My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 450: Keeper

"Just sleeping?!" They came a little late, if it weren't for the barbarian man and the Deng's fallacy on the road, it might be too late. Liu Biao's brow wrinkled, he didn't have much time. After all, using his own hand to pretend to be in the house of Liu Biao, it is still possible to be discovered. The longer the time drags on, the worse it is for Liu Wei.

Looking at the frowning face of Liu Wei’s face, he smiled and said, “Chen Bo can’t bother you to report it, and said that the uncle has an old friend who wants to meet his uncle!” The gesture of stunned has been put low, but this Chen But Bo shook his head. "You must not know if you are a young master. Once the master has slept, no one can bother to disturb!" This Yan Liang is an old-fashioned person who has his stubborn principle. What he believes must be thunder.

"Chen Bo, help out, let me know, let me know!"

"Oh, the young master, it’s not old and not helping you. It’s really the old man who slept and hated people!!"

"Chen Bo, you will be able to get through!" But when you look at me, Wang Xiong is my best friend. This time I specially look at my uncle, what if it is blocked outside the door! You will report it once, It’s good to report it once!” This is called Chen Bo’s. It’s really grown up from an early age. The original brother-in-law was not separated. The two lived together, but it’s a West Park. However, it is the only male in the whole family. Naturally, it will be put in the heart of the whole family, and it will be around him everywhere. This Chen Bo is also such a person, and it’s just a matter of fear. I fell, and I was afraid of it in my mouth.

Looking at the awkward request, Chen Bo sighed. "Okay. Ok. Just inform you this little guy! But the lord can't see you. You can't guarantee this old age!" Chen Bo really loves you. Of course, Chen Bo has no children to descend from generations, so looking at it is equivalent to seeing his own children. This time, he came to Yanliang House, and Chen Bo is very happy.

"Thank you Chen Bo, thank you Chen Bo!"

"You are waiting here, I will return soon!" When Chen Bo left, he couldn't help but look at Liu Wei. He said that the friend in Jingzhou really has not much higher status than him. It is an elder character. The status is lower than him, he can't climb him, and he is the same as Cai and Huang Lu. Although he has a good relationship with Cai, he is not a class with Cai and Huang. It is a political enemy that is less likely to have the possibility of intersecting.

There was also a Nangong Deng family's Dagongzi who could talk to him. After Deng's family was destroyed, he really had no friends. And now there is a lot of extravagant, Chen Bo could not help but see Liu Wei's eyes.

Liu Wei also nodded and bowed to Chen Bo, which has nothing to do with status. Only on the age.

Chen Bojin got the inner house and the house. Yan Liang has already gone to bed, although she has not fallen asleep immediately, but she is also in a falsehood. Yan Liang’s wife has been away for several years. In the past few years, Yan Liang has not been renewed. Age is a problem. Another problem is that Yan Liang does not want to continue the string. He is not as old as his main public, Liu Bian, who has no need to care about the marriage between the family. These are his own big brothers to do.

Yan Liang has a total of two daughters, two daughters have been married, although there is no big wealth, but the two son-in-law are also considered to be talented people, and the whole house is quiet.

"Master, lord!" Chen Bo walked outside the door and carefully knocked on the door of Yan Liang.

"Well?!" Yan Liang in the house heard the sound of the door, his brow wrinkled, his eyes did not open "What happened!"

"Master, suddenly the young master came, said to see you!" Chen Bo said to Xiaoliang outside the door.

“Awkward?!” Yan Liang heard the name a little bit. “How did this kid come, so I am looking for me so late?!”

"This little I don't know!"

"It’s too late, let him stay in the mansion, and I will meet him again tomorrow morning!” I heard that I’m so happy, I’m still very happy. After all, how is this kid’s son? It is the only son of his eldest brother. It is reasonable to visit his elder.

"Yes!" Chen Bo nodded. He had already reported it, and Yan Liang did not want to see him immediately. This is also a helpless move.

Chen Bo got out of the inner room and came to the front hall.

"How about Chen Bo? Uncle is willing to see us!" When he saw Chen Bo coming out, he quickly rushed forward and asked Chen Bo to shake his head. "Sudden young master, the master has already slept, he let you take a rest, tomorrow morning Let's talk about other things!" Yan Liang sleeps, then basically it doesn't deal with anything directly. Everything will be put on the second day in words, because Yan Liang once said that sleeping will have to sleep. It must not be disturbed by the things of the second day. In this case, it is not just that you are not able to sleep because of things. Similarly, because of lack of rest or bad rest, the second day’s work is also gone. The spirit was delayed.

