My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 217: Condition (2)

Hundreds of craftsmen, craftsmen who will repair ships, these people are all untouchables in Jiangdong, and craftsmen belong to the kind of career. These people add up, if you really count, but don't forget! These craftsmen are craftsmen who will repair ships and shipbuilding. Each of them has their own stunts in their hands, or they are repairing ships or building ships. They must know that in the age of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this technology was very backward. They are still in the middle of the river, they have been able to enter the sea, although only along the coastline, but the risk is definitely not, there will be in the river, an accidental entire fleet can be directly destroyed Off, even in the modern navigation of advanced technology is a technical life! Even after a thousand years, when the territory of the Yuan Empire crossed the entire Eurasia, there were countless good men in their hands. I built the navy, but when I attacked Dongpu, it was completely destroyed by the winds of the sea!

Why is the Jiangdong Shuijun above and below the Yangtze River? That is because the ship of the Jiangdong Shuijun is very good, and it is better than the Jingzhou, the old water army. Every craftsman in Jiangdong is strictly controlled. These talents are the key to Jiangdong's dominance of the entire waters!

It is absolutely impossible for Sun Ce to allow these craftsmen to go out. Once these craftsmen ran to the territory of Cao Cao or other Central Plains princes, then the leader on the ship would be compared. Lu Bujun wanted the craftsmen to express his meaning. Lu Bu wants to build a ship, to build a ship battleship!

In the entire Yangtze River, or in the whole world, only the Jingzhou Liu watch, Jiangdong Sunce and Cao Cao and Yuan Shao!

But the only real craftsman as a baby is Jiang Dongsun. Cao Cao is now mainly to calm down the Central Plains since the water war can not be built wholeheartedly. This is also why. In the battle of Chibi, Cao Cao went to Pang Tong, and even used the iron chain to link the river! This is a water war. You have tied all the warships with iron ropes. This is not a 360-degree attack without a dead end!

Yuan Shao also has a water army, but he does not look down on the water army. In his opinion, the water army is only used for transportation functions. They are not responsible for transporting the army to the land. The real siege is not the army! Besides, there are so many soldiers and horses in Yuan Shao’s hands, and the water army does not care at all!

Jingzhou Liu Biao also attaches importance to the water army, but the water army is basically in the hands of the scholars of Caijia Zhangjia, so it is also very limited!

Lu Bujun's step and the state wolf ride can be regarded as the king of the land war king, no matter who touched the state wolf ride will have a headache! The 10,000-year-old wolf ride once made the 18th princes in the prison of the tigers difficult to walk, eight hundred trapped camp, dare to fight 10,000 steps, and now there are 5,000 people in the camp! These 5,000 people, although Gao Shun does not like to boast. But Gao Shun is confident, as long as it is not a 100,000 army. He is not afraid of Gao Shun! The city management army, the black chess army and even the Danyang soldiers are now under Lu Bu’s hands. These soldiers and horses, Sun Ce’s Jiang Dongjun, have seen it! The power of these terracotta warriors is stronger than the elite of Sun Ce! This is where Lu Bujun is strong!

The reason why Sun Ce is not afraid of Lu Bu’s sake lies in the natural danger of the Yangtze River. The strength of the water army lies in the construction of the warship! He knows that there is no shipyard for the warships in Yucheng and even the entire Lijiang River. There is not even a craftsman. It is because after occupying the Lijiang River, Sun Ce packaged all the craftsmen and the docks that built the warships into Jiangdong. In Kuaiji, There are many docks, craftsmen like clouds! It is not just about building warships, but also building ordinary cargo ships! These vessels are the main components of water transport.

Jingzhou Liu Table and Jiangdong Sun Ce are fighting, but they have nothing to do with the merchants of the gentry. You fight, business they do! As long as it is not related to ordnance, both sides are acquiescence. After all, everyone is going to live. There is salt iron in Jingzhou, but there is food in Jiangdong!

