My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 434: businessman

Jia Wei sent Liu Liu to go out. When the two men paid the money, Jia Wei went on the excuse to go downstairs. Now Liu Wei is taking all possible opportunities to get the grain, and these two people are also Jingzhou merchants. Representatives, if they can be said to move them, then Yangzhou can develop rapidly. Although these businessmen are profit-seeking, they will bring true vitality to Yangzhou. Only an active market can truly be prosperous.

"You are a stunned person?!" On the side of Liang Fatzi and Wu De, when they learned that Jia Zhang was not malicious to them, they came to Jiayi with a hotel near the hotel. Because the banquets of the museum were so cold, the two local snakes found a room to sit down and negotiate.

Just in the music hall, the two offended the family son Cai He, and the sympathy is also the sorrow of the family, and the two men may send people to say something to them. If Cai and others send people, then I won’t talk so well, then there’s only one thing left, and I’m very grateful to think of them in the music hall. If they are really awesome people, So, they are really an honour, and the two are tempted to have a relationship with them. The unpleasant smile on the face.

"No!" Jia Wei shook his head directly.

When Jia Yiyi shook his head, the faces of the two men suddenly faded. Jia Zhang looked at the reaction of the two people. They might not know the disappointment of the two people. The merchants figured the interests. This is the essence of doing business. There is also the sale of human feelings.

"Then you are?!" Although the two are not interested, they still maintain a kind of respect, it is a kind of guest.

"Oh. Do you only know a stunned son!" Jia Wei is a human fine. How could you not see that the two are absent-minded?

"Who are you?" The fat man on the side of the beam is fat. But his mind is also more "You are the one who is the son of Wang Xiong?" In the hall, they talked to them not only because there is a son named Wang Hao, he was the first to speak for two people. Although the words are a bit rushing, but because he first spoke, the son will be pleading.

"Also!" Jia Wei nodded. He took a look at this beam fat man. No wonder he can occupy 20%, but this Wu De can only occupy 15%, and people who think more will naturally have more.

"I don't know what happened to Wang Hao's son looking for us?!" Liang Fatzi continued to speak. He hugged his fists at Jia Yu and spoke to Hengyu. In fact, there is a rhetorical question in the question. Who is this Wang Zigong? Who shouldn’t he be a son of a class?

"Oh, Liang Xiong, Wu Xiong, can I call you like this?!" Jia Wei said to the two brothers, and Jia Yu will be so open. After all, the status of businessmen is still very low. Those who read the class will not bother with the merchants.

"Love!" Wu De and Liang Fatzi said with a fist.

"Our family, regardless of the status of the lower position than the stunned son is only high!" Jia Yi's words suddenly let the two men stunned.

"What?!" Wu De was the first to be unsettled, and who was it. Suddenly in this Jingzhou is the real official second generation, the son of a high official, his father is more than Jingzhou's car, it is equivalent to the second person of this Jingzhou, if it is only a high official's son, it is still not What, after all, the official office is highly mobile, and the family that is in the same place is a real behemoth. It can be said that even if Jingzhou is dead, even if Jingzhou is renamed, this family still exists. This is the existence of the family of the family, and it is the only heir to the family.

Some people now say that this Wang Hao is even higher than the stunned identity, that is, Liu Biao’s two sons dare not say that his identity is even higher than it is. Is he Jingzhou Shepherd? It’s just a joke! There are kings and sects in the whole Jingzhou, but there is no such thing as a family.

"The two are not convinced!" Jia Zhang said that the reaction of the two said.

Wu De and Liang Fatzi did not speak, but their expression was obviously not believed.

"Who is the son of the son!" Liang Fatzi thought a layer more, perhaps this Wang Hao is not the real name of this person! If you know that this person has no identity, then you will not open your mouth to Cai and pleading for both of them, and this also mentioned that this Wang Hao and his uncle, Yan Liang, have an old relationship, so the identity is impossible. Where is the difference, it may be exaggerated compared to the fact that it is only high and low, and it is likely that it is also a big family.

"I can tell you the identity of our son, but you have to think clearly. If you know, you must keep your mouth shut. If you dare to reveal it, then don't blame me for being ruthless. Our son can save you and you can also Cai He also let the two of you disappear into Jingzhou!" Jia Xiao smiled and laughed, but he smiled, but in the eyes of Liang Fatzi and Wu De was sneer, let the two could not help but fight a chill.

