My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 458: 蒯家娶妾(4)

Such scenes like Cai’s family happened in all corners of Jingzhou. The celebrities and gentlemen of the family got the invitations sent by Chen Shen. Some people sometimes frowned that it was a good handwriting. Liang Jingzhou old bachelor is very famous in Jingzhou, he wants to marry?

There are people who are smiling. There are two kinds of smiles. The first one is taunting. It is the kind of ridicule. They get the invitation to go, because they want to see this scorpion. The other joke, the other is really a blessing, this scorpion finally figured out, but also let the next person to prepare gifts, after all, where is the status of Yan Liang, the natural gift can not be shabby.

"Zirou, he wants to be jealous?!" In the inner city, Fuyue also received this invitation. The first thought he got from the invitation was to disbelieve, because Yan Liang was his only younger brother. His understanding of his second brother is even deeper than himself. The younger brother can think of him.

Yan Yue wants to be a good brother, but he has a family who can only be a good family. It is precisely because the first thing that Yi Yue thinks of is the family. Therefore, the contradiction between Yan Yue and Yan Liang is very deep. Liu Biao went to war in the world, so that their master Liu watch can truly become the hegemon of the world.

However, I don’t think so, but it’s good from the dragon. It’s like Zhang Liang’s people who have left the eternal singer in the history books, but you have to know that after the dragon is a minority, most of the last is nothing. Good ending, such as Fan Zeng, Zhong Lijun, Ying Bu, who are around Chu Bawang. Which one is good to end. If Liu Biao is an ambitious person, he will give up. So simply he is fighting hard, but Liu Biao is an indecisive person.

Not only that, how did their lord get Jingzhou? The more natural it is, the more Liu Ming is when he enters Jingzhou. He can get Jingzhou so quickly. That is because Liu Biao knows how to score the Shishi. He enters Jingzhou and cashes a group of scholars. Like their family, Cai’s is the brushed one. Scholars. It also suppressed a group of people such as Deng Jiawang. Liu Biao is using the sects to deal with the sects. This is certainly good, and it can quickly settle Jingzhou, which makes Jingzhou's heritage unchanged, but this is also a very big drawback. It is that the sects are still so many sects, but some of the sects have become family members, and some families have been relegated to become sects.

One of the biggest shortcomings of the sects is that they are all centered on their own. Everything is based on their own interests. In order to get the limited resources of Jingzhou, they will naturally deal with each other. The family and the Cai family are a combination, and the Huang family is another faction. There is also a neutral Lumen Academy Pangjia, etc. Jingzhou is nominally Jingzhou of Liu Biao, but in fact it is Jingzhou of the family. Liu’s Liu family can occupy a third of the status in Jingzhou. How can such a Jingzhou go to the world? Did Yuan Shao’s ending still not be seen? Jingzhou is a scaled-down version of Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao IV Sangong, with four states, but still lost, you can see the end of Jingzhou's hegemony.

Now, among the few who can win the world, such as Cao Cao, Lu Bu, Sun Ce, which of these people is not in the territory of their respective territory, Cao Cao slammed the emperor to make the princes, his power is not in the end The Dong family are in the hands of the sergeants, but in the hands of Cao Cao’s military commanders. Sun Ce is relying on Jiangdong, who has been hard-working for three thousand soldiers and horses. Therefore, Jiangdong people are also very convinced of the bully, and Sun Ce’s support is also his relatives. For example, Wu Jiasun's Zhou Jialai is the carrier of Jiangdong's power. Lu Bu is even more unscrupulous, because Lu Bu's current squad has two sites, one is Lijiang, and the Lijiang people have been completely married by Lu Bu's good daughter Wang Liu. Killing a clean, Yangzhou was originally uninhabited, Liu Wei is nothing more than a re-construction, and naturally there will be no clan.

When a dynasty will be destroyed, that is, when the power of the sect is greater than the power of the empire, it is the end of a dynasty.

Once the war is over, the victory is okay. Once it is lost, it is liquidated. Then the family is the first to bear the brunt, because after all, it is the battle that you proposed to fight, and then the loss is not a good one, but The whole family is gone, so the more you can't afford it, he won't gamble!

