My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 419: Fire attack? (2)

"Let's hold back!" Zhang Liao couldn't help but look at this Lu Menggao. It was originally a war temper to be a little bigger than the average person, Wufu Wufu! It is a person with a simple limb and a simple mind. If you can use your fist to resolutely, you must never reason.

And Lu Meng is a 20-year-old man who is just a **** person. If this is the opposite of Sun Ce, it may be that this is directly rushed over, and Zhang Liao played dead, but Lu Meng resisted, had to let Zhang Liao a bit sigh!

At that time, Zhang Liao did not have the ability to endure Lu Meng. Zhang Liao used his own injuries and many of his robes to teach this tuition to truly understand self-denial.

"Zhang Hu Gejun, continue! I will have to look at this Lu Meng in the end can bear the road!" Zhang Liao continued to issue orders.

"Yes!" Zhang Hu and Ge Jun continued to take the lead. This time, Zhang Hu and Ge Jun, the humiliating words of the two people can be increased. What is the opposite of Jiang Dongjun, are you all blind people? Still, I didn’t have the longest thing to be born. I haven’t been so fast, so it’s soft, you are shooting us, come here! Don't be embarrassed! The words were simply unspeakable, and the soldiers of the Chu army jumped up one by one.

"Zi Ming, give me a terracotta warrior, let me rush out and kill it!" Ling Chao can't stand it anymore, being humiliated like this, and being questioned by men's abilities, can't help others, Ling Chao couldn't help it. It was the father of Ling Chao who was unconsciously caught in the insults of Xiliang Iron, and Ling Chao’s father was already dead. This is also a reverse scale of Ling Chao. Referring to his father, he will definitely break out.

"You are leaving me!" Lu Meng also shouted with a cold eye. Do you think that he is a super angry anger! He Lu Meng is also angry, but he also knows that this is the enemy's strategy. In order to seduce him Lu Meng, and finally annihilate.

"Self-confidence, self-denial!" Lu Meng silently recited in his heart.

"Is it true that your father is like this, it is a person who has no voice, so you can't shoot it like this!" This is already the Xiliang Iron Ride back and forth several times, but Lu Meng is a little relaxed. No, because although his big camp is in the jungle, once it was rushed over by the Xiliang Iron Rider. Similarly, his army must be unlucky, and the Xiliang Iron Rider is a heavy arm infantry even if it is a horse. If it is caught off guard, it will be surrounded by it.

Lu Meng’s idea is that if you come from the Xiliang Iron Rider, I will call you a wave of arrows. After the disaster, I will not enter the forest under the cover of the arrow rain. Your Xiliang Iron Rider completely lost the advantage of the horse. If you come in, I can fight with you with the ambush. After all, Lu Mengjun is riding in the dark and Xiliang.

He Lu Mengjun armed with a bow and aiming at the enemy, this is a huge consumption of spirit, the same side of the Xiliang iron ride is also like this he sprints back and forth, no less than Lu Mengjun. It is also very laborious to run Mercedes-Benz in the war. It is impossible for the two sides to lose both sides and fight again. It is necessary to know that Lu Meng is delaying the time, as long as the rear large units arrive. His mission is complete.

"I can't stand it!" Ling Chao snorted "Who wants to rush with me!"

"Ling Chao's military order, you didn't hear it, let go! You are against the military law! The army is out of order. You don't want me to tell you about the military law again!" Lu Meng looked at his childhood friend coldly.

"Breaching the military law is against the military law. You are scared when I am Ling Chao. What do you think of Lu Manzi! If it is not older than me, how can you be the master of this army! What is your monk? Qualified to say me!" Ling Chao shouted loudly toward Lu Meng.

"Ling Chao is coming back! Don't force me to move the army!" Lu Meng also groaned low.

The Chu army on the side looked at their two generals and they were very helpless.

"Come on!" Ling Chao's rebellious psychology also came up, and he pointed to Lu Meng's nose and slammed "Lv Manzi, they insulted me Ling Chao, I couldn't bear it, but they insulted my father and I couldn't help it!" ”

Ling Chao still wants to say something. Suddenly, he slammed a slap and fell directly on Ling Chao’s face.

"Lvmen?!" Ling Chao's eyes suddenly became red.

