My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 474: Sad and dead

Liu Wei looked at it! Even if this is the case, you still have to be faithful to Liu Bei. In fact, Liu Wei is just the wrong person. The more he is, the more he is. Although he is an old fox, he is actually the most concerned about himself. The family is very good. The two of them are his younger brother and one of his sons. These two talents are the most concerned people. The rise and fall of the family is to say that the three people are harmonious, so it is finally You can put everything down with your son and brother. ()

But 糜竺 is different, 糜竺 too cares about the reputation of this sect, or that 糜竺 is really poor, his poor is not without money, but the status is poor, he said that he was a sect at first. He is respected everywhere, and finally his family has become a family, and the difference is different. The family is a merchant, earning so much money, rich and enemies, but what about it, dare not use it, dare not use it. It is to be afraid that someone who is interested will look at the final confession. Even Guan Yu, a person who once sold dates, also looked down on him. When you Guan Yu bought the date, it was the richest man in Xuzhou.

But it is useless. He is a merchant, Shinong Industry and Commerce, he is the most despicable level, so he urgently wants a knight, even if it is bankrupt, even if it is a broken family.

"Hey adults, but if you want to think about it, if you send me to the house of the left general Liu Bei, then the death of General Fang Fang and Mrs. Yu, who was said by the left general, has really become a reality!" The messenger looked at Min Fang indifferently.

"Yes!" Liu Wei's messenger thought that this would stop him, but who knows that he just sighed "If the younger brother and sister know that I am for this family, they will support me!"

This is a curse! This messenger of Liu Wei is nothing more than a kind of self-contained flesh. And this embarrassment is a monk who dared to abandon with his own relatives.

I touched the three chapters of my appointment. As long as they are there. Then they will be able to make a comeback, what is their feelings! What is the family? He is still not old enough, and he has the ability to go to the wife and sisters of several rooms, so that their family members, Ding Xingwang, are only a matter of time, but only once in the sect. These three appointments have already put the family on the brand of the sect. Who can compare with his family?

"And Sun Gan is not with you!" He suddenly remembered a person. This person is Liu Bei’s No. 2 military officer Sun Gan. Isn’t it an idiot? This Sun Gan did not say that he would say at this time that he had seen his brother and sister in the cunnilingus, but not long after. The protagonist announced that his sister and brother died, and this must be stupid.

"What about it, no more!"

I am interested. "If you can identify this Sun Gan, I can guarantee that you have no flesh and blood, and you can even leave you a life!" He was tempted by the messenger of Liu Wei, who is now lacking. It is the attention of the main public Liu Bei. If you can dig up Sun Gan, then this credit is really not small.

And now he has already been branded with Pang Junfang. When he stumbled on Sun Gan, Pang Tong would also take a look at himself.

"If I don't say it!"

"You don't say it? When you come to the Lord, you can't do it. You will say it when you arrive!" He said with a sneer at Liu Wei's messenger, it is really uncomfortable to torture the confession.

"Yes!" Liu Wei's messenger said it very simply.

"Hmm?!" He stunned. He thought that this messenger would be a little bloody. So what do you say directly? He also said that this person is a monk. I want to know that this letter was taken from the back of this person, but now it is only threatening, and no torture has been carried out. This is said.

"I can tell you, this Mr. Gongyou, who was caught by my master as early as the yin sin!" Liu Wei's messenger said very calmly.

"Hey?!" His eyes brightened, Sun Gan was caught in the cunnilingus, but this is a shadow of Sun Gan. At that time, everyone felt a bit wrong, but because Sun Gan came back, it was really awkward, it was just a life of nine deaths. So no one cares. There are really things in it now.

"Mr. Gongyou and Pang have a gap, I believe that adults should know!"

"Yeah!" He nodded.

"In the cunnilingus, Pang does not set up an empty city plan. It is true that we stopped the army of Liu Jun, but the sinister city can't last for a long time. Everyone knows that even if you are careful, you only need to send out the terracotta warriors. It’s all overcast! It’s sure that the people in the city of Yuyin can’t fly in the wings! So soon, Mr. Gongyou was caught by my master!” This messenger of Liu Wei said before, this person is catching Sungan’s Yiyang martial arts. Nature is very familiar with the war.

"After the hardship!" I think this kind of big secret, if you know that the status of you will definitely improve, "Assure you, as long as you tell me, this adult will not only protect you, but will also give you a rich!"

"Mr. Gongyou was caught, and it is possible to redeem a life with the grain in the hidden grain store in the city! But the people sent by Pang Biejia burned the grain and burned them all!"