"This way!" Suddenly a little disappointed, he originally thought that his uncle, Yan Liang, would look up on his own son, or delay the rest time, but now it seems that his face is good. Not ready to give.

"The Lord, do you see this?!" Jia Zhang went to the front of Liu Wei. They saw that the better, the better, the better, or the later, the change, but now the good rest does not see the guests, you can not rush Pull people up in the bedroom.

"Wang Xiong, I see that we still have to arrange to live and rest. Let's talk to my uncle and talk about the old things tomorrow!" Shake his head and say, "Chen Bo, trouble you to arrange a few rooms to give me these friends to rest. "Look at the people around him and say to Chen Bo, their number is really quite a lot. There are seven people in the light woman, six are bought by Liu Wei, and there is a barbarian princess. It was halfway back, and Jia Weilian took his four guards, and the barbarian characters that had not been awake in the past, plus the words of myself and Liu Wei, this number is really A lot of. Need to be busy for a while.

"Ai! Ai!" Chen Bo on the side nodded and took them to arrange the room. "Please come with you!"

"Wait!" Liu Yan frowned. Time is precious and can't be delayed any longer. It’s been a waste of time to get rid of those spies today. If you don’t know what time to complete his work, it’s better to see you.

"What happened to this son?!" Chen Bo looked at the rogue and asked, the front of the sorrow said, this son is his stunned, so for Liu Wei, Chen Bo love house and Wu still maintain a good Good feeling.

"The old man and I are very close to each other! Since he called you a Chen Bo, I also yelled at you, Chen Bo!" said the hooligan to Chen Bo.

"Do not make it impossible!" Chen Bo quickly waved his hand. Chen Bo is stunned because Chen Bo grew up from a young age. Like an elder, he is also happy to call Chen Bo, and Liu Wei is different. Liu Wei is also a son, but he It is an old servant who serves the people. Although it is said that the seven prime ministers in front of the prime minister, it depends on who they are, how can they be such a voice?

"Chen Bo!" Liu Wei has already screamed for export, and Chen Bo can only accept it. Liu Wei climbed up directly along the pole. "Chen Bo, can you inform me again?!"

"This son. The old man has not said it already! The master has already rested. He is resting now and does not want to see anyone. Anything can only be discussed again on the second day!" If it is not a gentleman, if not Liu Wei knows Courtesy is still a good friend, I am afraid that Chen Bo will not speak to Liu Wei so well, but it is because of this, Chen Bo is still patient and fluent.

"Yeah, Wang Xiong, once my uncle has slept, it is really difficult to wake him up!"

"No!" Liu Wei shook his head. "Chen Bo will help me to report it once, once!"

"This son, the lord did not get up with the young master, you?" Chen Bo's meaning is very clear, people even their own children's sons have not given face to face, will take care of you such an outsider! Even if it is a stunned friend, it is no good. As for the fact that Liu Wei and Yan Liang are old, they are automatically ignored by Chen Bo.

Chen Bo, a friend whom Yan Liang knows, doesn't know. After all, the two have been with each other for so many years, and Chen Bo has been waiting for Yan Liang for so many years! I really don't have this Liu Wei in front of me.

"Chen Bo, just help me once! Just once!" Liu Wei looked at Chen Bo with a request. "Chen Bo is very important, and may even be related to the survival of millions of people!" Liu Wei said that it is not a false statement. In addition to the fact that Liu Wei came to Jingzhou to borrow grain and grass because there is no grain and grass, Yangzhou may be subverted. Another reason is that millions of people, once there is no grain, then there will be scenes in Yangzhou a few years ago, hungry. The dead body all the way, the people are easy to eat.

"This!" Chen Bo did not know how to refuse, so it would be a matter of a million people. It’s just that a certain big hat is stuck on Chen Bo’s head. Although Chen Bo hasn’t read the book, you can’t scare Chen Bo so much. Chen Bo looks at Liu’s eager eyes, and the expression is not It is like a fake.

"Chen Bo, you will help Wang Xiong to report it again!" He also pleaded with grievances. Although he did not understand how this notice relates to millions of people, his owe to Liu Wei is not big enough. Liu Xie's beauty of the adult, this made him and the two of them become a genus, and this is to save the life of the sudden, in order to be almost killed, this person is really too big.

"I!" Chen Bo is still hesitating, whether to go in to inform, and what to say when you go in.

