My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 36: Cao Junzhi (1)

"Hungry, hungry" under the Kaiyang Gate, a **** atmosphere spread through the torrent of steel.

"And the state wolf cavalry?!" Lao Cao rushed to the big camp stand, the eyes must be out. "Where are the cavalry? Where are the horses?" The squatting horse Lu Bu did not take with him, Kaiyang Most of the horses were pulled down by Lu Bu, and the remaining part was also divided by the tyrants. Now there are so many horses?

At first glance, it is the ocean of cavalry.

"One person double horse, five thousand horses, three thousand cavalry?!" Xu Huang's mastery of the cavalry is absolutely above the other generals of Cao Jun, and you can see the real thing at a glance.

"Three thousand cavalry?!" Lao Cao's tiger and leopard riding is not easy. This is more than 5,000. More than half of them are in Xuzhou. It is the three thousand tiger leopards in front of them. Losing a Cao can be distressed because of a The value of the tiger leopard ride can raise a team of infantry out of the heavy armor.

Now that Lu Bu is such a sleepy beast, he has pulled out three thousand cavalry from Kaiyang, the city that will be broken. Still heavy cavalry, five thousand horses. Lao Cao saw that these horses are definitely not a bad horse. It’s a real horse.

Lao Cao feels that he has been pitted, and the opposite is also a heavy cavalry. Even if the tiger and leopard rides are even more elite, there will be casualties between the two strong fighters, not to mention the old rivals of the tiger and leopard riding and the state wolf riding.

You said that you have a wolf in the state of Lu Bu, you broke out in Kaiyang early, you have to fight in Kaiyang, now the city can not keep up, you still want to play a big battle, you Lubu is lost Xuzhou didn't have a squat to prepare to break the can, but Lao Cao couldn't afford it. The three thousand tiger leopard rides allowed Lao Cao to raise more than 100,000 troops. If he lost it, Lao Cao could really be sad.

"And the state wolf ride?!" Cao Chun has led the tiger leopard to ride the charge, although he is surprised but can not stop, cavalry, cavalry, what is required is high maneuver, as long as you can run to use his high speed to destroy each other.

The narrow road meets the brave to win! This is a showdown between the cavalry and the cavalry.

"Jian Feng pointed out that he was invincible!" Cao Chun snorted, and the tiger and leopard riding also angered at the same time. Their horses were accelerating, and then the acceleration was still accelerating. They had to crush everything in front of them.

"How about the wolf riding in the state! Today, I want to let you know that the first cavalry in the world is a tiger leopard ride! Enlightenment, Lu Fengxian!" Cao Chunyi first went to Lubu.

"Enlightenment? Oh, the enlightenment is Cao Chun, and Cao Mengde!" Lu Buzhi 戟天" "Brothers, give these girls a look, we have a powerful wolf ride! The army listened to me!"

"Hungry, hungry!" A group of hungry wolves rushed to the opposite side of the Tiger Leopard ride.

"Long shot!" Zhang Liao made a sound, the original long guns were pulled up and swayed across the horse "charge!"

"Crush them!" Cao Chun’s face was fierce, and the strength of his legs with his horses was stronger.


Two steel torrents want to collide.

The cavalry wants to charge, the first row of the tiger leopard ride and the first state wolf ride the first collision, the tiger leopard ride and all the heavy cavalry of this era are usually with long lances, but the contact found the tiger leopard ride The rifle seems to be shorter than the one that the state wolf rides.

As the saying goes, one inch long and one inch strong, the tiger leopard riding the front suddenly ate a big loss.

"Dead!" These two state wolf riders, who had been beaten by the old Cao in the city, had already sighed with a sigh of relief. Now that they have horses, they have a strong focus, and there are long guns. The time is coming. It is.

Every slap in the head stabbed the pike.

"Hey!" The sound of a hole in the armor spread, and even the state wolf was too strong to shoot directly with two or even three tigers and leopards.

"Close to the battle!" Cao Chun saw the powerful slap in the state wolf riding a cavalry. The long gun can only be used for a wave. As long as the distance between the two sides is closer, the long gun can only become a hindrance, and it can't be opened at all. At that time, it is the world where the tiger and the leopard are riding.

"The shield!" Zhang Liao once again drank, Cao Chun saw that there was a big shield behind the back of the iron horse riding in the state, the light above it, this is obviously a metal shield, this style? Isn’t he so big that he doesn’t know that the cavalry can’t travel long distances?

