My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 411: Army transfer

"Master, it's not good, not good!" In the Pang House, an old man outside the landscape is watching the roll in his hand. This roll can be made from a wooden slip. He wants to read him. It’s really hard to do it. The old man is old, so there is a family servant around him who can turn the book page for him.

Just as the old man read the profound point, a voice was interrupted, and the same old man rushed in. The cheerful pace did not look old, and he was more healthy than the young.

This old man's dress is not the housekeeper in this family!

"Hmmm?!" Pound's brow wrinkled, because Pound's self is a book of fragrance, every move is in line with etiquette, when there is a patchwork, not like the current sizzling look "what is the system!"

"The old man forgives the sin, the old man forgives the sin!" The butler also realized that his own fire and fire had no image, but he also refused to do so much. "Master, the big things are not good, the young master, the young master, he vomited blood fainted!"

"What!" Pound's Gong Mengde stood up, and the response was faster than the old housekeeper.

"He didn't go to the Liu Jingzhou Mansion to attend the banquet?!" Pound asked.

"Yeah, yeah, the young master is above the banquet, and what is the king of the scorpion, vomiting blood on the spot!" The steward explained to Pang Degong that he had to say that the eloquence of this old butler was very good. Everything that happened on the banquet was explained to Pang Degong in a word.

After Pound’s public listening, there was no sound for a long time. After a long time, I said, “Is he okay?”

"Physician, already said, there is nothing wrong with the young master, but it takes a few days to regain his vitality!" The old butler came from the doctor. This Pangshan folk luck is really good, Liu He vomited him to vomit blood. It was not his fresh blood, but blood. It was after Pang Shanmin’s death in his brother Tang Yun Tang Qishan, his heart was stagnation, so that a blood in his chest did not dissipate and formed a bloody, and Liu Wei happened to Pang Shanmin's blood was stimulated. Pang Shanmin spit out the blood, which can be said to be not only harmless to the body, but to make the body beneficial.

"I know, let's go on!" Pound, listening to the steward's words, waved his hand and let the butler leave.

"Master, you?!" The butler did not understand. This happened to the son, and Pang Degong was only like this.

"Why don't you leave?! I want to study?!" said Pang Degong, who had done it again, and picked up the bamboo slip in his hand and began reading.

"I know!" The butler nodded and immediately left. When the master was studying, he was not allowed to disturb. This time, there was a big event, so the housekeeper was helpless.

reading? Can Pounder really read the book?

"You go on!" Pound was waved at the servant on the side.

"If!" The servant also nodded and left. Pound is left in the pavilion of the entire landscape. Pang Degong also had no intention of being so tempting on this bamboo slip.

"Pang Tong, Pang Shanmin?!" Pang Degong is a complex person. Their entire Pang family is such a successor. Pang Shanmin is the eldest son of Pang Degong and the only son. Pang Degong has a middle-aged son. He can say this son. He has given great expectations and hopes that he is a modest gentleman. I hope that he can take the family's world as the most important thing, so Pang Tong gave him the name of Shanmin. He hoped to tell him that there must be the simplicity of the people. Pang Shanmin did not live up to Pang Degong's expectations. It was a modest gentleman, but this modest gentleman. It’s really too simple. Pang Tong is the son of his brother's family. His brother died early in his early years, so Pang Tongzhi was directly beside Pang Degong, and Pang Degong went out to study. There are also friends who will carry Pang Tong, so Pang Tong is from a young age to a big one.

Pang Tong is very intelligent. It can be said that the entire Jingzhou and even the whole world can find more intelligent people than Pang Tong.

According to the truth, Pang Tong is best suited to be the owner of this Pang family. Pang Degong also arranged this before. Pang Shanmin was a modest gentleman because of his simplicity. Then let him live like this for a lifetime, with mountains and rivers, accompanied by paintings and calligraphy, and a perfect A friend Tang Yun, it can be said that Pang Shanmin is not alone in this life, and the Pang family is handed over to Pang Tong to take care of.

