My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 438: Leaving the king

"The barbarian princess, worth 1,500 gold!" The old man's hand just fell, and immediately there is someone on the edge of the offer.

"One thousand five hundred and ten gold!" One thousand five hundred gold is too much, although some people like this barbarian girl, but they will think carefully before they will shoot. The minimum increase in the main course is that the ten gold has just increased the price once.

"Who is this?!" This is the voice from the No. 8 box of Tianzi. The Huang brothers frowned. They thought that only Cai and Cai, who were among the four characters in the Tianzi No. 14 box and the Tianzi No. 10 box, might compete with them. Cai He had already left. But now it seems that it has killed a bite.

They had already said hello before, and there are still people who don’t give face? Immediately, Huang Chen’s eyes were cold.

"Tianzi No. 8 box?!" Huang Chen’s voice with anger has already been passed out. "So don’t give us the face of the Huang family!"

"Face? Why do I want to give you a face? I haven’t let you take such a handful of Yangzhou women before!" I will not let you get the few Yangzhou women so easily!" Come out of identity.

"Tension!" Tension, this person is the son of Zhang family, is the son of Zhang Yun, is also a second generation of the family, but Zhang has always been one with the Cai family, both are Jiaomeng Mengmeng Not out of focus, Cai Wei is a military officer of Jingzhou Shuijun, and Zhang Yun is a general under the leadership of Cai Wei.

Instead, Huang Kai took his brother. "Don't be angry. Anyway, the price is higher and someone pays us!" Huang Kai said with a cold smile.

"Why is it necessary to compare with such a dog!" Huang Kai said that tension is a dog, that is because of the relationship between Zhang Jia and Cai Jia. Tension has always been based on Cai and Ma. The two are almost the same age. Tension, a uncle, called Cai He. Tension shot, then there is a shadow of Cai He.

Huang Kai guessed that it was really good. Before Cai and I left, I really said hello to the tension. The Cai family is also an alliance relationship with the family. It is not so friendly with the Huang family. Originally, Cai He. I don't want to have any conflicts with the Huang family. He and Cai originally wanted the Luoxiang, but the Huang brothers provoked themselves and clashed. How can such a person Cai He let go?

The Huang family brothers have said hello, this tension is that Cai and the disgusting Huang brothers.

"Yeah, yeah! Haha!" Huang Chen was relieved by his brother's explanation.

"You!" The tension suddenly angered Peng Sheng, his Zhang family is the first for Cai Jiama but it is not a dog, so ugly

"That is my tension is a dog, then what is your yellow brother?! What about Huang Lu? Why didn't he be with you?!" The tension immediately countered. "I want to see how much money you have in the Huang family." Take this barbarian princess! One thousand six hundred gold!" The tension is angry, naturally directly shouting out one thousand six hundred gold.

"Oh, if we have no money in the Huang family, we will not bother you with your tension, one thousand seven hundred gold!" Huang Jia Huang Chen directly added a hundred gold.

"One thousand eight hundred gold!" Tension sullen face, added another hundred gold.

"One thousand nine hundred gold!" Huang Chen shouted out again without hesitation.

"One thousand nine hundred gold?!" Tension heard the number brows close up, where is the money from the Huang family? Even if Cai Jiafu can be an enemy. These two Huangjiatun children can't come up with so much money.

"One thousand nine hundred and fifty-five gold!" The tension is a bit nervous, and I dare not compete with the Huang family. This is in addition to two thousand gold. Although his tension is Zhang Yun’s son is Zhang Jiazi, Zhang Jia also has the money to take out two thousand gold, but if the old man knows that he has taken out two thousand gold to buy a barbarian princess, Tension is imagining the hardships of returning home. It is necessary to know that tension is not the only son of Zhang Yun. There are two younger brothers in the family who have been watching.

"What's wrong, Zhang Gongzi has no money! You said that you have no money to charge any big tail wolf, no money, what are you bidding for! Two thousand gold!" Huang Chen directly pulled the price to more than two thousand gold.