If you give Lu Bu so many craftsmen, plus a dock, then Lu Bujun has the ability to build a ship. On this Yangtze River, there is really an enemy. This enemy was only in the Dazhai Water Army Dazhai. Lost yourself outside!

They have strong fighting power, but the ships are short-boards. Lu Bujun’s ships have lost one, but Jiangdong can be built continuously. The relationship between Lu Bujun and Sun Cejun is like Japan during World War II. Like the US! The small Japanese navy is very powerful. Even the attack on Pearl Harbor has sent the entire US Pacific Fleet to the sea, but don't forget that the small Japanese shipbuilding capability is simply impossible to match the US, the US East Coast, day and night processing. Not only half a year, but a Pacific Fleet that was several times stronger than before was once again incorporated into the naval sequence, while the small Japanese-built ship was one ship that was sinking one less, and the only thing that failed was the Japanese!

To the Lu Bujun artisans, one of the biggest consequences is that the Lu Bujun's water army no longer has restrictions, although the water army is more difficult to become a military! But don't forget that Lu Bu has such a weapon in his hand! A weapon that can send 30,000 Jiangdong water troops to the bottom of the river without any harm, and the weapon can build the ship's ability. Then there is who is the opponent of Lu Bujun on the river.

"Impossible!" Zhang Zhao refused without hesitation, even if he was not a child of the nine sects, he could not teach the craftsmen to Lu Bujun! Losing the children of the sects will only lose the hearts of the sects, but if they lose the craftsmen, they will lose the entire Jiangdong!

"I really can't talk about it?!" Yang Hong also knows that this matter is difficult for some strong people. As long as Jiang Dongjun is not a fool, he will not call out the craftsmen, but now these craftsmen are the orders of Lu Bu to give Yang Hong a death, must find, otherwise Lu Bujun can only be trapped in this Jiangbei rest and then boast of the Yangtze River half a step, even if Jingzhou Liu Biao and Jiang Dong Sun Ce beat the bloodshed and lost both sides, he Lu Bu do not want to go fishing!

If a few years ago, then this craftsman is really not a problem, this Yangzhou, Yangzhou, there are not many other, more than a shipbuilding craftsman, these people have to eat, and the place near the river is the ship. Naturally, there is more than one biotechnology. At that time, a gold can employ dozens or even hundreds of craftsmen. Now, one gold can't find one! Because the basic craftsmen have been taken back by Jiangdong Sun Ce and Jingzhou Liu Biao! They are the hegemons of the middle of the river. Naturally, they don't want to have a latecomer to occupy their own low position, so the most powerful thing to control the water army is the ship! You don't have a warship, how can you become a soldier, can you row a bamboo stroke to fight me!

"Absolutely impossible!" Just as the northern princes did not allow the war horses to flow to the south, these southern princes could not let the construction of the warships flow to the north! These are the cards in their hands, how can they be handed over easily?

"There is no way!" Yang Hong shook his head. "Unfortunately, unfortunately. Then you can only talk to Jingzhou Liu Bianjun and see if you can get these craftsmen."

"You don't have to threaten me! I said, it's a big deal, our army will withdraw from Jiangxia. At that time, Jingzhou Liu Biao will not help you to deal with me Jiangdong! This craftsman can't get it in Jiangdong, you want to take it in Jingzhou. Come on! It’s a daydream!” Zhang Zhao directly yelled at Yang Hong. How could the Jingzhou Shuijun, who is also the overlord, hand over the craftsman? How could he not know that Sun Ce is a tiger? This Lu Bujun is not a vegetarian, this Lu Bu If the army can play Sun Ce, it will not be able to fight Jingzhou! Then Huangzhou was attacked again, and now Huang Lu is still in the hands of Lu Bujun!

"Who said that Liu Jingzhou is not willing to do it! Liu Jingzhou has already come to the messenger. It is said that we want our bed, oh. The conditions have opened a lot! This craftsman is just one of them!" It’s a pity that Yang Hongyi is a pity to leave.

"Slow!" Zhang Zhao suddenly stopped Yang Hong. "What did you say? Beds and tools?!"