But Lu Meng on the side is more angry than Ling Chao. "You Ling Chao thought that you were humiliated by yourself? You Ling Chao thought that you were a dead father?! You are good, there is a father, the old general is dead, How many years have passed! You have been immersed in it, me!” Lu Meng pointed at himself and stared at Ling Chao, “I am him, even my father has never seen him. Do you think I am not angry?” Lu Meng was raised by his father when he was a child. What his father looked like Lu Meng had never seen. Lu Meng joined Sun Cejun or his brother-in-law Deng Dang. Lu Meng wanted to make his mother easy, not so hard, 16 years old. At the time, Lu Meng secretly followed the brother-in-law Deng Dang to kill the meritorious deeds.

Later, he was discovered by Deng Dang. He was almost not scared to death, but he also let Lu Meng enter the military commander circle of Jiangdong.

"Zi Ming?!" In the eyes of Ling Chao, the red light gradually subsided.

"You go, you go! I will allow you to go. You will take your escorts and let your brothers and robes all die here. The meaningless battle is here to become the enemy's proud show." Go, let these Jiangdong fathers, lose their father, lose their son, lose their husband, go! Finally, the best, you will meet the old general, leave the old lady alone In this world!" Lu Meng still did not let Ling Chao point to the nose is a meal.

The officers on the side who were also blood-filled by Mad’s mind also calmed down. They are not alone. They are behind their father and mother, as well as brothers and sisters, and even have beautiful wife and cute family. The son waited for them to finish going back.

"I!" Ling Chao was so angry that the whole face was red. In the end, it was hard to find a few words: I, I am not going, can't you?

"If you don't go, give me a back, pick up your three stone bows!" Lu Meng said to his own small hair, not a good voice, for Ling Chao. Lu Meng is really not good at moving the military law, although the military law is strict. But in fact, Lu Meng is really not going to go, not to mention that the two are small and small, from other aspects alone, if it was not the funding of Ling Chao’s family, I am afraid that Lu Meng could not grow up like this. He is a civilian child. , or the cold people, lost a father's main labor force in a family. You can know that the family is poor, and the mother is afraid that Lu Meng’s younger brother is suffering from a loss. He has never been married. As the saying goes, the half-sized boy eats the dead child. This is why Lu Meng wanted to make a meritorious career when he was sixteen years old. He is really Can not stand the poor, and can let Lu Meng persist, which is the support of this small family Lingjia.

returning a Favour many times more. Don't worry about this kind of trouble. Ling Chao is sullen under the anger of Lu Meng

Xiliang Iron Rider once again launched the charge "eight hundred steps, six hundred steps, five hundred steps, four hundred steps, three hundred steps, two hundred and eighty steps. Two hundred and sixty steps, two hundred and forty steps! !! Lu Meng’s mouth screamed.

His roar infects a group of Jiangdong military officers around the circle, "shoot!" Thousands of people suddenly burst into a loud drink. The arrow rain was thrown out.

"Two hundred and forty steps! Ejection?!" In the Xiliang iron ride, Zhang Hu opened his mouth, a ridiculous look, more than two hundred steps. How can the two stone bows shoot? The enemy's mind on the opposite side is confused! Zhang Hu’s heart has already thought about how to humiliate.

"Not good!" Zhang Liao looked at the long arrow thrown at the opposite side, and suddenly he was shocked. This Lu Meng could bear the next and then again and again. It is impossible to bear it. He will not throw out the arrow for no reason. .

"Hey!" was retribution, and the Chu army got a good fruit to eat. A wave of arrows rained directly on the body of the Xiliang Iron Rider. The Xiliang Iron Riders on the head were directly taken by this wave of arrows. The rain was sent back to the ground and I saw the ancestors. Although the cavalry in the back is a little better, but it is not so good. There are horse corpses in front, and the riding can still pick the past. If the riding is not good, they will be directly given by these corpses. Stumbled, under the charge of this large-scale group model, you are not far from the death of the war horse! Being trampled to death, screams.

There are also some Xiliang iron rides that ran directly and ran within two hundred steps. The result was that the death was even worse. The two stone bows were waiting for them.

"Withdrawal, withdrawal, withdrawal!" Zhang Hu also inserted a long arrow on his left arm. It has already penetrated into it. He is angry and wants to rush directly, but he thinks of the cold expression of Zhang Liao, Zhang. The tiger still resisted the Xichang iron ride with his arm. Left a cold iron ride on the ground.