"Is the person sent by the military division burned?!" Hearing the words of Liu Yu’s messenger, why did Sun Gan’s return not only be rewarded, but Sun’s return was awkward, and one was In the yin, Liu Wei did not get the slightest grain of grass. A fire burned a clean one. At that time, Sun Gan was stationed. Everyone thought that this was Sun Qian’s intention. This is simply pushing himself into the fire pit, but there is no I thought that this was the work of the military division Pang Tong, in order to burn the Sun Fu’s redemption, and let Liu Wei’s army smother Sun Sun.

"Of course, Pang is not doing what he wants. Because of this, the generals of my Lord have no choice but to directly kill Mr. Gong You!"

"So why did Sun Gan survive?!" He stared and asked. Sun Gan was put into the fire.

"My Lord gave Mr. Sun Gan a big water tank, plus an escape route, and some dry food!" With water, you can moisten the cover of the main mouth and nose and not be smoked by the fire. There are naturally escape routes that are not afraid of being trapped and burned by fire. Plus dry food. If Sun Gan can't live, it is an idiot!

"That said!" His eyes are shining. "So Sun Gan has already invested in the Lord. When I came to Yuzhou, I came here." If all this is true, then Sun Gan will When he is finished, he will continue to climb the body of Sun Gan.

"Is this true?" I still want to confirm, it is true that he can make a smooth pace.

"Why do adults have to ask such questions!"

"Haha, come, come and give me to send him to the Lord, I have something to tell!" Hey is a businessman. Merchants pay great attention to friendship, and there is no interest in things that he will not do, and this kind of interest is very big, and no one needs to say that nature naturally rushes out if he sees a **** shark.

"No need!" A cold voice passed over the door.

"You can't go in, can't go in!"

"Get out!"

I saw a middle-aged literary rushing into the hustle and bustle of the mansion, followed by dozens of soldiers wearing armor.

When I saw someone coming, I immediately went to see my grandson Sun Gongyou!

It turned out that the person who came is not the other person is Liu Bei’s No. 2 military officer Sun Gan Sun Gongyou.

"Come to me to take this chaotic thief to me!" Sun Gan's face is iron blue, but fortunately he took a step first, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable, his eyes slammed toward Liu Wei's messenger 瞪The past. This person can really say anything. Fortunately, he came, or was sent to the front of the main public Liu Bei. Then everything is finished.

When did his grandson betray Liu Bei? If Sun Gan wants to surrender, he has already surrendered, and needs to come back? It is true that Liu Wei has let him go alive, but it does not mean that he surrendered.

"Sun Gan Sun Gongyou, what do you want to do!" He also got a loud voice. Originally he was preparing to press this Liu Wei's messenger to go to the state pasture, using Sun Gan as his stepping stone, but did not expect Sun Gan came forward one step earlier.

"What do I want? Hey, 糜子仲, this sentence should ask you to be right!" Sun Gan looked coldly at the sly, pointing at the messenger of Liu Wei on the side and said, "Who is this person! Why is it in you?" In the middle of the house!"

The subconscious singer replied, "This person is the messenger of Liu Wei!"

"Oh! Fortunately, foreign enemies, you are a son who wants to betray the Lord!" What Sun Gan wants is to admit who this person is. "Come to me!"

"I don't have it, no!" The people brought by Sun Gan are not Sun Qian's own people, but borrowed from the simple hand. The relationship between Jane and Sun Gan is good, but Jane does not want to get involved in Pang Tong and Sun Gan. The struggle is over, and it is still a small matter to borrow a little horse from the district.

"Sun Gan, Sun Gongyou, you are bloody! I have not betrayed the Lord, and the person who betrayed the Lord is you!" The people who touched Jane’s hand were simply the soldiers who met the soldiers. Fortunately, the people in the hands of Jane are not listening to Sun Gan all the time. Hearing the awkward excuse does not dare to rush, but after all, he is also a man of Liu Bei.

"I betray the Lord, what evidence do you have!" Sun Gan said coldly.

"Evidence, I have!" He pointed to the envoy of Liu Weijun on the side. "This is the evidence. Everyone looks at it. This person is the messenger of Liu Wei. It is this person who told me that your Sun Sun betrayed the Lord. Not my nephew!" He is very contented. As long as this person is still there, he can definitely dismantle Sun Gan. At that time, the unfortunate thing is that his grandson has done it. However, the smugness of the ambiguity has not yet emerged, and he was dumbfounded.

"Hey adults, we must remember to talk about things!" I only heard that Liu Wei’s messenger was solemnly holding a fist and holding a dagger directly from his arms.

"Protect the adults!" The man in the hands of Jane took care of him and Sun.