Yes, this is sneer, Jia Wei knows the human heart, naturally knows that a gentle person can't do it, only force and benefits. This is the real thing that can make a person sell his life.

"Don't say it!" Wu De shook his head. He saw Jia's expression immediately retreating.

On the side of the beam, the fat man frowned. He wanted to know, but he was afraid that he would really get on the thief boat after swinging.

"Oh, if the two don't want to know, then forget it. Anyway, you have always been a despicable businessman. Although you have money, you don't dare to spend a lot of money!" Jia Wei began to stimulate the two men.

"What do you mean?!" Liang Fatzi immediately fought, his eyes raging, the feeling that they were humiliated before, if it is a son of the son is here, but such a housekeeper dare Such a speech "We are despicable businessmen, then what is your lord!"

"Well, I am only a butler under the son of the son, but as long as I stay at the side of the son, I will be released sooner or later, not asking for wealth, but the identity of a small sect is still rewarding."

"What!" Both of them were stunned by Jia Yu’s words. The identity of a small gentry! Be aware of the identity of such a small gentry. How many people have struggled for a lifetime. Even for a few lifetimes, most people are stopped and only a small number of people can become a sect to truly become a person. It was like the Xuzhou family of the year, the big merchant family, the family of thousands of gold, he **** Liu Bei, for what is not a gentry identity, but now. The family property was exhausted, but nothing was gained. Fortunately now, the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the syllabus has reached the extreme. How many people have fallen into a small identity.

"If the two want to continue to be a despicable businessman in this Jingzhou, then please, if the two want to be a little clan in the end, you can leave it to the next words!" Jia Zhang pointed at the door over there and said to the two.

"We, let's go!" Wu De was afraid, which is beyond his understanding.

Liang Fatzi’s eyes turned and thought for a long time “slow!” Liang Fatzi’s death looked like Jia Zhang seemed to want to see a trace of clues from Jia’s face. However, he was disappointed. The old fox Jia Yu was already a good person. How could a clue be pursued? Jia Wei was very calm, and even naturally picked up the teacup on the table and poured himself into the water.

"Your son has such a strong ability?!" Liang Fatzi looked at Jia Wei and asked.

When I heard Liang Fatzi say this, Jia Lan smiled and the fish was hooked.

"You are crazy!" Wu De anxiously on the side, he is really afraid that this Liang fat man will not come on the thief boat, although the two are competing, the peers are the family, but the two still have feelings, Therefore, Wu De is comforting him. The vortex between the sects is not the kind of merchants they can participate in. Their sons and sons may move their fingers and they may be really finished.

"I don't want to be a businessman again. I am a businessman in the district!" Liang Fatzi began to squat up. His eyes were red, which was not stimulated by Cai and Jia Zhang today, but lived this. He has been stimulated for decades. He originally thought that he could make money. He has money. He can bring happiness to his family and bring dignity to himself. But he is wrong. The identity of a businessman is doomed. He can only In the hall of the music hall, the Tianzi number box, the land box can not go! he can! He has enough money to go, but because he is a businessman, he is not qualified to go! I will not ask someone to go. "I've had enough!"

"Liang fat man!" Wu De suddenly found that the fat man in front of the beam became stranger, this is no longer the fat man he has been fighting for decades.

Jia Zhang’s mouth rose. He looked at the two while drinking tea. He knew that neither of them could get away.

"Wu De, Wu Shouzi, do you want to succumb to a lifetime!" Liang Fatzi opened his **** eyes and looked at Wu De.

"I, I, I!" I don't know why, I saw Liang Fatzi, Wu De is also biting his teeth in the heart. "Yes, I don't want to live forever!"

"Our family sons don't say a district clan, even if you become a family is not impossible!" When the clan becomes bigger, it becomes a family, and the family is the real person who can take root in one place.

"Let's say, who is your son, what do we need to do!" Bian Liang's fat man calmed down. He knew that there was no white lunch in the world. How could the person who gave them a gentry status might be free to get them? What conditions do you need?

"Oh, talking to smart people is easy!" Jia Wei put down the teacup in his hand, and the two basically entered the pocket of Jia Wei.

"The son of our family is the one who is much bigger than your Jingzhou animal husbandry in Jingzhou!" Jia Wei still let them guess, because then they can really know who Liu Wei is, and the high status of Liu Wei.

"More than Jingzhou animal husbandry?!" Liang Fatzi and Wu De were caught in thinking.