"Three stone bows!" Zhang Liao looked at the Xiliang iron rider who was thrown to death by the arrow rain. He said coldly, just under the arrow and rain, the Xiliang iron rider at least dropped a hundred bodies, so that the body Some of them were shot dead by the arrows, and more were killed by fear.

Zhang Liao looked coldly at the opposite Jiang Dongjun. He really did not think that this Jiangdong army had even pulled three stone bows, and there were still many such people. This Zhang Laliao could not have thought of it, so Xiliang Iron Rider ate a big one. deficit. Three stone bows, Zhang Liao also pulled, Zhang Hu Gejun and others also pulled, but they can pull up the war, but the hundreds of people who are pulling the three stone bows on the opposite side are ordinary soldiers!

"Hey, hey, hey!" The Jiangdong soldiers on the opposite side cheered up. They finally reported a revenge. Before they were humiliated, they finally revenge. How can this exaggerated feeling not be excited? It! Although there are not many enemies killed on a large scale, as long as the casualties are caused by the enemy, it is a kind of victory. The cheers of the opposing Jiangdong soldiers are a shame in the present Zhang Liaojun.

It’s really the feng shui turn to the opposite side this year.

"General, the last will, will be ashamed to see the general!" Zhang Hu returned with the Xiliang iron ride, the long arrow on his shoulder was not pulled out, he really did not dare to look at Zhang Liao's eyes, this is him Zhang Hu cares about it. If he is not so arrogant or that he is not so negligent, it may be that the Jiangdong Army has just had a three-stone longbow, and at most it can only cause the Xiliang Iron Rider to be injured instead of killing 100 people. Therefore, Zhang Hu looked at Zhang Liao with shame. "You should also punish the army!" Zhang Hu was holding a fist in Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao did not immediately reply to Zhang Hu, so that Zhang Hu’s lower head had cold sweat on his forehead. Zhang Liao’s punishment was very serious.

However, beyond Zhang Liao's surprise, Zhang Liao unexpectedly smiled at Zhang Hu.

Correct! Just laugh! Zhang Hu licked his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw. Because Zhang Liao has a very heavy prejudice against the Xiliang Iron Rider, let alone make mistakes. Even if he did not make mistakes, Zhang Liao would not give them a good face, but now he has a smile. It’s just that Zhang Hu’s life is gone, and I immediately feel that my general is being dropped. This person is not his own general!

But in the end, Zhang Hu confirmed that this is his own general. "This time, although you are wrong, but it is not all wrong with you! I am also wrong." Zhang Liao is also negligent. I did not expect this Lu Meng to have such a hand, before being Xiliang Once again, the morale of the iron rider has been strengthened.

"Zhang Hu. Now give you a chance to make up for it. Continue to harass me. You can't let this Jiangdong army have a chance to rest! If you can't finish it, you don't need to come back!" Zhang Liao's face was cold.

"Yes!" Zhang Humeng nodded. This is their general. Just now Zhang Liao smiled at him. He is really not used to it. This cold state is now familiar to Zhang Hu.

Xiliang Iron Riding once again ran, and this time Zhang Hu learned, and also took out some shields. All the Xiliang Iron Riders also lowered their bodies, so that they can avoid as much as possible in high maneuvering. Open arrow rain.

"Is it still harassing?" Lu Meng looked at the opposite side of the Xiliang Iron Rider and started the action again. Lu Meng also kept the archer's archer alert. "If you want to consume. Then everyone will come together!" Jiang Dongjun was exhausted, the same Xiliang Iron Riding Force was also consumed.

"General Wang Wei will teach you the following!" Zhang Liao said to Xu Sheng on the side.

"Wang will lead the life!" Wang Wei nodded and immediately went down. Lu Meng has been paying attention to the opposite Zhang Liaojun, watching Zhang Liaojun row of cars from the rear, a lot of hay above the car. There is also wood. The brow is wrinkled.

"General, is the opposite of the fire attack?!" Ling Chao ran over again, he was just stunned by Lu Meng. Later, he used three stone bows to shoot two Xiliang iron rides. The suffocating suffocation in this heart has already been released, so he is much more comfortable.

