My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 367: How to die

Jia Yu’s words directly made Liu Wei’s heart horrified. Looking at Jia Wei’s staring at himself, he could shine in the night. It really made Liu Wei’s whole person feel bad, and his mouth was twitching. I am thinking that this old fox, Jia Wei, will not be an old stick! Old glass! If it is really like that, even if Liu Wei does not want Jia, even if Liu Wei will get Jia Wei’s revenge, he must kill him!

Fortunately, Jia Yu’s continued explanation made Liu Wei finally let go of his heart. “Lü Bu, this person, I’m already paying attention to him. The earlier evaluation was just a grave in the grave! And even if people change, it’s hard to change so much. Someone must be pushing around him, and the literary writers around Lu Bu are not Chen Gong, the generals Zhang Liao Gao Shun and others. If they can change, they have changed so far, but they have reached this level. Zhang Liao Gao Shun in the military commander is in the state of Lu Bu. Although Chen Gong was later, but also worked together for decades, so these people can not change, if it can change, Chen Gong will not sigh, even thinking of betraying Lu Bu to rely on Yuan Shu.

"Family? Mrs. Yan, Mrs. Ren, Mrs. Cao? Mrs. Yan is named after Yin Hui. It is Lu’s wife. It is impossible. Mrs. Cao is the daughter of Xuzhou Caobao and a woman without opinion. It is impossible, but Mrs. Ren is There is this possibility!" Liu Wei did not expect Jia Zhang to consider the problem has reached this level, and even the family around Lu Bu counted.

Mrs. Ren, Jia Hao once saw one side, and it is true that such an old fox, such as Jia Yu, could not help but be surprised by the beauty of his wife. This woman is still a strange woman. Wang Yun uses her to calculate Dong Zhuo. She has no reason. Using Lu Bu to calculate Wang Yun, Mrs. Ren is a well-known name in history. Although it is named Wang Yunyi, it is actually a son-in-law of Wang Yun. If there is no Dong Zhuo without Lu Bu, then the ending is to become Wang Yun. A little trick. That is already the best. The bad ending is that in the scholar-officials, the exchange of the son-in-law to taste the different flavors, the last age, the sorrow and death, but now there is a rich and handsome Husband, this is really not easy, but even if Mrs. Ren can't change Lu Bu so much. Because 貂蝉 is only a woman after all, she can't understand what is the Lord.

She only knows the intrigue between women and children, only knows the things in her family, she can't think so much. After all, the kind of female strongman like Wu Zetian is still very few in the world.

Look over and look at the past. The only thing that puzzled Jiaxuan was that Liu Yu, who suddenly appeared out of thin air, did not know what happened after Jia Lan, but he knew the result. When the first Liu Wei appeared, Lu Bu broke out. Kneeling, I really surprised Jia Wei. I have to know that the strategy of besieging the beggars and the flooding of the beggars are all ghosts. It can be said that Lu Bu is basically no way to live, but Lu Bu still rushed out, relying on the kind of numbness that Cao Cao won the victory, and almost killed Cao Cao.

Jia Wei thought that Chen Gong planned, and did not think much. After that, Liu Wei’s appearance was accompanied by the evil spirits county, and it was another breakthrough, not just escaped. I also killed the generals of Cao Chun Li Dian under the old Cao, which made Jia Wei pay attention.

After the Battle of Bagong Mountain, Liu Wei finally emerged. Lao Cao gave Liu Wei a title for the king of the king in order to reverse Liu Wei and Lu Bu. After the disaster, it was the attack and defense of the city, and it was carried to the front desk. On, resisted the attack of Jiangdong bully. He also let Sun Ce’s 100,000-strong army be completely annihilated, and really let Liu Wei’s name rise, and then he was recruited and ordered. The battle of Yangzhou completely let Jia Zhang see the existence of a Ming master!

Also affirmed Jia's guess, that is, the person who changed Lu Bu is the prince of the king.

Jia Wei came here to want to rely on Liu Wei, but unfortunately, Jia Wei found that he might be a non-person, and should be considered a high watch of this king! According to the current arrow, Zhang Jia, it is not possible to join Liu Weijun.

"Mr. Wen and Mr. Wen came to Yangzhou Shouchun to go to the father-in-law because of this king. It really moved the king, but Mr. Wenhe has not said who the other two Mr. Wen and his husband are!" I want to hear who else is the other two people who are looking at it.

"The other two Ming masters, one of whom is the Jiangdong bully Sun Ce, who inherited the father Sun Jian's legacy and succumbed to Yuan Shu, then separated from Yuan Shu, and exchanged for a thousand tigers and wolves by one side of the jade, to reunify Jiang Dong. It’s only twenty and six years old. When you are in the prime of life, you have ambitions. You will be a very strong man in the battle. This person should not be the master!” Jia Wei saw that Liu Wei wanted to listen, and he didn’t mind because he wanted Let Liu Wei listen to this world is not only you can accommodate him in Yangzhou.

"When it is!" Liu Wei nodded without hesitation, Jiang Dong Sun Ce, although Liu Wei and he clashed, and now is the enemy of Lu Bujun, but for the enemy Liu Wei is still not to be praised, with three thousand soldiers and horses It will be able to sweep up Jiangdong, and now it is the open territory of Jiangdong. If there is no cross-cutting of Lu Bujun, the current Yangzhou may be his Jiangdong! Moreover, Jiangdong has Zhang Shao Zhou Yu and others who are even more powerful. It is a rival in the world, so it is not indispensable to call him a male master. "Then what is the second!"

