My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 447: Refuse

"Hey, what do you want!" Deng Yu on the side is not a fool. On the contrary, he is a smart person. The destruction of the family makes Deng Yu’s character more and more tense. There is no white food on the world. The lunch, no one will be so good, directly gives you a chance to apprentice. () Not to mention the awe-inspiring knowledge, even if it is an idiot, as long as the identity of his grandson is placed there. Then it is a generation of famous teachers. It is equivalent to a teacher’s family. It has the status of a family in Jingzhou. It is no longer a problem for the official side. Maybe his Deng family can once again enter the ranks of the family. in.

But why is this stunned to give such a big cake to him, to say their former friendship? Have! They also talked to each other about drinking, but also friends, but they could not do this. The Deng family has been destroyed, but the hatred of Deng and Huang’s family has not been eliminated. Huang Jia dared to stay. Under the life of Deng's family, this is Huang Zu's pleading, but it is not the balance of the Jingzhou Lord. The two have no room for relief.

After accepting Deng Fan’s son, Deng Fan, as a disciple, he must be prepared to offend Cai’s plan.

"Nothing is wanted! It is the loyalty of the people!" He said to Deng Yu, he knew that he would offend Cai, but the person in the carriage was not able to entrust him. Refused.

"Trusted by people?!" Deng Yu looked puzzled at the stunned.

"Yes!" suddenly nodded.

"Can you tell the person?!" After Deng Yusi thought about it, it was difficult to figure out which old exchange had such a big face that the grandfather of the family would not hesitate to offend the Cai family to accept his son.

"When this time, Kenan brother, you will know!" Said to Deng Yu. Liu Wei does not want to reveal his identity.

"Can't you tell me? So I am sorry for the son, I am grateful to the son of the son. I am not enough to have a good qualification. The dog can't sit down and study in the stunned son!" Hearing the person who was entrusted. I didn’t want to think about it and refused it.

"Kainan brother?!" I did not think that this Deng Yu will refuse so soon, and become a disciple of sorrow. This is a beautiful road. It can be said that once I have a teacher, I basically step into a career. If the rest of the foot is not a fool, it can be safely supported by Xiao Lian.

"Deng Wei is not willing?!" Liu Yan brows up, and this Deng Fan is a must-have, if not. Liu Wei will not allow others to get it.

However, Liu Wei did not give up. Now Deng Yi is not willing. It does not mean that he will not be willing to do so.

The reason why Deng Wei didn't want it was because he didn't want to get involved in the conspiracy between the family. It is obvious that Deng Hao saw that his son was a disciple and he saw it as a family game. It’s good, but it’s also a small life. Deng Hao now wants to be a family who can spend his whole life safely. He can’t stand the family’s departure anymore.

"Since the son of the son is there. You don't have to go to the Huang family with us! Please also let the sons and sons make it convenient, let us search for it!" Seeing the natural Deng Deng did not need to install this defender of Fuyang City. It is. They are looking for people, not to offend people.

"You don't have to search!" Just as Deng Hao was talking slyly, Liu Wei also walked out of the carriage. "You are looking for a barbarian man!"

"This is?!" Deng Yu looked at Liu Wei and Sudden from the same carriage, thinking that this is also a family, but Deng Hao has not seen this person.

"Wang Xiong!" Liu Ran nodded and nodded and introduced to Deng Wei, "Kai Nan brother, this is Wang Hao Wang brother, now a student of Lumen College!"

"School of Lumen College?!" The identity of the Lumen students is still very easy to eat in Jingzhou.

"What does Wang Gongzi’s words mean?!"

"If you are looking for a woman behind a barbarian man, then we have met before!" Liu Wei did not argue directly to speak out.

Suddenly looking at Liu Wei with a little doubt, if Liu Wei wants to hand over the barbarian man, he will hand it over directly. Why wait for such a long time? It should be a cover now. He is at a loss. This Deng Hao is afraid to come strong. As long as he refused to accept the bill, Deng Hao did not dare to do this.

I don’t know what Liu Wei thinks, the blood smell is too heavy, and it can’t be concealed. If this Deng Yu is forced to play hard, then it’s not good, and Liu Wei does not want to make a bad relationship with Deng.

"Yes, yes, that is the barbarian man! Where is he now?" Deng Hao asked, but his eyes scanned toward another carriage.

This Deng Yu’s nose is really sharp, and it’s already locked. It’s the carriage.

It is impossible to hand over the barbarian man. As I said before, if Liu Wei wants to hand it over, he has already handed it out, and he does not need to speak with Deng.

"Others have already taken us and robbed us of a carriage!" Liu Wei directly squinted and said something, although Liu Wei is not many, but there are four third-rate military commanders, and the existence of Liu Yi’s second-rate peak. Don't talk about the barbarian man, even if you are a refining warrior, don't want to get any benefit.

"That **** smell!" Deng Yan brows tightly. If the barbarian man confronts them, Deng Wei believes that because of the scene, Deng Yu also saw the two guards around Jia Zhang. It is bloody, but the barbarian man has left Deng Hao but he does not believe it.