The high-speed motorization of the cavalry cavalry is called a cavalry. Once the knight has too much armor or equipment, it is not only unbearable, but the horse can not bear it. If the cavalry loses its high maneuver, it can not only travel long distances, I am afraid The enemy is a problem.

Zhang Liao began the same thoughts as Cao Chun. When did the cavalry have a shield? The purpose of the cavalry has always been to rush, attack, attack, attack, when did you bring a shield? Even if there is that arm shield, there is no such big shield.

However, Zhang Liao was happy after the equipment, because the shield looks huge on the surface, but in fact it is very thin, even the toughness of this shield makes Zhang Liao all surprised, the long iron knife in his hand It will not break the defense of this shield.

Originally, Liu Wei was brought to camp, but now the camp has been fully launched, so everyone is equipped with this shield.

"Damn!" Cao Chun avoided a long gun, backhand

Just waved the horse's knives in the hand, "Give me death!" The knife was very accurate and crossed the shield's defensive loophole and slashed it on the state wolf.

"Death!" Cao Chun's face is all cruel. Every battle is on the battlefield. It will be infected by the atmosphere of the battlefield. They are even hard to calm down at the end of the war.

Cao Chun’s face has already been excited, and the blood will be sputtered out. The chores of this state will die.

Cao Chun's excited look has not yet reached "gao chao", and it suddenly stiffened. Because of his knife, his knife was cut on it and he could not break the armor! Only a white stamp was added to the original white armor.

"How is it possible!" The weapon in Cao Chun’s hand is not a general long knife. This is the weapon that Cao Cao gave him that can represent the ultimate right of the tiger leopard. It is a big knife with the sword of Cao Cao’s hand. The average iron armor is like tofu, but now it has not broken the defense.

The opposite side of the wolf ride is not the same as Cao Chun’s thoughts. It’s not that you are dead or that I live on the battlefield.

"Hungry, hungry!" And the state wolf ride is the hungry wolf group on the grassland. In their eyes, only the enemy in front of them can be shredded to get food, so that they can survive. Therefore, the state wolf ride is dead and born.

"Damn!" Cao Chun quickly slashed his knife and smashed the enemy's attack. He could squat with a good hand and smashed the bite of the state wolf, and the other tiger and leopard rides were not so lucky.

"Ah!" One after another, in addition to relying on the strength of the horse to pull the horse in the front row and sweep the horse, it is basically difficult to bring damage to the state wolf.

Although their armor is heavy, there are always gaps, and even some armor can't stop the sprint of the long gun. The heavy armor of the cavalry is not the all-metal armor of the infantry, but the armor and armor. This is heavy. A cavalry.

The knives of the tiger leopard rider were originally a nightmare for other troops, but now the opposite side of the wolf has become their nightmare, the knife can not break the defense of others, even the defense can not break hit what.

"Chongruo!" Cao Chun knows that the Tiger Leopard ride will be hit hard, but he can't back down. He is the main force of the army. Now he only rushes over, no matter how heavy the casualties are, he may be able to stop from the army, once the cavalry troops stop. It’s not far from being destroyed.

"Rushing!" Tiger Leopard riding is not the essence of Cao Jun elite, for a moment, they understand the idea of ​​the main general, the narrow road meets the brave victory, there is no mercy on the battlefield, only life and death.

"Kill!" Lu Bu's eyes flashed, and the main wolf of the state wolf was Zhang Liao, but before Lu Liao, but Lu Bu personally led, he also respected Cao Chun, this is a good general, very familiar with the cavalry, actually know First rushed over, not a panicked retreat.

"Would you like to leave?!" Lu Buyang raised his head, and a pair of swords stared at Cao Chun.

"This feeling!" Cao Chunzheng riding the tiger and leopard to ride the charge, suddenly felt a bit boring

His cold hair is trembled, as if he was stared at by the wild beasts.

"Not good!" Cao Chun slammed his head down. The whole person was like a tortoise. At this time, Cao Chun couldn’t care for any image. He had to save his life, and he had saved his life with a hundred battles. The golden shadows passed by.

"Hey, hey!" The two heads flew into the sky in an instant, and the two tigers and leopards who had been following Cao Chun suddenly rushed to the sky, and there was no life-threatening fall.

"Lu Bu!" Cao Chun came to see the appearance of the people, Jin Jia, body painting, murderous out, this is not just the pure Lu Jie who wants to kill the Lu Bu? ! (PS: It’s not that I didn’t update it yesterday! The new book period, I haven’t recommended the location yet, I can’t update it too fast! The editor let me slow down one day this week! I have some papers. I want to see it in advance. I will send it out)

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