My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 464: Marriage

"This is impossible!" Pang Tong looked at Liu Wei and Yan Ran on the stage. Liu Wei did not have a sister at all. If this is Liu Wei’s sister, then it is not exactly the four that he sent to Pang Tong. After the money is completely complete, I have a water ticket!

What is it that Pang Tong’s heart is to come up with the four thousand gold, is not to contact the family, but to increase the goodwill of the family, so whether it is a big marriage or a sudden, there is no such thing as Pang Tong, even this is awkward. The only heir's marriage is more able to make you remember that you only have a good feeling, then the next thing is far away, but now everything has disrupted the layout of Pang Tong. . .

A person who shouldn't have appeared appeared. Pang Tong did everything possible to calculate that he didn't want Liu Wei to appear on this big marriage. The dispatched people blocked the inner city, but finally Liu Wei came, come on. ! Pang Tong did not believe that Liu Wei could have such a large handwriting to take out four thousand gold directly as a gift. Even if he could not get the support of his family, he could not let Liu Wei get it. If Liu Wei said everything is true, Pang Tongke It hurts.

The gift is heavy, it is better than no one to marry a younger sister. Once married to a younger sister, it is a family. Can you be an outsider than a family member? It’s just a joke, and Pang Tong’s four thousand gold masterpieces will become the dowry of others, which adds Liu’s strength.

"Big brother, how do you say this woman is so familiar!" The sound of discussion was uploaded when Pang Tong’s face was blue and purple.

"You should have seen this girl! I didn't expect this awkwardly really a romantic son. I dared to take the girl from this venue home!" The voice of the discussion was not big, but Pang Tong noticed it. .

"Girl in the music hall?" Pang Tong's eyes turned. Calculated.

At this time, the message that Pang Tong wanted to get was also passed. The earliest time I saw it was in this Xiangyang music hall. After that, it happened to be the bridegroom now, and there is really a girl in her place who is liked by her, and the words of the two people just behind me, Pang Tong. Basically confirmed.

Pang Tong couldn't help but smile and nodded to the two brothers behind him. This action made the two brothers of the Huang family very strange. The Huang family brothers and Pang Hefei are two world figures, and there is basically no intersection.

"The prince of the king of the king is so blessed, even if he came to Jingzhou, he would be able to reach such a pleasant sister!" Pang Tong stood up and said loudly.

"Shi Yuan sat down!" Pang Tong stood up. On the edge, Pound will open his mouth to stop Pang Tong. This is the housework of the family. Anyway, if you stand up and Pang Tong Pang Yuan, you can say something, then it’s not to give you a face, if you have What bad things are going out, then it’s the face of the family.

Let the family lose face, and Pang Tong himself will not feel good.

If it is normal, Pang Tong will do the same, but today it will not offend even if the family can not let the family and Yangzhou Liu Wei alliance, once the family is on the Yangzhou chariot, then it is a disaster for Yuzhou Liu Bei.

"Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan?!" Liu Wei heard the person who spoke, and immediately his eyes smashed. Pang Tong is not good.

"There is a sister in Jingzhou. What does this mean?!" The following people heard Pang Tong's words and could not guess.

"The general office knows well. Our Royal Highness, the king of heaven, is the noble man of heaven. This is the sire of the king. But I have never known what my sister is under the palace of the king!" Pang Tong looked at Liu Wei’s words on the stage. To.

"Not the sister of the king, then who is this woman!"

"This king has spoken before, this woman is not my sister, but this king has also said that this woman is the sister of the king's wife!" Liu Wei answered Pang Tong's words.

"Haha, this sister, not his sister!" Pang Tong disdained the words.

"There are three ladies under the palace of the king of the king. The lady is the wife of the warmth of the golden lady, and she is a daughter when she is warm. She has never heard of other children. Even if she is a new student, she will not be able to reach this age!"

"Mrs. Yuan, Mrs. Yuan, this woman is the daughter of the late former general Yuan Shu. Although Yuan Gong has a son, the single has not been in the chaos!" Liu Yi’s cheap father-in-law, although he was self-reliant, but because of him The prestige of the four-year-old Yuan Jia, Cao Cao also gave the former Yuan General to the face of some family.