"The barbarian man didn't know who it was. The martial arts was very strong. Not only did we **** us a carriage, but under the guards' death guards, I was injured even with me!" Liu Wei took out the fork injury on his shoulder. Deng Wei saw.

Although the wound did not harm the vitality, it was still bleeding.

Seeing the blood, Deng Yu is still not dead! "The carriage!" His goal is clearly the carriage.

"Hmm?!" Liu Wei really really looked down on this Deng Yu, the goal is clearly inserted into the theme.

"Please also let the son of the son and the son of Wang Gong a convenient, let us look at the carriage. So we have to go back to the cross!" Have not waited for Liu Wei they promised to come down. Deng Wei waved his hand directly. Several private soldiers of the Huang family went to the carriage.

The two guards around Jia Zhang wanted to stop these few private soldiers but they were blocked by Deng Wei’s direct use of sea tactics. After all, there are a large number of people. These two guards want to break free, except for using swords. Any method, but Liu Wei does not speak, they do not dare to do it.

"Wang Xiong!" On the edge, he also whispered to Liu Wei, the carriage is not the place where they just put the barbarian man. "Deng Wei, you have passed!" If it was discovered that the barbarian man was above their carriage, it was a face-lift.

However, how can a person be able to pass it, Liu Wei also patted the shoulders.

"The leader, some!" The curtain of the carriage was quickly opened, and a pungent **** smell came over. A **** figure was lying in the carriage.

"Stunned son? Offended! Please ask the son and me to explain it!" Deng Yu is now full of people, can not to speak words, if this is only the Huang family, then do not have to Offended, this is also related to the music hall. Although Deng Hao did not dare to think about it, it still needs to be clearly explained.

"Who I dare to see!" Liu Wei finally spoke. When Liu Yu’s discourse began, the three guards around Jia Wei pulled out the sword. The opposite Deng Yu saw such a scene, and his private soldiers also pulled out the sword, and the whole scene suddenly smashed.

"The head is not, no!" Just as the two sides were about to start the war, the voice over there was passed.

"What happened, cough, cough!" A **** man struggled to find half of his body from the carriage. This person is very burly, all blood is on his body, but this person is really not That barbarian man.

"Well?!" Deng stunned, and it was a shameless look. Only Liu Wei and Jia Wei were very indifferent.

"Wang Xiong, are you?!" asked in a low voice, the person who came out of the body was the one injured by Jia Wei's four men.

Liu Wei did not immediately respond to the stunned, but patted the shoulders of the stunned shoulders, letting him be a little safe. "Deng Xiaoxiong! I said earlier, this barbarian man we met, he not only snatched us The carriage also injured me. Similarly, my guards tried to save us, and they were killed and injured. This was arranged into the carriage!" Liu Wei’s indifference came from Jia Wei, and Liu Wei saw the old fox on one side. It is calm, naturally, I know that this old fox has arranged all the fears, and naturally it will not be exposed. These three carriages are all the carriages of the music hall. Thanks to the three carriages, this museum is really helping his customers to think about it everywhere. This carriage has a compartment. This compartment can hide people, just to Those who have tigresses in their homes, once blocked by the tigress on the carriage, this compartment allows the girls to hide in. Although the barbarian man is much more physically fit than the girl, it is very strong. Uncomfortable, but the barbarian man was fainted and didn't care about it. ,

As early as when Deng Yu was delaying his time, Jia Wei was also delaying his time and making gestures. This was the scene before him.

Jia Wei trained people really have a set, Liu Wei clearly saw that the injured guard was originally not so many wounds, many wounds are sword wounds, the barbarian man but with steel fork, these sword wounds Naturally, he just used his sword to open it.

"Yes?!" Deng Hao did not believe it, because the **** taste is too strong, and the blood must be more than one person.

"Cough!" When Liu Wei talked about them, they coughed from the carriage.

"What sound?!" Deng Yu’s ear was very sharp and he immediately heard it.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The injured guard on the side rushed to cough, but Deng Hao could tell that something was wrong. The voice was even lower, just like there was something blocking the sound. "There is a compartment?! "Deng Wei thought about it and went to check it out personally."

"Hmm?!" Jia Wei forgot that he should close the mouth of the barbarian man.

Just when Deng Hao was going to inspect thousands of people personally, from another direction, a private soldier rode a horse and came to the head. The leader caught up and caught up. The man has already caught up!!

"Catch up?!" Deng Yu asked people.

"Just in, in the inner city!"

"Go!" Since people have found it. Deng Hao will naturally not go to the offense again and go to search the carriage again.

"Sudden son, Wang Gongzi, just a few offended, but also hope that the two sons atonement!" Deng Yu went to the war horse to hold the two men.

"Hey!" Suddenly, a cold scream of Deng Yu’s facelessness was really annoyed, but Liu Wei smiled and said to Deng Yu, "Deng Xiaoxiong is not going to send!"

"Deng Wei, my words remain the same. If you think about it, you can naturally let your son come to worship me as a teacher! I am the loyal person of the people!" Although I am a little reluctant, but in Liu Under the urging of the embarrassment, I still said this to Deng Yu.

"Thank you so much for the love of the son!" Deng Hao also waved his hand, he did not want to be involved in the planning of these century home! (To be continued.)

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