to relieve the siege of the city. Now they have finally arrived in the city. Lu Bu’s face is blue, because the tall wall of the city is no longer the same, and all the outside are burnt. The traces of the blackness, Lu Bu did not know what it was, but there was no one on the city. The banner of Lu Bujun was broken on the ground, and the banner of Liu Weicheng’s army was gone, but the city was piled up. All are corpses.

The gates of the city were also broken, and all of them were blocked.

"Yucheng is like this! How is Han Yang going! There are still children, how are they doing!" These are all things that Lu Bu wants to consider. The only thing that makes Lu Bu happy is that Sun Cejun did not appear on the city. The flag is over. If the city is really captured by Sun Ce, Lu Bu does not know if he will not be able to directly attack the city.

"The Lord, it looks like the city has not been broken!" Cheng Yu is also a side of chest tightness on the side, although he took the two hundred cavalry battalion soldiers to go to Lubu for help, but now for their remaining urban management army Like a deserter, the city has been labeled like this. Those robes, the brothers, they said that it is the same life.

"It’s almost broken!" Lu Bu knows that a city has been made like this. The death and injury of the three days should be very heavy. In the city of Yucheng, he left Liu Wei with only three thousand city management troops, plus Liu’s investment. That is only 8,000 people, so some people have to defend the city under the attack of 100,000 troops, even if Lu Bu also thinks they can't hold it!

Xiacheng is not such an example! He Lu Bu has a large army of 70,000, but in the end he was directly beaten by Cao Cao's 150,000-strong army. The remaining two thousand people are missing. The Xiacheng City is broken. If Liu Wei does not appear, he should now appear at the first level of Lu Bu. In the hands of Cao Cao, his red rabbit, his Fangtian painting, now exists in Cao Cao's Xudu.

In Kaiyang City, the soldiers and horses in Lu Bu’s hands are more than the current Liu Wei, but he can only choose to break through. People don't need to use other people's heads to pile up your dead. One person can kill a hundred people and kill thousands of people! Even if there are some wars, but other soldiers! They are not a warrior. Those who can kill one person are regarded as ordinary soldiers. Those who kill two people have already counted as veterans. It is really elite in killing ten people. At least in the military, it is a military position.

"Sun Ce withdrew!" Cheng Yu looked at the Sun Cejun who had been removed from the wall. They were back in the back and the state wolves were riding. These were heavy cavalry, and they encountered a step in the wilderness. There is nothing else that can stop the cavalry charge. The ordinary step of encountering the cavalry is completely slaughter. It is better than maneuvering that he is not an opponent of the cavalry. The long cavalry knives of the combat cavalry can easily tear their bodies, and they do not harm the cavalry. It is not the long knife in their hands that can be broken.

Therefore, often a thousand cavalry can drive tens of thousands of steps. The reason why the Central Plains is always invaded by foreigners is that these foreigners have cavalry. They are people who live on horseback. When they step on the cavalry, if they have good quality, they may stay and resist. The people with bad qualities in their hearts will be scared directly in the army and they will go around. The mad rush will be broken everywhere, and luck can escape. If the luck is not good, they will panic or even attack the formation of the friendly army. For example, when they encounter the Yuzhou cavalry, those of the Lu Bujun’s squadrons, if Liu Wei’s heart is going to kill a lot, I am afraid that the formation of the city management army is directly It was washed away, and the broken step was that the two-legged sheep were free to kill.

"Want to go! Give him a face-to-face ceremony!" Lu Bu’s mouth was sneer, and Sun Cejun had been playing for so long. The city has become like this, it is time to calculate the account.

"The Lord is!" Cheng Yu stunned, but they came on a long journey. These people did not stop day and night. Now they are almost like the end of the strong, they should have time, they should arrive two hours earlier, but they Two hours have been postponed. That is, some people in the state wolf can't hold on, not just the people who are the horses can not hold on, the horses began to spit, the horseshoe panic. The state wolf ride is very strong, especially the old wolves who used to ride the wolves in the state. They are even more energetic. They used to be outside the plug, but they were far away from the plug. It’s normal for those people to smoke. If you are not careful, you will get lost. It is impossible to touch it for ten days and a half, so it is normal for them to travel long distances.

However, there are also those recruits in the state wolf riding. Cheng Yu admitted that Zhang Liao’s generals had a very good set. From Kaiyang to here, he hardly organized the state wolf ride from the new organization. The old ones are small, will Can't teach.

But time is the time. Although they can ride the horses to control the horses, the swords in their hands can also be slashed toward the enemy, but they have not experienced such a long-distance trek, and they do not stop day and night. This is a strong man who insists. Can't live, it is the rain, the military commander also feels uncomfortable, not to mention the ordinary soldiers.

"What do I teach you to teach!" Lu Bu looked at the rain and let the rain become cold. This is what looks like a wolf! Correct! It is the look of the wolf king, the kind of scorpion guard, the kind of expression of the wolf king after the wolf scorpion who looked at himself was injured.

