The smoke was quickly buried in the entire jungle, covering the sky.

'Haha, we are now in the jungle, put out his fire page, and see how he can get it. 'Let's get over the laughter' Lingbao is very satisfied with the current state. The only bad thing is the smoke. A little bigger.

‘kill, kill, kill! ‘The shouts came from outside the jungle. Ling’s eyes flashed coldly: ‘I am still ready to rush in. It’s really daring, this general Liao’s child is confused by us, and I am ready to rush into the jungle! ‘Ling Cao has already drunk the next Erlang ready, as long as the Zhang Liaojun outside this jungle dares to rush into it, he must make him go back.

All of Lumon’s majesty began to hide, and he was ready to wait for the enemy outside the secret order to rush in, so that he could fight an ambush.

Lu Meng nodded. 'Beyond the jungle, maybe he should be playing back with Zhang Liao, but once he entered the forest, even if Zhang Liao 10,000 troops marched into the jungle, the page would ask him to go without a return, at least It takes a lot of damage.

‘This Zhang Liao is just that! Lingqin said very proudly, suddenly his mouth opened a big smoky smoke and swallowed it directly into the mouth, just like a person who never smoked a cigarette suddenly swallowed the whole package of cigarettes, the kind of cockroaches People really uncomfortable's cough and cough! This is the smoldering oil of this old man, how is the smoke so big! 'Ling Cao is going to marry her mother, but when she thinks about the next good lessons for the enemy, she may even win the war before the arrival of the big army of Ergong. The fiery heart of Ling Cao does not care. It’s up.

'smoke? ! ‘Lümon is also sniffing the nose, not knowing when to start. This smog is getting bigger and bigger. It is licking and blowing nose. Looking at this direction is from outside the jungle, and the flames that have been extinguished have just been extinguished by water, so he is still braving a lot of smoke, so that the smoke becomes more and more Big.

'wind? ! ‘Lü Meng is also feeling the wind. Suddenly his eyes widened and the whole person was stunned with the expression ‘this wind. smoke! ‘Lu Meng looked around and gradually was shrouded in a white space.

'not good! ‘Lu Meng was shocked ‘fast, those fires don’t go out! ‘There are still some smoldering oils that have been smashed into the branches and still braving the flames. They have not cleaned up yet, and Lumon shouted at those people.

‘General, are you? ! ‘The fire has not been extinguished at all. If it is not extinguished, what to do if it burns again.

‘Can’t be destroyed, can’t be destroyed! ‘After using water to extinguish those flames, it is immediately a source of smoke.

Lu Meng was shouting, but even if he didn't go out, there was only the flame left. How about that, the smoke has poured into the jungle. Now I have to stop it. It’s too late to e. 'Cough cough' Lu Meng also took a sip of smoke, and was suddenly unable to get it. The other ordinary soldiers on the side were not going anywhere. Some people started to worry. Tears, 'Ling is fast, let all the soldiers tear off a piece of cloth and wet their cloth with water,'

Ling Cao rushed to go, first to help Lu Meng get a piece of wet cloth, Lu Meng like to put him on his mouth and nose, with water and cloth cover, Lu Meng only felt much better, but the side There are many people who cough on it.

‘Ling, water, water, give them wet cloth, lie on the nose and throat! ‘This smoker can’t stand it.

Lu Meng was commanding, but Ling Cao did not move at all. Lu Meng angered and pushed Ling Cao a ‘not yet speeding forward! ‘

Ling Cao looked at Lu Meng and smiled ‘General’s water is running out! 'Before the fire extinguished, all the water had been poured. Now there are only a few containers among the bottles and jars, and there are enough water for thousands of people. I want 5,000 people to work together. It is impossible.

‘No water, what are you doing, go to fetch water! ‘Lu Meng is going to push Ling Cao to go to fetch water, but it’s too late to go. ‘Don’t go, stay, the generals will kill me with me! ‘

‘kill, kill, kill! "The Zhang Liaojun outside the secret order has already rushed in. They rushed in under the cover of the smoke. Each of them had a cloth dampened with water on the nose of the body. The body of the armor roared and rushed in.

‘I’m really daring to rush in, come on! Xiliang Iron Ride Dollars War Horses You are a bunch of monkeys who have gone to war horses! Lingbao said on the side, for the Xiliang Iron Rider, if the Xiliang Iron Rider can burst out of amazing power on the war horse, but once the horse is down, the Xiliang Iron Rider does not have so much power, after all, When the cavalry is driving the war, it will take a long time, and there will be legs and the like, so once the horses of the war horses are down, sometimes it is really not as good as a real pawn.

‘I hope so! ‘Lv Meng did not hold the good mood of Ling Cao. From the beginning, when smoke entered the jungle, Lu Meng had a bad feeling.

‘kill, kill, kill! Under the cover of thick smoke, let alone ambush, I am afraid that breathing is a problem, so Lu Meng’s squatting Jiang Dongjun is a hand holding his nose and holding a sword in a hand, but they still look down on these. The western cool iron ride of the horse.

After all, they are separated by mountains, and these Jiangdong soldiers are still very confident about their own strength. They are the Chu army. What kind of battles have they seen before? They used to be their ancestors, but they have played against each other. Thousands of soldiers and horses broke the enemy by 100,000. Now they also have such a kind of courage.

‘Black Chess Army! ‘Lü Meng’s face is cold. He finally knows what mistakes he made. One has used the Xiliang Iron Rider as the biggest fighting force of the Zhang Liaojun opposite, but the water once knew that there is still a black chess army in his hand! A heavy armor!

It is a good thing to have courage and self-confidence. However, when the battle is in contact, the whole person has changed immediately, because the opposite side is where the Xiliang iron ride is opposite, and the opposite is completely the heavy armor of the black chess army. The mountains, but now they are fighting the same is the king of the **** or the pawn, the elite in the heavy armor, the black chess army!

If at ordinary times, the one-on-one Jiangdong army may not be afraid of the Black Chess Army, but now it is different. The entire Jiangdong Army is up and down, except for those who have distributed the wet cloth, others are using one. The hands are fighting, those smoky smoke is too horrible, if you don't need your arm to block a smog, you can smash it for a long time, and you will feel the difficulty of breathing.

And if you cover it, then well, you are fighting with one hand. If the recruits are alive, the garrison in the city is okay, the enemy of the same level, so at their own expense to fight, it is Looking for death. This is not a problem that can't be beaten, but it is a joke with life!

‘kill, kill, kill! ‘There are more and more black chess troops rushing into the jungle for a long time, drinking these Chu army and killing them together. (To be continued.)

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