"Although the three ladies don't know who is the daughter of the family, but there is no sister to come and go!" Liu Wei's three ladies are Qiao Yu, but Pang Tong will not say it, because once said, then not only offended Liu Wei but also offended Jiangdong Sun Ce, his wife was robbed by others, saying that it is shameful to go out. ,

"Hey!" Liu Wei suddenly applauded, so that everyone in the room is a glimpse of "Pang Junshi is really a good means, you Yuzhou people really like this to explore others!" Liu Wei did not call Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan called out Pang Junshi. This is to use the military position to divide the two people's closeness. Another one is to remind everyone present. This person is not your Jingzhou person. Now he is Yuzhou Liu Bei's sire. A Yuzhou military division does not drive to inspect others. Although this is a slap in the face, everyone will inquire about each other, but if you take it on the bright side, it will raise the vigilance of the people.

"Compared to the king of the temple, I went down to Jingzhou. I went to a music hall and immediately got a little sister!" Pang Tong naturally wouldn’t sit back and look at Liu Wei’s counterattack.

The words "Le Pavilion?!" immediately made the following people look at each other, but there was a big news.

The position of the music hall in this Jingzhou can not know who can not know, as the largest place in Jingzhou.

"Although the son-in-law is passionate, he has a special liking for the women in the museum. But why should he put on the title of the sister of the royal family?" Pang Tong’s words turned and began to sharpen. I will use his slapstick sword to attack.

Did the family marry a woman in a music hall? This is a major news. The music hall is a place of the wind and the moon, although many people say that they are lingering. I am also very awed by the owner of the museum. But in any case, he is also a child of the wind and snow.

A brothel woman was smashed back home. If it’s just a single one, it’s okay, the Golden House is so beautiful! But this kind of fanfare, it can really become a joke.

This pair of newcomers, one is the heir to this Jingzhou's largest family, is a family member of the family, and is a woman who is despicable. It can be said that the face of the family is not lost today.

"Haha, my brother is so good at seeing flowers, when I take my yellow shot, I can enjoy it!" Huang shot that the family is about to make a joke, of course, happy, this surface is a few families and peace. Hey. But everyone knows that Cai Jia and his family are not very cold with the Huang family. They are jokes and yellow shots are naturally happy.

"Sudden girl, this is married to the family but it is necessary to keep the woman!" Pang Tong's last sentence is the most vicious, and in one sentence, it is worthless to be stunned. Liu Wei obviously feels that the body is shaking, this is shame. Anger is anger, but it is a kind of fear.

"Amazing girl?! Is that the music hall's stunned?!" As soon as the name was suddenly mentioned, someone immediately said it. The most joyful one was Pang Tong's several men.

"You know, this is awkward. But it was worth a hundred dollars. It’s no wonder that I was fascinated by her. I would have been fascinated by her. If there is no money around, maybe I will hold the beauty back!" The heart is going to humiliate the family. A lady who wants to go home, is now being pity that if she has a hundred dollars, she can go to bed. This is not a shame.

"Yeah, yeah! I heard that this girl is also going to the banquet, but she was paid for it. I thought it was a rich businessman. It turned out to be a stunned son!"

"Can't! What is the family saying is also a family, how can you marry a windy woman!" Some people do not believe.

"Yes, everyone does not have to guess, my sister is a girl!" Liu Wei did not cover up, he felt the fear of trembling in the hands of the beauty, has already clasped Liu Wei’s hand clearly Liu Dangdang made a reliance.

Liu Wei took a picture of the jade in his hand and expressed his comfort. He went straight to the front of Pang Tong and said incomprehensibly, "Good, very good!"

"This king Liu Wei, for the great Han dynasty king, when there is a prince to give the official!" Liu Wei glanced at the people below, Liu Wei really has this power, generally to the general's position can have Kaifeng Mansion Function, Liu Wei is the only king of the great man, but also has this ability.

"There are people who give the king a pen and ink!" Liu Wei snorted, and Chen Bo of the government immediately let the next person go to get the ink and paper.

Although Liu Wei can't write, he can still write words. Soon, in one go, the person standing on the side of Liu Wei can measure what Liu Wei wrote, and immediately took a breath.

"Jingzhou has a woman, named 嫣然, closed month of shame, 苞 苞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Since the Spring and Autumn Period, the world loves peony, and the scholars love the chrysanthemum. For the one-love lotus, the mud is not dyed, and the sputum is clear and not demon, the middle pass is straight, the vine is not vine, the incense is clear, the pavilion is pure Can be viewed from a distance and not play."

"I don't get rid of mud and not demon? I can't play it in the distance." Someone couldn't help but read what Liu Wei wrote. It was simply that everyone in the room was drinking.