"Nothing you didn't get wrong, I didn't say anything!" Yang Hong, who will be willing to answer this question, he waved his hand. "Mr. Zhang Zhao will go back to Jiangdong tomorrow! This Jiangxia my master has already let General Gan Ning Come back, this Lu Su and those who are willing to go back with you, you will bring them back! Don't forget to send our captives back! So I will leave!] Yang Hong will leave with a fist.

Can't let Yang Hong go, this is Zhang Zhao's first thought, because Yang Hong's things are really terrible! The weapon of the weapon was smashed, and the one who sent the 30,000 Jiangdong Shuijun to the Yangtze River to feed the king's weapon was unscathed. Their Lu Bujun had to talk to Jingzhou Liu. This bed is awkward. If there is only one Lu Bu family, the Jiangdong Army does not have to worry about anything. After all, Lu Bujun will not build a ship, and the Lu Bujun’s short-term military army is not an opponent of the Jiangdong Shuijun, the water of Lu Bu Military deterrence ability is much stronger than actual combat capability! Therefore, Jingzhou Liu Table is still the enemy of Jiangdong Army. Lu Bujun is just waiting for the final cleanup! However, once Jingzhou Liu Biao also sent a man to come to talk with Lu Bujun, the name of the surname is the bed, although Yang Hong is now denied, but the more it is not recognized, the more likely it is, if Jingzhou Liu Biao got it. That bed, Zhang Zhaozhen can't imagine, Jingzhou's shipbuilding ability is not worse than Jiangdong, and even Jiangdong can't compare with Jingzhou, because after the yellow towel chaos, like the 18th road princes besieged Dong Zhuo, what Luoyang chaos, Chang'an chaos Yuan Shu is the emperor, and other places are in war. Only Jingzhou is truly peaceful. It is also a war. It is also in Wancheng. It has no influence on Jiangxia’s place in the hinterland of Jingzhou, such as Changyang Changsha. Even Jiangdong is this. In a few years, it’s really peaceful, and you have to know that there is still a mountain problem in Jiangdong. If this problem is not solved, then Jiangdong will not want to settle down! Therefore, a large number of talents, a large number of people poured into Jingzhou, which includes those craftsmen who will build ships, plus Jingzhou is originally a large shipbuilding area, in Jiangxia in Liyang, there is no dock near the Yangtze River where there is water. This is the real support for the reason that Jiang Xia hit the present. Although there were many warships in Jingzhou, the soldiers did not have the strong fighting power of Jiangdong. After all, there were too many people training in the Jiangdong General Corps, but in Jiangxia. The generals of the water army will also be employed by the literary staff, Huang Zu, and Cai Yun Zhang Yunwei are few people!

Huang Zu Cai and Zhang Yun are all getting old! How can a person hire a civil servant group in Jiangdong?

However, when Jingzhou got this bed, it really needed to change the situation. Jingzhou did not lack the warships and there was no shortage of craftsmen. Lu Bujun’s 20 buildings and ships directly sent 30,000 troops to the bottom of the river, while Jingzhou had hundreds of ships. The warship, and even Liu Biao, wants him to build it at any time. These ships are loaded with mattresses. This Jiangdong Shuijun needs to live. Jiangdong Shuijun can exchange one and ten with Lu Bujun. But with the Jingzhou Shuijun! Can you afford to get hundreds of thousands of water troops from Jiangdong? There are so many water forces that have already killed Jingzhou Liu, and still need to wait until now! Even if one to one Jiangdong army can not afford to eat, did not see Zhou Yu with the past 30,000 horses but to resist the Jingzhou 70,000 water army!

"But the Jiangdong water army is destroyed, what good for you!" Zhang Zhao is still a bit cold, the Jiangdong water army was destroyed, then the entire Yangtze River is in the hands of Jingzhou Liu Biao is not good for Lu Bu. Even Jingzhou Liu Biao can block the route to make Lu Bu sleepy in the city of Minjiang.

