My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 204: Lost in the city

Lost in the city! This is the news that Lu Bu found after Liu Wei, and Lu Bu chased Sun Cejun’s army. The Yucheng had more than a thousand exhausted black chessmen and urban management troops. Sun Ce’s departure from Lu Bu directly attacked. The wall of the city, when he boarded the wall, the defenders of the city found that it was too late to defend, and they did not have the strength to defend the city, it was too tired, although there are those Danyang soldiers As well as the surrender of Sun Cejun's ordinary soldiers, but those Danyang soldiers and Sun Cejun soldiers did not want to shoot against Sun Ce, because they are afraid! They are soldiers and naturally have military status in the hands of Sun Ce. Before surrendering, Sun Ce may be involved in the family in Jiangdong. Now, if you help the defending city defend the city, then the family in Jiangdong really does not live.

Liu Wei is still in a coma. Huang Zhong and Xu Sheng can only go to other city gates with Lu Bu's family and Liu Wei. They left Yucheng together.

Cheng Yu and Zhang Pan’s Hezhou wolf riders also met. Zhang Pan and Cheng Yu did not have many casualties. On the contrary, the rain and Zhang Pan also killed many enemy deputies, but these credits are not important because Lost in the city!

In the less than four thousand Uighur wolves, there are more than 2,000 Danyang soldiers and former Sun Ce military officers. These people are neither willing to be enemies with Sun Cejun and no longer stay in Sun Cejun. Most of them are in the Chu-type camp, and the Chu-character camp is taking the lead in opposing Sun Ce. Sun Ce can accept them as ghosts, and some of them are those who have no family in Jiangdong. They have not wanted to do it in Sun Ce. There are also two thousand people before and after.

There are only 7,000 people in the forest, and it is impossible for these people to attack the city. In the city, there are two-thirds of the army of tens of thousands of troops. It was harder to get out of Yucheng and want to take him again than to go to heaven. This time, Lu Bubu himself, if Lu Bu does not chase out, or if he does not go to Lu Su, then Yucheng can not be lost, and thousands of soldiers have sprinkled blood. The people in the city of Yucheng also went to the city wall in order to hold the city, but in the end, they finally lost because of Lu Bu, Liu Wei persisted for so many days, and finally even stunned, let Lu Bu Self-blame.

Liu Wei is still in a coma. The only thing that makes Lu Bu happy is that no one is dead in his family. Only her daughter was hurt by the battle with Zhou Tai.

Like Lu Bu, the heart is not so bad, even worse than Lu Bu is Liu Kai and his son, Liu Neng is okay, after all, he can see a little younger, but Liu Kai’s heart is not a taste, they are rooted in several generations. The city has been in the past for hundreds of years, but now it is a hundred years of hard work. The centuries-old heritage has been completely mourned. It can be said that the two of their fathers and sons are now really out of the house. Apart from the family, they have not had time to take away the gold and silver.

Liu Neng is much better, because in Liu Neng's view, the ancestors left nothing left, and Liu can be self-sufficient and no longer under his ancestors. Since his ancestors could create such wealth, he can also Yes, even more, his eyes glaring at Liu Kai, who is lying in the carriage, is the foundation of his meritorious service.

"Lord. Where are we going now!" Huang Zhong clenched his fist and asked him to look at Lu Bu, but he didn't say it, but he also had a trace of dissatisfaction, because one of the things they guarded to protect was finally played by Lu Bu alone. How can this make people feel comfortable, and Lu Bu is the lord of Huang Zhong, Huang Zhong can only put this dissatisfaction in his heart.

But how can Lu Bu not see it? Huang Zhong’s tone of voice and his faint eyes are telling Lu Bu’s dissatisfaction with the soldiers, and another new face holding a long beggar.

"You said Xu Sheng is!" Lu Bu can't directly reply to Huang Zhong's words, it is Lu Bu who lost the city. He said that he would also take him back, but now he really can't think of a way to come. He can only transfer the topic to a young face on the side.

