My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 295: Kneeling

Forming the compilation and the state wolf ride finally grew up in the passage of the blood and meat piled up in the robe. They are not cold-blooded, they are not ungrateful, they are wolves, their tears are only in the eyes, swallowing the lower stomach, using this tear Turned into the power of revenge.

"Breakthrough, break through!" The remaining thousand people will slam the war horses, and the state wolf will ride thousands of people to start, and the hundred will follow, and take the lead, no one dares to go anywhere, and can't stop it.

Liu Bei’s squatting is a step, and the white-eared heavy armor has a heavy armor. It’s impossible to catch up with the horse. The Xiliang iron rider with the horse is caught by the spirit of the wolf riding in the state. They are cool. The strength of the iron ride is strong, not only because they are jealous of the enemy, but also for their own people. The dead friends are not dead, how can they throw their lives here for others? Under the sturdy **** of Xiliang Iron Ride, the state wolf ride has already rushed out far, and the pursuit is too late.

Lu Bu took a ride with the state wolf for a long time, watching it have not chased the soldiers to catch up, this allowed the wolves to stop and rest for a while to lick their wounds, Lu Bu this wound, he only The discovery of the bitter smile, and the state wolf riding five thousand war wolves out, now the hands of three thousand are not in the same, the remaining two hundred and seven hundred and sixty-two people, all lost in the encirclement, can be said today The state wolf ride is the most devastating loss since the Confucian wolf ride in the Central Plains. Even the old Cao Siege has not been so miserable.

"Damn!" Lu Bu bit his own teeth, his fingers have broken into his palm. He didn't know that he broke his hand.

"Lord, we are now!" Zhang Fan has already died. The remaining thousand will come to Lu Bu and ask.

"Transfer, return to Shucheng!" Lu Bu also knows that the current state of the wolf can no longer fight, nearly half of the damage, now the wolf cavalry can not be scaled out, can not fight, can only be first Shucheng has taken a break.

"Lord, then we?!" Thousands of people will be a bit confused, they came out to find Missy. But now Missy hasn't found it yet, and the state wolf ride has already lost more than half of the battle. Is it going to go back now!

"Don't find it! First, Shucheng, I believe she has a natural person!" Lu Bu's mouth is actually very bitter to say this sentence, if Lu Bu does not worry that her daughter is fake, if not worried How could it be possible to pull out the state wolf ride alone? But for a daughter to teach oneself, and the brothers who fought side by side from the beginning of the state to bring death. This is not what Lu Bu wants.

It’s a wolf, you need to go to the wound. It’s a wolf that has a kind of revenge. Now I’m going back to Shucheng to take a break. When he comes back next time, Lu Bu is with a **** revenge of 2,762 people. Come. Liu Bei, Zhang embroidery, you give me Lu Bu waiting.

After Lubu’s rest in Wuzhou’s wolf, he returned to Shucheng with his majesty.


"Kill, kill, kill!" Yuzhou, Liu Wei, this time is really awkward. In order to be able to break through the hurricane quickly, his sixteen trebuchets kept on day and night. Falling into the boulder in the city, the piled up stones are about to be buried in the raft. The stones in the dozens of miles are about to be used up by Liu Wei, and then I want to use the trebuchet. The ammunition was taken in the city.

Liu Wei is uncomfortable, and Yan Fang, who is dead in the shackles, is even more uncomfortable. He has a total of 5,000 defenders who can persist until now because there are people in the city who help each other. Those people board the city to help Fang Fang resist. The enemy, under the city, helped Fang Fang’s ministry to send food to eat, and the boiling water that was curbed by the people was also helped by these people. In the eyes of these people in Yuzhou, Liu Bei has become the master of the Ming Dynasty, and fighting with Liu Bei, attacking Liu Bei It’s all evil. If Cao Cao relies on the king’s hegemony to gain the foundation of Wei’s country, Sun Quan is able to win the world by the shadow of his eldest brother. Then Liu Bei’s most dependent is the public opinion offensive and emotional offensive. .