Cheng Yu is the hand of Liu Wei, so Lu Bu will answer the rain. This tone is already the ultimate in Lu Bu. If it is other ordinary military Sima, Lu Bu will not care.

"Hunting has begun!" Lu Buyi took the lead in the golden armor and guided the entire wolf as a pointing target.

"Hungry, hungry, hungry!" The wolves began to smash on the moon. They are wolves. They are wolves. Under the leadership of the Wolf King, what they want is to tear open the enemy's body and engulf the enemy's body. Tired? Maybe they will be tired? They will not hold on, but the wolf is a wolf. The wolf is the most venomous animal in the world. They are also the most forbearing animals.

"Tear, tear them apart!" And the state wolf rider's horse attacked the past with Sun Cejun, who was retreating under the city.

"Not good!" Sun Ce is also in the crowd. They feel that the huge wolf group is attacking these broken Sun Cejun, and the stepping **** can't resist Lu Bujun. Sun Che has a well-informed Cavalry. He knows that what he needs at this time is not to sprint, but to avoid.

"It’s attacking!" Lu Suqiang stood on the watchtower with his body on his side. He was followed by a pile of military sergeants, who were a group of hungry wolves who rushed toward the food in their mouth. Go, these broken sheep are not opponents at all. How can 10,000 horses and horses be in the wilderness, that is exactly 10,000 sheep.

"Ah, ah!" And the state wolf ride began to confront each other. They directly tore a hole in the flock. They put the cavalry guns together. The cavalry could not be used at this time. The cavalry guns were used. To tear open the battle. And these broken steps have been tangled up, how could there be a military array?

"Ao!" The blood stimulated these wolves. They became more and more crazy. The cavalry knives in their hands were immediately wounded and wounded. The enemies behind them did not have to go to the hospital. Naturally, there were people behind them to solve them. They only need to charge and then charge.

Lu Su now knows what is called the Hezhou wolf, and finally knows why the state cavalry was named after the wolf cavalry. They are really a group of wolves, a group of wolves who feel desperate and feel the death.

"The lord of the military division, the lord is there!" An eye-catching soldier had an excellent eye. He saw a man wearing a phoenix-winged helmet on the head of the armor in the broken army. That is not their master Gongsun! There is also a Tai Shici guard on the side. After they came down from the city wall, he ran wildly. The horses of both Shi Shici and Sun Ce were taken back, so the two could only be mixed in the soldiers.

But how can people's speed be the speed of the horses, so gradually the two will be caught up by the later state wolf ride.

"The military division sent troops! Take the main public back!" Sun Ce has Tai Shici protection, but how can one be the opponent of a group of wolves, not to mention the wolf king watching, once caught by the wolves, then It’s over.

"Outside the army?!" Lu Su looked at Sun Cejun, who was slaughtered by him. He seemed to be thinking about something. But there is no point in sending troops.

"Military division! Come out and send troops to the army!" "Sun strategy has been caught by the state wolf, and the head is a golden warrior. The long scorpion in his hand slammed the past toward the back of their master.

"That's Lu Bu!" Lu Su was talking to himself. His words made the other officers of the school camp, the Sima, a sneak peek. Sun Ce solved the slaves of the sects and planted their deaths. Liu Wei is on the body, but the deputy of this literary warrior has not changed. The first Sun Ce has not had so many grassroots schools, and there is the possibility that the soldiers will not know the soldiers. Therefore, the military officers of these military divisions are all left by the original scholars.

They heard Lu Su said that the golden armor was that Lu Bu could not help but shudder, and Lu Bu’s prestige was not heard. Although I disdain that Lu Bu is a slave to the three surnames, but I really met, I really retired.

They are really afraid that Lu Su will shoot them out to fight Lu Bu.

In addition to the sergeant Sima of these sects, there are two tribes that are under the command of Sun Ce. One is a scout camp and the other is a squadron. The scout camp officer was dead. He was shot by Lu Bu when he was attacking Lu Bujun.

"No one can go out in the big camp!" Lu Su gave a death order. His order made the deputy generals of the clan sighed and sent troops. Now send troops to die! There are 10,000 squadrons there. Once they are rushed to the military squad, it is really finished. Now there is a big battalion to protect and the state wolf can’t attack the big battalion. .

"But that is the Lord, the Lord!" The camp officer of the eagerly watched the soldiers who couldn't believe it. Lu Su, Lu Su, what is he doing, this is what he wants to do, he will not send troops, then the Lord will die, he is going to rebel! The Lord is dead, and Sun Cejun still has the value of existence.

"The military division, you really want to rebel!" Look forward to the barracks officer squatting toward Lusu, looking forward to the barracks officer, so that the eyes of the surrounding soldiers are not right. The soldiers and horses are the main forces of Sun Ce, they It’s not the soldiers brought by the sects. Those who die and die don’t care. Even when there are people on the wall, Lusu issued an order for archery. These soldiers will not have any reaction, those ordinary soldiers. Let’s die if you die. It’s worth the death of the Lord’s great cause.

