My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 268: Chen Gong’s counterattack

Qin Huai was happy with the reward given by Lu Bu, and Lu Bu and Chen Gong were left in the hall.

"When the public Taiwan Liu Xuande is so kind!" Lu Bu did not know Liu Bei this person. Before Lu Bu defeated from Zhangzhou, he was chased by Cao Cao all the way. It can be said that all sides are enemies, no one wants to take Lu Bu, even Cao Cao still writes to Liu Bei let Liu Bei and him kill Lu Bu, Lu Bu's reputation is too ugly, who is willing to bear the name of the murderer.

However, Liu Bei’s man left Lu Bu quietly. He also gave Xiao Pei to himself. He knew that Liu Bei wanted to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf. He wanted to use his Lu Bu to deal with Cao Cao, just like Tao Qian. Xiao Pei gave Liu Bei the same hope that he would block Cao Cao, but Liu Bei, his own strength, he is not afraid of being defeated by the tiger! Later, he turned against Liu Bei. He thought that Liu Bei would be furious and would fight directly with himself. However, Liu Bei did not, and went to Xiao Pei without a word, even when he was chased by Yuan Shu. I hope that I can save him once. If I follow the character of Lu Bu, whoever does me, I will fight who, there is no change in the slightest, and there will be help for those who have won their own foundation.

This kind of person who can bear it is really horrible, so Chen Gong immediately let Liu Bu sent troops and Yuan Shu together to kill Liu Bei after seeing Liu Bei’s request for help, and can endure the people that ordinary people can’t bear, as things that ordinary people can’t do. Just like Sun Bin, the more Wang Goujian is general, Sun Bin is stupid to eat the food that is stupid and eaten, and the more he goes to the squatting treasure, the faeces of Wu Wangfu’s poor, such people are the most terrible, because they are like hibernation. Viper, you don't know when they will appear in front of you to bite you, let you die without a place of burial, Sun Bin revenge success, the more Goujian is also successful. Wu Guo was destroyed, so Chen Guo and Chen Jia also thought that Liu Bei could not stay, and staying behind was a big scourge.

However, Lu Bu did not know whether it was discovered by conscience, or because he wanted to be a vanity of a winner. Instead of sending troops to destroy Liu Bei with Yuan Shu, he helped Liu Bei to shoot a slammed door, successfully forced Yuan Shujun to retreat, saved Liu Bei’s life, and left Liu Bei in Xiao Pei.

Sure enough, Chen Gong’s plan is that the picture of Liu Bei is grand. He ushered in Cao Cao. Under the attack of both inside and outside, Lu Bujun could only rush and flee. If it was not Liu Wei’s appearance, Lu Bujun might disappear on the stage of history. Liu Bei ran away from Lu Bu. Still not what he thought. He also succeeded in deceiving Cao Cao, killing the Xuzhou thorns car stomach sent by Cao Cao, and he dominated Xuzhou.

Lu Bu couldn't see Liu Bei, but he knew that Liu Bei was definitely not a person who was not willing to succumb to people. How could he help Liu Wei with kindness? This person must have a plot, but now Chen Gong and Lu Bu think about it. Go out and figure out what to do. Terracotta? Lu Bujun saw Liu Beijun as a word, how did he plot? Site? Lu Bu occupies Yangzhou, Liu Bei occupies Yuzhou, Liu Bei's strength is less than Lu Bu, how he fights! The only thing that can't be beaten now is his Liu Bei.

If these two are not in the picture, what does he want? Liu Bei has always been a good name, but now Liu Wei has become a holy king, then this reputation will be much stronger than his Liu Bei, and he is not afraid that his people will go to Shouchun?

The two are thinking, and an intelligence gives them the answer. They thought it right, this Liu Bei Liu Da’s ear is really unprofitable and early, there is no good thing he will not do, what is this intelligence! It is a letter given by Liu Biao in Jingzhou, which is written by Sun Ce. In addition, in order to increase the authenticity, it is attached. The letter that Sun Ce gave to Liu Bian, where it was left untouched, was to tell Lu Bujun that all of them were calculated by Jiang Dong Sun Ce.

