My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 391: Mountain people change

"Qishan brother is dead?! How can Qishan brother be, how can he die!" Pang Shanmin seems to dare not believe his own ears. He has widened his eyes and seized the person who sent the news. He seems to want It was a fake news from the mouth of this person, but it disappointed Pang Shanmin. I saw that the family servant in front of the Tang family was also crying and crying. "The old man is dead, dead!"

The servant can lie on his mouth, but he does not dare to wear it on this head. This is the case that only white people will pass away when they die.

"Impossible, impossible!" Pang Shanmin, the whole person is not good, and walking, it seems that he will not walk at once. A few days ago, he was still on the boat in Fuyang. He was confident when he left, but now he heard such a bad news. Pang Shanmin could not accept his own friend and left.

"You are lying to me, you lie to me right?" Pang Shanmin and Tang Yun's feelings are very deep. They played together from big to big. When they grow up, the two are more interested in each other. The chords are chords and the end is a picture. Brotherhood, not brothers but better than brothers.

Pang Shanmin violently pulled the body of the servant's servant and suddenly broke out a huge force. He grabbed the shoulders of the servant and swayed. This servant was so painful that he wanted to push the Pangshan people, but he was afraid of hurting Pang Shanmin. When the home servant is at a loss.

A sigh of voice passed from the courtyard. "I don't wake up!" I saw a gray-haired old man with a cane in the courtyard. Although he was old, he said this line. However, there is a kind of majesty in the middle, and the crutches in the hand follow the Pangshan folks.

This is Pangjia, and Pang Shanmin is a young master of Pangjia. Where anyone dares to do this to him, there is only one person who can do this. That is, the Pang family who have retired from the mountain, and the name of the Confucian Pang Demin, the father of Pang Shanmin in the academy.

Pang Degong has seventy to three this year. However, the crutches in this hand were still strong and powerful on Pang Shanmin.

I wanted to wake up Pang Shanmin directly, but whoever thought of it, but inspired the long-standing suffocation of Pang Shanmin, the subconscious arms waved the crutches directly. Pang Degong did not think that his son would become like this. If he did not pay attention to it, he would not fall and he would fall.

"Pang Gong. Pang Gong!" On the edge of the Pang family's housekeeper, the housekeeper, Qi Qi, stepped forward and raised the Pang Degong on the side.

"Ah!" The voice of the people in the field, and the pain that had just been crutches on the shoulders, made Pang Shanmin look back from that kind of disappointment and saw that his father had fallen. On the ground, I rushed to the front and worried, "Father! You are all right!" Pang Shanmin is a dutiful son, but he is very filial to his father. Pang Shanmin has been thirty and five this year. However, he did not have a job before he was 30 years old. One of the reasons is that his father is old. He wants to take care of his father. If Pang Degong is going to fight Pang Shanmin, I am afraid that Pang Shanmin is still in his own life. By the side of my father, when I saw my father fall, Pang Shanmin suddenly panicked.

"Nothing. Nothing! Old bones, not old enough to move!" Pang Degong pushed away other servants, only let his son hold it.

Looking at the eyes of the people around, Pang Shanmin knows that his father just fell on his own. Pang Shanmin couldn’t help but look down on his head. "Father, the mountain people are not good, and the father is punished!"

"Get up!" Looking at himself down, Pang Degong did not have the slightest filial piety for Pang Shanmin. Instead, he frowned.

Pang Shanmin stood up and listened.

Pang Degong saw that his son’s soul was lost in his heart. “Qishan has already gone!”

Pang Shanmin looked at his father. The father and son looked at each other for a long time. Pang Shanmin nodded and said that his mouth was very bitter. "Qishan brother has already left!"

Tang Yun, Tang Qishan! This person is a gentleman, and even Pang Degong is very appreciative of this son's best friend, although there is no such thing as Pang Tong Zhuge Liang. But there is a kind of free and easy mind that they don't have. It is a representative of the ancient gentleman. He is a friend of his own son. Pang Degong is very satisfied. After all, it is a group of people who gather together to get together, and who can be worse with such a gentleman. Pang Degong can still think of Tang Qishan every time he came to face the uncle who shouted, but whoever thought that now is separated from heaven and earth, originally Pang Degong thought that his son could have such friends and help each other. Will be able to stabilize the world, but who knows that this black man is in front of the white hair of Pound.

Life is a rare confidant, this kind of pain in the broken teeth of Pang Degong also experienced, he has seventy-three, and almost the same generation of his generation are almost gone, Pang Degong is no confidant! Losing the pain of confidant, let Pang Degong want to die in front of them.

Pound’s public heart is also sighing, but his mouth is stunned. “You’re so useless, you just cry!”

"Father?!" Pang Shanmin did not understand that the father gave him the same feelings of the gentleman, even if the enemy died, it would be a paradox, not to mention the confidant of this life has already left.

"Qishan has gone, but he still has things behind him. When are you crying to cry? Waiting for the bones of Qishan to be cold? Or wait until Qishan’s wife and children are sleeping on the street, you will stop crying. Pound's public tone is very strict, and Pang Shanmin is almost overwhelmed.

However, his father was right. Although Qishan’s brother left, his afterthoughts are not over yet. His wife and wife also need people to take care of them. The Tang family is no better than the Pang family. Although the Tang family is a sect, it has already fallen. The taxi family, if unattended, may be swallowed up after Tang Yun’s death, and there is no residue left! Therefore, as a close friend, you should stand up and shelter the Tang family from the wind.

"And Qishan is gone, you only know how to mourn, but don't think about how this Qishan died, and who is the one who died, don't want to avenge him! If that's the case, then I feel ashamed that you are my son, and it is a pity for you to have such a friend in Qishan!" Pang Degong’s words were more severe than a stern, and the housekeepers on the side were all scared and scared. When did they have their own family? For the great Confucianism of the world, Pang Degong has always been gentle, whether it is good for the next person or the domestic servant, but today is so strict with the young master.

"Who is the hand of death? Revenge? Revenge?!" Pang Shanmin was stunned by Pang Degong, and his gentleman's way did not tell him to take revenge! Only taught him to tolerate, and Pang Degong was so excited. Pang Shanmin was at a loss. Fortunately, Pang Shanmin still retains the blood of a man. He immediately muttered himself. "Revenge, right, revenge! Qishan brother Can not die in white, can not die in white, kill me Qishan brother, I Pang Shanmin will pay for your life, pay for life!" The more said, Pang Shanmin's eyes are deeper, this is Pang Shanmin, a simple gentleman, but now Pang Shanmin seems to have become a beast.

Looking at his son's appearance, Pang Degong is smiling in his heart. He really doesn't know how his own words will bring changes to his son, but he has no choice. If he doesn't care, then his son will Destroyed, the death of a friend, will make him completely unable to go out, such a Pang Shanmin will be destroyed in his life. Now Pang Degong has beaten the hatred of Pang Shanmin's revenge. Although it may turn Pang Shanmin into another person, it is better than living like a corpse!

"Father, the mountain people know!" Pang Shanmin hugged his fist to his father Pound.

"You don't know anything!" Pound turned his head in the heart, how did he know the love of an old father for his son! You are dying, you should cherish the people in front of you, Pound’s mind is thinking like this, but the mouth says, “Go, Liu Jingzhou may have the answer you need!”

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