The most elite of Liu Bei’s men is not the white-eared heavy armor, but Liu Bei’s own and the simple hand in his hands. These two people are very good at grasping the hearts of the people, and they have enough chips on the top of public opinion and feelings. They put gold on their faces and go to the enemy. Splashing dirty water, the entire population of Yuzhou was formed by the local people and the Xuzhou people. The Xuzhou people have been completely brainwashed. Among them, only Liu Bei’s army is the king, while the other princes’ army is the thief. Liu Bei also likes to give the enemy the name of the massacre.

Although some of the princes liked the massacre very much, it was only to scare people. For example, when Lao Cao Tu Xuzhou, it was just to vent their anger and scary. There were three small towns, but the people only had thousands of people and escaped. Thousands, Lao Cao really killed some old and weak, and killed less than a thousand people, but this is the case, Lao Cao was rendered by Liu Bei, it became a real heinous butcher, what? The drowning is cut off, and the blood is dyed in the mouth of the lake. The fish are dyed red.

Public opinion has made you full, so every day a propaganda, even if Cao Cao is not a bad person, it becomes a bad person, and the three become tigers. So when Lao Cao is attacking Xuzhou, every city will have people helping to defend the city. In the end, there is no way to force Cao Cao. Anyway, the black pot of the butcher has already been backed up, so it is better to become a fact! Therefore, when Cao Cao was attacking a Xuzhou city pool, he would pull out the people who helped defend the city, but how can they find out so accurately? And Lao Cao believes that it is better to miss three thousand and not let go of one hundred, so the name of Lao Cao really turned black in Xuzhou, even if Liu Bei was driven out of Xuzhou by Cao Cao, he did not forget to go to Black Cao Cao. Only with so many Xuzhou people fled to Yuzhou, and now Liu Wei is really realizing the feeling of Cao Cao.

These people have been completely brainwashed. They just think that you will attack the city and kill the city. Even if you explain it, you will not believe it.

Since the explanation is unreasonable, it can only force Liu Yulian to take hands with the defenders and the people.

"The city is broken, the city is broken!" In the front of the shackles, the defenders and the people on the shackles finally could not hold back. The wall has been smashed by the trebuchet, and basically there is no good place. Sudden death and bruises are one after another. As long as it is hard to survive by the shells of this artillery, even if luck is good, it is a disability. If Liu Bei is too "heart", maybe It can be broken for up to half a day, and no one can bravely stand on the wall to defend the city while taking care of the gun.

The five thousand people of Yan Fang were reimbursed for more than 3,000 on the first day. If the people did not help, they would have finished.

In two days, Liu Wei finally captured the ancient city. On the raft, it is named after the drowning water. It is a big county in Yuzhou. It is no worse than Weinan. It is because he is on the edge of the Lishui River and the Huaihe River. It makes this ancient city very Prosperity used to be the exchange of Xuzhou, four states of Yangzhou, Yangzhou, Zhangzhou. It is a place to communicate with the four continents. At the time of prosperity, the merchants of the people once exceeded more than 100,000. Merchant ships, vehicles are like clouds.

However, today the ancient city has to open its door under the attack of thousands of elite soldiers.

"All the troops entered the city!" Liu Wei waved his hand and issued this order. The gates on the gates and the suspension bridges on the gates have been put down. Now the rebellion on the battlefields is all fighting. Basically, the large-scale rebellion was gone. The Black Chess Army did not participate in the siege because of its heavy armor. Now that the door is wide open, it can really play a role. The black team of a team rushed into the game. In the middle.

Liu Wei rushed to the past with his shackles on the shackles. It’s okay to get to the warehouse. There is still no army that has been defeated by those Fangfang. It may be that the city is breaking too fast, so that Fang Fang did not think that an ancient city could not be kept for two days. No one would set fire to the warehouse, if it was a fire. Here Liu Wei’s fun is really big. He sent most of the grain he got from Anfengjin to Shouchun. The grain left is only half a month old. If it is burned here, it will be burnt. Then everyone is ready to go hungry.