"Hey!" When Lu Bu opened the envelope, he really took a breath of cold. Why, because the letter written in the letter is that Sun Ce is going to bring the 500,000 people to the Lijiang River, just for the call for Liu Wei, and Sun Ce. In the letter to Liu Biao also wrote, I hope that Liu Biao also responded to his Sun Ce's plan, rushing the people toward Shouchun and even helping Liu Wei to publicize and publicize his policy in Shouchun and tax.

Jiangdong Sun Ce is 500,000, Jingzhou has more people than Jiangdong, that is more than 500,000, here is more than one million, and the letter also wrote that he also contacted Cao Cao Liu Bei and even Zhang Xiu Yes, there are two million people in the front and back, and Lu Bu looked at the letters and fell on the ground.

"No, no, pass my military orders. All the people who come to Shouchun to Shouchun will block me. I will set a level on the official road to and from, and I will not allow any people to enter Yangzhou!" Lu Bu is really a little scared because Two million people, once they flooded into the Lancang River and Shouchun, what food Lu Bu took for them, once they had no food, it was a chaotic mob, two million mobs, I imagined Lu Bu felt terrible.

In the same year, 800,000 Qingzhou yellow towels almost smashed the North Sea hole. Although Cao Cao gave it a calming, Cao Cao’s own loss was not small, otherwise he would not reorganize these Qingzhou yellow towels as the main force. Moreover, Cao Cao in that war was still a success because of the fact that there were Zhangzhou as the rear, and it was the case that Cao Cao had eaten human flesh for a while.

"It's too late! It's too late!" Chen Gong finished reading all the letters, and he followed the smile. In all fairness, he also hoped to block these people outside the Lijiang River, but if he went to Lijiang two days earlier, nothing happened. Now it is too late, Chen Gong saw the outsiders when he entered the city, and the people are crowded, are these people blocked?

"Those people let them stay in Suijiang and send them to Shouchun to let Liu Wei arrange for them to plant the land!" Lu Bu thought about it. There are no fewer than 100,000 people outside the city. Although these people are many, Lu Bujun can still Guarantee their rations.

"The Lord, can't stop it!" Chen Gong regained the letter and the imperial edict from the Xu Du Handi Liu Xie. "They have completely blocked our way!"

This record of Liu Bei is much more fierce than Sun Ce. A sacred decree has completely smashed the name of Liu Wei, the great king of the Han, a good saint, the wind of saints. Reducing taxes and attaching land, Liu Bei, they are unremitting in order to promote Liu Wei, and Liu Wei is holding up to kill him.

When the sacred decree came out, all the people in the world knew that there was such a great man who was a saint. Then the people will come to Shouchun in an endless stream. At this time, why do everyone need to have great justice, just to appease the people! There is a saying in the world that I have not read a book, you should not lie to me! This sentence is a joke in the world, but it is a truth in ancient times, because those people have never read a book. If you haven't read the book's natural outlook on life, you can't have a separate system. Such people are the most vulnerable to being tempted and confused. Therefore, the people are fools in the eyes of the sects. If this sacred idea is passed down, the people will not care whether this is a trick or not. It. They only know that Liu Wei is a great saint. When he goes to Shouchun, there will be so little tax on the fields. If Lu Bu really blocks those roads, those people will be angry, even if Lu Bu can’t stand it, then In addition, there is Liu Bei Sun Ce on the side of the hurricane, then really Lu Bujun became a street mouse everyone shouted.

If Lu Bu sent troops to the Malu Bujun, he was really ruined. Not only will they be cast aside by the sects, but they will also be cast aside by the people, so who will join the Lu Bujun? Lu Bujun really became a thief.

If you do not send troops, it will lead to a large number of people pouring into Shouchun into the Lijiang River, two million! Even if Lu Bujun’s soldiers don’t eat or drink, there is no such grain to give these two million people. You must know that the first year of farming still needs seeds, and there is no harvest, so this first year’s ration is for Lu Bujun. which provided.

The people who eat enough are naturally hungry people, that is, chaotic people, two million people in the Shouchun riot in the Lijiang River. Coupled with the provocation of the people, it is really finished, and the foundation of the open river will be destroyed.

