My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 45: Cheng Jun (2)

Liu Wei did not know that he was free to accept the heart of this thousand and eighty-five people.

Liu Wei did not lead a thousand people. The military system consisted of five people, one with a long line, ten people with one, a long length, fifty people, one team, a team leader, one hundred people, one long, two hundred people. There are military princes, a thousand people, and Liu Wei himself is a school, and the rain becomes a positive Sima.

The original 85-year-old veterans of Liu Wei’s men were all photographed by Liu Wei. The captain and Cheng Yu Liu Yu left it. Lu boss wanted to make Cheng Yu as his deputy, so the whole camp The deputy has to give rain, if he is not, then he is the chief of the entire camp.

Liu Wei also thought about the name of his own camp. The 21st century. What is the most powerful force, two words city management, what is the most powerful warrior, four-character city management team members.

Therefore, Liu Wei’s big camp is called the city management army. I am daring to dominate the world with my three thousand city management.

All the captains of the team were in place, and Liu Wei issued the order. Everyone thought that Liu Wei would lead everyone to practice martial arts, but did not expect Liu Wei to take everyone to prepare for the sun.

Martial arts? If Liu Wei is going to count the number of martial arts sows, the **** with less than five combat strengths should not be ugly, even if it is rain, it is also a second-class military commander.

What Liu can do is only the whole army, and the military posture! The first step in military training is such a thing.

"Han Yang has been standing with his ministry for a long time?!" Lu Bu listened to the soldiers below to return a very strange look. What general will let the subordinates stand? When the sun is empty, can the light stand to improve combat effectiveness? Lu Bu was a little headache. He felt that it was a mistake to give Liu Wei a piece of music.

"It's raining? Didn't stop him?!" Lu Bu asked, before he became a rainy Lu Bu, he didn't know the teenager, but the squatting broke out in the battle of Kaiyang, but it was very good, if not for the establishment of Liu Wei himself. Partial music, I am afraid that the rain will now appear in the Gaoshun camp or the Zhangzhou Liaozhou wolf ride. Even Lu Bu has the idea to let him be his own guard.

"No, Cheng Sima is standing still!" the soldier replied,

"Well?!" Although Lu Bu frowned, but did not immediately stop, but waved his hand to let the soldiers go down, "Stand? Still standing with a posture?"

Yes, now the entire city management army is standing. Under the scorching sun, everyone’s legs are numb, and the station is sweaty, but none of the 1,085 people dare to complain. The general, Liu Wei himself stood in the field.

"Yes, the two feet are closer together and the two feet are separated by sixty degrees! What do you ask is called sixty degrees?!" Liu Wei has no choice but to use the high school diploma in the past. What about these big soldiers? Not to mention high school, I am afraid that the children of past kindergartens can understand more than him.

"Sixty degrees is to hold your two hands into a fist and put it between the two feet. This is sixty degrees!" Liu Wei does not expect them to be precise, but at least it should be decent.

"Yeah! You see it as Sima!" Liu Wei saw that the rain was really a natural soldier. This military posture only said once that he could stand the essence of the military posture, serious but not cold, majestic again. solemn.

"The legs are straight; the lower abdomen is slightly closed, and the chest is naturally tall; the upper body is straight and slightly forward; the shoulders are flat, slightly posterior; the arms are naturally drooping, the fingers are close together, and the thumb is attached to the index finger. In the second quarter, the **** is placed in the middle of the thigh; "The head must be straight, the neck should be straight, the mouth should be closed, the lower jaw should be slightly closed, and both eyes should look straight ahead. Liu Wei is like teaching children to help them correct their posture.

"Everyone is tired and tired?!" Liu Yan said with a smile, in fact, Liu Wei is tired, and the mother's egg. In the past military training, I felt that the instructors were so easy to stand there and command the command. Now I didn't expect it to be so tired.

"Tired!" The soldier standing on the edge of the rain had just opened his mouth and was smashed into the rain in the dark. Under the leadership of Cheng Yu, he changed his mouth instantly. "We are not tired!"

I rubbed it, it rained you, deliberately! Liu Wei saw the action of becoming a rain. If you are not tired, how can the uncle be willing to rest and not rest, do you want to exhaust the uncle?

In fact, Liu Wei misunderstood the rain. No matter which general, when training, the most disliked is that the following soldiers are tired. In their view, the soldiers are the tools of war. How can they help themselves to build their careers?

Liu Wei is different, modern thought is too strong, it should be said that he has not seen the real army training, in his view, training soldiers! Will the school be with the soldiers, how can the soldiers be convinced?

"Tired, you are all tired, this will be seen!" Liu Wei fully played the shameless style, and then practiced, his small body can not hold.

"All the troops sit down on the spot, and the long captains lead the waters to lead the waters!" Liu Wei let the fireheads go to the hot water before training. For Liu Wei, the river is clear in the late Han Dynasty. But it is not clean, there are always microbes. If you let the soldiers drink, it is not good to drink the bad stomach. This makes the firehead burn the boiled water.

It is much better to boil than to drink directly.

After taking the white water from the rain, Liu Wei is a big mouth, too tired, this station posture, hot days, but also one by one to correct them, they can not do it themselves! I can only help them over and over again.

Cheng Yu also saw that Liu Wei was very tired. Many soldiers did not do well, but Liu Wei went to correct it one by one. If the general who had been raining had already had a whip upper body, one time could not do a whip, two The second two whip, three times can not be pulled down and cut.