Liu Wei let the Black Chess strictly guard this warehousing and walked in. There were some bureaucrats in the warehousing that had not had time to escape. Liu Wei grabbed a person in charge and learned the food and grass here. There is Wan Shi, this result really makes Liu Wei laugh and close, what is the most lacking in Yangzhou, is it not grain? With such a batch of grain, Shouchun can hold on for a while.

"Zi Yang, they should also take the **** now. The sinister city is not much smaller than the squatting. The grain and grass inside will not be less. The two cities are added together, and the grain and grass are enough for Liu Wei to fight. When Weinan went, how could Liu Wei be unhappy? Take down Weinan and directly ruin Liu Bei’s back road, so that Liu Bei can’t be seen at the beginning and end, and Weinan is the old nest of Liu Bei. Liu Bei’s dispatch of troops and the supply of grain are From the output of Weinan, once Weinan was broken, Liu Beijun could have no food and grass. How can he fight if there is no grain? When the feng shui turns, even if Liu Bei wins Shouchun, it is just a turn. The millions of people who had caused Liu Wei’s headache to become a reminder of Liu Bei’s headache, Liu Bei is a mouthful of ethics and humiliation. So many people have not eaten, can he still make them hungry? Then leave it to Liu Bei. There are only two days to go, or to bring out a small number of military foods to the people. After the disaster, everyone will starve to death, or Liu Bei will not be able to take it out, the people will starve and rebel, and Liu Bei’s reputation for decades of operation Destroyed. Imagine all loved it!

At the time when Liu Wei was thinking, Huang Zhong also arrived. He was ordered by Liu Wei to take the shackles within one day. From the time of attacking the city yesterday, to the time of today, it is almost a All day.

"Small masters, the end will be fortunate not to be insulted, have already won the battle!" Huang Zhongyu fell in front of Liu Wei, behind him with a few urban management soldiers and a young warrior tied by the five flowers. "By the way, I also took this person!"

"Hey, this is not our General Fang Fangjun!" Liu Wei saw the old acquaintance, not the Guardian of the ancestors.

"Hey, you have to kill to listen to the respect!" "Yu Fang is also hard-hearted, seeing Liu Wei still want to kneel down, his face is gone, but he is now a prisoner, naturally no choice, two urban management sergeant pressure He was slammed on the back of his knees and slammed him down.

"Kill you? Oh, I can't bear it!" Liu Wei, but hope that his brother's brother joined Lu Bujun, there is such a big business. Liu Wei can tell some of his own ideas, and now Baima has only two hundred cavalry. Liu Wei promised Zhao Yun, to buy a horse to build a white horse from the Yi group to 5,000 people, and now the place to buy horses is also in Liaodong, waiting for the shipbuilding of the Lijiang shipyard, Liu Wei is ready to send people to the sea Going to Liaodong, and a businessman who knows how to trade is indispensable to Liu Wei.

"Han Sheng, where did you find General Fang Fang!" Liu Wei is a bit confused, this is not a fool. If you look at the city, you can't keep it, don't you escape? Liu Wei is now without a cavalry, and the soldiers and horses are heavy armor, even if the city management armor is light, but as long as there are several horses, you can completely leave the city gate on the other side, but now Fang Fang Was caught alive.

"There is no master. I will not be able to catch him at the end. When I finally climbed the wall, this person disappeared, but unfortunately, this person is a passionate seed with a woman and a woman. Driving a car The carriage, before it was at the gate of the city, was intercepted!" Huang Zhong explained.

"Amorous seeds?!" Liu Wei has not heard of this Fang Fang and who has had a singular love story, if it is his wife, then it is not right, if you are infatuated. Why did he betray Liu Bei to surrender Sun Quan in the original trajectory? He must know that his family was at that time. He surrendered Sun Quan to betray Liu Bei, although Liu Bei would not be embarrassed by his family, but it is impossible to meet in this life. After all, Wu Hao is so envious.

"Bring it up!" Liu Wei began to give up this woman who would have to go to save and escape. Who has such a great charm that Fang Fang can give up the escape.

"Yes!" Huang Zhong waved his hand. The following two urban management sergeants nodded and went down. Then a shadow appeared in the escorting of the two soldiers. This appearance also really made Liu Wei’s eyes bright.

