My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 417: Fire attack?

"This Jiangdong general will also be wary!" Zhang Liao listened to the news that Xifeng Iron Rider's scouts brought him, and the pioneer troops brought by General Jiangdong were directly tied in a jungle outside the way. There are a total of 5,000 people in the horse stove, and the 5,000 people have a sense of killing. It is not an ordinary soldier.

Originally, Zhang Liao planned that if the vanguard troops came directly to the way, they would use the large-scale cavalry charge directly on the plain outside the city to give this Jiangdong’s pioneer song a first bite, defeat the enemy’s spirit, and then wait and see. After that, more than 40,000 enemy troops went round and round, but now it seems that it is not very reliable to eat this pioneer.

With the barrier of the jungle, it can be said that Zhang Liao’s hands can’t be used as a tough Xilian iron ride, and this jungle is not far from the city on the way. Although there are dozens of miles, for the cavalry, it’s half an hour, even if it’s small. For the battle is also a small half-day, this Jiangdong generals stationed the army in the jungle, is still very generous to let Zhang Liao's scouts to explore is to tell Zhang Liao, he Jiangdong army came. The enemy is dark and they are clear.

"What is the banner of Jiang Dongjun?!" Zhang Liao is a little interested. Who is this war?

"General, the name of the Lu is the name!" The scout on the side reported.

"Lv?!" Zhang Liao thought before the thoughts really did not have this Lu surname Jiangdong warfare, the famous in Jiangdong are those Huang Gai, Han Dang some characters, really do not have such a surname Lu. How did this person appear?

"Last name?!" Zhang Liao did not know who it was, but Xu Sheng on the side seemed to know the name faintly.

"General Xu Sheng knows?!" Zhang Liao asked.

"The specific does not know. But when I was at the side of the Lord, the Lord mentioned a warlord of Jiangdong surnamed Lu! This person is called Lu Meng. Twenty and two, the Lord said that this person has the talent of a general, good at commanding the army, and even One side is handsome, but it lacks tempering. If it is well honed, it is one of the commanders. If it is not well honed, it will only be discussed on paper!" Xu Sheng told Zhang Liao all he knew.

"Lvmen, twenty up and down?!" Zhang Liao thought about it. This is a teenager, at the age of twenty, when Jiangdong’s young generals, no wonder Zhang Liao did not know, but this person also let Zhang Liao nod. The young people who are so alert and not rampant are much less.

The current Zhangliao army has already fallen into a predicament, and he will fight for the perimeter. I wanted to swallow the enemy in one bite. Originally, Zhang Liao’s strategy was successful. With the help of Qin Feng in the middle of the city, Jiangdong’s 50,000 army was divided and sent out the vanguard. Zhang Liao was also prepared to eat this. Pioneer song. However, it is difficult to get rid of the jungle now. If you can't eat this pioneering force, you can't defeat the enemy's sharpness.

"If the generals are not, let's take the city on the way. Destroy the two enemies! After the hardship, fight with the 50,000-strong army of Jiangdong!" Gejun suggested to Zhang Liao.

"Yeah, General Zhang Liao. Our army's guns are full of live ammunition. It is entirely possible to take the middle of the city first. It is not too late to entangle with the Jiangdong enemy forces. Otherwise, when the army comes, we can be enemies." Xu Sheng is also the main force of the army. His suggestion Zhang Liao will naturally consider it. Zhang Liao did not immediately reply to Xu Sheng.

If you really want to win the city on the way, it is still possible. Under the attack of the guns, the city on the way has long been heart-wrenching. If Zhang Liao takes out more, just take out eight thousand people and force them to attack the city. The city on the way must be broken!

As for the Jiangdong enemy in this jungle, even if he is acquainted with it, don't look at the elite of five thousand. Zhang Liao can completely divide the two thousand heavy cavalry, and he can stop the five thousand steps.

But what can you do on the way? Said that he was once the coach of the state wolf riding, and the state wolf riding will only attack, not good at defense, let Zhang Liao go passively beaten, really can't do it.

They are fighting around, but it’s not hard to play with Jiang Dong’s Sun Ce. This way, the loss is too great.

"Zhang Hu, go find a local people!" Zhang Liao suddenly said to Zhang Hu on the side.