"What should I do with the public station?" Lu Bu did not blame Liu Wei in Shouchun, because Liu Wei originally meant to be good, and used these policies to attract the people. They made them go to cultivate the land, but the final result was that Sun Ce and Liu Bei combined to calculate, and this Jingzhou Liu watch is not a good thing. If he really wants to think about Lu Bujun, he should directly kill Sun Ce. The messenger also intercepted the people in Jingzhou. You must know that the people who arrived in the Lijiang River in these few days were not only the people of Jiangdong. Jingzhou Liu watch’s idea was nothing more than trying to anger Lu Bu to find Sun Ce’s trouble, so that they would benefit from Jingzhou. It is the biggest.

It’s already a dilemma to send troops to block, not to send troops or not.

"Oh! Lord!" Chen Gong also shook his head with a smile: "We really ate this plan this time! We can only do what others think!" What can I do? The interception is It’s impossible, not to say that the seal is given to Liu Sheng as the holy king’s purpose. Even if the interception, Yangzhou extends in all directions, the army of Lu Bu can’t be blocked.

"Put all the people to register and send them to Shouchun!" Chen Gong also ignited, and he was counted as such a large number. If Chen Gongtai does not fight back, it is not Chen Gong.

"Sent to Shouchun to go?!" Lu Bu did not understand a bit, these people sent there is not plain, so Liu Wei is not comfortable!

"That is to send the past! The Lord, although this letter says that Sun Ce will migrate 500,000 people, but up to 300,000!" Because his entire Jiangdong is only over 2 million people, he can't afford to play! At the Jingzhou Liu table, Liu Biao’s old man did not stop thinking that he would fight for the fishermen’s profits. They did not help Jingzhou, and they did not stop it. However, the population of Jingzhou was twice as large as that of Jiangdong. There may be hundreds of thousands of people who have reached my Lijiang River. Coupled with Cao Cao, there may be nearly a million people here!" Chen Gong said to Lu Bu, this million population is still a general guess of Chen Gong, Cao Cao's rule is not much, the annual battle is a lot of death and injury. And Liu Bei and Zhang Xiu? Hey, Chen Gong snorted, and the two of them dared to let the people come over! They can afford it! This game is a game between the great princes, not their deformed princes can participate.

"Take them all to Shouchun and send them to Hanyang. After the disaster, we will transfer the grain. In addition to the daily use of the Lijiang River, it is enough to have two months of rations. The rest will be moved to Hanyang. !" Chen Gong plans.

"Public office?!" Lu Bu seems to understand and understand. He can't understand that even if there is only one million people, then Lijiang and Shouchun can't support it, even if one person only eats half a catty a day, that one million people plus stand up. That is also an astronomical number. And if you want to get new food, you will get tomorrow, that is, you will consume the whole year's grain. As for the people in the Lu Bujun treasury, although the sergeants of the city of Shucheng and the Shu people of Shucheng were robbed, it was not enough for a million people to spend a year. If you give those foods to Liu Wei and distribute them to the people, you can't stop the riots of the people. After all, a person can't stand it after being hungry for a few days.

"Lord. Of course, I know that our army's food and grass are not enough! But what we have to do is that our army has exhausted our food and grain. We are doing our best to give rations to the people. Finally, we have no rations!" Chen Gong talked to Lu Buzhen. "If the people see that we are giving them their own rations, what do you think they will think!" Liu Bei is using people's hearts, and Sun Ce is also using people's hearts. Then he will not be Chen Gong! If not, it would not be possible to let Lao Cao almost lose the whole of Zhangzhou. To know that at that time, Lu Bujun did not have much effort at all. Basically, a 100-person team could accept a county town, and a thousand people would Dare to charge a county. That is because Chen Gong is using the human heart as a weapon.

If what the people see is that Lu Bujun is fully committed to supporting their food and grass, and also saves their rations to them, what is the result? Those people will definitely be very moved. After the disaster, Chen Palace will only be ignited by the hurricane. Then these people hate Liu Bei and Sun Ce.

"If some people still angered us!" Lu Bu still worried, even if the people hate Sun Ce can do this! Shou Chun is the site of Lu Bu.