After drinking the water, Liu Wei found the problem again, and can't just sit like this! All of these soldiers looked at themselves with their eyes, and Liu looked uncomfortable.

"That one! Can you sing?!" Liu Wei’s mind flashed in the middle of his mind. At the time of military training, those instructors let themselves wait for someone to rest or sing.

"Singing?!" It’s a rain, is this king stupid? This is training, what song to sing? Singing is a good time for the literati to sing when chatting.

"Yes, it’s singing!" Liu Wei looked at them and knew that most people wouldn’t, after all, who are they? When the soldiers were mud legs, that is, the children of the farmer, they couldn’t even know how to sing.

"Will you get into the rain?!" It is a little bit cultured in the rain.

"Yes!" Nodded in the rain.

"Hmm?!" Liu Wei was really a little surprised, and the rain would actually sing.

"But it will only be one, it is taught when the mother is there!" Cheng Yu said that his eyes were dimmed, and Liu Wei knew that he had touched the sadness of the rain. Lao Cao, Lao Cao, you said Attack Xuzhou and attack Xuzhou! Looking for Tao Qian’s old man to settle accounts, why should I come to the massacre?

Liu Wei’s shoulder shot like a rain is like encouragement, and it’s like comforting “sing, sing in front of the brothers!”

"General I!" Cheng Yu wanted to refuse, but was stopped by Liu Wei.

"If you are still pregnant, I want you to live happily! Let's sing, now are the brothers sitting here. We don't all say it. Is it rich with life and death? Your mother is not our mother. Well! Sing it!” said Liu Wei, also shouting to the soldiers below. “Let Sima Sima sing a song to us!”

"it is good!"

"Because Sima, you can sing! We are all Xuzhou people, brothers support you!"

"Look, let's see it!" Liu Wei said encouragingly.

"I!" What the rain is still hesitating.

Liu Hao fired a rain into the rain. "You are still not a man in the rain, just like a girl, and the brothers can see you, let you sing, don't give your face a shame!"

"General, I!" became a rainy face. "I am a man, not a girl!"

"Okay, then you sing, sing! Don't sing is the girl."

"Sing and sing!" Cheng Yu suddenly stood up.

"Welcome everyone!" Liu Wei took the lead and applauded. The soldiers below followed up. When did they hear people singing? The basic people who can sing are all the sects, and the children of these peasants are not enough to eat and sing.

There is no clothing, with the same robes, Wang Yuxing, repairing my spear, and the same enemy.

There is no clothing, with the son of Ze, Wang Yuxing, repairing my spear, and the child.

There are no clothes, and the same son, Wang Yuxing, repairing my armor, and the sons.

No clothes, dear sincerity, Wang Yuxing, repairing my bow, and comrades.

My car is attacking, my horse is the same. Four Muang Pang Pang, driving the East.

The four yellows are driving, and they are not stunned.

Xiao Xiao Ma Ming, long and stunned.

The son of Yu Zheng, there is no sound. Yun Jun gentleman, the exhibition has Dacheng.

Liu Wei, while patting the palm of his hand, should be encouraged to look at the rain. It is a five-three-strong man who makes him sing. It is really difficult for him to sing, but is singing a singer? Feelings are sent, feelings are fun.

Cheng Yu has sung all the thoughts of missing his mother into the song.

This is a Qin song that reflects the spirit of unity and friendship of the Qin soldiers and the common enemy. The whole poem is divided into three chapters, using the tone of the soldiers. On the eve of the fierce battle, the soldiers gathered together to repair the weapons nervously. At this time, some people worried that they did not have clothes.

His comrades are full of friendship and comfort: "Who said no clothes,

I am wearing a shirt with you! "Use the righteousness to motivate the companions: "The state sends troops to fight, we repair the weapons, and I face a common enemy with you." From the poems, you can not only see the friendship between the soldiers, but also the moment when they are in the national disaster. They are willing to bear the patriotic spirit of great sacrifice. The poetry is short and the tone is full, vividly representing the Qin soldiers. They are enemies of enemies and generosity.

Cheng Yu's mother can teach the song of rain, indicating that his deceased mother is not just a farm woman.

Liu Wei saw the tears on the corner of the rain. The man had tears and did not flick. When he faced the Cao Jun, he did not cry. When he opened the sun, there was no tears in the rain, but today is the case. A song, the rain fell into tears.

"It's raining you come!" Liu Wei patted the big boy, and the rain was smaller than himself. This year, only 18, if it was put into a previous life, it was just a child. Just left high school and entered the university, a good time is waiting. He, but now is the end of the Han Dynasty. Can you imagine that this big boy has no more than 100 killers?

"It’s raining! Look at this! There are more than a thousand brothers! Your mother is gone, but you still have our brothers here. Your mother is gone. If she knows that you are so unhappy, she knows that you are not living well. You said that she will rest in peace!" Liu Wei is also a person who is not deeply involved, but now he has to care about a big boy who is smaller than him.

"General!" The rain wiped the tears from the corners of the eyes.

"The eyes need to look forward, your front is bright, your front is the avenue, bravely rushing, behind you is our thousand brothers!" After this sentence, Liu Wei's face suddenly became cold.

"Become a horse!"

"Come on!" Hearing Liu Wei called his own military system, Cheng Yu stood up straight. "I have an important task for you now! This task is to teach the songs taught to you by the thousand brothers below! There are Question!"


"Go!" Liu said with a smile. He looked at the rain and piled it up to a thousand urban management troops. Liu Wei had passed his body and his eyes had tears. He was so rained, he also I miss my mother.

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