"Why don't worry about it!" Yang Hong shook his head. "If you block it, you will block it! Anyway, we don't have many water troops. It wasn't the same before you were blocked by the Jiangdong Water Army! It's hard that this Jingzhou water army can still go ashore. Let's fight with our Lu Bujun! What's more, he Liu Dang dare! You Jiangdong can avoid the other side of the Yangtze River by virtue of the natural danger, but Liu Jingzhou is not all the other places in the Yangtze River!" Yang Hong is right. . The current Yangtze River was originally blocked by Jiang Dongjun, so that Jingzhou Liu Biao came just to replace a dead person! Moreover, Sun Cejun blocked the Yangtze River and may attack Yucheng at any time, but Jingzhou Liu Biao will not, not to mention Liu Biao, this person has no ambition, even if Jingzhou Army will not be the opponent of Lu Bujun, Sun Ceyu will take so many Lu Bu can't help but say Liu Biao!

And Jingzhou Liu Biao is even less afraid to attack the city! Jiangdong Sun Ce is not afraid. If he wins, he will drive Lu Bu out of the Lijiang River and lose it. If he is big, he will withdraw his troops and have the Yangtze River. You Lu Bujun can fly over and hit me! Jingzhou Liu watch is different! He still has a site in Jiangbei, and there is Jiangxia in the near future. A little farther away, there is a competition in Xinye. The recent Huangzhou has just been laid down by Lu Bujun. You said that Liu Biao dared to use the troops directly against Lu Bu!

"Yang Changshi, Mr. Yang Hong, Yang Xiong, Yang Xiong!" Zhang Zhao has begun to squint, watching Yang Hong still have to go, directly grabbed Yang Hong's arm "Yang brothers don't go, don't go! Let's continue to talk about it!"

"Mr. Zhang Zhao is not unwilling! The condition that my lord gave me is that the craftsmen who crafted the shipbuilding and repairing ships would not talk about it if they didn't have everything!" Yang Hong is very indifferent, and the big smasher of the bed is taken out, not just Jingzhou Liu watch is afraid of panic, this Jiangdong is even more restless, who let his mother have already eaten the bed! That is, the 30,000-strong army is not a 30,000-headed pig. There are still 10,000 elites. In 10,000 years and now Zhou Yu is as strong as Jiangyan’s resistance to the 70,000 Jingzhou Shuijun. Even 30,000 pigs have one or two violent bites. However, the 30,000-water army did not even squirt a slobber and went straight to death!

"Good consultation, good discussion!" Zhang Zhao helpless, and he did not want to trust Yang Hong. In this case, all the initiative is in the hands of Yang Hong. It can be said that what Yang Hong proposed now can only be reduced by words. Numbers instead of direct rejection.

"The hundred craftsmen!" Yang Hongjun hot hit the railway, this craftsman is the basis of all these negotiations, Lu Bu can not want to be trapped on the land, what he needs is on the land is the tiger in the river is the dragon, so Shipbuilding must be brought up early, and it is necessary to build a dock, and it will take time and time, and now how much time can this day give Lu Bu! Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were on the verge of a battle in Guandu. Jingzhou Liu and Sun Ce were also in full swing in Jiangxia. Now is a good time to develop, missed, then it is really difficult for Lu Bujun to rise again!

"Yes, the craftsmen of 900 people, I can repair a book, let my master arrange to send it!" Zhang Zhao now no longer says that it is impossible and no longer directly refuses, because now Lu Bujun has given too much chips. Big enough to subvert the entire Jiangdong may make Sun Ce’s efforts for so many years fall short, so Zhang Zhao must agree to it, even if Sun Ce is not willing to do so!

"So best! Since we have all negotiated, Hong will leave the accusation and say goodbye!" Yang Hong said that he was leaving.

"Mr. Yang Hong, don't!" How could Zhang Zhao let Yang Hong go, know that Zhang Zhao can promise the craftsmen of these 900 people because it is based on bed rest, and if it is finally taken away by Jingzhou Liu Watch Craftsman, then this is not a good thing! "Mr. Yang Hong doesn't know, that bed is awkward!"