“I don’t have to worry if I am angered!” Chen Gong explained to Lu Bu, “Shouchun is not only close to Lijiang, but also close to Liuzhou’s Yuzhou! Once the grain is vacant, we will send out information to let Hanyang retreat with the tunes! Shouchun stayed! There is no grain in Shouchun. Even if the people do not fight again, they will not be able to add. "Shouchuncheng moved out when Yuanshu was under the hands of Yuan Shu, and the people who moved out were also given by Yuan Shu. Swallowed, so even if the people rebelled, they could not grab the food. In order to survive, how can the people do it? There are only two roads. The first one is Beishan to Yuzhou. At that time, it is natural that Liu Bei will be unlucky. Those who are hungry and faint can no matter who you are. They will grab it when they see it. Even if two million people are split in half, Liu Bei can't stand it.

There is another road that is down to the Lijiang River in the south. At that time, as long as Lu Bu blocked Shucheng, the Lijiang River could be saved.

"But if the public station is like this, Han Yang’s reputation is still ruined!" Lu Bu said hesitantly. If Lu Bujun stopped the people in the city in Shucheng, then Lu Bujun and Liu Wei’s reputation would still be destroyed.

Chen Gong looked at Lu Bu very hesitantly said, "If you really care about Han Yang, then we have only the last road to choose!" Chen Gong decided to look at Lu Bu, this choice is not what his Chen Palace wants. Because the cost of this choice is too great, Chen Gong is simply not willing to come up.

"Let's talk about the public! You and I have been so for so many years, what can't be said!" Lu Bu saw Chen Gong's expression and knew that Chen Gong's plan must be good, but this strategy is a real killer. Self-damaged eight hundred routines.

Chen Gong took a deep breath and was more and more timid than Lu Bu’s now. He’s become more and more timid. “The last policy of the palace is that it’s a ruin, and we’re all in Suijiang and Shouchun.”

"Don't?!" Lu Bu was also taken aback by Chen Gong's words, but he thought it was settled, because once those people were really rioted, Shouchun was the first to bear the brunt, and it must have been destroyed. However, so many grain and grass have been sent out in Lujiang County, and it is not so good. Basically, it has been hollowed out, so if you lose it, you will lose it! The only thing that makes Lu Bu feel regret is that he may have to travel long distances and be displaced. "Don't go, don't!"

"Let's go to Jingzhou!" Chen Gong once again released the opinion that Lu Bu did not understand. "Go to Jingzhou? Public station, although this Liu watch is also not good for my Lijiang, but after all, gave the news, this is not good! And our opponent is Sun Ce!"

"Lord! Going to Jingzhou is not a trouble to find Liu Biao! Who makes us not happy, we naturally won't let anyone happy!" Chen Gong's eyes are shining in the cold. Jingzhou Liu Biao is not asking us to go to Jiangdong Sun Ce. Ok, we have fulfilled him! But we can't live without the Yangtze River, but we can only rely on Liu Bian! If we let this news out, Sun Ce will think about it! "If Chen Gong really borrows Jingzhou, he will go to Jiangdong. The news is released, then Jiangdong Sunce will definitely attack Jingzhou! Because once Lu Bujun passed the bad luck of the Yangtze River is his Sun Ce.

"And what we have to do now is shipbuilding. There are more than 10,000 craftsmen in Hanyang. What we need is to build a big ship that the big ship can land. So in the Jingzhou Liu table completely attracting Sun Ce's idea, we will repair the darkness of the stack road. Going directly through the Yangtze River to Sun Ce's Jiangdong to make a turn of the sky!" Chen Gong has always disliked this strategy of breaking the boat, because killing the enemy a thousand self-injury 800 this is not the style of Chen Gong, but today Sun Ce really put Chen The palace is raging.

To play, then play a bigger point, Jingzhou. Jiangdong Liu Bei don't want to be comfortable.


Sure enough, Chen Chen expected that nearly a million people poured into Shouchun, including 300,000 Jiangdong people. Some of these Jiangdong people are Han people, and some are not. They wear black clothes. . Some women have exposed their navel and arms. This is impossible in the Han people. Women wear very tightly, even if the weather is hot again.

"These people?!" Lu Bu also saw that these and Han Chinese dresses are not much different, but they can still see the difference at a glance, these people are not Han people.

"Good calculations, good calculations!" Chen Gong did not expect this Jiangdong Sunce to be able to count this step. These people are not Han people but they cannot be regarded as foreigners. "These are all people in the mountains!" Chen Gong explained to Lu Bu. .

