My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 409: feast

"Lord!" The sergeant of the Jingzhou soldiers who escorted Liu Wei saw that the people came to worship. The person who came here was the owner of Jingzhou. Today there are sixty and two Jingzhou Liu Huangshu and Liu Biao.

"His Royal Highness visits Xiangyang, the whole sun is shining, and the old age is waiting for a long time!" Liu Wei has not spoken yet, Liu Biao will be greeted first, Liu Bian Li is very skilled, although Liu莽 This is forced to go to Jingzhou to discuss, but the number of rituals can not be abolished. In any case, Liu Wei is also the Wang Jue, and Liu Biao also received Liu Wei from the ceremonies of the princes.

"Why should the emperor be like this!" Liu Biao is facing Liu Wei's guest, but Liu Wei can't put it out, because after all, this time there is a request for people, it is Liu Biao called Liu Wei as the king of the king, the title of Wang Jue, and Liu The nickname of Liu Biao is based on the generations. Liu Xie’s princely title is given by Han Di according to his own generation. However, according to the generations, Handi is also the nephew of Liu Biao, so Liu Biao is also a Liu Huangshu, the big three uncles of the Han Dynasty, Liu Biao Liu Wei Liu Bei, so Liu Wei called an uncle is a senior qualification.

"Come and come, my Royal Highness, this is my squatting, and the more ambiguous!" Liu pointed to a handsome middle-aged scribe who introduced Liu Wei.

What is it? Liu Wei’s eyes suddenly light up. “Mr. Da Ming’s name, I’ve heard it for a long time. I’m lucky to see him in Sanshou today!” Jingzhou was able to become the economic center of the time after Liu’s old age. The credit.

"Don't dare, dare!" The distance between the subconscious and Liu Wei is not that he does not want to be close to Liu Wei, but that he knows more and more people who know that this king of the king is offended. He did not dare to participate. Yan Yue is so cold to Liu Wei, Liu Wei is not too much care, the old fox and Liu Wei are now behind Jia Yu what is the difference!

"That, I will accept the military division of Jingzhou, Cai Wei, Cai Deyi!"

"Cai Junshi? Long time. Long time!" Liu Wei can be more polite to Yu, but there is not much reaction to this Cai Wei, Cai Yi merchants also, if the business is not a good hand, but this is a General! Hehe said that it is not good to hear, the third-rate military commanders are much stronger than him, and they can give their own lives to those who confess. Liu Wei does not need to be polite.

"Hey!" Cai Wei was not very flustered by Liu Wei. She only wanted to take a look at it. She didn't think that Liu Wei could give himself more politeness. After all, he counted Liu Wei first, but he saw Liu Wei treating him and treating him. My own attitude is completely two attitudes, and it is not good at the moment. He is almost equal to his position as Cai Yu. Why, you are so polite to you, called Mr., and he is directly a Cai Junshi to him. And even if you are a guest, you are too lazy to say that you can rely on two words.

Liu Biao looked at Cai Wei's unhappy, but also laughed and gave up the past. It’s not good to be optimistic today.

Liu Biao also introduced Liu Wei to a group of Jingzhou literary generals. Liu Wei also recorded some of his minds and did not look at them directly. However, there is one person who is an acquaintance. The younger brother of Yan Yue, Yan Liang gave Liu Yan a smile and gave goodwill. Liu Wei was also very polite, and Liu Wei was looking for a person.

A black fat man, unfortunately, Liu Wei still could not find it in the end, a little disappointed.

"Walk away. His Royal Highness, the old ruin has already laid a banquet for the prince of the king in the state pasture. I hope that the prince of the king can move to the house, you and I have a drink! For the prince of the king, the wind is washed." Liu is old, total It was standing at the gate of the city. It was very difficult to eat. I immediately wanted to ask Liu Wei to enter the city and then sip the wine.

The pedestrians seem to be happy on the surface, but they are actually calculating each other. Cai Wei, Lumen Academy and Huang Jiazi are all hostile to Liu Yubao, while Yan Liang is a goodwill, and there is a neutral party on the side.

The group soon came to the state pasture. Liu Biao has already prepared a banquet and opened a banquet. Jingzhou is not a wealthy state. In the banquets of these several times, Liu Wei has no budget, but there are nearly 100 dishes.

When the wine came to the middle, "come come and come, the king of the king, the old age represents the Jingzhou Wenwu first godly king, the next cup!" said Liu Biao raised the glass of speech.

"Don't dare, dare, the uncle is really polite to you! When I was in Yangzhou, I heard about my father's words. There are three heroes in the world who make my father-in-law awkward. This one is a great Confucian Zheng Xuan!" Liu Talk about it.

"Zheng Xuan's pass through the meaning, Xiao Confucianism, expo ancient and modern, and apply to the world" Liu Xuan said that Zheng Xuan is the representative figure of Confucianism in Dahan. There are several Confucianists in the Han Dynasty. This is not like this now. For example, the flow of Qiao Xuan Lu Zhi, although they are also called the Great Confucianism, but it is only a contemporary Confucianism, and Zheng Xuan is not the same, he is a large Confucian in the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years, can and Dong Zhongshu, in a similar way, was even labeled as Zheng Zi.