"Impossible! There is more than Jingzhou in the Jingzhou!" Wu De shook his head. He looked at Jia Zhang and it would not be brushing them.

"You mean!" Liang Fatzi has much more attention than Wu De, so he thought about it.

"Yes, that's our son!" Jia Yi said with a look.

"Liang fat child, who is he talking about?!" Wu De asked Liang Fatzi and the housekeeper to understand the look very doubtful.

"Oh, Wu brother!" Liang Fatzi suddenly smiled bitterly. "Who is the one who helps us speak!"

"It’s Wang Hao’s son!”

"You turn this Wang Xiongzi upside down to read!" Liang Fatzi said to Wu De.

"Read it upside down?!" Wu De stunned. I started reading it. What does this look like in the end?

"Wang Xiongzi. Zigong Yu Wang!" Wu Dexian did not respond, but then he stunned "Wang Hao, Yu Wang! Yu Wang, His Royal Highness!" Wu De looked silly at Jia Wei.

"You said that you are the king of the king?!" Liu Wei's reputation is not small in the whole Han, because Liu Wei is the only prince, and he also has a title of the holy king, originally this has nothing to do with their little businessmen After all, he is a businessman in Jingzhou. How could I know these princes, but Liu Wei’s paper call order made him understand the king, because Liu’s tax burden on the fields was only three layers. At that time, Wu De laughed at them if they were If you collect grain in Yangzhou, you will be able to buy the most grain at the least price, because it is rare and expensive, and naturally it is worthless.

If the king is really a king, then you can really give them a sect status. After all, Liu Wei is a prince who has already opened his own house. You can even set your own kingdom's abilities. The identity of the gentry in a district is not a problem.

But Liang Fatzi is still laughing, this is really a thief boat. The identity of this sect is good to get, but you have to know that this one is not doing well, that is, the family is broken. Although Liu Wei is now a king, but others are in Jingzhou, in Jingzhou, it is basically a hostage. It is difficult to protect themselves. How to help them? If a hat is broken, then everyone will be finished.

"Ah!" Wu De was afraid, he was too careful, "Can you quit!"

"Oh, Wu brother, what do you think!" Jia Xiao smiled and looked at Wu De. "Since you all know the identity of the son, then you are either alone or you are pleased to shut up!"

"Shut up?! I must be tight-lipped!" Wu Demeng said with a nod.

"Only killing talent is the most secretive secret!" Liang Fatzi is much better than Wu De. He knows that they may still be able to leave before, but now he knows who this Wang Zigong is, and he left. Is it possible?

It’s impossible. This housekeeper is not alone. There are two guards around. These two guards are the kind of people who have seen people who have seen blood. If they don’t, they are really I am dying here. As for what you want to pretend to report anything, then don't even think about it, even if they say Liu Wei's identity. Liu Biao can't take Liu Wei as well, because Lu Bujun is watching around, how can Liu Biao do it with Liu Wei! And these two small merchants can't be helped by Liu Biao to appease Liu Wei's heart, and they are still dead.

"Okay! This gentleman, since we all know the royal family, you should also tell us your name!" Liang Fatzi is not the one who has seen the world, he wants to know who is talking with them. Whoever is around, can you say something in front of Liu Wei, and how much weight he has to speak so that he can invest.

"Oh, I Jia Zhang, Jia Wenhe is now added to this Yangzhou Hefei Taishou!" Jia Wei is holding a fist in the two, Liu Wei gave Jia Wei a Hefei Taishou. This is just a false job, Jia Wei is more in Liu Wei’s side is the existence of a behind-the-scenes military division.

"You are Jia Wenhe?!" Liang Fatzi pointed at Jia Wei and said.

"How, Liang brother knows me?!"

"Jia Junshi, you may have more forgotten things. When you were under General Xiao Zhang, we had a deal!" Liang Fatzi said to Jia Wei.

"Yes!" This is the embroidered by Zhang Liang, who is the embroidered Zhang Liang. Zhang Xing used to be the coalition army of Jingzhou. It can be said that Zhang Jing’s Jingzhou South portal’s watchdog is still very competent, at least that At that time, Liu Biao can sleep peacefully, no need to worry about any yellow towel, what old Cao, when Jingzhou and Nanyang Zhang embroidery are honeymoon period, all the requirements of natural Zhang embroidery are as satisfying as possible. Gold loves grain, it is precisely because of these people who buy and sell that it can accumulate hundreds of thousands of stones of grain, but in the end, Jia Zhang burned him a clean fire.