"Shan Yue. It can be regarded as the people of the pre-Qin Dynasty, mainly descendants of the Baiyue nationality, and my Dahan people come into the mountains to live together!" How can Chen Gong not know Shanyue, most of these people in the mountains are oppressed, or some For various reasons, the Han people and the Baiyue people who entered the mountains were born, because there are many mosquitoes in the mountains and the weather is hot and hot, so the people in Shanyue are exposed to the skin. And apply some medicinal juice on the skin, which makes the people of Shanyue and the ordinary Han people taste great.

Moreover, the people in Shanyue are in the mountains, and the mountains are barren. Therefore, for the sake of water, for the sake of food, several cottages fight each other. After the mountain is finished, they have to fight down the mountain in order to survive. This has led the people of Shanyue to be very good, like Danyang County. In the middle, the reason why Danyang soldiers are so elite is because they often fight with the people of Shanyue.

However, there are many places in the mountain and the people are the same as the Han people. For example, language, such as customs, is a common name for some mountainous people in the provinces of Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian and other provinces in the late Han Dynasty. It is a mixture of ethnic groups formed by the indigenous descendants of the ancient Yue ethnic group and gradually integrated into the Han immigrants. The degree of localization is different, and the level of social productivity is not the same. The mountain is a branch of Baiyue. According to its literal meaning, it originally refers to the ancient Yue people living in the mountains. Due to the ethnic integration since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Shanyue has not differed much from the Han people, including some Han Chinese who entered the mountain by escaping the government. Therefore, although Yamato is known as a race, it is actually a mixture of ethnic groups distributed in the southern mountains. Among them, there are Han Chinese and Vietnamese, and it is also called “Mountain People”. The production method of Shanyue is mainly based on agriculture, planting grain, and often “self-casting armor” because of “mountain and copper”. They are scattered, small, and martial, relying on mountain insurance to form an armed group. Their leaders have many titles such as "handsome", "great handsome" and "Zongshuai", and they are in a semi-independent state for the central feudal regime. They are also bitter people, people who will live and run around, so Chen Gong has no bad feelings for them. On the contrary, because the people in the mountains and the eternal harassment of Sun Ce also let Chen Gong laugh.

And now these people in the mountains are brought out by Sun Cequan! More than 200,000 people! These people appear in Shouchun not only to kill Lu Bujun but also a reason is to really solve the problem of Jiangdongshanyue! In this way, his Sun Ce can go to Jingzhou Liu Table without any scruples.

"All registrations, his Sun owes us back sooner or later!" Chen Gong and Lu Bu said coldly.


Jiangxia Sun Cejun Shuijun Camp

There has been a lot of laughter in the Dazhai of the Lord. This laughter is a ridiculous laugh. The owner of this laughter is naturally the Sun Tzu, the owner of Jiangdong.

From the intelligence, he wrote in the left general Liu Bei on the Xudu Handi, and the Han Emperor detained Liu Wang, who was the king of the Han Dynasty. Sun Ce’s smile could not stop because the sacred decree was issued. Lu Bujun really did not retreat, and with his calculations before Sun Ce, it can be said that no one will be killed, Lu Bujun will fall apart, you say such an ending. How can you not let Sun Ce be happy?

"Bo Fu!" Zhou Yu was also in the camp. He looked at Sun Ce and shook his head with a smile. He couldn't blame Sun Ce, because Sun Ce had eaten a shadow in the loss of Lu Bujun. First, Chen Duan was killed. Attacked, and later was the death of his newlywed wife Da Qiao. After the hardship, Zhou Tai Jiang Qin and Chen Wu Dong were all thrown into the city, and the city was not attacked. The most sorrowful thing for Sun Ce was that the water army that Jiangdong was proud of was actually changed by Gan Ning. The army gave up and the enemy injured a few people.

After sending the messengers to seek peace, Sun Ce was also disgusted, especially Lu Bujun played Zhang Zhao. Using the word game, the twenty-two warships were sold to Jingzhou to let the Jiangdong Shuijun lose the good situation in Jiangxia. It can be said that Lu Bujun is the enemy of Jiangdong, and now such a big enemy will be removed. Sun Ce can not be happy!

"Public, those people have already sent it!" Sun Ce still did not worry and asked Zhou Yu again.