"Whoever I don't have money" tension is being suffocated by Huang Chen "two thousand five hundred gold!"

This time, I added five hundred gold, and suddenly the atmosphere of the scene was all condensed. Two thousand five hundred gold, this can raise 20,000 troops, but it is such a barbarian princess one night, really rich. Enemy country.

When the tension came out, the price immediately regretted it. He was simply dumbfounded. How could he call out 2,500 gold? I must know that this venue is really not afraid of your price. The masters behind him are not convinced. It is impossible to call a quote without giving money.

The tension is dying. If the barbarian woman is bought for 2,500 yuan, the position of his heir to the family is not guaranteed. The opposite Huang family brothers still can't say anything.

"Fast, fast!" Tension has never been like the voice of the opposite Huang brothers.

"Two thousand five hundred gold!" The Huang brothers are also screaming. This tension is crazy. A barbarian woman is not worth two thousand five hundred gold even if it is a princess.

"Big brother is doing this now?!" Huang Chen asked his older brother.

"Brother, you want to deal with 蒯然 and Wang Hao or want to deal with tension and Cai He!" Huang Kai asked his brother.

"What is the difference, brother?!"

"Yes!" Huang Kai nodded. "If you want to deal with 蒯然 and Wang Hao, then increase the price, 2,500 gold is already the limit of tension, plus the original two thousand and one hundred gold, is Wherein we have made a price for the home. However, we can make it easy to get shackle! It’s best to pay, and you can’t get money, so you don’t know how to die!”

"Do you deal with tension and Cai He?!"

"To deal with tension and Cai He! Two thousand five hundred gold, huh, this tension is difficult to turn over, and their two younger brothers have long hoped to drop him as an heir, but pulled down the tension. Then we are completely offended Cai He!" Huang Kai analyzed well. If this continues. Playing the dog also depends on the master Cai and will not be willing to give up.

"Don't worry about that Wang Hao!" Huang Chen thought for a while and confirmed that "this Wang Hao I must have killed him without a place of burial." A Jingzhou duo, but Huang Chen memory is especially deep.

Liu Wei is also lying in the middle of the gun, this Huang family is like staring at him, Huang shot to kill him, and now this Huang Chen is also interested in Liu Wei.

"Good! Two thousand six hundred gold!" Huang Kai reported his price and finally let the opposite tension relieved. The tension was still a little grateful to the Huang brothers. Huang Chen continued there. The words are up.

"The tension will spare you once this time. Next time you will not have such good luck!"

"Hey!" The tension immediately snorted.

"How? Not convinced! Then you will increase the price!" Huang Chen’s words made the tension suffocate. He was very angry and wanted to increase the price, but the reason still defeated his anger, and the tension snorted and he could not speak out.

"Haha! Don't come to this venue if you are poor!" Huang Chen is quick.

"Two thousand six hundred and six hundred gold, there are people who are higher than this price!" The old man also stunned, 2,600 gold. In the past, all of them were not so high. The old lady is also very excited. If the family has money, it is natural that they will reward the money.

The old man shouted a few times, but no one has ever answered.

"What else is wrong? Rory is awkward. Is there anyone who is even more expensive than my brother? I am waiting for the end of the hurry!" Huang Chen was facing the old man.

"Yes. Yes, yes!" If you have money, you are the Lord. The two brothers of the Huang family are 2,600 gold. This is a big customer. The old man naturally does not dare to offend him. He can only smile and smile. Nod to say yes.

"Two thousand six hundred gold, our barbarian princess is our two Huangye!" The old man announced to the crowd, the following people are also cheering, two thousand six hundred gold, although it is not them who say the money In the future, I can also take it out and boast that I have seen people who have taken out two thousand six hundred gold. After all, there are very few people who have spent a lot of money. Now it’s really rare to have this two thousand six hundred gold. Yes.

"Haha, thank you, thank you!" Huang Chen is enjoying this feeling of being looked up by everyone. "Today's happy drink in the happy hall, our two brothers pack up" more than four thousand gold do not care, and will care about the drinks in this area of ​​the district 100 gold! The generosity of the Huang family brothers made the following people more happy.