"Since I have had a relationship with Liang Xiong, then the cooperation afterwards is naturally more fun!" Jia Wei also maintains a kindness towards Liang Fatzi.

"That is nature. It is nature!"

"What does this King of the King need?" Liang Fatzi and Wu De asked Jia Wei.

"Also called the Royal Highness of the King!" Jia Xiao said with a smile.

"It is the Lord. The Lord!" Liang Fatzi and Wu De said very well and nodded their heads.

"Yangzhou lacks food and grass, I believe that both of you are also aware of it!" Jia Wei began to tell the two men.

The two men heard Jia's words and nodded. This Yangzhou lack of grain and grass is basically half of the world. Because of Jiangdong’s plan, the infertile places in Yangzhou suddenly poured into more than one million people. It can be said that who is the most burdened prince in this world, that is, the Yangzhou Lu Bujun, and the number of people raising the army is as high as 100,000, even if it was the largest Hebei hegemon Yuan Shao. Occupy the land of the four continents, it does not only raise 500,000 soldiers and horses, and Liu Wei suddenly has to raise more than one million people, this burden is naturally very heavy. If it is not the pressure of food and grass, Liu Wei will not come to this Jingzhou, it is to want this Liu watch to sell grain to Yangzhou to ease the difficulties of Yangzhou.

"The Lord is asking us to transport the grain and grass in the past!" Liang Fatzi and Wu De are very embarrassed. "I don't know what Jia Jun said, we also want to transport the grain to Yangzhou to sell it, but this grain can't even get out of Jingzhou. !" Liang Fatzi said bitterly to Jia.

Yangzhou lacks grain and grass. These grain and grass merchants also know that Yangzhou is also buying a large amount of grain. These grain traders are also eager to sell grain. Businessmen, the only profit is the picture. Liu Wei took out such a big price to buy grain, how could they not sell it, but they want to sell but can't deliver it. There are only two roads in Jingzhou that can be transported out. One is to go down the Yangtze River and take the river and summer. This can be sold to any place in the Yangtze River. Before Jiang Xia was also a place for foreign trade in Jingzhou, countless grains were sold. . After the difficulty, change to steel and replace it with salt.

However, the current Jiangxia is in the midst of war. Most of the Jiangxia has been occupied by Jiangdongjun. Although the Jiangdong Army is very tolerant to the Jingzhou merchants, the two armies are not only killed but also these businessmen. In order to ensure the smoothness of Jiangdong and Jingzhou Cailu, but if Jiangdongjun knows that these grains are transported to Yangzhou, then the Jiangdong Army has already taken it directly, and will let these grains be transported to Yangzhou. It is obviously impossible. .

There is another way to go up the Yangtze River and go up from Xinye or Nanyang. Nanyang is now impossible to pass in the hands of Liu Bei. Xinye is also a major town in Jingzhou. How can it be transported, and it will be called back to Xinye. of.

"Xinye!?" Jia Zhang heard the name of the place and could not help but laugh.

"If your food can be transported to Xinye, then you will not need them!"

"Well?! Jia Junshi, are you?" Liang Fatzi looked at Jia Wei with a puzzled look. Is there anybody in Jiaye in Xinye, even if he knows some people, it is impossible to carry it out. This is the oldest son of Jingzhou Liu Table, Liu Qi, the eldest son of Jingzhou Liu Watch. How could he let his old man's grain be transported out?

"This does not need you to worry about! The mountain people naturally have a trick!" Jia Yan smiled and said, they guessed that there is still a way, Liu Weijun in Xinye should really be the son of this Jingzhou animal husband Liu Qi.

Before Jia Wei also had a skeptical attitude towards the connection between Liu Wei and Liu Qi, because if he had to meet Liu Qi, then he would inevitably be offended by one of the biggest families in Jingzhou, and even the family with Cai’s family would be offended. However, now this is an unspeakable benefit. Going to the new wilderness, there is a new chief executive, Shinno Satoshi, who is a singer, and is afraid of the other.

"If this is the case, then naturally it is the best. We will start tomorrow. I can get around 10,000 stones in the granaries in Jingzhou!" Liang Fatzi said to Jia Song.

"I don't have so many fat people, but there are still eight stones!" Wu De also said to Jia Wei.

Ten thousand stones plus eight thousand stones! It is not more than 20,000 stones, although this is not a small number, but the huge monster from Yangzhou is still a lot different, Jia Yu frowned.