This is the biggest reason for the separation between the two brothers. A main war faction, a master and even a family and a Cai family have begun to contact the next lord. There is nothing to say. Yan Liang moved out of the government and lived in the outer city.

After the departure of Yan Liang, Yan Liang’s wife died. Yan Liang, the old bachelor of the diamond king in the Jingzhou state, is naturally a lot of scholars.

Don't look good, but it's true that many families want to marry a daughter, or a sister, to Yan Liang, so that they can catch a big ship. If it is a chain of interests, you can watch it. To Jingzhou Liu Biao, the sister of Cai Wei, the difference between the two is almost 30 years old, Mrs. Cai and Liu Qi are almost the same age.

The other Liu surname is even more shameless, directly smashing the equivalent of his own prostitute. Liu Bei’s age and Sun Jian are both a big point, but in the end they took Sun Jian’s little daughter. These marriages are for the sake of The interests of the gentry.

However, so many family members have been disappointed, and no one wants to be a good person. He only wants to spend the rest of his life. It is also difficult to persuade him. After all, there is a gap between the two.

Now it seems that this younger brother has opened up, and he has to be embarrassed. He just doesn’t know what the girl is, but there is no writing on the invitation. There is only a family, and the address is The location is gone.

"I have been inquired about which one is good!" He asked his own housekeeper.

"Home! Never! The person who sent the letter is just this Ranger. I don't know if I ask!" the housekeeper replied.

"Well!" The more frowning, the more you know who the lady is, so that you can change some strategies, which can be brushed, and you can say hello to your brother. Support.

But now I don't know which Miss is a little difficult to do. "Forget it!" The invitations sent by Yan Liang are too perfunctory, and things are more urgent. Which one is not the saying of the media, the parents' life is the last thing to do. Let’s watch it first, but it’s not clear at night! It is also a blessing for him to be a good friend. After all, the family is not strong. It would be nice if you could add a little bit.

"The young master!" Yu Yue is preparing to attend his brother's wedding in the evening. When he goes to the wedding, he naturally has to take his only baby son. After all, they are all family members, and his uncle’s wedding is not going to go! And it’s still a good thing to bring from big to big, and the feelings are good. Now, the bridge between the family and the good and the good is just awkward.

"The young master has gone to visit friends, has not returned yet!" The housekeeper replied to his homeowner. How did the butler not know that this was a go-go, but the butler was covering it, and if it was told that his son had gone to the Qinglou, it would be terrible to come back.

"I haven't come back yet!!" There is an urge to get angry. Don’t look at it. It’s a good old man on the officialdom. No one can sin, but he is very strict with his son. Because there is only one such son, this family is Suddenly, the more natural the nature is, the more strict it is, and he should not be able to forge ahead. At the very least, he must ensure that his family does not decline.

"Hurry to send someone to call him back! Let him join my uncle's wedding reception at night!" Yan said, waving his hand to the butler.

"Yes, yes!" Don't say more. The butler had sent people to the music hall to find out, but this person has not been found. Even the butler still found the Liu Guan of the music hall. Liu Guan said that this stunned son had left with a Wang Shugong of a Lumen Academy last night. There were six girls when he left! If you just leave, the butler will not worry, but the six girls! He is really afraid of what kind of collective activities he has played with this young master. In the end, he is fainting, usually okay, but not today.

When the housekeeper was about to leave, he suddenly stopped his housekeeper. "There is something moving there!" The more I don’t know why, I watched this familiar handwriting in the hand and the invitation, and suddenly thought of one. people.

"蜀王?!" The housekeeper stunned and immediately responded. The son-in-law of the king Liu Wei Lu Bu went to Jingzhou, and the owner asked him to send people to pay attention to the king's every move. Only in the past two days, the palace was too quiet, so the housekeeper did not report immediately.

"On top of this 蜀王府, it is still the same as the previous days, eating and practicing fishing and fishing!" The housekeeper confessed to the above-mentioned things on the ruins of the king's house.