However, the goal of this Liu Wei's messenger is not Sun Gan and Yi, but the dagger in the hand directly into the chest of his own.

The blood spilled directly out of the chest and stained the person's foot.

"Be a waiting for adults, take care, take care!"

"No. No. No!" He was stupid. He desperately ran towards the messenger of Liu Weijun and wanted to stop him and save him. But this person’s knife is really awkward and goes directly to the heart. It is very clean. Being neat, cutting off the connection between my heart and the external arteries, I can't live.

"You can't die, you can't die!" I never wanted to live alone like I do now. Even if his brother and sister died, he was only sad for a while, but now it is completely crying.

If this person is alive, he can still have a line of life, even if he is promoted and rich, it is inevitable, but if this person is dead, then it is hell, and he is really finished.

"Okay, okay! You really have to contact this Liu Wei, come and give me a slap!" Sun Gan was also shocked. Although he knew the passing of this matter, he was still scared by the messenger of Liu Wei. The person who is not desperate at all, even if he finally died, Sun Gan saw the smile on the face of this person.

"Mr. Gongyou, you see, there is a letter here!" The simple man was originally a copy of the character, and soon found a letter that fell from the body of the man and handed it to Sun Gan, Sun Gan saw The envelope is written with my brother.

The **** brother is who has only one person, that is, Fang Fang, Yu Fang’s letter, that is not to say that this person is coming from Yangzhou!

The current squat is really the loess falling into the pants. It’s not awkward.

"Come to pick up and take it away, and send it to the Lord, where, listen to the death of the Lord!"


After Nanyang County, Mufu

There are only a few people in this backyard. One of them is that Liu Bei is on the side of Sun Bian and Yu, and Jane is also there.

Liu Bei is still wearing a linen dress, and I’m going to see you here, because if the messenger of Liu Wei is true, then I’m sure I know that my brother and sister are not dead, but I’m being born by myself. The Lord Gong said that he was dead.

"Zi Zhong, do you know that your brother and sister are not dead?!" Liu asked in a dull voice.

"Yeah!" He nodded.

"So you know that I didn't redeem your brother and sister?!"

"Yeah!" Hey still nodded.

"Zi Zhong, you hate me!" Liu Bei continued to ask.

"Do not hate!" He shook his head and said.

"I don't hate it, don't dare!" Sun Gan, who is on the side, interjected. If Sun Qian had a guilty conscience or reluctance, then Sun Gan is now dying to die. I really know too much. If you live, then his grandson will be unlucky. On the contrary, he will die. His grandson will not only have nothing but great credit.

"Sun Gongyou!"

"So you betrayed me?!" Liu Bei is still so indifferent to ask, the feelings of jealousy are complicated, if not for this person, then his Liu Bei has no current achievements, it can be said that the real is scattered After doing all the money, this made him Liu Liu’s chance to make a comeback. For him, Liu Bei could not kill directly like other people. After that, I married my sister to myself, and I can say that Liu Bei is owed a lot.

However, because it is much less, Liu Bei is less and less concerned about the shackles, and can even be said to be a kind of evasion!

Because he doesn't know how to face embarrassment, it's like what people say about a bucket of rice to raise a benefactor, a bag of rice to raise an enemy! After seeing it, Liu Bei felt that it was a kind of irony, a kind of ridicule, as if to say that he was a waste, and he got so much support but still failed!

"No, I don't, no!" Meng Meng had to shake his head. No matter which prince, it was the most intolerable to the betrayal. Even Cao Cao killed a lot of betrayers who surrendered him. Lu Bu started with Hou Cheng. Others are also not killing.

If this is really recognized, then he is really finished.


"If there isn't, who is in your home, is it the messenger of my Lord?! There is still a sentence to be an adult!" Sun Gan continued to add oil and vinegar.

"Chenghou?!" The general title is a township, or a pavilion, can be said to be a waiting, it is already the level of the county, just like the temperature of Lu Bu, this is County Hou. Compared with his application for Liu Bei, he has to go up a lot.

You must know that in the hands of Liu Bei, only the two brothers Guan Yu have the title of the county.

"This is all the blood of the Sun, and the Lord Gong did not betray you, no!"

"My grandson is squirting blood? You go to ask everyone in the room. Which one did not hear the messenger calling you to wait! Those who arrested you are not my grandson's men. Those are constitutional men. Is it constitution? And also in the **** mouth!" Sun Gan directly dragged Jane into the water, because Sun Gan with the past people are simple men.

"Lord, I am, oh!" He gave Liu Bei a slap in his head, and his head was about to break the blue bricks on the ground. All of them were **** and stunned.

