My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 287: Xu Weizhi

"Can't go on like this anymore!" In the Shouchun of Yangzhou, Xu Wei stood in the watchtower and listened to the report of the scouts. The coalitions of Liu Bei and Zhang Xiu are getting closer and closer, and Yangzhou can now have a little communication except the Lijiang River. All other places have lost contact, needless to say, they must have fallen.

The speed of Zhang Liulianjun can't be said to be unpleasant. The scouts are waiting for letters. At most, there will be two days of Liu Bei's army and Zhang Xiu's Xiliang Iron Rider will be in the hands of Linshouchuncheng. If it is not because of the problem of military food, I am afraid to attack Shouchun. After all, Liu Bei has won so many cities, but the grain is still in the rear, and the supply of grain and grass to Zhang Xiu is also given by Liu Bei. Liu Bei’s hand has Liu Bai’s many years of looting, and the richness is enough. Wan Dajun used more than a year.

"There is no reinforcement, there is no grain! There is no main force in the hands." This is the most troublesome thing for Xu Wei. The last response to the letter of assistance from Minjiang was that he stayed behind and said it was good, but Xu Wei knows this sentence. The meaning is that there is no reinforcement, at least not at present. At the very least, when Xu Wei’s letter of assistance is sent, the reinforcements are still not ready to go. There are not many food and grass in Shouchun City. The main force has! The two hundred people are all cavalry and heavy cavalry. This is the white horse that Liu Wei left behind. When he learned that Liu Bei’s army was not in Yuzhou, Liu Wei let Zhao Yun go back with two hundred heavy cavalrymen to help Xu Wei. Well, Xu Wei can also have a mobile unit in his hand.

Now Xu Wei does not expect to directly retire Liu Bei. He just wants to delay the time because there is a Shouchun Industrial Park outside the city. There are so many precious materials and things that there are no time to carry it. Some handling If you can't, you still need to burn it directly. These things can't fall in the hands of Liu Bei or Zhang Xiu. Liu Wei explained it before he left. Even if it was completely destroyed, it could not appear in the hands of the enemy. Those mattresses, guns and even those books, and the manufacture inside the cement could not be leaked out.

The industrial area has been built for so long, and it is so easy to carry it all. Therefore, Xu Wei needs time and needs sufficient time. Now, the scouts in front of the letter replied that there are still two days to go. The army of Liu Bei and Zhang Xiu will arrive in Shouchun. Xu Wei needs time. It takes time to move the industrial area, so he has to figure out a way to delay the journey of Liu Bei and Zhang Xiu.

"Reporting the military! From the drowning, many ships came! Said to be the generals of Gan," a commander came in and said to Xu Wei.

"Gangning's fleet? Is the main public coming back?!" Xu Wei stood up and asked. If Liu Wei is back, then it will be much easier. Xu Wei can even play a good game outside the Shouchun City and Liu Bei Zhang Xiong.

"No. No! The military division, Gan General's fleet is not many people, but his ship is loaded with a lot of food, saying that the military division sent people to help carry it!" The commander answered Xu Wei's question.

"Food!" Xu Wei's eyes flashed in the eye. What he lacks now is the grain. With sufficient food, Liu Bei and Zhang Xiong's soldiers and horses are not afraid of being doubled. After all, there are millions of people in Shouchun City. It. Let them help defend the city, what can be done to the Shouchun.

Xu Wei came to Shouchun Shuizhai with the commander, and saw that the wandering above the water was really the water army of Gan Ning. In fact, there is no need to distinguish it. Because there are a total of three waters on the top, a Lao Cao The water army, Lao Cao's water army in the Xiyang Shangqiu area, can only be counted as a water inspection team, because there are only a thousand people, not even a big ship. All the elites were dragged by Lao Cao to the Yellow River and Yuan Shao’s battle with Guandu. Where did they dare to come to the Huaihe River? Not to mention the more than 10,000 water troops under Liu Wei, even Liu Bei’s five thousand waters Can beat him to find home, so Cao Cao's water army is very embarrassing. Basically, there is no water, and the second is Liu Bei’s water army, ah! Liu Bei’s water army has become history. There were only 5,000 people, and it was still an ordinary water army. Even the bed was not assembled, and there were not many buildings and boats, and Gan Ning’s hands were 12,000 troops. The assault sent them to the bottom of the Huaihe River, so the water army above the Huaihe River was only Liu Gan’s Gan Ning Water Army.