"How? Jia Jun is too little! Liang can only do his best and can also take out five thousand stones!" Liang Fatzi is to consume the bottom of the family, that 10,000 stones. Originally, he was going to sell it this year. This million stone he also spent a lot of money.

"I can also come up with three thousand stones!" Wu De looked at the sides and took out five thousand stones. Unwilling to fall behind also joined in.

Jia Wei shook his head again, and it was not enough to add eight thousand stones.

"Jia Junshi, we have limited ability, and we may have to raise our family members if we raise any more!" Liang Fatzi is very embarrassed to speak to Jia Wei. Although they are rich businessmen, this is also a limit. Take it out again, they are really going bankrupt.

"I am not letting you go bankrupt, I mean these can only be a drop in the bucket. But there is always better than nothing!" Jia Wei comforted the two. "So, brother Liang brother, you both can do everything possible to collect grain and transport. Going to Xinye, I am going to meet someone in Xinye."

"Yes!" Liang Fatzi and Wu De nodded, although the heart was very distressed, because the lack of this batch of grain may have been done in the past few years, but for the identity of the sect, they still bite their teeth and fight.

Jia Wei looked at the expressions of these two people. They probably didn't know what the two thought. The two men were distressed. Jia Xiao smiled and shook his head. The merchants plotted the interests. This is a natural matter that can't be avoided. Of course. You buy food. Everything can be reported from me, and some people in Xinye will give you the money for this grain!"

"Don't dare. Don't dare!" Liang Fatzi and Wu De hurriedly lowered their heads and said that they did not dare.

"There is nothing to dare! You don't have all of this money for you, and there is a lot of money for you to collect the excess grain and transport it to Xinye!" Jia said to the two, the two thought If you don’t dare to want it, it’s really people who want to laugh. "If you take out all the food and grass, how can you give the Lord a job without money?!"

"So Liang will inevitably look for Wanshi grain grass for the main public!" Liang Fatzi promised to Jia.

"Me too, me too!" Wu De also rushed to speak.

"Do your best, don't be too swayed!" Jia Wei caressed the two people. The acquisition of this grain will be noticed by the people, so it is impossible to do too much.

"This is just one of the things!" Jia Wei said that now is only one of the things. He came to Jingzhou to buy grain. Although these two folk merchants can come up with tens of thousands of grain, they can only get a glass of water. The consumption of Yangzhou, the real contact with the crisis in Yangzhou is the official grain of Jingzhou Liu Biao. This is the essence of Liu Wei’s coming here. What Liu Wei is doing now is not to let Liu Biao change his mind! This Liang Fatzi and Wu De are just an emergency.

What Jia Zhang will say next is the most important thing.

"Also ask the military to speak out!"

"This second thing is also the most important thing, that is, the Lord wants both of you to let this Jingzhou businessman try to put the industry or trading in Yangzhou as much as possible! It is also for you to make more friends and tell them that we welcome Yangzhou. The merchants in Jingzhou, these are the things we need in Yangzhou, and the treatment that Yangzhou gives to these businessmen!” Jia Zhang took out a piece of paper from his arms, and wrote a lot of things with ink. These are all written by Liu Wei. Yangzhou is now in a hurry. Many things are urgently needed. For example, salt iron is a must for Yangzhou. With salt and iron Liu Wei, you can build a heavy armor, and you can change the tunes. In order to ensure the consumption of weapons and equipment.

"Hmm?!" Liang Fatzi got the hand first, but when he got it, he was taken by Wu De on the side.

"Liang fat child, you can understand it! What equipment!" Wu Deyi looked at Liang Fatzi, Liang Fatzi is an illiterate big character who has long been known.

"Hey!" Liang Fatzi smiled and smiled. Jia Wei also smiled and looked at Liang Fatzi. It’s not surprising that people who are illiterate in this era have gone. It’s not surprising that many people in Liu Weijun don’t know the word. Liu Wei is now forcing them to read and read.

Liang Fatzi didn't know the word. Fortunately, Wu De knew it on the side, so Wu De took it and read it.

All of them are lacking in Yangzhou now, and even some coal fires are in them. This is already a big purchase. Liu Wei’s budget is huge, and both of them are jaw-dropping, with 10,000 written. Five thousand gold ~!

This is really a huge business astronomical number.

This is not the place where the two people are shocked. The real thing that shocked the two people is that Liu Wei wrote the discount for the merchants after this. The above terms make the two people directly see it! (To be continued.)

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