"Looking for an ordinary person?" Although Zhang Hu didn't understand it, he immediately asked his hand to find it. However, after searching for half a day, he could not find a person. These ordinary people have already hid in the city or left early. The Linhuai generation has been a little better than Yangzhou, but it is not much better.

In the end, Zhang Hu brought a scout to Zhang Liao. This scout is one of them to send a letter to Jiangdong. After all, although Zhang Liao deliberately puts those scouts to leave, but he has to pretend to be faked! Otherwise, it will be seen by others, and how to plan!

"Let go, let me go!" A Qin Fengjun scout was escorted by Zhang Hu.

"General, the end will be incompetent to find the people in the vicinity, yes!" Zhang Hu pointed to the scout.

"All the same!" Zhang Liao is not so overly concerned about whether it is a people or a sergeant, as long as it is on the way!

"You killed me, I can't say anything!" The scout was hard-pressed, and he didn't say anything directly. He turned his head and said nothing.

"Oh, it’s hard!" Zhang Liao had a rare smile. "Unfortunately, the master who followed was a person who was afraid of death." Qin Feng ran away in the first time after Lin Huai City lost, and from In the information given by Jinyiwei of Yangzhou, this Qinfeng is not only greedy and fearful of death, but also very lustful and wealthy.

But I did not expect such a master, there is still such a hard-working man below, originally thought that this Qin Feng's men are like the thousands of young soldiers in the pool of Linhuai.

"You still want to say to our general camp!" Zhang Hu went up and Mengde was on the body of this soldier. Although Zhang Hu was only a second-rate general, but this strength is not small, one foot This scout kicked a sweet mouth directly, and the blood spilled out from the corner of his mouth.

"Kill it, don't say it!" shouted the scout.

"General this little son is hard. Do you want to go down?!" Ge Jun asked Zhang Liao, the meaning is to wait for this scout to be examined. This is brought up, and it is easy to open the prison.

"No!" Zhang Liao shook his head. He didn't have much time. If he went to torture again, I am afraid it will be late.

"It's good to be hard, you can rest assured that I won't let you sell your master. I just want to ask you a simple question?!" Zhang Liao lowered his body and got close to the scout.


"If you can answer my question, I will let the people let you go! If you are still stubborn, then you will die! If you find a scout, you can still find it. I don't believe that everyone is as hard as you." "Zhang Liao said to this scout.

"Oh, I won't say it, your executioner, butcher, tell you the secrets of the military. The only thing that will result is that I will be slaughtered as many people on the way. I won't tell you, there is something terrible to die!" A **** sputum spit out in the scout, so Zhang Liao quickly avoided it.

"Tucheng?!" Zhang Liao listened to this scout, and he finally knew why this little scout would be so hard, it was the reason of the massacre.

"When did our generals say the massacre!" Zhang Hu retorted.

"Hey!" Zhang Liao stopped Zhang Hu's words, they did not say the massacre. However, Qin Feng in this city said that this Qin Feng was supposed to spread the news that the Zhang Liao army was going to kill the city on the way to the en route. This made the whole people feel guilty, and the same enemy was also smashed. This Qin Feng is really a character. In order to protect himself, he can make such a speech. Knowing to use people's hearts is like the year. Lao Cao attacked Xuzhou, Tao Qian is the old tongue Cao wants to massacre, which makes the whole Xuzhou go all out to defend the city, and Liu Wei’s army is not a good person. After all, Liu Wei’s army has had the previous example of the massacre, so Qin Feng You can take advantage of this precedent!

Zhang Hu now explains how this scout will not believe it. This remark is sure to be the locals on the way, otherwise it will not be like Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao does not need Zhang Hu to explain whether he is a massacre. What he needs is not this. What he needs is that this scout is a local person on the way. This is the most important thing.

"I said, this will be Zhang Liao, as you asked, it must have nothing to do with the city on the way. I just want to know, the weather on the way from time to time, you only need to tell, when is the earliest rain in the middle of the road? Just fine! As long as you tell me, I will let you go. I believe that your old mother is in the middle of the city! Do you want your old mother to finally send black hair to the old man? "Zhang Liao followed the temptation to say this to the Qin Fengjun scout.