"Is that little white face!" One of the crowds cheering in the following did not cheer with him. That person was the former barbarian man.

"Come to send our barbarian princess to the two Huang Ye!" Daddy shouted at the little cockroach below.

"Yes!" Several small cockroaches holding the huge dish will bring the main dish to the Huang family.

Looking at the main dish of the banquet, the barbarian princess disappeared into the stairway. This barbarian man put down the glass in his hand. “Come on the checkout!” The barbarian man Meng Deyi was afraid of the table.

"Ye, yeah!" A little hurriedly ran over and asked the barbarian man to nod his head. "Is there a place where I can't live, I still ask for my fortune, and today there are many banquets!" It is worthwhile to be the largest in the industry in Jingzhou. Whether it is for ordinary customers or for the pawns in this hall, it is consistent to make customers feel at home.

"Don't hear it, checkout!" said the barbarian man who slammed a piece of gold in his hand on the wine table. Looking at the gold on the wine table, Xiao Yan’s eyes could not help but reveal a greedy look. This is a piece of gold. The top is not polished, but it is uneven, but the more gold is, the more valuable it is because Many golds are gold, but they are all mixed with some copper. They are not very pure. His surface value is greater than the actual value. This kind of gold is not smelted. It is the real kind of dog gold. The same thing, such a gold market can be 20% higher than other gold.

But greed for greed, this little cockroach is still very regular to the barbarian man said: "I am sorry, the two Huang Ye have said that the two drinks in the hall today are yellow, so the Lord You don't need to pay the bill!" This little sister said that he was very respectful. How could someone be excused from drinking alcohol? This little sister thought that this man could reward him with a happy time, but who knows that it was a voice. The violent drink.

"He packs? He packs a fart!" The barbarian man feels uncomfortable. This little girl doesn't mention this. Fortunately, this barbarian man suddenly became angry. "I want to pay the bill, two little white faces are counted." !"

"This, this!" Xiao Yan is also awkward, he has never met such a customer, someone has to pay for it? Still very unhappy feeling.

"What happened?!" There was also a person in charge in the hall. He heard the movement here and ran over and looked at the mark on the table that was thrown out by a pair of fists. He was also a brow, this person is a warrior. Look at this look martial arts is not shallow.

Then I saw that the man was like a violent anger, and it could break out at any time.

"Yuanye, Chengye, is this way. The two Huangye upstairs have not said that the drinks in the hall are all packed, so the drinks in this hall are not money, but this man Hey, he has to pay the money, I, I!" Xiaozhen was really aggrieved, this grandfather is their boss, if the master knows that they have slowed down the customer, then they can’t eat it. Going around.

"Do you have to check out?!" The person in charge of this hall is also strange. What is this man who fell to the ground?

"I don't want to check out to Laozi soon!" The barbarian man shouted again.

"Go, give him a checkout!" The management of this hall didn't want to let the small shackles on the side go to the person to check out. It was better to have nothing to do. Look at the wine glasses on the table and the empty jug. It should be a drink and drink too much.

"Yes!" Xiao Yan nodded and took the piece of gold carefully from the side of the barbarian man. He quickly ran to the account and gave him a bill.

"This lord, a cup of fragrant dew drink, a total of 5,500 yuan, this is looking for your 4,500 yuan!" One gold is equal to ten thousand dollars, a copper coin is about five grams or so hundred is a pound of weight This four thousand five hundred is equivalent to forty-five pounds of things.

"Yeah!" The barbarian man nodded and finished the last drink. One hand took the four or fifty pounds of things with ease and put them in his hands. Turn around and leave.

"This is a slow man!" The lobby manager didn't know who this person was. Although it was strange, the strange people who entered the museum had gone too far. It was not bad, and he was responsible for other places when he said respectfully. It is.

At this time, suddenly there was a loud voice in the Tianzihao box of the music hall. "What! Was it with the king?" (To be continued.)

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