If Pangjia is handed over to Pang Shanmin, with his temper and his indisputable character, I am afraid that this Pang family will not be able to survive for many years.

But now Pang Degong is also confused, because Pang Tong has changed, and it has really changed. Pang Tong’s intelligence seems to have used the wrong place. In the chaos of the world, Pang Degong also understands that both sides can be forgiven, but Pang Tong Thousands should not be counted, he counted his own people, Tang Yun anyway, that is also the big brother of Pang Tong, but now because of Pang Tong’s words, it has become a cold body, Tang Yun The death of the same is also the heart of Pang Shanmin. It is Pang Tong’s actions to change Pang Shanmin from a monk to a gentleman.

If Pang Shanmin knows that Pang Tong can kill Tang Yun after he has spoken from him, will he completely fall out with Pang Tong? Once the fallout, according to Pang Tong's temper, Tang Yun blocked in front of Pang Tong, Pang Tong has been removed, this Pang Shanmin will block the brother once he is on his way!

Moreover, Pang Tong is looking at Liu Bei in Yuzhou. It is not the Liu Table of Jingzhou or the Cao Cao of Zhangzhou. The Nanyang of Liu Bei can be part of Jingzhou. It is very close. If Liu Bei and Liu Biao fall out, maybe the first one. The unlucky one may be his Lumen Academy!

Pang Degong really smiled. He didn't know how to choose. One is his son who is a middle-aged son. One is growing up and watching himself grow up. He has a big nephew Pang Tong. Good things, he will not forgive himself.

After thinking for a long time, Pang Degong finally made a decision.


"On the huge stone, put, put, put!" On the way down the city, a huge siege device, is operating, hundreds of pounds of huge stones, from time to time towards the city on the way, this is Qinfeng rest as a town The place.

The whole earth began to shake the mountain. On the way, the city pool has become a living target.

The troops attacked below are the black chess troops under Yangzhou Liu Wei. Before that, Zhang Liao had been forbearing all the time. That was because if there was no attack by the rifle, the city would be taken down, and the casualties would be terrible. Zhang Liao took the way. I am afraid I can't protect him. I don't want to fight like this. But when Xu Sheng's guns arrived, Zhang Liao also suspended the attack. That is to fear that the city will be scared with guns. Once it is scared. . Then it really became a tortoise turtle. If this Qin Feng suddenly lost his way and ran away, then how can Zhang Liao go to fight the perimeter to help, so after learning the boss behind Qin Feng, Sun Ce sent troops, Zhang Liao I finally started attacking.

"Oh, my mother!" Qin Feng was really scared in the middle of the city. He thought that he was leaning against the city on the way. He can be completely guarded down, to know that the city wall, this moat, is his Qin Feng one by one supervision, his Qin Feng was originally a corrupt hand, who dare to take a kickback under his eyelids, Therefore, the city on the way was very strong, but now it seems that this is not the case. Under such a boulder, the entire city is shaking.

The wall that was originally strong in Qin Feng’s view was suddenly smashed by the huge stones. The bluestone splashed, and the soldiers on the wall were almost left, not killed, but Was scared to death. Once the boulder falls on the person, it is not dead or hurt. Some of them are more sadly reminded to be smashed by the boulder. This kind of attack can be not terrible. what!

Even in the city, his new Taishou House fell off a few huge stones yesterday, making several servants on the Taishou House directly smashed into patties. The miserable look, Qin Feng has not eaten for a few days. Let's eat meat!

"The main public, the main public, the south gate upper city tower has been broken more than half!" Just when Qin Feng was still in fear, the dog-headed military officer over there, and reported it to the unknown, so that Qin Feng’s head became bigger. .

The tower of the South Gate, which was originally used to destroy the enemy by the condescending, is now directly collapsed.

When did he fight such a beggar, in addition to the fire, what weapons can smash a tower. Qin Feng is about to cry.

