My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 413: Speech knife

"That said, just like your black fat man, it looks so ugly, our family Jingzhou animal husbandry is not!" The guardian head on the side has not yet opened, and several of his men have been playing.

"You are looking for death, dare to humiliate our military division!" Although the guards of Pang Tong have been disarmed, but one by one is still glaring at the Jingzhou soldiers.

Pang Tong listened to this discourse and took a deep breath. According to the usual words, this person has already died many times, but Pang Tong is asking for people this time, and can only bear this anger.

"Be honest!" Pang Tong's guards still struggled, but they have been disarmed, and their arms have been tied. Struggling is just futile.

"I don't want to report it?!" Pang Tong raised his head. His head only reached the chest of the sergeant. He looked up and looked at the head of the Jingzhou Guard. The skin was black and made people feel sick. But his eyes are full of cold light.

"Hey!" The leading Jingzhou army guardian leader was a little angry and angry, because he was in the middle of confronting this black fat man, and he did not consciously avoid it. This is a kind of cozy, if it is a tall and handsome person. It was all right, but such a short, frustrated fat man suddenly made the pro-guard head angry. "Where can I go back?" The guardian leader’s dare to do so is sure to be reminded by some people in the house. The high-handed waving of the palm of the guardian's head will fall directly on Pang Tong's face full of thorns and suddenly stop.

"Yuzhou Mu left general Liu Bei Liu Xuande, Yuzhou, under the command of Yuzhou, this position may not be put in your eyes. But if you fall, Lumen Academy will definitely not die with you!" Pang Tong's eyes are even more cold. In the middle of the day, the Jingzhou Army’s guardian leader felt that he was stared at by a beast.

"Lumen Academy!" This Jingzhou army guarded the leader and thought about it. This fat sunspot is not just the military officer of Yuzhou Liu Bei. If Liu Yu of Yuzhou, he has the title of Yuzhou Mu, the left general or even the uncle, it does not matter to the Jingzhou army guardian leader. After all, you are better and better. Come to Jingzhou! But now that Pang Tong said that Lumen Academy is different, Lumen Academy is really a holy place for scholars in Jingzhou. The Lumen Academy represents Jingzhou Pangjia. If they offend the Lumen Academy, although these scribes cannot directly kill themselves with their swords, those scribes who are senior officials can really kill themselves. His guard captain was not seated.

"Wait!" Jingzhou pro-guard captain, stunned Pang unified eyes, although very reluctant, but still have to go in to inform Pang Tong.

Among the Jingzhou Mansions. Liu Biao, the owner of the Jingzhou Army, is sitting in a pavilion. The sun is clearing from the sky. It is very comfortable and warm on the human body. The surrounding green trees are used throughout the yard to make the whole The yard is full of spring. Here is the backyard of the Jingzhou pastor.

Liu Biao is basking in the sun. When people are old, they will naturally enjoy the feeling of being alive when they are sunny. The sun is very comfortable on the body. Among the pavilions, there is not only Liu Bian, but also a young woman in the palace, dignified and elegant. There is a lot of unclear beauty between the smiles.

"Mrs. Look at this pot of Clivia, and in the breeze, Qianqian waved his hand. Is it like a gentleman!" Liu Biao pointed to the side of the gentleman orchid and said to the palace dressing young woman. Do not doubt that this woman is not the daughter of Liu Biao or the daughter-in-law of Liu Biao, but the wife of Liu Biao.

This Mrs. Liu, but she is not allowed. She is only 30 years old. It can be said that she is in an age of ambiguity, and Liu’s 60-year-old man is directly in a reincarnation, but she can sit still. In the position of the head of Liu’s backyard, not only because of her beauty, but also her identity, she is not only the wife of Liu Biao, but also the young lady of Cai’s family, one of the four major families in Jingzhou. She was out, but her relationship with his brother is still very good. Because of the Cai family's sake, Mrs. Liu's name can be said to be the first lady in Jingzhou.