"So calm?!" The more I don't believe it, I know that the master Liu watched what Pang Tong said, not only did not sell grain to Liu Bei, but also did not sell it to Liu Wei, and all those grains were recovered from the treasury. At this time, Liu Wei should be anxious to get around and find a person to care for the relationship, instead of being so calm now, he has already planned to ask Liu Wei to send someone to find his house. What excuse he used to excuse, but now these The excuse seems to be thinking.

"Yes!" The butler nodded, and the more he confessed, the housekeeper would naturally not be sloppy. The butler outside the king's house was sent out by nearly twenty people. It can be said that the entire king's house has been monitored.

"Does the second brother-in-law have anything to do with this king?!" Yu Yue thought of the answer that was closest to the answer, but he was vetoed by himself. When the king came, he took a few A guard and a Jia Yu, are men, not a woman, so Yan Liang is sure to be this Jingzhou woman, as long as the Jingzhou woman and Yangzhou has no half-money relationship. "Do you want to post-production? Or else?!" I don’t want to understand it. I simply don’t want to. This Yangzhou thing has nothing to do with his family. This is the struggle between Pangjia Pangtong and this king Liu Wei. This is also Liu Beihe of Yuzhou. Lu Jiang’s hatred of Lu Bu, and he has nothing to do with his family. It doesn't take long.

"When the king continues to monitor, the counter comes back, you let him go to bathe and dress immediately and go to the evening with me!" The more tired, the more he is going to take a break, and he will attend the banquet in the evening, the banquet is natural. I have to drink, and I have no spirits to go to the cup.

"Yes!" The butler nodded and retreated.


"蒯良婚宴?!" Pang Tong naturally received this invitation, or Liu Wei specially asked Yan Liang to write to this Pang Tong, he just wants to let Pang Tong witness his Liu Wei brushed 蒯Tied the family to Liu Wei’s Yangzhou warship.

Seeing the words of Yan Liang, Pang Tong is very uncomfortable. Because this person is a faction of the pro-Yangzhou. Liu Wei has not come to Jingzhou yet. This Yan Liang did not give himself a face, even after he killed Liu Wei’s messenger, he also said that Liu Biao had killed himself and used his body to go to Yangzhou to get the forgiveness of Liu Wei’s army. Yan Liang can be regarded as a half enemy of Liu Bei.

"We don't go to the military division!?" Asked carefully under one of the men, the enemy's wedding banquet will only be self-deprecating.

"Go! Why don't you go~" Pang Tong's dark face was very flat and didn't know what he was thinking. "Since people have invited us, we naturally have to respond!" Natural invitations have been sent. If Pang Tong does not know how to get the number of gifts, I can talk to some people in a trip to the government.

"Right, this pseudo-King Liu Yufu has recently had a movement?!" Pang Tong asked his own men, if he said that Liu Wei only monitors Liu Wei only for things that do not matter high and hang neutral. Then Pang Tong pays attention to Liu Wei, that is, he wants to know himself and know what to do.

"In the past few days, the pseudo-king Liu Liufu was very quiet. The pseudo-King Liu Wei was like eating and drinking as usual!" The person in charge of monitoring the Liu Yufu replied.

"Very quiet?!" Pang Tong stunned. He risked his life and went to persuade Liu Biao to let Liu Biao two do not want to help. His main public Liu Bei could not get the grain. He did not want to get Yangzhou. At this time, Liu Wei should be An ant on a hot pot, you have to be anxious to die, how could it be so light? There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

"蒯良娶妾?!" Pang Tong's gaze turned to the invitation in his hand, the pseudo-king Liu Liufu's quiet. These two things must be related! "It turns out!" Pang Tong seemed to think of something. There was a smile on the corner of the mouth.

"Army??" The men on the side were very puzzled and looked at Pang Tong’s expression and seemed to want Pang Tong to explain it.

"I understand, this pseudo-king Liu Liu thought!" Pang Tong said coldly. "He hasn't moved in these few days. He is not in a hurry, but he is waiting for the opportunity, and today is the opportunity among them!" Pang Tong is not without investigation. This person is very stubborn and has the title of nephew. He has been widowed for a long time and has not been embarrassed. However, he suddenly made a wide invitation today.