"That, that! Xu, Xu Sheng Xu Wenxiang, see, met the Lord!" Xu Sheng was a little excited. Lu Bulu Feng Xian, although Lu Bu’s reputation in front of the world is not good, but in front of these military commanders is a truly worthy person to worship. Who is the enemy, this kind of arrogance in the world is only Lu Bu can have it, Xu Sheng did not know how to say it under the excitement.

"Get up!" Lu Bu also saw that this is a brave warrior. Compared with Zhang Liao and his tyrants, Zhang Liao and Yu Ba were both convinced by Lu Bu, and Liu Yi’s martial arts was fundamental. It’s really amazing that it’s not influential, but it’s really amazing to let these arrogant sacred martial arts surrender to him. Huang Zhong is one, and Xu Sheng is the second one.

"Go to Shucheng!" Lu Bu thought about it, but decided to go to Shucheng first. He lost too much conceited in this defeat. Another one was when he was on Lusu. No adviser gave him advice. Here, Lu Bu will be able to chase it out so easily! So now I still go to Shucheng and the public station to meet them, first occupy the Shucheng stone and then slowly.

"Hey!" Huang Zhong sighed and could only do this. The great situation was lost. The 100,000-strong army attacked Yucheng and was defeated by Liu Wei. This time, Sun Ce is not even face to face Jiangdong’s father, for those who Jiangdong’s soldiers said that this was a blow. 100,000 people did not break through a city that was guarded by 10,000 people. Finally, they were brought back by others. This is not a shame! This kind of master is still willing to follow, but Lu Bu’s impulsive impulse has made the city a hand-to-hand, and now it can only be considered from a long time.

"Han Sheng, you will take me to command the commander and the state wolf ride! I will stay with them to accompany Han Yang!" Lu Bu’s hand in the hand was handed to Cheng Yu and said to Huang Zhong, they are leaving, now the city Sun Ce in the midst of not being able to intercept them halfway, plus the commander of Huang Zhong, Lu Bu, is also relieved.

"Yes!" Huang Zhong’s boxing is about to leave. He knows that Lu Bu has too many words to say to his family, and he has to appease their mother’s emotions. After all, they have broken down from the city to the present. I was scared, and I still put down a thousand pounds in the prison of the city. I need to take a good look at it. What Huang Zhong is going to do now is to take a group of people to retreat in the direction of Shucheng.

"Can't go!" Just as everyone was ready to open, a weak voice passed.

"Can't go!" This voice is a little bigger, but it is still very weak.

"Han Yang!" "Little Master" Lu Bu and Huang Zhong first discovered the source of the sound. They were the natural ear of the refining warrior. They discovered the sound of Liu Wei on the carriage. Liu Wei woke up, he Woke up from the fainting, and the battle with Dong attack really took Liu Wei's last strength to the light. Exhausted, Liu Wei can only rely on fainting to replenish his energy. When he just had a little consciousness, he heard that Lu Bu and the public will discuss the withdrawal of the army. "Yucheng lost?!" Liu Wei looked straight at everyone. Struggling to sit up.

Lu Bu rushed forward to set up Liu Wei, it is really strange, Lu Bu is the lord, but now he finds that he is unwilling or a little shy to look at his son-in-law, only a heavy point nod.

"Oh!" Liu Wei smiled. Yucheng, it was he who took the city management army with the black chess army and almost changed his life. It was thought that Lubu’s Hezhou wolf could ride to Yucheng, but he knew that he had just slept for a while. The city is gone. If the city is so simple, it will be gone. Why did he want to fight to protect him? It’s just fine to give Sun Ce directly! Then there is no need to kill so many brothers and robes, blood will stain the walls of the city, and those who have been shot in the well, their lives are also delivered.

"The Lord and we are ready to withdraw from the Shucheng and Chen Junshi rounds and then plan his tricks!" Xu Shengkou quickly said it.

Now that everything is useless, Yucheng has lost its facts, but when he heard Xu Sheng’s words, Liu Wei suddenly grabbed Lu Bu’s arm and looked straight at Lu Bu and others. “The father-in-law could not withdraw. Can't withdraw the army! "The look is very maneuverable, and he can't help but cough up." The wound that had just wrapped up in the body cracked again, and the blood flowed out, a **** smell.