"The Lord, the Lord, the enemy began to fill the river!" Another is to come to report the funeral.

"Take them back and shoot them back!" Qin Feng angered the big shout.

"The shot will not go!" The war is also helpless. Now, in this state, who dares to show his face, as long as there is a formed archer, so good, but for a moment, immediately above the sky is an endless stone. Block, don't die, you have to scare you to death, now don't say take the bow and arrow, you just let these soldiers on the wall are difficult.

"Lord, no more reinforcements, this way in the city, this way the city can not keep it!" Song An cried, he followed Qin Feng for the prosperity of wealth, not want to die with his Qin Feng.

"Aid reinforcements, reinforcements, yes, we still have reinforcements!" Qin Feng’s eyes suddenly flashed. They still have reinforcements. This Jiangdong’s boss Sun Ce is not saying that their reinforcements will arrive soon. Wan Terracotta came from the waterway and was coming towards the road. "Quickly, go to the letter and tell the second son. We are almost unable to keep it. The enemy is too fierce, let him send the reinforcements quickly! Otherwise, en route. It’s gone!"

"Yes!" Song An nodded. He ran over to let his Qin Feng write him a letter urging the reinforcements. He relied on the two thousand soldiers in the city, Song An, who was really afraid of being unable to keep it.

"Kill, kill, kill!" On the way to the city, Xiliang Iron Riders once again demonstrated in Yangzhou how they used the heavy armored cavalry to attack the city. Each person had a bag of sandbags, and the horses ran back and forth. The sandbags were thrown one by one into the moat, dozens of miles back and forth, and the small half of the moat was directly filled.

"General, this will scare the Qin Feng in the city!" Zhang Hu **** was injured by Zhang Liao, but it was only a skin injury, did not hurt the bones, it will be a few days, but He is still awed by Zhang Liao.

"Scared? Is he still running now?!" Zhang Liao sneered. Before Jiangdong did not discharge the reinforcements, Zhang Liao was really afraid that Qinfeng was a kind of cockroach. He ran off the road. In that case, Jiangdong Sun Ce can really have May give up this way to Linhuai, after all, siege, Sun Ce has a shadow in the Lijiang River.

However, now Jiangdong’s reinforcements are already on the road. If Qin Feng has abandoned this route and ran away, then don’t say Zhang Liao, I am afraid that the boss behind Qin Feng will be able to eat him. What's more, with this reinforcement, his Qin Feng courage is also a lot bigger.

"Reporting General, from the city on the way, the East Gate rushed out all the way to the scout, the direction is to go to the riverside." A hundred people in the Xiliang Iron Rider will report to the Zhang Liaohui to the 100-pound Xichang Iron Rider, Zhang Liao did not let them Instead of filling in the moat, they were separated and observed closely.

"The general wants us!" The hundred people will make an interception posture, which means killing the scouts of this road.

"No need to do this! Let them send it out!" Zhang Liao said very lightly.

Zhang Liao’s current plan is to make Qin Feng in the city panic. He thinks that his en route may be broken on the same day, so that he will send out more help letters and ask for help letters. And receiving such a letter of assistance, the first reaction of the reinforcements is to accelerate. Although Zhang Liao has confidence in the Xiliang Iron Rider and the Black Chess Army, he can't play field battles with the Wuwan Army! Therefore, you must first bite off part of the 50,000 army.

Yes, Zhang Liao still really guessed that the current Sun Quan is such a reaction.

"Report, report to the general. On the road of our army, I intercepted a scout. He said that he came from the middle of the city and needed to see the general!" A commander immediately ran to Sun Quan’s camp and reported to Sun Quan.

"The scout on the way? Let him come in quickly!" Sun Quan and the young man on the side looked at each other and let the scout come in immediately.

A man of ignorance was soon brought to the face of Sun Quan. When he saw Sun Quan, he immediately fell down. "General Generals will send troops to the army and save us on the way. The city on the way will soon be unable to keep it." !"