There must be problems in this. Before Pang Tong couldn’t figure it out, now he wants to understand that this is not too late for the past few days, that is, creating an opportunity for this pseudo-King Liu.

Liu Biao stopped selling the grain in Yangzhou. Liu Wei must ask for a relationship. Before going to Liu’s surface, he said that Liu Wei would look for one by one. This is to find the Year of the Monkey, and it’s the same thing that people can’t see him. .

However, if this is not the same, Yan Liang is who! He is the younger brother of Yan Yue, who is also a high-ranking official of Jingzhou. Yan Liang will definitely send out invitations. The family of the scholars will definitely be present and give them a face. Liu Wei only needs to attend this banquet to reach those people. , once and for all, and need to go to visit one by one!

This good thing is really good intentions. At such an age, I don’t want to help Liu Wei at night.

"Then the military division is doing this now!" Hearing that Liu Bei’s men on the side of Pang Tong’s words began to worry, they were not monitoring Liu Wei to prevent Liu Wei from finding a relationship, but now Liu Wei can see it once and for all. To so many people, this monitoring is not in vain.

"Oh, he wants to see Liu Wei, I just want him to see it!" Pang Tong squinted and smiled coldly. If this good man did not give him Pang Tong’s invitation, he might still be given by Liu Wei. I was confused, but now I have given this invitation, then he will not want to succeed.

"What does the military teacher mean?!"

“Yuliang is a banquet in the evening. The location of this banquet is in the outer city of Xiangyang!” Pang Tong picked up the invitation in his hand and showed it to his men. “I need you to send a horse, so that this pseudo-King Liu can’t fall.” Good wine banquet!"

"Army, this is for us to kill the pseudo-reporter Liu Wei!" Pang Tong's several men are the "masters since the last killing of Liu Wei's messenger, the entire Jingzhou has been paying attention to us! Sword is difficult to use in the city. "Pang Tong Xueban super-killed Liu Wei's messenger wants to force Liu Biao to come to force, let Liu Biao and Liu Wei fight, but he miscalculated Liu Bian's courage, also miscalculated the Jingzhou up and down talents, Liu Biao knows It was Pang Tong’s ghost that he would not kill Pang Tong. However, he has been wary of Pang Tong. This is okay to use knife soldiers outside the city. In this city of Xiangyang, once the swordsman was moved, let alone the pseudo-King Liu, this Jingzhou Liu watch could not spare Pang Tong. At that time, it will definitely affect the prevention of Liu Wei, saying that Liu can not be sold to Yangzhou rations in the face of anger, which can be self-defeating.

"Idiot! Do you want to stop them from using swordsmen in this city!" Pang Tong said bluntly, and his own men were a reprimand.

Liu Wei lives in the inner city, Pang Tong they can not use the knife soldiers. Similarly, Liu Wei, they are not likely to take out the knife soldiers under the broad public. Both sides are unarmed and empty, but they have the upper hand. Because Liu Wei is an outsider after all, how many people can he have in his hand, and Pang Tong, he lives from an early age. In this Jingzhou, it can be said that it is the land snake of Jingzhou. Their Pang family is a giant in Jingzhou. It is still very simple to find hundreds of people. At that time, they only need to plug them into the inner city. Let him not go out, and finally he can't fall over the good house. Liu Wei’s calculations will also be invalid. In the end, Yan Liang will not be guaranteed in the evening, and Liu Wei will not get the grain and grass in Jingzhou.

"The military commander is high, high talent!" Pang Tong's men all have their eyes bright, yeah, in this Jingzhou inner city, they can't use the swordsmen, the pseudo-Wang Liu will not do it, block the road only to find the last one. Hundreds of people can do it.

"Go! I have to bathe and change clothes!" Pang Tong said with a wave of smile, but he had to prepare for it. This Liu Wei and Yan Liang’s hard work, want to be once and for all, let the families of the gentry family It’s not just to have a chance to talk! Similarly, he went to Pang, which is also an opportunity for Pang Tong.

