My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 428: Two bears

"Oh, I know, I know, is yours suddenly picked up by the old man to pick up the guest!" Huang Kai said with abusive. The old man on the side listened to Huang Kai’s words, because he said many times that the old man would not let the passengers come out to pick up the guests. The old man promised in front of him, and the latter immediately changed. Let this go to serve Liu Wei.

"Brother, where do you know that our big son has a slap in the face, but there is not a lot of money! This girl is a clear-cut person in this hall, but the value is hundreds of gold. Where does Dagongzi have money?" Huang Chen sang a song to Huang Kai.

"What can I do? This is a big man, but I have already seen people like a girl! Last time we came, we wanted to sing the girl to accompany this big son, but almost desperately to fight with us!" Kay had a bruise on his face. It was the last time he had ordered this sorrow. After the hardship, he rushed in. Finally, he was beaten together. Although they are Huangjiatun, they are more like this one. A little worse.

"Brother, this is your fault. People are happy with each other. What a wonderful marriage. This time, this big son has come up with a way! You are also misunderstanding people, this girl is This is the Qing Dynasty, but this Qing dynasty is naturally the most expensive at the beginning of the night. Without this first night, it is naturally cheaper. He can naturally take the girl away from home! It is a marriage. I don't know how to drive, I will be very happy!" Huang Chen's words are simply sinister, including all the people present here.

Even Liu Wei was lying in the middle of the gun, and became a person in the yellow morning mouth and the deal.

Huang Chen and Huang Kai don't know Liu Wei. In this Jingzhou, they still have few people who can't be unaware. Those who have heads and faces also know each other. When they look at Liu Wei's face, they don't know each other. They just want to come to Jingzhou to buy and sell. Merchants, what can a businessman have to do? It doesn't matter if you don't sin.

It was said by Huang Chen Huang Kai that it was not right to look at Laojiao and Liu Wei’s eyes. He thought that this was planned by Laojiao and Liu Wei.

Although this is a wave of sluts, the old man in his family is very strict with his discipline, so there is not much monthly income for him. Unlike other sects who can give a hundred gold, this is if you look at it. The girl is okay, this hotel is a natural and delicious food for the sake of sinlessness, but he is a clear-cut person in this museum, such a woman who has no broken melon, but this museum has been cultivated since childhood. of. It’s also good, Liu Wei, they can order so much, that is because Liu Wei is really not bad.

I thought that I could buy the money and buy it. This kind of awkwardness also has a good impression on it. After all, in addition to the swaying, there are those who are not shameful. It’s better to be a cousin than a young man who doesn’t fix it.

It’s very embarrassing now, if you say yes, then he is a person who sells women for glory. If not, he is coming in and looking for it, how to end it! The face between the sects is still very important. If today’s events are being advertised, then in this circle of Jingzhou’s son, I really can’t stay.

"Huang Kai and Huang Chen are!" Liu Wei said, but this is a sudden, but Liu Wei wants to catch up with the relationship, even if this is glaring at himself, but Liu Wei has to help him.

"Who are you!? How can we know the name of our brother?!" Huang Chen on the side directly put Liu Wei into the eye.

"I am just a student at Lumen Academy. As for your name, Huang Jia Shuangxiong. Who can not know it!" Liu Xiao smiled and held a pair of fists.

"Lumen students?!" The attitude of the two to Liu Wei changed a bit. After all, Lumen Academy is very famous in this Jingzhou. It is no longer the kind of speculation that the two had previously guessed, the small family, or a merchant.

"Do you have any evidence to prove that you are a deer at the Lumen Academy?!" Brother Huang Kai was cautious and asked.

"Oh, naturally there is proof." Liu Wei took out a nameplate, this nameplate is engraved by the mahogany, the book threesome, this is a brand that the students in the Lumen Academy will have. This is what Pang Degong said at the beginning. The three-person line is the student of this Lumen Academy. They can learn from each other and are not ashamed to ask. Of course, Liu Wei said that it is not a fake student at Lumen College. Liu Yi’s identity is really deer. The student, Lumen Academy is created by Pound, but there are still many schools in the Lumen Academy. For example, Sima Jingwei, that is, Mr. Shui Jing, and other scholars will also be in the Lumen Academy. The nameplate that Liu Wei got was the way to go to Liu Qi, the grandson of Jingzhou. There is naturally a kind of person in the Lumen Academy who supports the inheritance of the eldest son.

"It’s really a student at Lumen Academy!" Huang Chen and Huang Kai both held a fist and they were very happy about Liu Wei’s boasting of what he was.

"Polite, polite, this Huang Jia Shuangxiong does not dare to be! Don't dare to be!"

I can see it on the side, this unidentified Lumen student is a line with this Huang Chen Huang Kai! Suddenly, his face turned red and he turned his face and humiliated. But Liu Wei opened his mouth again.

"Of course, I dare to do it. There are two bears in Jingzhou City who belong to the Huang family. You are not good at this Huangjia Shuangxiong. Isn’t our other people surnamed Huang?" Liu was very lightly sitting at the table and drinking tea in his hand.

