My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 395: Untitled (2)

I saw a commander rushing toward the Taishou House, and driving the horse to think that the Taishou Palace immediately jumped off the horse, but who knows that the Dashou House has found that his horse has not been pulled. When I lived, the whole road was blocked. Where did he know that there were so many people at the gate of the Shoufu government, and they would have collided with it. A black man near Pang Tong suddenly rushed out.

"Ah!" "The war horse is not controlled. It must be rushed toward the people on the side. A black rushed out and grabbed it. The horse's saddle, the horse ran wildly, and where did you catch it? The saddle, seeing the black scorpion, is even more screaming with disappointment in anger.

"The courageous beast!" The black man saw the horse still wanting to run, but he was angry. He immediately screamed, and the power of the millennium suddenly broke out. He twisted the horse’s neck and ran before the horse. It is difficult for the black man to turn his direction again. What's more, all the people on the road are people. They can only press the horse's head directly and press it on the ground. ”

"Boom!" A sudden loud noise, the entire horse's horse head was directly forced by the black man, and even the body of the horse was degraded on the ground, splashing endless dust.

"Good strength!" All the people present were sighing for the strength of the black man. It is a great strength to be able to crush a horse in a horse and smash it on the ground. Although there are tricks in it, there is also the strength of this black man.

"Three generals, come back!" It is true that this black man is really Liu Bei's third brother Zhang Fei.

Although everyone was shocked by the strength of Zhang Fei, more people paid attention to the rescued soldiers.

I saw that the commander had refused to say thank you to Zhang Fei. It was a sentence that made everyone in the room shocked.

"The confession of the lord, Liu Wei army, has arrived in Xinye!"

"What! Liu Wei's army has arrived in Xinye?!" The Jingzhou Wenwu who was present suddenly boiled, and there was a lot of discussion. This speed is too fast. Only a few days ago, I learned that Liu Wei’s army had sent troops from Shouchun, but now it has already arrived in Xinye. In ancient Chinese, there are clouds and soldiers, and only when the speed is fast, can they claim to occupy the battle.

They are still discussing the dispatch of the new field here, but they did not expect that the family has arrived.

"Where is Liu Wei’s army reaching the new field?" Or the brothers on the side of the Yan brothers calmly asked the essence of the matter, and Xinye Haoyu is also considered a county town. There is also a radius of a hundred miles. This Liu Wei army has just arrived in Xinye County or has already arrived outside Xinyecheng!

"Liu Junjun has already entered the new wild city!" This sentence of the commanding soldiers is not even calm, and entered the new wild city? Is Xinye already taken down? This king is more likely to fight, but it can't be like this!

Only a few days later, Xinye to Xiangyang is only about a day away from the waterway. If this kind of eight hundred miles is anxious, it will be a long time. I want to know that Yue Yue was still talking with Liu Biao about this new wilderness.

The words of the ambassadors made the people in the room panic. They won the new wild city in half a day. Although this new wild is not the hinterland of Jingzhou, it is a strong city. It was taken in half a day. This Liu Junjun’s combat power is strong. What is the point. If this hits the hinterland of Jingzhou, how long can this Yangyang City persist? Immediately, those who are pale are those who have offended Liu Wei. If Liu Yi is like a broken bamboo, he will be the first one to be unlucky.

Pang Tong is also very surprised. This Jingzhou terracotta warrior is a waste. It took half a day to get the new wild city. In fact, the new wild is not broken. What he cares about is that the grain and grass in the new wild city can not be obtained by Liu Wei. In that case, the crisis of lack of food and grass for Liu Wei’s army may have been read in this way, and then it will be difficult.

"Liu Jingzhou should not be late, now Xinye has been lost, as long as Liu Jingzhou's military grain is sent to my lord, and the 30,000 Jingzhou warlords of General Huang Zu. Recovering Xinye is just a matter of time! Pang Tong urged Liu Biao to send troops to send grain. He had to stop Liu Wei’s army and could not let Xinye’s grain and grasses be transported out.

"So, when you send troops immediately!" Liu Biao also nodded. If there is still a trace of suspicion before the killing messenger Tang Yun Liu, then Liu Biao is now truly convinced that Liu Wei is ironic and wants to fight with himself.

"Ah!" Pang Tong and Liu Biao's answer was simply confused by the commander on the side. Xinye didn't lose, but he couldn't insert his mouth.

Still on the side, Yan Liang noticed, and asked before, after getting the commander of the commander, the feeling of Yan Liang suddenly became better, and even at the end, he immediately screamed. It affected the answer between Liu Bian and Pang Tong on the side.

"蒯良?!" Pang Tong brow wrinkled, this Yan Liang is simply his stumbling block in Jingzhou, a stumbling block Tang Yun is already dead, this Yan Liang does not know how long it can live.

"Zirou?!" Liu Biao also frowned and was somewhat dissatisfied with Yan.

Looking at Liu's dissatisfied look and the appearance of the two masters Pang Tong, Pang Tong and Liu Biao did not say anything, there in order to please Pang Tong or to please Liu Biao's various roads of ghosts and snakes began to go out.

"Mr. Zirou, this is the pseudo-principal Liu Wei who you said by Mr. Zirou! Killing my messenger to occupy my city pool is simply deceiving, but Mr. Zirou has always been a good man for him, I don’t know Mr. Zirou. It is the benefit of the geometry, or Mr. Zirou feels that the Lord’s office is already high!” The person who opened the mouth was so vicious, and the front received the geometric benefits. He did not care because he was doing the right thing, not afraid of people. Besides, he doesn’t care about the money, but the latter sentence is really poisonous. What is the name of the Lord’s office is already high. This is to say that Yan Liang is ready to change the threshold and seek another high, so it is everywhere. To say good things to Liu Wei is to get Liu Yu’s appreciation.

"You!" Yan Liang is simply the anger of the extreme, if he wants to change the threshold, he has already changed, still need to be now? Liu is old, there is no such motivation, you think he can't see it, but he has been in Jingzhou because Liu Watch is his master. Once he has the feeling of the Lord.

"How can you say nothing?!" This scribe still does not let go of Yan Liang, "Why would you like Mr. Zirou, if you change the threshold and go directly to your fake king, do you want to take my Jingzhou business in Jingzhou? In any case, the Lord has always been your forehead, and you will have the heart to beg the seller!

"Haha, haha!" Yan Liang was directly angered by this literary anger, but in other people's eyes, it was indeed said that he was shy and shy.

"It's not nothing to say, but it really feels like Guangyu brother, you don't want to write a book. It's really bad! I can say that today, this Tang Yun is not the killing of the king. If I kill it, I will pay for it." Life!"

"This pseudo-king has attacked my city and occupied my territory. You want to speak for him, and you clearly don't put our Jingzhou scribes in your eyes!"

"When the king hits you in the city, occupying your territory? Which eye did you see?!"

"Hey, eight hundred miles in a hurry, Xinye has broken, everyone knows well, this is the king wolf ambition!"

"It is really a joke. If you look at the leopard, you dare to say it yourself. Your teacher has not taught you, what is the truth?" Yan Liang ridiculed that this scribe is also the master of Lushan Academy, Pound.

"This new wild has not been lost. This King of the Kings has never sent troops to Jingzhou. This Shouchun's terracotta warriors are not fighting in Jingzhou, but crusade him in Liuzhou!"

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