Euphemistic and dignified, beautiful without losing the atmosphere, Qinglian and not demon, this is what Liu Wei can describe this woman, even if Liu Wei, who used to be a beautiful woman, also nodded to the woman in front of her eyes. Miss Liu, the lady of Liu Zheng’s Zhenggong, inherits the heroic spirit of the old lady Lu Bu and the tenderness of his mother, Mrs. Yan, so Miss Lu is a kind of queen-type sister, and Liu Wei’s partial room is big Joe, that’s even more It is a kind of peony flower, white, clean (scratch, don't think too much, not a person's name) dignified, and when she is with her sister Xiaoqiao, she is also eclipsed by Fang Fang. Liu Wei also has a flat wife who is the daughter of Yuan Road. It is also a rare flower. Yuan Road was originally a dude. His wife can be an ordinary person and a gorgeous woman. Yuan’s own skin is really good, and his brother Yuan Shao Regardless of the up and down, Miss Yuan Da under the two genes will naturally not go bad.

Most importantly, Liu Wei has seen many times the first beauty of the three countries, and one of the four beautiful women in China, the cheap mother-in-law, is the wife. It can be said that Liu Wei’s aesthetics has reached a certain standard. The ordinary look is not in Liu’s eyes. However, this woman made Liu Wei’s heart move. Liu Yiqiang suppressed his heart and said with a smile. .

"General Fang Fang is really a model among my generation. It is so romantic, and the lady is like a flower like a jade. They are a pair of monks together! People are so envious!" Liu Wei is a bit of a woman. Heartbeat, but think about the tigress at home, no! It should be said that there are two tigresses. In addition to Miss Yuan Da’s demeanor, Lu Qiling and Da Qiao have become more and more lawless since they got married. Liu Wei simply can’t control it, let alone take the beauty back. Liu Wei’s niece in the prefecture has been replaced by a big man by Ms. Lu Qiao. If you are strong and put on a man, it is a kind of praise, and it is placed on a woman! Have you seen a woman who is eight feet tall? Liu Wei has seen it! Have you ever seen a person picking up a hundred pounds of food without much effort? Liu Wei has seen, have you seen a woman who is no different from a man on the ship? Liu Wei has seen it!

If this woman is cherished by Yan Fang, Liu Wei said that she would not become a full-fledged person, because this woman is not an indispensable thing for Liu Wei, but her brother is not.

"Hey!" Yan Fang snorted and expressed disdain for Liu Wei. I still dare to disdain me, Liu Wei looks at Xiao Fang like a smile.

"Mrs., Xiaosheng is a courtesy!" Liu Yu learned the dialogue in the ancient drama and said to the woman. This woman did not answer, but a pair of winks was watching Chen Fang tightly, and she could see that she was very concerned about Yan Fang.

Just care, Liu Wei is really afraid that the two people do not care about each other. As long as both of them have each other in their hearts, Liu Wei can control Yu Fang (how to feel a vinegar flavor).

"Unfortunately. Unfortunately, such a beautiful person, but to stay away from General Fang Fang, General Fang Fang, you see that you have worked hard for Liu Daer for a lifetime, in the end, nothing has been obtained, now it is good. Also for Liu Daer to send Qing Qing’s life, General Fang Fang, I know that you are a man. Death is very indifferent to you. People die or are more important than Taishan or lighter than Hong Mao. They die for the old master, die and keep the festival, and finally Taishan! Admire. Admire. "Liu Wei can't help but brag about Fang Fang, and he will soon say that Fang Fang is a loyal person who has never come before." For the sake of the old master, he is obedient, and he died.

"Less master, you!" Huang Zhong was a bit confused, and the young master wanted to do this. Doesn't the Lord want to persuade this Fang Fang? Huang Zhong saw it when he was outside the city wall. Liu Wei was very interested in persuading him to drop him. But now Liu Wei does not mention the matter of persuasion. What should be said normally is that it is no big deal to surrender. Not shameful, but now Liu Wei is boasting that Fang Fang is loyal and defensive. Isn't this an idea that is firm and unrelenting?