"What?!" Upon hearing the news of the scouts, Sun Quan and the young man could not sit still and stood up together.

"You say it again. What happened to the city on the way?!"

"On the way to the city, the city on the way is almost impossible to keep!" The scout repeated again.

"How come! This is the way to the city, isn't he the most sturdy heavy town of Qin Feng? There are countless grains in the city, and there are 20,000 soldiers and horses. Even if he comes to Yangzhou Liu Yu, it can stay for a few months. How can it be? I couldn’t hold it all at once?!” the young man on the side asked sternly.

"No, no! This city is strong. Our lord also has 20,000 terracotta warriors, but the enemy, the enemy, he has a huge thing, he can, he can throw hundreds of pounds of boulder from the ground to the city on the way. In the middle of the house, the boulder hit the house, the house collapsed and hit the wall. The wall was also shattered, and the bluestone splashed. When I left, the tower of the south gate had been collapsed, if this happened to people. If you die, you will be hurt when you wipe it. If you are blessed, you will be smashed into a meatloaf. It’s miserable! You can’t recognize it!” This scout is a detailed explanation for the youth and Sun Quan. .

"What kind of weapon has such power!" Both youth and grandchildren are stunned.

"Zi Jing, do you know what kind of weapon is this?!" Sun Quan asked the young man on the side. Yes, this young man is a good friend of Sun Quan. He once attacked Lu Suru of Yangzhou.

"According to the commentary of this scout, it is a ripper!" Lu Su knows the mechanics. When he attacked the Lijiang River, he even designed the well, if there was a bed and a giant arrow of Huang Zhong. Perhaps the city has been burned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Rocking machine?!" Sun Quan said, "What kind of ripper can be thrown so high, so far?!"

Sun Quan’s hand has a detailed map of the city on the way. If this map is true, then the city on the way is really strong, and there are dozens of meters in the light protection city, plus the city of the town. There is also a suspension bridge in the city, and this trebuchet can actually enter the city from outside the city, and also to the house, collapsed the tower, this distance is really a bit far. 】

"You won't shoot them back with bows and arrows?!"

"The bow and arrow are simply not enough! Our archers have not yet shown their heads, and they have been killed by the megaliths!" The scout cried.

"How are you when you come?!"

"When I came, this moat had been filled in half. This enemy is about to attack the city, and our sergeants are not even dare to join the wall! So the general will send reinforcements and reinforcements!" When the scouts fell, they fell down and held the letters of Qin Feng.

Sun Quan opened the letter of Qin Feng and looked up. He then handed it to Lu Su. On the letter, this Qin Feng did not say that his way to the city had been lost.

"Through my military order. On the way to speed up the troops, to rescue Qin Feng!" Sun Quan put away the letters in his hand and let the army begin to set off.

"No, never!" On the edge of Lu Su directly prevented the opening of the "Lord, the army of this army has not yet been prepared, and now send troops, where is this grain?!" 50,000 troops marched, this grain preparation needs to be good Long time and the transfer of these grains is not from the military. But from the hands of the sects, it is impossible for the various sects to put the grain together. The transfer from the various warehouses has delayed the speed of the entire army.

"Zi Jing, I will take the army first, and then send me the co-ordination of the military grain!" Sun Quan is ready to let the army start the wave first, and then send it after the grain.

"The lord is still not allowed! Now the army's military grain is only enough for a few days. The army can't fight on the way, let alone the transportation of grain and grass of the 50,000 army is not a small matter. Once there is a problem, the entire army must be in a desperate situation. Lu Su, however, knows that the enemy he has dealt with is a Xiliang iron ride. If the army does not go with the grain, once the grain road is broken by the Xiliang iron ride, then the 50,000 army is ready to drink the northwest wind. Finally, all starved to death!

"This doesn't work either. It doesn't work either. Is it because you want to watch the city fall?" Sun Quan also ignited. This is his first commander. How much he hopes to meet the enemy now, go up. It is to play a game, let the enemy know that his Jiangdong Sun family can not only have one brother Sun Ce will fight, but his grandson can also.