"Bed the bed? That is the weapon of our army, it is a killer!" Yang Hong explained to Zhang Zhao with a glance, and this bed was almost blown up! These Zhang Zhao don't know! He also knows that this bed is so powerful that it can shoot through the building, but you can't boast it! You can also fly a hundred miles with one arrow. That is not a bed. What about him is the missile (if Zhang Zhao knows the missile).

"Open the price. Mr. Yang Hong!" Zhang Zhao said to Yang Hong, his eyes staring at Yang Hong, it can be said that Zhang Zhao’s main thing this time is to inquire about the bed, this thing for Jiangdong The threat is too great.

"Do not sell, do not sell, this is a weapon of the country, how can we buy and sell!" Yang Hong showed a firm, that is, not to sell. This is very confusing, as if this thing is impossible to buy and sell, it is generally calculated that the price is not high!

Don't sell, you say the Jingzhou Liu watch of the wool, if you don't sell it, you can seduce Zhang Zhaogan! The performance is so firm, the face is already thick, and the lie is not blushing.

In fact, Zhang Zhao’s wish Yang Hong, in fact, Yang Hong really did not want to sell this bed, this bed really only appeared three times, the first one almost killed Sun Ce, the second shot through a well, the third time More powerful and directly sent Sun Cejun's 30,000-water army into the Yangtze River, this kind of thing should be pinched in his hand and hidden in the palm of his hand. Finally, take it out and give the enemy a fatal blow, instead of getting the high price now. If you are greedy, then you have to pay a big price, but Liu Wei’s kind of owner, the younger one, wants to sell, and he has no choice.

"Mr. Yang Hong, as long as I have something in Jiangdong, you can mention it!" Zhang Zhao got the blood, even if he took out the money, he would buy it back. This will ensure the stability of Jiangdong, and the power of the bed. I have seen it. If you get this thing, their Jiangdong Shuijun is really a tiger, and the Jiangxi Xia Difficulty can be changed. The Jiangdong Shuijun, which is loaded with a bed, can withstand the Jingzhou Shuijun!

After winning the Jingzhou, I came back to Lu Bujun to calculate the grudges before.

"One thousand gold!" Yang Hong opened his mouth. He is a big lion. The nine sects add up to nine thousand gold, but now a bed is worth 10,000 yuan.

"Yes!" Zhang Zhao bit his teeth and said that 10,000 gold is now in the house of Kuaiji. There is a 10,000 yuan in gold. This gold was originally used by Jiangdong to continue to buy and sell horses like Liaodong, but also to prepare food and grass. Now I have to take it out.

"Oh!" Yang Hong said that the number of this tens of thousands of gold is not just said, but a number given by Chen Gong. He slowly puts out the words from the mouths of the nine sects and knows that Jiji is now The tax burden is mainly used where, one is the grain and the other is the war horse!

"There are two thousand shipbuilders! No, together with the previous ones, add up to three thousand!" Yang Hong continued to increase his stack of chips, three thousand shipbuilding craftsmen, plus 10,000 gold, this price code in exchange for bed technology.

"Three thousand craftsmen!" Zhang Zhaomu stunned, three thousand craftsmen! To know how many shipbuilding craftsmen there are in Jiangdong, it is only less than 10,000. Now it is going to be extorted three thousand plus 10,000 yuan. Now Zhang Zhao finally feels that he has fallen into a conspiracy.

"Can you be less!" Zhang Zhao asked carefully. "We have a hard time getting so much between Jiangdong!"

"That's it!" Yang Hong shook his head. He didn't bargain with Zhang Zhao. "The drawings of this bed are only very cumbersome. If it takes another half a month to draw it, it will be sold first. Liu Jingzhou, wait until General Sun Ce has money when he comes!"

A drawing has to be drawn for half a month? If you get it first by Jingzhou Liu, you may have a big change in half a month. Once Liu Biao put this bed on the battleship, it is Sun Cejun’s nightmare. Even after Jiangdong gets it again, Zhou Yu’s 30,000 main force The water army is also lost! This price can not afford Jiangdong!