Liu Wei did not explain it. He took a picture of Huang Zhong. He took a lot of Huang Zhong Huang Zhong and calmed down a lot. Liu Wei shot his shoulder and said that Liu Wei had already had a good foot.

"The loyal minister does not matter the two masters, but I read the book but I understand the truth!" Liu Wei was so proud of the singer that Fang Fang really licked his nose and felt comfortable.

"But it's a pity, but unfortunately!" Liu Wei directly gave Xiaofang a major turning point.

"What a pity!"

"Unfortunately, General Fang Fang is loyal and punctual. It is more important than Taishan. It may even be a name for history. It is sung for historians and is known to future generations, but this lady may not be guaranteed!"

"What are you talking about?!" Fang Fang listened a bit wrong.

"I didn't say anything! A lady like a jade, oh, you look at the skin as jade is smooth, you look at the lips, it's really a cherry mouth, look at this face, the water is moist and wants to bite. "Son a bite!" said Liu Wei, still screaming, but not only said, this hand also moved, directly touching the woman's face with the back of the hand, you really don't say good slippery, let Liu Weidu A little reluctant to take it away.

"The general please pay attention!" The woman hurried back two steps, trying to avoid Liu Wei's hand, but behind her there are two urban management soldiers, she escaped and can escape where.

"Little beauty, don't be afraid, this king is the great king of the Han Dynasty. From this general, you can give you a lifetime of glory and wealth!" Liu Wei simply put the woman into her arms, and her hands are not sensitive to the sensitive side of the woman. Stretched over.

"What are you doing, let go of her!" Yan Fang suddenly turned his head and stood up. He was going to Liu Wei when he was angry, but he was pressed by Huang Zhong. He was helped, not Huang Zhong’s opponent was directly dragged down.

"Why should I let go of her! So beautiful, when you have a good time, General Fang Fang, you still be your loyal minister, go to Taishan to go to the name of the history! This king is a laity, naturally, to be happy in time! Rest assured This king will replace your wife who loves you so much, it is definitely better than having a husband like you."

"What do you say!" Yan Fang suddenly moved in the heart, but still anger on the surface.

"Nothing? Han Sheng sent a general to the general, let him go to be a loyal minister, I have to spend the spring with the general lady!"

"Yes! Little master!" Huang Zhong was also very obedient and nodded directly to mention Fang Fang, pulled out the sword, this is the rhythm of direct killing outside.

"Sub-party!" Liu Yuhuai's beauty saw Huang Zhong want to mention that Yan Fang was anxious to break away from Liu Wei, but how could her strength compare to Liu Wei?

"Mrs. General? Do you want to be a husband?!" Fang Fang moved in the heart "slow!" Huang Zhong looked at it and killed him. Fang Fang shouted, "His Royal Highness, Yu Fang is willing to drop, willing to drop!"

"Hey!?" Liu Wei’s heart was really happy, and he knew that this kid was saddened by the beauty. Liu Wei couldn’t help but look at the beauty in his arms. To tell the truth, if Liu Wei is a beautiful woman for this kind of beauty, Will surrender.

"General Fang Fang is not a loyal minister?!"

"Inappropriate! Yu Fang is willing to drop, only to ask the royal king to let go of the spoiled wife, can let the couple reunion."

"Is it early! If General Fang Fang is willing to surrender, how can the king do this to his wife!" Liu Wei directly released his hand.

"Sub-party, you are all right!" Liu Wei was a little embarrassed, but such a beautiful girl was ruined by such a second-rate pit. The eyes that are concerned are definitely not fake.

"Children!" The woman seems to have something to say, but she has been blamed, but she has been secretly stopped.

"Han Sheng took the generals and the couple to go to bathe and change clothes!" Liu Wei waved his hand and said to Huang Zhong.

"Yes!" Liu Wei was happy, he did not see the flash of excitement in the eyes of Yan Fang. If the look is carefully identified, it is a mockery and a feeling of success.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!" Yan Fang was holding a fist in the face of Liu Wei, half a squat, and this was equivalent to an attitude of surrender. Fang Fang was about to leave, but a munitions officer who suddenly broke into the stunned !

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