"Bo Fu, this is the twenty-second time you have asked me. All the people have been sent over, including more than 280,000 people in Shanyue, more than 80,000 ordinary Chinese people, and 360,000 people. All of them have been escorted by the Jiangdong Shuijun to the other side of the Yangtze River and sent to the vicinity of the Lijiang River!" Zhou Yu once again repeated that the problem of the Shanyue people has been basically solved. It can be said that the Shanyue people on the hills of the Danyang Huiji Construction have already There is not much left, and the old and weak are left behind, and the rest are thrown into the Lijiang River. The mountain that has been plagued by Jiangdong for many years has been solved. Zhou Yu is also relieved. Now the problem of the mountain is to let Lu Bujun go to trouble. If the two hundred thousand Shanyue people rebel, it is no worse than 100,000 people! Jiang Dongjun was in Danyang when he was a soldier. In addition to women, Danyang County can directly pull the past as a man of appropriate age. Why? Because the system is weak and crippled, basically it is dead in the fighting, leaving behind the body is burly.

Therefore, Danyang is a land of soldiers.

"Good, good, good! Wait until the Shouchun Lijiang chaos, that is the death of his Lu Bu! At that time, I will definitely mention the soldiers to kill the Lu Bu film, and to report the enmity of the day before!" Sun Ce thought of Lu Bu, could not help but When he clenched his teeth, the biggest advantage of Lijiang and Shouchun was that he was Sun Ce, and Lujiang County would once again enter his Sun Ce.


Yuzhou Weinan

Like Sun Ce, there is another person who laughs, that is, Uncle Han, the left general Liu Bei, Liu Bei’s smile and Sun Ce’s smile are different. Liu Bei’s smile is not so arrogant, but a light smile, his heart is excited. The ultimate, but his expression is still so light, this smile makes people feel a sense of sunshine.

"Lord, our one match has won tens of thousands of soldiers and horses!" Sun Shang first spoke up. Sun Ganyi’s opening is a bunch of words that admire Liu Bei. "Think of him Lu Bu Luwen Hou, a martial arts Tong Xuan, His Majesty and the State The wolf ride is the king of the land war, and there is a trap of the city management. The three heavy armies of the black chess army can be said to be strong in the world, but they still have to sneak away the greatness of the Lijiang River on a memorial of the Lord. The foundation industry may even be a small life, and the Lord is really a god!"

Sun Gan boasted that he was very disgusting. He had already turned Liu Bei into the sky, and he soon became a hero in the world.

Why did Sun Gan do this? Before his grandson, he was also a literary gentleman with morality and self-cultivation. He always sneered at the flattery of the aunt, but at that time it was because he was the first adviser under Liu Bei, Liu Bei was very respectful to him, and he could also get the strength of Liu Bei. Support, but now, there is a more phoenix Pang Tong, it can be said that he took over all the rights before Sun Gan, Sun Gan from Liu Beijun’s military division, has become a prefect of the land, such a huge change, Sun How can you be willing to do it, but Pang Tong’s IQ and strategic level are indeed much better than his grandchildren. It’s not an opponent at all. But Sun Gan can only change one method, that is to use this. To increase the importance of being in front of Liu Bei.

Who is not liked by people who are flattering! The smile on Liu Bei’s face is very happy to represent Liu Bei.

Pang Tong looked at Sun Gan. He was so clever how he couldn’t think of Sun’s intentions, but Pang Tong did not care at all, because he was the one who decided to go to Liu Beijun’s direction and was one of the people under Liu Beijun. military adviser.

"Lord, it seems that we need to change our plans!" Pang Tong said to Liu Bei.

"Hey?" Liu Bei looked at Pang Tong and shifted his attention from Sun Gan.

"The eight thousand gold looks like we have to give Zhang embroidery!"

PS: Auntie said that a good 20,000 words will make up one thousand two! Continue with the code word! It’s not early, everyone is going to bed early! How about the dragon suit of Qinhuai Gonggong in the previous chapter? Qin Huai is lying on the gun, the wind and the water, and the virtual space outside the domain dare to black me, hey, wait for the general manager! Our group welcomes all kinds of spit and various kinds of discussions (although a bunch of two goods are black every day)

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