"The second is Xu Du Cao Cao, Cao Mengde, Xu Shao Xuzi will have evaluated this person as the ruler of the world." This result is not beyond Liu Wei’s expectation, but Liu Wei knows that After the millennium, this became a foregone conclusion. Although Cao Cao did not unify the world, he left a great family business for Cao Wei. If Sun Ce was not young, he should also entangle the Yangtze River.

However, Jia Wei relies on the eyes of the contemporary people to distinguish who is the Lord. Such talents are the talents of the world.

"Mr. Wen and He only made a conclusion with the comments of Xu Zijian!" Liu Wei said nothing, Xu Shao, although famous, but many proud people still do not see Xu Shao's evaluation, Liu Wei I don't believe that Jia Wei set Cao Cao with Xu Shao's words.

"Of course not! Xu Du Cao Cao, sitting in Zhangzhou, Xuzhou Zhili is the land of the four continents of Yuzhou,"

"So, Yuan Shao of Hebei should also be the Ming master!" Jia Wei said who is the landlord who is the Ming master, Liu Wei immediately took out Yuan Shao to refute him, Yuan Shao occupied Hebei Youzhou and the state of Zhangzhou, More Qingzhou, can be regarded as the largest prince.

"Yuan Shao, the arrogant arrogant also, when the master is not clear! Cao Cao's plan to make a move, whip the inside of the universe, the application of the law, the magic of the business, the Korean and white wonders, the official material, each because of its instrument, no matter what, no If you are old and evil, you will eventually be able to take advantage of the Royal Emperor, and you will become a Hongye, but it is also the best. It can be described as a very human being.

Jia Wei’s evaluation of Cao Cao is really high. It’s also that Cao Cao’s person is not a man of the world’s life. Although he is suspicious, he has a great will to actually use the antique law. He has used the law to rule the country, and used the heavy code in the troubled times. The above is also very successful, even Lao Cao finally released a new book of Meng De, but it is a military book that is no worse than the Sun Tzu's art of war. It is Cao Cao's summary of his half-life military career, which is summarized on the basis of predecessors. The result of innovative military theory. Famous military books in Chinese history, before the "Meng De Xin Shu", "Sun Tzu's Art of War", "Sun Yi's Art of War", "Yin Fu" and so on. After the "Meng De Xin Shu", in addition to Zhu Geliang's "The Court" twenty-four articles, there have been no new masterpieces for hundreds of years, until Ming Ji Ji Guang's "Gu Yun New Book" has created the Chinese military theory of modern warfare. New peak. There are fourteen books in the Book of Mende, of which thirteen are military strategy and the last one is political. Unfortunately, it was finally destroyed by Zhang Song.

Cao Cao is still not proud of himself. He is a corporal of Li Xian, without the kind of arrogance of Yuan Shao. He also knows that only talent is a move. The use of talents is also in full use. The family does not like Yuan Shao’s sons. In the middle of the family, the people are above the heart. Although Cao used the heavy code in the troubled times, it also gathered the hearts of the people, because only under the heavy code, the people can live safely, instead of living under the complete exploitation of the scholars.

"Currently Cao Cao has won the official crossing, Yuan Shao is seriously ill, and it is just around the corner to clean up Hebei. What kind of person is not the Ming Dynasty?"

"Ran!" Liu Wei also nodded. To tell the truth, Liu Yi began to think about going to Lao Cao. Unfortunately, because his Liu Wei Lao Cao’s younger brother Cao Chun died, he Lao Cao also died a little under Liu Wei’s plan, and Lu’s boss was also good to himself. He also became his own cheap father-in-law, so Liu Wei did not rely on Lao Cao.

"His Royal Highness, Jia Lan said that the Lord is finished, you can let the way out to let me wait! Jia will have to re-report in the future." Jia Wei moved to Liu Wei and he has already dismissed the meaning of joining Liu Weijun. Now, instead of going to Jiangdong, I am going to Xudu. Before leaving, he does not want to fall out with Liu Wei. The last sentence must have an interim report. It is also a threat. The serpent also began to spit out to declare that he was not provoked.

"Haha, haha!" Liu Wei listened to Jia Yu's words instead of letting the state wolf ride away, but more and more approached Jia Wei. "If Mr. Wenhe wants to rely on these two people, then the king will not let it go!"

"Liu Hanyang, what do you want!" Jia Wei thinks that this is Liu Wei's failure to let him leave. Jia Yu's eyes are also full of sinister colors. If Liu Wei dares to stop himself, then he will be ten times more in the future. .

"When listening to Mr. and Mr., it is really a ten-year book! Cao Cao Mengde is also a hero! When Wang Huanyu, Jiang Dong Sun Ce, Bo Fu, as the overlord, will be divided into the world, these two are the world heroes! Mr. Wen and his eyes are as bright as a torch!” Liu Wei first praised Jia Wei and immediately sneered. “But ah, I don’t know Liu Wei. Mr. Jia Wei has taken the past and is a deadly way! ”

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