"These foods!" Xu Wei was obviously over-expected. Originally, the fleets of Gan Ning were all water warships. They were not transport ships, how much grain they could bring, and they could see Wanshi already. It’s not bad, but it’s better than nothing. With these foods, you can stick to it for a while.

"Military division!" Gan Ning directed the Shuijun soldiers to help Shouchun's people to transport grain and grass, and Gan Ning had to see Xu Wei holding Xu Quan to Xu.

"Gan General, where is the main army now?" This is what Xu Wei cares about, and where is Liu Wei now? Only knowing some specific information can make Xu Wei have greater confidence in the next resistance to Liu Bei Zhang Xiongjun.

"When I came back, the Lord Gong was about to attack it!" Gan Ning did not conceal the movement of Liu Wei's army to Xu Wei.

"颍上!" Xu Wei's head is thinking, the map of Yuzhou has completely reflected in Xu Xin's mind, after the Shangshang County is the cunnilingus, after the difficulty is the south, separated by hundreds of miles, even Liu If you want to win the game, you have to wait for a few months. Xu Wei slightly frowned. In any case, the Shouchun defensive war must come by himself.

"Army, do you want to bring the soldiers of the water army to Shouchun and the military to guard the city together!" Gan Ning asked very kindly, although Gan Ning's ministry is all water army, but don't forget, Gan The combat strength under Ning Hao is still very strong, and the battlefield is no worse than those of Qingzhou.

"No need!" Xu Wei refused. Gan Ning's water army Liu Wei said before he left. He has great use. The water army is no better than a pawn. It is also a fast-paced teaching style. There are also some battlefield skills. Sending armor weapons on the line, some garrison troops, for example, Xu Wei is now in the hands of 50,000 troops, the number is large, but it is all in the crowd, simple point is cannon fodder, can be used directly on the battlefield.

The water army is different, not only will it have water, but also understand hydrology. On the river surface, the warship will shake. Especially when the war is going on, if you are not familiar with water, I am afraid you will even stand up. Not enough. It’s still a fart. A qualified water army can’t be pulled into a warship without a year and a half. The majority of Ganyan’s water army is composed of Jiangxia Shuijun, even if some recruits are also fishermen along the river. .

Therefore, it is definitely a big loss in the use of defending the city. And even if Shouchun falls, if the Shuijun is still there, it will be able to cross the Hongze Lake along the Huaihe River and go back to the Lijiang River along the Yangtze River. This is a retreat.

"Then I will leave!" Gan Ning hugged his fist and transported the grain. The water army of Gan Ning needs to go back to the Lijiang River. The port of Shouchun has not been completely repaired and the warship cannot be parked.

Looking at Gan Ning's departure, Xu Wei's thoughts that had just eased a little tightened, how can he block Liu Bei and Zhang Xiong coalition forces, let them delay the speed. Xu Wei looked at the surrounding scene without aim, the bag of grain, the porters.

"Grass? Grain? Suspend Liu Bei and Zhang Xiong coalition!" Xu Wei suddenly moved in his heart, his eyes released a fine light, people familiar with Xu Wei will know that this is the expression after Xu Wei solved the problem, such as the burden.

"Come. Call me, General Zhao Yun, and the scouts with two of our troops to come to the deliberation hall. Those two scouts must be loyal to our army. It is best to have a family in Lijiang or Shouchun. "Xu Wei said to the edge of the guard.

"Yes, the military division!" The guards went and hugged.

Xu Wei also returned to Shouchun's parliamentary hall. After a while, Zhao Yun and the two scouts were brought.