"Mother? How does he know?!" Zhang Hu and Ge Jun on the side think that this is Zhang Liao's editing, you don't know people, how do you know if there are old mothers?

"Mother!" was said by Zhang Liao, this scout seems to really think of the same as his mother.

"You said that you are dead, who is your old mother to take care of? You still count on your robe in the city on the way? Count on your greedy and fearful husband? As long as you tell me the weather on the way, I will let you go. Let you be a dutiful son!" Zhang Liao caught the hearts of the people, is to use the filial piety of this soldier.

Zhang Liao evoked the filial piety in his heart. This scout bit his teeth and said, "This is true!"

"Is there really?!" Zhang Hu and Ge Jun are both stunned. This scout is actually home to the old mother! Is this Zhang Liao a god?

Zhang Liao is certainly not a god. This old family in this scout home is not an unforeseen prophet, but inferred.

Although this person is a scout of Qin Fengjun, but Zhang Liao saw this person's shoes on the soles of the feet, or there are patches on the body, these patches are neatly arranged, this is a woman's craft, so can Fine, and this person looks at the age of fifteen or six years old, among the clans, fifteen or six years old may have been married, but not among the people, so this scout may not have a wife People, then only the old mother.

"Of course it is true!" Zhang Liao smiled and nodded, he will succeed.

"Nothing other than the weather?!"

"Of course! Except for the weather, the other don't ask, I don't have to lie to you, Zhang Li, you are not worthy of me to lie! Killing you is not much, not killing you!"

"Good! I tell you!" The young scout nodded and said it from his mouth.

"It hasn't rained for half a month?" The news that Zhang Liao got from this scout's mouth was that the city had not rained for half a month. Zhang Liao looked at the sky outside the camp, and the sky was clear outside the sky. "Sure enough. what!"

"You said to send me away!" shouted on the side of the scout.

"Come and send him down!" Zhang Liao waved his hand and let his majesty Zhang Hu send the scout of Qin Fengjun away.

"Come on, help me to cut a big tree in the nearby jungle!"

Soon a big tree that had just been cut down from the jungle was sent. Zhang Liao shook his hand on the bark of the big tree and the branches and leaves of his branches. The fingers were dry and dry, only the trees. The moisture under the root is relatively heavy.

Zhang Liao’s eyes suddenly lit up and immediately issued an order to “transfer my military order. Today’s army rests for half a day, and the enemy camp will be destroyed early tomorrow!”

"General Zhang Liao, you have a strategy to break the enemy?!" Xu Sheng and Wang Wei on the side are all foggy.

"Nature!" Zhang Liao said very confidently.

"Since there is a strategy to break the enemy, why not break the enemy now and swallow the Pioneer troops of the Jiangdong Army to avoid night dreams!"

"No hurry, things have not arrived, how can it be done!" Zhang Liao said to the warriors.

"What do you want?!"

"No him! Menghuoer!" Zhang Liao said the name very lightly.

"Women's oil?!" Wang Wei understands that Wang Wei has always been a martial artist, and this person is good at brainstorming, so Liu Yucai put Wang Wei and Xu Sheng, the impulsive person together.

"General, are you trying to use fire?!"


"How does the general Jianghuai area use fire attack?!" The generals below don't understand. It must be known that this Lu Meng hides into the jungle and naturally has his own plans. The first Jianghuai area is densely forested, and the second is the Jianghuai area. Developed, there is also a weather in the Jianghuai area is mostly rainy days. So if you really want to use a fire attack, you may not be able to burn a few grasses.

"Oh, this is why I have to ask the Qin Fengjun scouts just now!" Zhang Liao explained to his Majesty, "It has been raining for half a month. You see this forest, he is wet except for the roots. Everything else is already dry, and even God is standing here!"

"But the river in this jungle?!" There is a stream in the jungle. If there is a fire, these streams can be used to create fire!

"So use this fiery oil!" Xu Sheng on the side helped Zhang Liao explain, once Xu Sheng had seen Liu Wei used, this thing can burn on the river surface, let alone these small The stream is gone.

"Oh!" Zhang Liao did not refute and did not agree to just smile lightly. "Nature knows tomorrow!"

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