"You can't fall on the way!" Linhuai has now lost. This way the city was lost again, then it really turned from the defending army to the siege party. For the siege, Lu Su also felt a little fear of the ability of Liu Weijun to defend the city.

"Where is that?!"

"Lord, can be like this! The Lord first let Lu Meng Ling Cao take the troops to send troops and go to the aid!" Now the entire army can not move, but there can be no reinforcements on the way. That is to say that we can only send a martial art to stop it.

“Where is the grain transfer?!” Sun Quan wondered, Lu Meng Ling’s hands were five thousand elite horses, and the five thousand elite soldiers and horses had to eat.

"The army of the army, I first transferred from the Jiangyan military grain in Jianye!" Although Lusu has become the military division of Sun Quanjun, he also has the grain and grass of the Jiangdong water army who is planning to cope with Jiang Xia. You can first transfer a part from inside. Then let these sects fill in the military food.

"Is this really ok?!"

"Reassure the Lord, Mr. Zhang Zhao will still give the face of the Lord!" Lu Su said that it may be useless, but Zhang Zhao is not the same.

"Well, so all this will be handed over to you!" Sun Quan said to Lu Su.

"Do not worry! Lord"

‘“Transfer my military order, immediately, Lu Meng Ling Chao’s army immediately on the way, there must be no mistakes!”

"The end will obey!" Ling Chao Lu Meng screamed at Sun Quan, and the two went straight down to prepare for the war.

"Lvmen, Ling Chao two generals to stay!" Just as the two were preparing to leave, Lu Su once again reached the front of the two.

"Army??" Lu Meng is a person who is very admired by people with knowledge. Ling Chao is the second generation of the army and is familiar with Lu Su.

"The two generals, this trip to the way, not less than ten, can not play?!" Lu Su told the two.

"Military division, why is this?!" Lu Meng and Ling Chao did not understand, they were rescued on their way to the rescue, but now Lu Su let them do not take the shot, what do you want to do?

"The two generals in the middle of the city, although in the hands of Qin Feng, but this Qin Feng is not my Jiangdong people, the main public to send troops in addition to rescue this Linhuai, also want to put this Linhuai in the bag!" Lu Suspension of the two people does not want to let Liu Weijun to consume, Qin Feng's tunes, or once Qin Feng has helped Lin Feng and en route, this Qin Feng 20,000 soldiers and horses are in hand, if you do not listen to the order then it will not All right.

"There is, the two generals have only 5,000 horses as pioneers. The long-distance attack is bound to be tired. They must rest and go to the city outside the city. When they arrive outside the city, they will camp on the road and cross each other on the way, waiting for my army to arrive! Lu Su is not at ease. In the past few days, the letter sent by the city in this way is still this Liao did not dare to attack the city. In these few days, it will be taken on the way. It is obvious that there is a problem, Lusu 50,000 The army is not afraid of his Zhang Liao 10,000 soldiers and horses, but the five thousand pioneers are afraid. If the fire is rushing past, and the body and mind are exhausted, then it will really become a dish.

Therefore, Lu Su wants Lu Meng Ling to be sure to rest and then go to the way, so that when he fights with the enemy, he is not a tired soldier. He also camps and waits for the arrival of the army to fight together, instead of 5,000 soldiers and 10,000 soldiers. Horse hard resistance.

"Lv Meng, Ling Chao understand!" Lu Meng and Ling Chao Qi Qi's hugs said to Lu Su.

"So everything goes to the two generals!" Lu Su also hugged the ball back to the ceremony.

Soon, the rations of a vehicle began to be transferred out. They were transferred from Lusu, who had to be transported to Jiangxia’s military food, to the camp of Lingchao and Lumeng, and soon five thousand soldiers. Ma’s usage in January has been ready, and the use of this month is enough for the arrival of Lu’s army.

The army was immediately opened.

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