However, Lu Su is now in contact with their bottom line. Sun Ce is in danger. Now Lu Su is still standing in the big camp and is not allowed to send troops. This makes these soldiers unhappy.

If Sun Ce is dead, they still have the value of existence! Sun Ce is the sky for them.

Therefore, the people around the watch looked at Lu Su's eyes are not the right look. Some people even pulled out the hungry knife in their hands, these people are all elite. After the battlefield cleaning, they really couldn’t help if they had a literary literate.

"What do you want to do!" The soldiers responsible for protecting Lusu also pulled out their knives. They looked at these robes with vigilance. Although they also had opinions on Lusu’s failure to send troops, Sunce’s orders were completely obeyed and protected. Lu Su's safety.

"Please ask the military division to send troops!" The squatting soldier squatted on the ground and looked at Lu Su. His hand had touched the long knife at the waist. There was a kind of violent attack if Lu Su did not send troops. Kill the trend of Lu Su.

"Please ask the military division to send troops!" They were very determined in their words.

Lu Su is also watching the eager soldier. Like the squadrons and the squadrons, Sun Ce is the shackles of Sun Ce. They are all Sun Ceyi's hand-picked up. They can be regarded as squadrons. They are all eye-catching and have certain martial arts, especially the scout camp. Every scout camp comes out. People can be hundreds of people in other units.

The squadron did not retreat at all and was not afraid that Lu Su would look at it so deadly. Until the end, Lu Su removed his eyes and sighed and shook his head. His lord seems to be really very savvy! If Lu Su said that he would not be a soldier, I am afraid that these soldiers can kill themselves.

However, even if Lu Su is still a sentence, "All the troops are on standby, there is no order for me not to go out!"

"If the military division does not blame me!" In the eyes of the eagerly watched the soldiers, he really wanted to start with Lu.

"What are you doing, quit! You know what you are doing!" The military officer responsible for the safety of Lusu was screaming.

"The military division has offended!" The eagerly eagerly pulled out the big knife in his hand and rushed toward Lu Su.

"Bold!" On the side of the person responsible for protecting Lu Su also pulled out the sword to meet, the other squadrons and those Sun Ce, who also pulled out the sword and a shopping fight can be avoided.

"Sun Ze, what do you want to do! Don't let go of the sword!" The deputy of a sergeant on the side said, this person is a deputy general of Wu, so I know this camp officer. "The military division must have his reason to do this. What do you want to do!" "He is really afraid of being greeted by this Sun Zelian and welcoming the state wolf. The wolf cavalry killing those broken Sun Cejun has already made them chilly."

"The reason? I am Sun Ze, although I have less reading, but you should not lie to me, stay here and watch the main public death! Coward!" Sun Ze did not give face. When the Wu family was fair, they always took care of them. Now, when they did not expect to use them, they were not willing to go into battle. His life of Sun Ze was given by the Lord, and Sun Ce gave him a piece of food from the hungry people before he could survive, so he followed Sun Ce, and even Sun Ce gave him a surname! It’s time to pay back.

"You!" Wu’s deputy was furious. coward? He is acquainted with the current affairs, and now he is not looking for death!

"Stop!" Lu Su put a hand to stop it. He looked at the look of the barracks. The eyes were complicated, there was admiration, there was respect and there was nothing but helplessness. "If you want to go, I will not stop you, I can still give you A battalion of soldiers and horses!" Lu Su refers to a group of battalions and horses are these squad soldiers, they are not only eye-catching and intuitive. Martial arts is even better, otherwise it is not possible to be the eyes of an army.

"There is only one battalion of battalions!" The eagerly observing the barracks officer is that the whole army is dispatched to save the lord, not a battalion.

"Don't bargain with me!" Lu Su is very indifferent. "It is the limit to bring you to the camp. If you don't want to, then kill it! I have the military command of the Lord. The whole camp is temperate, you think you There is a chance of winning!"

"Army!" The camp officer of the camp looked at Lu Su and wanted to see something from his eyes. But he was disappointed. Lu Su’s eyes were only indifferent. He clenched his fists. He also knew Lu’s right, Sun Ce. Before leaving, he gave the military order to Lu Su. The entire camp had to listen to Lu Su. If they really killed them, they would really hope that the whole camp would die here, and they couldn’t kill Lu Su, even if they killed Lu Su. They also have no military power.

Now Lusu has let them bring out a battalion that is already done right. If you entangle yourself, don't say if you can get more, the time is too late, and the state wolf ride is about to catch up!

"Let's go!" The camp officers in the camp looked a little unwilling, but they could only do this. "The Savior went! They don't go to us!" The camp officer who looked at the camp said that they were naturally Lu Su.

"Go to the Savior!" The officers and men of the camp looked up, and Sun Cejun’s camp was opened. The horse was pushed away. The aspect of their lord rushed over.

Looking at the soldiers who rushed out, Lu Su said to himself, "I didn't say that I can't save the Lord, but that's not the Lord! Sorry."

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