For example, this Jingzhou is not a driving force. This person is a neutral school, a wall grass, and Pang Tong has visited several times to visit. The excuses are not excuses, or it is directly perfunctory. How much can Jingzhou besides the frontline Jiangxia? Things?

The front line used to be a lot of things, but now instead of Jingzhou in Jiangxia, his friend is also the enemy of his life Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Kongming's ability Pang Tong can not know! Even if Jiangdong cannot be settled, at least the barrier of Jingzhou, Jingzhou, will not be lost. There is Zhuge Kongming, Jingzhou can guarantee peace for 30 years.

The excuse of Yu Yue’s excuse is summed up in one sentence, that is, he does not want to see Pang Tong, but today, this embarrassing person has to see himself, above the banquet, can he still excuse me not to excuse me! Although there are contradictions between this Yan and Yu Yue, they are brothers after all. Pang Tong believes that the more he will not participate.

In addition to the Yue Yue, there will be other scholars on this banquet, which is a good opportunity to make friends.

"Help me prepare for the ceremony!" Pang Tong went to Yan Liang's wedding banquet, naturally he would not go empty-handed, he would give a big red envelope, this red envelope must at least make the family move. At that time, I am too embarrassed to refuse myself.

"Heavy gift?!" Pang Tong's men did not understand. If it was a gift alone, there were still a lot of preparations on top of their houses. They were all prepared by Pang Tong for visiting some scholars. But what is the gift? What is it called heavy?

"Yes, the big gift!" Pang Tong nodded.

"Warrior, do you see this line?!" Pang Tong’s men brought two East Pearls. These two East Pearls can be regarded as worth hundreds of dollars, not only because it looks good, but also from the former Dongdu Luoyang. Among them, when Dong Zhuo ordered people to ruin Luoyang’s westward move, Zhang Xiu and his uncle participated in the feast of robbery. Luoyang was destroyed and the gold and silver jewels inside were naturally robbed. There are two East Pearls in front of them, falling in the hands of Zhang Ji.

Zhang Ji’s death is Zhang Xiu’s, and Zhang Xiu’s death is naturally his master Liu Bei’s.

"Not enough, not enough!" Pang Tong shook his head, although there were many hundred golds, but it was not worth mentioning in front of the behemoth.

"Then this is good for jade!"

"Still not!" This pair of jade is not as good as the two East Pearls.

"This is the Analects of Confucius?!" Another man took out a yellow book, don't underestimate him, but he is an ancient book with the words of the sage.

"No!" The Analects are also very precious. I am afraid that the whole world cannot find the same second book, but this ancient book is for the great Confucian scholars of the old masters, not the family.

"What do you mean by the military division?!" These men have not thought of any heavy gifts.

"Right, the Lord is not sending a gold and silver!" One man suddenly thought of what he said.

"That can't move, that is the Lord Gong let me wait for Jingzhou to buy grain!" Another man hurriedly stopped the road. These moneys were the money that Liu Bei received from Zhang Xiu, and the other was Liu Bei. of. There are five thousand gold, which is used to buy grain.

"No! Just use that gold and silver!" Pang Tong was also reminded that he did not have a gift, but he did not find him.

"But the gold and silver used, what about this grain!" Some people questioned.

"Even if there are such gold and silver, we can't buy grain!" Pang Tong has blocked his own road. This makes Liu Biao not sell grain to Yangzhou. It can be regarded as both losses. This money is useless. Or it is shipped back.

And the grain and grass thing Pang Tong has already launched the power of the Pang family to help. He is consuming the roots of the family.

But now that I have taken out this batch of gold and silver, I can make friends and the sects. Why not do it? This Jingzhou is not so much Jingzhou as Liu Shi, but Jingzhou.

"Just do it! Come and give me the gold and silver loading! Leave a thousand gold, all the other cars!" Pang Tong bite his teeth, if the money can make a fortune, it is definitely worth it. Pang Tong left a thousand gold. It is for brushing other small sects! (To be continued.)

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