“Zheng Zi’s youth is not happy for the school. When he was a young man, he went to the country to study in the west of the country. The concealed industry was originally created by Zheng Xue. The old age is not a sacred apprentice. Although the disciples have no three thousand, when there are Eight hundred! This person can be described as a hero!" Liu Wei's words let everyone in the room nod.

The scribes had a great deal of meaning for Zheng Xuan, and even those generals did not understand, but Zheng Xuan’s reputation was still there, and the scribes nodded.

"Zheng Zi is a hero!" Liu Biao also made a proper speech, this Zheng Xuan than the Jingzhou Pang Degong's reputation is even bigger.

"Unfortunately, Zheng Zi, in his later years, he was exhausted and squandered in this year. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's army fought in Guandu. Yuan Shao was a strong force, fighting for the hearts of the people and the hopes. Yuan Tan forced Zheng Xuan to follow the army. Zheng Xuan was helpless and had to take the disease. When I went to Yuancheng, my condition worsened and I couldn’t go anymore. I died in the county in June of the same year. When he was seriously ill and was in danger, he was still annotating Zhouyi.

When I heard the death of Zheng Zi, the following scribes were silent.

Everyone silently, Liu Wei continued to break the silence of this quiet "the second hero of the father-in-law's life, that is Cao Cao Cao Mengde!" Liu Yi said in a word on the spot, Cao Cao? Perhaps Xu is in Xuzhou, Zhangzhou, and even now in Zhangzhou. All the scribes of the people think that Cao Cao is Minggong, but in other places, Cao Cao has only one synonym, that is, Cao thief. Now, taking Cao Cao as a hero is of course awkward. .

"Cao's Mengde, Cao thief! An can be a hero!" A scribe began to scream.

"Yeah yeah, Cao thief can also become a hero, and sure enough, this Lu Fengxian and Cao thief are the best!"

Liu Wei listened to the surrounding arguments, his mouth was sneer, Cao Cao is a Cao thief? So what are your scribes? I don’t see you. When Cao Cao took Jingzhou on the original track, those gentlemen squinted and hoped that Cao Cao could see them. Now they are showing their personal sentiments here. ,

"Cao's Mencius, although the youth is stubborn, but still understands the big and the big, the five-color stick, how many Luoyang screaming and crying, how much is Luoyang's case of grievances?! After that, the yellow towel uprising broke out. Cao Cao was worshipped as a cyclist, and was ordered to attack the Huanghua Army of Suichuan with the Emperor and other people. The result was a ruin of the Yellow Turban Army and a tens of thousands of daggers. The Emperor died, Dong Zhuo wolf ambition, living in Hanting, 18th Road princes There are a few people in the world who are really wanting to be diligent, and how many people are really hitting the end?" Liu Wei sneered a sentence, "that is, he Cao Mengde, with Chen left thousands of soldiers almost The whole army was wiped out and returned, and he almost died in the chaos!" Liu Wei took the matter of playing Dong Zhuo. The people present at the scene were really irrefutable. After all, Liu Biao did not participate in the League.

"Cao Cao, although I am an enemy of my father-in-law, but let my father-in-law admire, Corporal Li Xian, strict law and heroes!"

Liu Xie’s words are all about boasting Cao Cao. In fact, there are Cao Cao Tucheng and the like, and the congenital sons have not made the princes say it. There is no one else. "The king of the king, this Cao Cao is after the monk! Difficult" An uncomfortable voice passed over.

"Cao's Cao thief, after the monks, I am so arrogant in the world, are all swearing goods, how can this Cao thief be called a hero?! It is no wonder that the three surnames and slaves understand the world's heroes!" The scribe stood up and said coldly to Liu Wei.

"How dare you call this gentleman?!" Liu Wei did not rush to answer the scribe's question, but asked his name.

"Mr. did not dare to do it, Pang's Shanmin also added Liu Jingzhou's written order!" The young scribes said their names.

"Pang Shanmin?!" Pang's children? Although Liu Wei does not know who this Pang Shanmin is, but as long as he knows that this is the son of Pangjia, Pang Turkey, did not dare to come out to see people, then sent such a Pang family?

Liu Wei did not know that Pang Shanmin’s actual status was even higher than that of Pang Tong.

Liu Wei did not catch a cold on the Pang family. Since you ran out, naturally Liu Wei would not let go of such a chance to face.

"Mr. Ponzi Shanmin! This king does not know if you have read a book!" Liu Wei was very indifferent and asked Pang Shanmin.

"Well?!" Pang Shanmin heard this and immediately became a fire. What does Liu Wei mean? This Jingzhou Pangjia and Lumen Academy are simply two representative things. They represent the scribes and represent the knowledge. It can be said that none of the people who entered the Lumen Academy did not learn the five cars. Now Liu Wei is here. It is directly asking if you have read a book. This is questioning the Lumen Academy, and even ridiculing the entire Pang family. "Pang Shanmin is not familiar with ancient and modern, but also recognizes the word!"

"Since I understand the book, why do you have to say such a big rebellious statement!" Liu Wei also slammed the glass in his hand and yelled!

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