"The young master, the city has been lost!" Huang Zhong saw Liu Wei's look is also a bit intolerable, he knows that Liu Wei is excited, he can not be excited! How many brothers have died on the city, how many of the 3,000 urban management troops are still left? The Black Chess Army has a few more lives. What are the people who went to the wall to help Lu Bujun defend the city, is not to let Sun Cejun enter the city! But now everything is gone, Yucheng lost, and lost a confused.

"I know, I know!" Liu Wei eased his emotions. "Yucheng lost, he now belongs to Sun Cejun, but it is because of this. We can not withdraw troops!"

"The young master is still worried about the people!" Liu Neng guessed that Sun Ce said that after indulgence for three days after entering the city, now that you have been acquired by Sun Ce, the people of Yucheng will suffer. "So few masters try to Don't worry. When we left, we opened other gates and let the people escape.” At this time, I can care about the lives and deaths of the people? Liu Kai did not feel anything. Others like Huang Zhong Xu Sheng who came out from ordinary people from a young age could not help but look at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei is too lazy to explain. He knows that he is withdrawing from the army now. It is really difficult to win the Yucheng in the future. Yucheng is a big town. His wall is up to several feet and has a moat. It is an easy to defend. The place where Lu Bujun is gone now, then the continuous source of Sun Cejun will enter the city of Lucheng. At that time, Lu Bu would have to use his life to fill in the city. It is completely in the war of consumption. Sun Ce has the entire Jiangdong Wuyue. And what is there in Lu Bu, the original can still have a Lijiang River now lost after the Yucheng City, even a Lijiang River is not complete, only relying on Shucheng stone can be how many horses and horses can support many soldiers and horses, not to mention, in the 皖There are a large number of grains in the city. These grains are the lifeblood of Lu Bu. Although Lu Bu’s current food is enough, it definitely cannot support the emergence of new food. In the end, Lu Bu can only take it away. Sun Cejun is sure. Waiting for it, then Lu Bu can only rob the people, so the people who have accumulated it will have to be dispersed.

"Returning to the city!" Liu Wei repeated it again. "The city has not lost, he still belongs to us!"

"The young master burned it!" Huang Zhong put his hand on Liu's forehead. There is already heat on it. This is the aftereffect of Liu Wei's battle. The weak body makes the disease more and more easy to get rid of.

Yucheng is clearly and clearly confirmed by Sun Ce. Now, the banner of Sun Cejun is inserted in the city, is Sun Ce who has laid down the city and will give it away! Or Liu Wei wants to let thousands of people go to attack the city again. The number of people here is three or four thousand. After the difficulty, the wolf is riding in the state. You can’t use the wolf to go to the city!

"Believe me! Father-in-law" Liu Wei has begun to get confused. He is really feverish. He is too confused to speak, and the logic has begun to appear chaotic. Now it is too late to go to Yucheng. I am afraid that Yucheng really belongs to Jiangdong! "After finishing this sentence, Liu Wei was unconscious.

"Han Yang, Han Yang," "Less master, less master" Lu Bu and Huang Zhong pushed Liu Wei, Liu Wei really mixed, and he had a high fever on his forehead.

"Medical doctor. Medical smith! Come on, come on!" Lu Bu yelled toward the army. After a while, two middle-aged people with carry-on medicine boxes came in. They were the medical workers in Lu Bujun. These medical doctors are also the credit of Liu Wei. After he entered the city, he hired the doctors of the city to let them serve the army. At the beginning, the medical workers were not willing, but the Lu Bujun who was guarding the city after that was so badly wounded that these medical workers were also soft-hearted. The parents of the doctors, and they also saw the soldiers who fought for the blood of the city and ignored the life and death.

In the back of the medical scientist, there are two or three apprentices. This is also Liu’s plan. These medical doctors are forced by Liu Wei. People are doctors who can’t beat you for a lifetime, so Liu Wei gives them The indicator is teaching and teaches three apprentices. Then they can leave, and when they leave, Liu Wei will give them a thick reward so that they can live a prosperous life.