"Why are you a gentleman?!" Mrs. Cai looked at the gentleman who swayed with the wind, and her head was lowered. Although she was gorgeous, she did not have the idea of ​​vying with other flowers. Instead, she hid her beautiful flowers. Among the leaves.

"Not good, not good!" Chua shook her head. She didn't like flowers like this. Clivia, how is the gentleman in the flower, the flower is like a person eating, the flower also needs the moisture of the sun and the dew. If this gentleman orchid rises His head is sure to absorb more dew and sunlight, but he has lowered the flowers, but in the end he has less rain and sunshine. If Liu is deliberately cultivating, I am afraid that this gentleman has already withered in this garden. Lost.

Even the most basic survival can't be achieved. This gentleman is not right.

"That lady, look at the cactus over there!" Liu Biao pointed to the cactus over there and said to his wife, "This flower comes from the Western Region. The thorns are incomparable, but this flower has a special place, that is, it does not water for several days. He can still grow as usual! Evergreen is a representative of perseverance!"

“Resolute?!” Mrs. Cai looked at her husband’s fingers. When she saw the potted flower, her brow was a wrinkle, because it was too ugly, and the woman was born to be a beautiful person, seeing such a flower. This may have a good impression, just like a lotus flower, although he said that he is out of the mud, but if you really take it out, you will see a few sisters will like it.

"Not good, not good!" How can you be strong? It’s all thorny, so ugly, can’t live a wonderful life. It’s called 苟 and stealing, it’s called survival, not life. Such a flower, Mrs. Cai, would not like it.

"So what kind of flowers does the lady like?" Liu said that the two flowers were meant to get the approval of his wife, and to admire the charm of his wife along the words, but now Mrs. Cai can not see one. Liu Biao does not want to guess indiscriminately, so simply let his wife come by himself.

"What kind of flowers do I like?!" Mrs. Cai muttered to herself. She looked around and looked at the back garden of this Liu watch. The flowers are really wrong. Some are not flowering at this time. Mrs. Cai looked at the past with a dazzling look, but Mrs. Cai did not see one, but it was not good. It was not good. Finally, Mrs. Cai looked at it. A "French, what is the flower called!" Mrs. Cai extended her fingertips and pointed to a huge flower in the garden that was bursting with fragrance.

"That?!" Follow Mrs. Cai's arm. Liu watched the past, Mrs. Cai’s jade fingers were slender and smooth, and even saw a trace of jade arm, white as beautiful jade, it is reasonable to say that normal people should look at this beautiful scenery, and then look at flowers, but Liu Biao looked directly at the flowers. Because Liu Biao and his heart are more than enough.

"Peony?!" Liu Biao is a person who loves flowers. He is a gentleman, so the flowers pointed out by Mrs. Cai immediately saw it.

"Is that flower called peony?!" Mrs. Cai muttered to herself. This flower is not the most swaying of Mrs. Cai in the flowers, but its flowers are large, colorful, beautiful, magnificent, and luxurious. However, it is for Mrs. Cai to think that she does not want to pick it. Being a person is like sitting on a flower. Especially the woman, Mrs. Cai has a lot of feelings in her heart. When he is in the age of ambiguity, no woman thinks about spring, but she finally married a family of 50 or so for the family. According to his age, he can be his father and even his grandfather.

Therefore, Mrs. Cai’s original kind of thinking spring has disappeared, but another attitude. Since there is no spring, you can't get the best reward of rain and sun from the sky, then go for it, and fight for the nutrients of those flowers on the side, the big, big petals of the flowers Cover the other flowers, grab their sunshine, and finally become the king of the real flower.

Liu Biao shook his head, and the peony was also very beautiful, but it was not loved by Liu Biao. At this time, the literati would still be modest and ambiguous, and this is the most beautiful artistic conception. The peony's publicity is not their love. However, my wife is happy, Liu Biao naturally flattered a bunch.

Like the lady's good vision above, the two want to talk and talk well.