Seeing so many dry wood and hay on the opposite side, this is to show that it is using fire.

Ling Chao’s mouth opened his sarcasm. “Fire attack? The ground is so humid, there is a stream in the forest, what is the role of this fire attack!”

"Can't underestimate Zhang Liao!" Lu Meng shook his head and said that he and Zhang Liao played against each other. Lu Meng was pressured, but the opposite was a pilgrim, but Lu Meng was the real first unified soldier, so for Zhang Liao All Lu Meng will think more, but now Lu Meng did not want to understand.

Lu Meng continued to pay attention. After a while, Lu Meng knew what dry wood and hay are doing.

The other side of the Xiliang Iron Rider also started to move. They took some of these pieces of wood and took them out of the jungle. They threw themselves outside the jungle, and a bundle of hay was thrown out of the jungle.

"He really wants fire attack?!" Lu Meng frowned and waved "Ling Chao, you took a thousand people team, gave me the forest, used all the tools in the camp, went to the stream river Fill the water, prepare to guard against the enemy fire attack?!"

"What do the generals need?!" Ling Chao was a bit disdainful. The jungle was so wet that it could be burned.

"Go! Don't talk so much nonsense!" Lu Meng, whether or not he can burn it, is prepared.

"Yes!" Ling Chao can only hold the fist under the helpless "You, you, take your sire and me!" Ling Chao took a thousand people team, and soon left, arrived in the jungle Has been built in the camp.

"Everyone, put the pots and pans, as long as they can hold the water, go with me to fill the water!" The entire team of thousands of people went to fill the water.

"Ignite it!" Zhang Liao released the order to Ge Jun Zhang Hu over there. The Xiliang Iron Rider had piled up the dry hay on the team and piled it on the jungle. Soon the torches were also thrown in. Those hay and dry materials that have been piled up outside the jungle, and soon these accumulated dry materials are spotted.

The fire quickly rose and the smoke began to scatter.

"The whole army retreated and retreated into the jungle!" Looking at the fire, Lu Meng did not panic, because these were all the hay brought by Zhang Liaojun, but the local grasses were not lit, indicating The humidity here is still ok, and can you give him the hay dry stuff? Obviously impossible, but just in case Lu Meng is still planning to withdraw into the jungle, the water that Ling Chao has prepared is ready for everything.

"General Wang Wei, are you ready?" Zhang Liao said to Wang Wei over there.

"Ready!" Wang Wei nodded.

"Get ready, let's get started!" Zhang Liao has everything ready.

"Yes!" Wang Wei nodded and slammed! "A huge movement rang, and a tall instrument was set up. If the soldiers on the way, they would find out again that they were not They can't lift the guns from their heads!

“Is it too far away from the seven hundred steps?!” asked Ge Jun on the side. Seven hundred steps are already the limit of the guns, and usually can't shoot so far!

"Not far!" Zhang Liao shook his head and said, before the throwing is a boulder of a hundred pounds, but now it is only a few dozen pounds of dry and there are those jars.

"Put, put, put!" Dozens of rifles suddenly began his roar, and one crock was thrown out and directly thrown into the jungle.

"Hey!" Those crocks hung over the trees in the jungle and flowed out of the black juice.

"General, general, look at this crock! What is this!" Soon someone found the crocks on the trees, and a good one was not broken and handed to the hands of Lu Meng in the jungle.

Lu Meng opened the earthen jar and a pungent smell came out. The black liquid in the earthen jar is very disgusting.

"This is?!" Lu Meng was stained with a finger grid and got into his nose. It was really bad. Lu Meng didn't know this, but there was a thousand people on the side who would react to the "General, this is fierce fire, fierce fire!"

"Flaming oil!" Lu Meng did not personally read this kind of thing, but I heard that this thing is black and ugly, very viscous, and the water is flammable. "not good!"

"Boom, bang, bang!" This time is no longer a crock, but the dry and the fodder that have been ordered. These fodders are not thrown alone, but when they touch the fire, they burn up. The trees that could not be burned in Lumon’s view also began to ignite.

"There is really a fire!" Ling Chao on the side was surprised, but then Ling Chao calmed down. "General Ling Ling served you!" Lu Meng's careful and careful rescue of the entire army, those bottles that have been filled with water The bottles and cans were all taken out and ready to be used for fire fighting.

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