"The body is cold and physically weak, the body is sweating cold, it is exhausted, as long as you take a few medicines to rest for a few days will be good!" The two medical doctors are not the famous doctors in the city, but they often give the children of the clan When I saw a doctor, Liu Wei’s small problem saw that a few herbs had been written with a pen and that several apprentices had been cursed.

Looking at Liu Wei, there was nothing wrong with it. Lu Bu left the carriage and shouted Huang Zhong Xu Sheng. He wants the Chinese army to discuss matters.

Without big accounts and no camping, they started talking directly under the starry sky. "Han Sheng, let's talk about it, Hanyang's last words!" Lu Bu first ordered Huang Zhong.

"Lord, loyalty, think that it is still a letter to the Lord!" After Huang Zhongsi thought about it, his thoughts told him that he should return to Shucheng and Chen Gong at this time, but in the subconscious. He also believed what Liu Wei said.

"Where is the text!" Lu Bu turned his head to Xu Sheng again. This war is not old enough, but it is already a refining warrior. It is worthy of Lu Bu for him.

"I?!" Xu Sheng did not expect Lu Bu to ask himself the second. Xu Sheng is also thinking about it. The true city of Yucheng is now in the hands of Sun Ce. It is impossible to win the Yucheng at this time, but what loss is there at this time! Lu Bu is now a woman in the army, but as long as the women and children are left to let the soldiers and horses guard, after the disaster, let the state wolf ride to go to the city, look, if it is really the best Liu Wei said, you can get the city If not, who can catch up with the speed of the state wolf.

"The Lord is still going to see it." Liu Kai couldn't help but speak. All his family's belongings are in the city. The biggest loss in the city is him. Liu Kai's words are exported, and Liu Kai is in the heart. Those homes are lost and recovered.

"Zhang Fancheng rain!" The two people Lu Bu finally asked, not because they are not valued, but because they are old people, Lu Bu must first take care of the newcomers of Huang Zhong Xu Sheng.

"Rain thinks to go" into the rain is originally a member of the urban management army. Leaving the city to go to Lubu, the letter has already made Cheng Yu feel like a deserter. In particular, I saw that there are not many people left in the city management army. After a while, his general Liu Wei opened his natural support.

"Everything obeys the arrangement of the Lord!" Zhang Fan said that he had the least opinion, but this can't be blamed. Others are like this. He is Zhang Liao's brother, but he is a sub-committee under Zhang Liao. Not so high, so for so many years, it has always been a deputy.

Five people, four people said, one casual, Lu Bu has got the answer "I know!" Lu Bu took a deep breath "will eventually hear orders!"

Huang Zhong and others stood in front of Lu Bu, Huang Zhong was in the first, followed by Zhang Fan Xu Sheng Liu Kaicheng.

"Huang Zhongyou and Cheng Yu left with the black army of the city management army and the more than two thousand Danyang soldiers, protecting Han Yang and his wife!" Lu Bu left Huang Zhong and Cheng Yu, and Huang Zhong was safe. No problem, Cheng Yu was originally the army of the city management army, leaving it reasonable.

"The end will obey!" Huang Zhong and Cheng Yu took the lead to retreat.

"Liu Kai, Zhang Fan, you two with me and four thousand and the state wolf ride together to take the city, will be a child of Sun Ce!" Lu Bu with Liu Kai that is because Liu Kai is the head of the city, he is familiar with the city Everything with him is a living map.

"Yes!" Zhang Fan has no expression, what Lu Bu said is! Liu Kai is a little excited, he has to go back, and he has to go back to the city.

The Lu Bujun battalion began to act again. It was only a battle between the wolves and the state wolf in the daytime, and it was going to be dispatched at night. However, these wolf cavalrymen did not complain at all, and they were riding under the leadership of their own 100 people. The war horse, put on the armor, raised the big knife in his hand, galloped in the direction of the city in the middle of the night, and soon fell into the darkness.

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