Just as the two continued to enjoy the flowers, the captain of the pro-guard finally ran to the backyard, and looked at the other guards who were responsible for the security of the backyard.

The same listened to the captain of the pro-guard, nodded, and put the captain in the guard into the backyard.

Someone stepped into the backyard, Liu Biao naturally and his wife are not good enough to speak again, and immediately the brow is a wrinkle, no matter who disturbs the time between the couple is a very annoying thing, "What?!" This feeling of discomfort immediately manifested itself above the words on the mouth.

Hearing the voice of his boss, the guardian of the guard, immediately screamed at the heart, it was the **** black fat man, but the heart was not good, but this mouth still told Pang Tong that "the singer, the state pastor, outside the door, Yuzhou Mu left general Liu Bei, Yuzhou, don’t drive Pang Tong to see!"

"Pang Tong?!" Liu Biaoyi heard the name is not so bad, it is this person makes Jingzhou and Yangzhou almost hit, but this person turned black and white so that his Liu watch is almost impossible to go down, he Pang Tong wants to seek for Yuzhou The interests, but he Jingzhou as a gun, Liu Biao can be comfortable, there is a ghost, if it is not this Pang Tong body has a Pang family two young master's identity I am afraid that Liu Biao has already driven Pang Tong out, and even directly teach Pang Tong Liu Wang, the king of the king, fell. "If you don't see it, you can say that I don't have time!" Liu said that he didn't want to reject it.

Mrs. Cai on the side did not speak, but she was also thinking about this Pang Tong.

"Yes!" The captain of the guards on the side had to push down. The boss spoke up and naturally had to go.

Outside the Jingzhou government, Pang Tong is still waiting for news. All of his guards have been taken down. He has no concern at all, but is concerned about the gate of the mansion.

Soon the captain of the Jingzhou pro-guard team walked out of the gate of the state pastoral house. The look on his face didn't look good. He pointed directly to Pang Tong's slogan. "The lord is very busy, I don't have time to see you, or I leave quickly." This guard team captain does not explode. The swearing, Pang, he really can not afford, although not good, it can only be in the heart.

"Leaving?!" How could Pang Tong go? He must see Liu Biao, so Pang Tong’s look is the same or he is facing the Jingzhou Guards captain’s fist fist. “Please return to the army!”

"There is nothing to report, the Lord has said it. He does not want to see you!" The Jingzhou **** captain said impatiently, whoever went in and was screamed would be uncomfortable.

"Also ask the army to report it again!" Pang Tong said with perseverance.

"Don't get an inch! I have already told you about it. It's the Lord who doesn't want to see you, and I can't help it!" said the captain of the guard, who was disgusted, how could he report it again, and then go to the notice and be screamed by the Lord. This is not a full support. And because Pang Tong's Ponzi identity, the captain of the Jingzhou Guards has already notified the face, and if he can see it, he has nothing to do with him.

It’s useless to watch yourself talking. Pang Tong changed the way. “Can there be a son in the general’s family?!”

"There is a son and a daughter!" The subconscious Jingzhou **** captain told Pang Tong. "What are you doing?!" I immediately responded after I finished.

"Oh! Nothing! Just want to tell the generals, the generals of the generals will only be a salesman for a lifetime. And the general's daughter Oh! I am afraid that this life can only be lonely forever!" Pang Tong smiled and yelled at this Said the captain of the Jingzhou pro-guard team.

"What do you mean?!" Jingzhou pro-guard team captain is about to turn his face.

"It doesn't mean anything! It's just that the general's son is smart, and I have already been taken by my Lumen Academy!" Pang Tong looked very kindly at the Jingzhou guard team captain.

"Is it taken by the Lumen Academy?!" This is a good news. In this Jingzhou, the children of the cold door, a lot of books, and the holy place among the readers is the Lumen Academy. I was seen by the Lumen Academy. That is really a huge glory.