"Good!" Zhang Zhao finally knew that he was being used as a pig, but there was no way. Who let them fight and lose? Who let the 30,000 pigs not be sent to the Yangtze River directly? Now Zhang Zhao is hating Jiang Qin and Lu Su, you said that you two good in the Dangcheng Shuijun Dazhai will not do it! Why do you want to come out and fight with others on the Yangtze River, now it’s alright! All were sent to the bottom of the river to feed the king! Zhang Zhao has been confused. You must know that they have 30,000 troops. There are only 7,000 enemies. They appear in the decisive battle on the river or the tactics used by Jiang Qin. Jiang Qin has not seen the bed, nor can he think of it. Then one thing can actually change the ending of a battle.

"However, Yang Hongxiong, Zhao has a request, that is, this first drawing must give us Jiangdong, even if Yang Hongxiong you have other drawings, you must give Jingzhou a month later."

"This is not easy to do! People give money in one go, you don't sell it to others is not good!" Yang Hong is very embarrassed.

"Plus five hundred, plus five hundred craftsmen, just ask Yang Hongxiong, you have a letter, do not give Jingzhou Liu table drawings, a month later, Yang Hongxiong!" Zhang Zhao wants to be in this month In the case of creating a bed, it is difficult to give Jiang Xia's overall situation. When Jingzhou gets it, as long as the Jiangdong army guards the red wall, this Jingzhou Liu watch can only retreat.

"Still not!"

"Add another hundred!"

"How can this be! We must know that our Lu Bujun is a virginity!"

"two hundred!"

"three hundred!"

"Give you a whole four thousand! If Yang Hongxi is going on like this, then Zhao is helpless!"

"Good! Since Zhang Zhaoxiong said this, if I don't give face to Yang Hong, I really look down on Zhang Zhaoxiong! Four thousand, four thousand! I am Yang Hong, who is being blamed by the Lord and also helps Zhang Zhaoxier to delay. Last month!” Yang Hong’s gnashing teeth seemed to have made a great sacrifice, but in fact he smiled and opened his heart, not a month! Promise you, don't give Jingzhou drawings, but you didn't stop me from giving the real thing! I can't just give a bed to Jingzhou Liu Table! There are more than one thousand craftsmen in plain white.

Both sides have negotiated properly, and naturally they are happy. Zhang Zhaole’s is that although he has had a lot of blood, he can take the whole river summer with this bed, and the cost of using the whole river and summer is much smaller than this, and even if Out of the four thousand craftsmen, this Lubu Shuijun did not develop itself. It is necessary to know that the four thousand craftsmen Sun Cejun could not give to those senior craftsmen. Basically, they will repair the ship. It is impossible for good craftsmen to come out!

Now Zhang Zhao also got the bed. It can be said that the threat brought by Lu Bu's water army to the Jiangdong Shuijun disappeared. With Jiangdong's hundred search warships, who else on the Yangtze River is his opponent! At that time, Lu Bujun was directly blocked on the Yangtze River, and the water army that guarded the Jingzhou Liu watch in the river against the river in the red wall was fully opposed to Lu Bu.

Yang Hong is also happy! Originally, the minimum condition given by Lu Gong and Lu Bu was the two thousand craftsmen and the families of Danyang soldiers. Only two thousand craftsmen could develop the water army. Only those family members could be the heart of An Danyang soldiers, but now! Four thousand craftsmen have doubled twice, and there are still 19,000 gold, which are comparable to the one-year tax on Lijiang. How can it be unhappy?

The two people are very good at the banquet, you call me a good brother, I call a big brother! When they are happy, who knows that during the day, just before a few hours, the two men still clashed with red ears, and the two men behind him even angered and killed tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. There is only eternal interest between the princes but no eternal enemy! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: The end of the month! There is no gun for the monthly ticket! Because there are too many gods in front! The monthly ticket list is destined to have no money! But can you come to a reward! This month's reward is really bleak! 555555555555555555

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