"Chen Bo, you are holding this!" Liu Wei said that he took a wooden box from Jia Wei's hand and handed it over.

"This is the son?!" Chen Bo looked at the box in confusion and was ready to pick it up.

“Be careful!” “Jia Wei on the side reminded me.

When Chen Bo got his hand, he found that it was really heavy. Both hands felt a little hard. “Is it inside?!”

"Just a party believes! Chen Bo, if Mr. Yan Liang does not want to see us, Chen Bo, you only need to give this token to Mr. Yan Liang, he will know!" Liu Wei said to Chen Bo.

"Okay! I know!" Chen Bo nodded. Chen Bo was still a very good person. "You are here to sit down. I will let the next person pack the room first! I will go back!" Chen Bo Nothing is wrong, that is, go to the good bedroom. Let the next person give them the opportunity to clean up the room. Several servants took the lead. Chen Bo also walked over the courtyard of Yan Liang with both hands holding this heavy wooden box.

"Master!" Chen Bo shouted reverently outside Yan Liang's house.

"Hmm?!" This time, Yan Liang is not a fake. But he is already sleepy, and he is about to go to sleep. At this time, a person’s voice is disturbed, and there is no anger! It’s just that people will get up, just how much.

"Master, there is a young man who wants to see you outside, and it is urgent!" Chen Bo said carefully to the window.

"Oh!" Yan Liang in the back room suddenly laughed.

Upon hearing this laughter, Chen Bo did not get up easily. But the original nervous look became more and more restrained. Because he knows that his grandfather is going to be angry.

"Chen Kang, how long have you been following me?!" Yan Liang suddenly asked a question about the burner's mouth.

"The lord started from my family and has been following the master for 30 years!" Yan Liang’s question was strange, but Chen Bo still answered very carefully.

"It’s been thirty years!" Yan Liang in the back room sighed. "There are a few thirty years in life!" When Chen Bojin got home, the family is not so huge now. The family is not a second-rate sect. For thirty years, the family has changed from a small sect. It has become a huge monster now. It can be said that Jingzhou can have no form of Liu but can not be without a family. For thirty years. They are all old, thirty years old, and the once-influenced person has now become coveted.

"Yeah lord!" Hearing the words of Yan Liang, Chen Bo’s mood was also low. There were too many things in 30 years. The lady left, and the two ladies were married. Now he and his family are left. Master.

"Since you know that you have been for 30 years, why are you coming to ask me?" Yan Liang's words turned to Chen Bo.

"Thirty years, don't you understand me?!" The voice of Yan Liang was raised, and there was already anger in this discourse.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Chen Bo’s head had cold sweat on his head. His lord usually spoke very well, but once he violated the principles and persistence of his master, it naturally made people fear.

Chen Bo wanted to leave, but he felt the weight of his hand, biting his teeth. "Master, the friend of the stunned son, also sent a wooden box, saying that it is a token to let the master take a look!"

"Chen Kang, some words I don't want to say the second time!"

"Master, I will leave, let's go!" Chen Bo panicked, the wooden box in his hand was heavy, and suddenly fell to the ground without holding it.

The huge sound made the dissatisfied look in the inner room more and more heavy.

"Yeah!" Chen Bochang couldn't believe his mouth and looked at the things that had faded out of the wooden box. In order to follow the things that rolled out of the wooden box, he directly pushed the door of the good house and went inside.

The moonlight sprinkled through the door into the back room.

"Chen Kang is enough!" Yan Liang was really angry this time.

"Master, I am wrong, I am wrong!" Chen Bo suddenly fell to the ground, their family did not look at a person who is usually kind, but Chen Bo knows that their lord is also a very decisive People, when they were young, they died in their hands. Chen Bo really regretted it. Why did he want to help people to report it? Now that he is in the house of the master, there is something to be accepted. Chen Bo is waiting for the punishment of his own master.

"Well?!" Yan Liang followed the moonlight and looked at the cube that had fallen in his house. The brow was close. "this thing?!"

"I will take out this thing right away!" Chen Bo now thinks of rushing to take things away.

"Slow!" Just when Chen Bo wanted to put things up on the ground, the good side of the door opened.


"Where is the owner of this token?!"

"It’s in the hall!"

"Okay, give me a greeting, I will change clothes soon!"

"Ah!" But now one of the things on the ground is to let their lord get dressed up. This can not help but let Chen Bo stay. (To be continued.)

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