Now the son of the Jingzhou pro-guard team captain is the age of reading. The only thing that can be read is that the **** is not a long-term strategy. He is a captain of the Jingzhou pro-guard team. It looks good and has entered the ranks of intermediate officers. But he also knows that, compared with those of the sects, it is completely a civilian in the country. He wants to truly enter the core of Jingzhou and become a sect. Then you have to go to school.

Therefore, for the captain of the Jingzhou Guards, it is too late for him to study. Naturally, I want to pin my hopes on my son, I hope my son can go to school, really ask for this kind of martial arts, the identity of the pawn, and even become a civil servant.

Seen by Lumen Academy, it seems to be a good thing on the surface, but how can Pang Tong be so kind! The captain of the Jingzhou pro-guard team carefully thought about it, and suddenly the cold sweat on his forehead came out. If the son of the Pang family was released, his son had already been seen by the Lumen Academy, then the other colleges would accept their sons. ? Will not! They will not go to the Lumen Academy to **** people.

Once Lumen Academy does not accept his son, then all this is really finished. His son will never be able to get rid of the fate of the sergeant. He is lucky and can follow him to join the army to seek a long-term, luck. Not good, you may be killed in the battlefield.

"Er, there is a virtuous heart, as a gentleman's wife!" Pang Tong continued to say, this Jingzhou guard team captain is really afraid of Pang Tong, and his son's back road does not say that he still put his daughter's back Also blocked.

Gentleman, gentleman, this is a title given to you by others, a respect for you, you can't claim to be a gentleman yourself! That is arrogant, once Lumen Academy released his daughter is a virtuous person, when it is a gentleman's wife, there are still a few people dare to go!

If you are embarrassed, then it means that you are a shameless person, claiming to be a gentleman, which is unacceptable to the ancient literary scribes.

And those who are savage and do not dare to marry, if you are embarrassed, those gentlemen are even more uncomfortable, we did not get it, and you are such a trafficker who actually married her, you are saying that we can not compare with you Is a salesman a gentleman?

In this way, his sons and daughters will be destroyed.

"Pang Shaoye, Pang Junshi, ask you to exalt your hand, let me go, I am just a messenger!" Jingzhou pro-guard team captain is really panic, this Pang Tong is really poisonous, in a few words Forced him to a dead end. The captain of the Jingzhou Guards team is a little softer and wants to give Pang Tong down.

"Let you let me go? This general is saying this. I am a pair of children who are recommending generals. They are all talented people!" Pang Tong hurriedly pulled forward the captain of the Jingzhou Guards and refused to let him Next, if you really squat, both of them will get things done. You, a captain of the Jingzhou Guards, bowed to a car in Yuzhou. This was seen by the people who saw it.

"Pang Shaoye, Pang Junshi, are small villains are not good, are small people are not good, you will treat the villain as a fart to let it go!" Pang Tong helped the Jingzhou guard team captain also reacted, rushed Pray for Pang Tong, and hope that Pang Tong will raise his hands and spare one of them.

"Oh, the son of the general wants to enter the Lumen Academy is not impossible! The character of this gentleman, I can also help the general to find this good! It is to see how the general did!" Pang Tong threatened Jingzhou in front. The captain of the guard team, this time began to eat sugar, and the threat of blindness will only bring the people to the end of the road, and finally the net of the fish will be broken, and once the profit is delivered, it is the choice of the fish to die, or the choice is happy. A very simple multiple choice question.

"Pang Shaoye can do everything!" Hearing the benefits of Pang Tong, the Jingzhou Army's guard team captain suddenly changed his attitude. Lumen Academy, as long as the people who came out there basically got the important positions in Jingzhou. At the very least, it must be a model in the county town or even a good luck county. Whatever it is, it is better to find a gentleman's talent. If it is a sect, it would be better.

"Continue to go to the briefing! Just say that I have something to do with business, it is related to the survival of Jingzhou!" Pang Tong said with a smile at the Jingzhou guard team captain.

"Yes!" Although the captain of the Jingzhou pro-guard team was in a dilemma, he still walked toward the mansion.

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