The celebrities, who applaud Liu Wei’s literary talents, have been smeared with mud and have become a different kind of person from the brothel woman in a music hall! The other sects were shocked by Liu Wei’s boldness. Liu Wei’s proof of the Qinglou woman, if it’s passed out, it’s a big deal, even though those gentlemen say that the atmosphere is romantic, but it’s also It is a kind of inferiority, something that can't be used on the countertop. You are a singular king, and the king of Dahan actually proves that this is not afraid of future generations.

"Because of the chrysanthemum, the flower is also hidden; the peony, the riches of flowers are also; the lotus, the gentleman of the flower also. Hey! The love of chrysanthemum, the little after the pottery; the love of the lotus, who is the same? Peony Love should be awkward."

"It fell into the music hall, not in the glory, not in the music hall, in this troubled world, in the king, in the public. The world is peaceful. The people are rich.

"My regrets, when the collection is a sister, love the lotus, when the heavy lotus! In the name of the great Han dynasty king, special seal Jingzhou 嫣 嫣 嫣 郡 郡 郡 郡 郡 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” I am big!"

Liu Wei’s 蜀王大印 was on his side, and someone immediately sent it. Liu Wei picked up the big seal and pressed it directly.

This print fell. It’s true that the pheasant flies up to the phoenix. That is to say, Liu Wei recognized this younger sister, that is, the entire royal family admitted to the Lilian County.

"Why do you get out of the mud and not dye it, the woman in the brothel is the woman in the brothel!" Pang Tong was also anxious, and he was quick to say anything. He thought that Liu Wei was concerned that his face of the king could not recognize this sister after being dismantled by himself. Then, the marriage of nature and family does not exist, but Liu Wei does not care about the comments of his descendants, nor does he care about his own eyes. He directly picks up the pen and ink and writes the book. . Even covered with his own big print, this is already officially recognized.

"蒯越兄!" Before Cai Wei was also said to be different. Now it’s over, and it’s obviously unfamiliar.

Min Yue has turned his body and his eyes are licking his son and hope that his son can give him a reply.

Suddenly in the stern eyes of his father, he couldn’t help but panic. In his heart, his father has always been a strict father. When he was angry, he was trembled, so he was stared by his father. Suddenly, suddenly I was panicked.

Liu Wei also saw the expression of stunned, but she didn’t come up to pick up the bride. Liu Wei went straight to the bride’s hand and placed it directly on the hand. A bright red flower was linked to a couple of new people. .

"Liu Xiong!" Suddenly the lips were dry and saw the eyes of Liu Wei’s encouragement. It’s always been what I wanted, but my father’s sternness and his family’s tutoring have never been fulfilled. This time I didn’t meet Liu Wei’s words, then the girl would be ruined by others, and if she didn’t say it, she would regret it for a lifetime.

Who is not young, who is not frivolous, young people are lifeless, and in their twenties, they are doing things that are old and old, what do you mean by living?

Indulge yourself once in indulgence! Suddenly took a deep breath and took the newly brewed tea from the servant's servant on the side. With the safflower in his hand, he collapsed in front of the sorrow. "Father, please fulfill us." !"

"Well?!" Yan Yue's brow wrinkled deeper. He looked at the son in front of him. He is his only son. He can be said to be an unqualified brother, but he is a qualified father. Although it is strict, but his love for the sake is true. Even if Liu Wei was enshrined in this book, it was the owner of the Lilian County. However, it is still in the hands of Yan Yue. It is the head of the family. If you don’t agree, then Liu Wei’s work. Everything is no good.

"Big brother! Family family, there is no such family without this family!" Yan Liang also got up and said to Yan Yue, "Big brother, I left the big brother, you can not care, you can pretend not to know! But if you leave, you can still pretend that you don't know! You can pretend not to care!"

"Hmm?!" The more the brows are, the more wrinkled and deeper the "green house woman!" The more you are still worried about this.

"Big Brother, if you really have lost this marriage today! I can't say you, I can't blame you, but I will hate you forever! Everything today will be hard in my heart." Go away! Then in the end you will leave nothing left, home, family, you have no family, but also think about the status of your family?!"

"I!" The more you shake, the more you do, the more you do, not for this family, and the family he said is not the three of them, the younger brother, the son, the son, he has I forced my younger brother out, and if I let my son squat for a lifetime, then how can this family be counted as a home?

"Sorry, of course, child soft, I can't promise this marriage!" The more he took a deep breath and said the answer. (To be continued.)

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