"Army]! Zhao Yun is holding a fist against Xu Wei. "I don't know what the military recruited to come here?!" Liu Wei gave Zhao Yun's elite cavalry, the urban management army's cavalry battalion. Zhao Yun was also given to change the cavalry battalion into a white horse from the righteousness, and the horses and horses in the battlefield were not lacking Zhao Yun. They also gave Zhao Yun a lot of self-righteousness. Zhao Yun said that he was not moved and that it was a fake. Zhao Yun has not had any exploits under Liu Wei. At most, he chased Guan Yu’s fleet and sent a sentence to Guan Yu. Originally, Liu Wei went north to Yuzhou and ran for Liu Bei. Zhao Yun also followed the past and thought that he could fight with Liu Yujun. After all, he is a cavalry unit with strong maneuverability, and Liu Bei has many steps. Once the cavalry enters, in addition to the white-eared heavy armor, it is a nightmare for other steps, but Liu Wei knows that Liu Bei’s main force is not in Yuzhou. After that, Zhao Yun was dispatched back.

Now Xu Wei recruits himself, there should be any big moves.

"These two scouts are reliable!" Xu Wei asked the guard who came over with him.

"Absolutely reliable!" The guard did not answer. Zhao Yun on the side helped to answer the question. In fact, Xu Wei asked for extra, because Shouchun’s scout was in charge of Zhao Yun’s white horse and returned to Shouchun. The white horse from the predecessor of the righteousness is the urban management army cavalry battalion, almost all of the urban management army veterans, and Liu Wei was born to die, or the old man of the state army, or the old man of Xuzhou army, such people let them die for Liu Wei immediately Hesitant, it can be said that if they are not reliable, there will be no reliable people in Liu Weijun.

"Yes! Then I have a very important task to teach you two scouts, you are willing to go!" Xu Wei asked two scouts.

"I will wait!" The two scouts replied with a glance.

"Don't answer so fast!" Xu Wei shook his hand. "This mission is a mission of ten deaths. If you are not good, you will enter the Hall of Heroes! Are you willing?!" Xu Wei wants to be in front of the two. Scouting communication is good, because this task is very important. Once it fails, it may involve the industrial area outside Shouchun City. The biggest consequence can even affect the great cause of the lord, so Xu Wei has to be cautious.

"This!" The two scouts are also people. They are not trees and insects. They will think, and what are people most afraid of? That is death. No one can calm down in front of death. They are not afraid of death on the battlefield. That is because there is no time to think. Now Xu Wei has directly raised it. This time your mission may die. This feeling is really true. Not the average person can stand it.

"Military division, my building is less riding in Xuzhou. After Xuzhou was slaughtered by Cao Cao, there is only one 8-year-old sister in the family who is now in the city. He is the only relative who is riding less. I hope the military division will help me take care of my sister!" Riding on Xu Wei’s fist

"Let's ride, you can rest assured, your sister is my sister Xu Wei, I will treat her as a sister, raise her to grow up, teach her chess and calligraphy, and wait for her to grow up and find a good wife!" Xu Wei said to the scout who claimed to be a building.

"Military division, I Fenghe was originally a state army. My family had already died in the hands of foreigners. I joined the old master's sergeant for revenge. Now I am still alone. I am riding less and I am Brother, Wo also hopes that the military division can treat the younger sister of Shaoqi! If possible, Wo hopes that when the big man seals the wolf, the military division can burn some paper money in the grave of Wo to tell Wo. "Wind Wo is a bachelor. He is alone in one person, and one person is full of food.

"Call!" Xu Wei closed his eyes. He didn't expect the two scouts to agree. They didn't expect the requirements of the two people to be so simple. According to Xu Wei's plan, these two people could never live. No life. I thought of Xu Hao’s heavy nod.

"General Zhao Yun, the next is General Zhao Yun, your white horse has been out of righteousness!" Xu Wei took an order arrow from the main position of the deliberation hall. After Liu Wei left, the entire Shouchun and even the entire Yangzhou rights were taught. Give Xu Wei, so Liu Wei is not there, Xu Wei has full power, from military power to political power, Xu Wei went to Zhao Yun's side.

"Zhao Yunhe is here!" Xu Wei shouted loudly.

"The end will be!" Zhao Yun has been busy for a long time, his white horse will act from the righteousness, Zhao Yun can not be excited in the heart! He also wants to see how strong the white horse is re-established.

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