When the people on the side heard Liu Wei’s words, they immediately did not calm down. Several sisters laughed directly, but they saw the two brothers of Huang’s family. The anger of Huang Chen and Huang Kai immediately stunned, and soon Li’s face Blushing. Liu Wei was too bad. He first complimented the two brothers of the Huang family. After that, they directly spoke two dogs in the modest of these two people. The difference between the hero and the bear was a different day.

"I want to laugh and laugh!" Liu Wei said to the three girls around him, Liu Wei said so, the three girls all laughed.

"What kind of person are you kid?" Huang Kai is cautious. He wants to know the identity of Liu Wei, which will allow him to make the next move.

"I said, a student at Lumen Academy! The surname Wang, the name"

"Do you know what the consequences of offending our brothers?!" Huang Chen and Huang Kaiyin said with a sullen face.

"I don't know, I don't want to know!" Liu said with a smile on his lips. Don't say that Huang Kai and Huang Chen, even Huang Yao and even Huang Zu did not dare to take Liu Wei. As long as Lu Bujun does not fight with Jingzhou, Liu Wei’s stay in Jingzhou one day will naturally be treated as a guest, even if he starts the war. As long as the Lu Bujun is strong enough, this Liu watch will still not take Liu Wei. Not to mention a family of Jingzhou.

"You are looking for death!" Huang Chen’s eyes flashed in the face of Liu Wei, and Huang Chen’s back with a few guards is also going to help them.

"Hey!" Liu Wei also said coldly, "Daddy, we and our brothers are coming out to spend money to come and have fun, not to find uncomfortable. Is this hotel so hospitality!" Here is Jingzhou. Liu Wei came out this time to hide the traces and go to Yan Liang’s home. Otherwise, Liu Wei directly abandoned the two Huangjiazi children. The Liangzi of the Huang family had already been settled. Not so bad, these two Huangjiatun children, although they also have the foundation of martial arts, after all, The Yellow House is dominated by the army. But these two people are also the strength of the third-rate military commander, Liu Wei can solve the two with one hand.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't do it, don't do it!" The old man on the side also reacted. If these guys are here, he will not have to do business. Moreover, the characters behind the music hall are not small, but they don’t want to go out of trouble. It’s the same for the family and the Huang family. If you really turn your face, you are really not afraid of it. If this Huang brothers dare to do it, Liu I don't mind helping him to teach him how to be a man.

"Little Mengzi, eyelids! Go to invite people!" The old man shouted at the little beggar on the side, and Xiaoxiao saw this scene and the oil was quickly removed from the soles of his feet. It should be the person who called the principal.

Soon, a middle-aged man pushed the door open and walked in. There were also a few guards behind him. Liu Wei saw that there were **** colors on these guards. This is killing, although not very heavy. But it is indeed killing. It must be a soldier from the battlefield who came down from the battlefield. It seems that the characters behind this venue are really a bit unacceptable.

"You, everyone, give me a face of Liu. Don't do it in this hall. You are all the guests of my music hall. You are killing me outside. I don't care, but in this music. In the pavilion, I also hope to give Liu a face, please!" This Liu Guancai said that he asked, but the guards behind him looked at the people brought by the Huang family.

The person behind the Huangjia brothers is also a sergeant, but it is better than the guards of this museum, and immediately put something in the ears of the Huang family brothers!

The Huang family brothers snorted and they looked at Liu Wei and said, "I am lucky to be lucky!" The owners behind the museum are also very jealous.

"Oh!" Liu Wei couldn't let it go. He lifted up a teacup and used the tea to drink the wine to the side of the big son. "Come on, come, brother, you haven't finished drinking this wine! Let's sit down and continue. "Liu Wei, this is to bring the big son to the big one, meaning that they are a group of people, and the side of the sorrow is also very understanding of the score, immediately came forward to serve up, this looks like Liu Wei At the banquet, it’s normal.

I took a look at it. Under the steps, I naturally followed the steps of Liu Wei. I made it down and took the dishes to start drinking.

Looking at the hustle and bustle of Liu Wei and the happy family, this Huang brother is even more uncomfortable.

The Huang brothers went there. This Liu’s principal, facing Liu’s fist, “can’t hold it anymore. This grandfather, this time disturbed Ya’s Yaxing. Today’s consumption in the music hall is counted on my head. !"

"Liu's principal is! This is not necessary! I am here to accompany my brother to drink! Not bad for that money! And there is the girl in this house, my brother has already seen it, still There are three girls in the house, they have to take it away. Is it possible for Liu to be free?!" Liu Wei is not bad for this money. Naturally, Liu is not required to exempt him. Liu Wei still wants to send this out. Make a sigh of this, let him owe his own feelings.

"Oh, this is natural, can't!" This Liu director can't send out hundreds of gold girls when he reaches out.

"Ah!" There is still a dumbfounded side, it is awkward!

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