The appearance of this kind of shawl made Liu Bei more and more unhappy. On the contrary, there was a trace of the simpleness on the side. He couldn’t bear to say to Liu Bei’s fist. “The Lord Gong. Will it be wrong!” Ping Zhou is also loyal to the Lord. Doing things is also a compliment, and should not betray the Lord!"

"Yeah, yeah, Lord, you are loyal to you, you don't dare to have two hearts!" He hurriedly hugged Liu Bei's thigh, but he was opened by Liu Bei because of the above. It’s all blood.

"Hmm?!" Although Liu Bei opened his shackles, he was also frowning and betrayed himself? If it is before. Liu Bei really doesn't believe it, such a big man. How can you betray yourself? So Liu Bei is also hesitating.

"Lord, I am not betraying you, Sun Gan, Sun Sun, he betrayed you. His grandson was captured by Liu Wei when he was cunniling. When he came back, Liu Wei wanted him to enter the army to inquire about the news. The messenger originally wanted to correct him." He pointed to Sun Gan’s nose and shouted.

"Sun Gan?" Liu Bei and Jane also turned their attention to Sun Gan. Sun Gan betrayed? Maybe, Liu Bei and Jane are also a little disbelieving that the original Sun Gan could come back.

"Haha, haha!" was pointed at the nose, but Sun Gan did not have the slightest anger, but smiled. "The main public, in the early yin yin, don't drive the empty city plan, my grandson did not care about the fate of life, got the sinister city, I will betray the lord! If I want to betray the lord, just need to put it after the city breaks The yin's grain and grass are telling the enemy, Liu Wei's army can certainly march north and intercept our army's grain team. Now Yangzhou still needs to worry about the grain? After that, I burned the grain in the sinister city. If I surrender, I might put myself in the dead! There are not many foods, but there are also 20,000 stones. There are two thousand stones. The battle may be changed!" Sun Gan is a politician, politicians do not want to. It’s the face, obviously it’s Pang’s calculations that I want to play with the dead Sun, but in the hands of Sun Gan, it becomes, and Sun Gan’s death is in order to “remember the minister’s still burning the yin’s grain. The eyes that Liu Wei will face the court, really want to eat the minister! I will betray the Lord?!"

"In the end, the pseudo-king Liu Yichen burned the grain, and he wanted to let the ministers and the grasses be burned to death by the fire. They were bundled and sent to the fire. If they were not killed, they might have died. In the cunnilingus, you can no longer play for the main public!" Sun Gan said and cried out, while crying while fishing for his sleeves, this is not a tear, but exposed above the arm, those were The scars burned out of the fire.

Of course, these scars are not burned in the fire. If the fire is stared, it is completely burned. Without a burn, the scars on Sun’s hands are all on the way back. I burned it with a burning flame, for the sake of being realistic, reflecting the way he escaped from the fire!

Seeing the scars on Sun Gan’s arm, Liu Bei also nodded. This Sun Gan had suffered a lot, and when Sun Gan did it, maybe Liu Wei had enough grain to directly enter the hinterland of Yuzhou. Weinan, at that time, he was really homeless. At that time, Liu Wei had no shortage of grain, and Sun had burned a fire. He did not kill Sun Gan.

"These are all illusions, they are all illusions!"

"Yeah, illusion, it's all illusion! Hey adults, my betrayal in your mouth is not able to get the letter of this pseudo-Wang Liu, but you have gotten this loyalty, you are not surprised!" Out of the big killer, he patted his hand and took out an envelope from the guardian on the side of Liu Bei. Going to the front of Liu Bei, his hands are presented on the "Lord, this is from the man's house!"

"Hey?!" Liu Bei picked up the letter and read it. The more he read the face, the darker it was. Black finally snorted. The simple side of the hurriedly rushed forward to pick it up. This look is also shaking his head.

"Sun dry dog ​​thief, isn't you changing the letter, this is obviously my brother's family letter sent to me!" Looking at the black face of the main public Liu Bei, and Jane's look of shaking his head, anxious, he is afraid of Sun Gan Moved hands and feet.

"Oh, the Lord has finished reading it! Also ask the Lord to return the letter to this adult!" Sun Gan is holding a fist in Liu Bei.

"Liu Bei directly smashed the letter out, and hurriedly the dog climbed up and grabbed the letter. This reading went on, and it was discovered that the word was not moved on the letter, but it was really his family letter from his brother.

But why the face of the Lord is so dark!

This is a kind of short-sightedness of a businessman. A businessman will make money is true, but a businessman does not understand the art of writing. This is a book that is not fake, but on top of this book, Yan Fang is letting his brother not surrender. Don't surrender, this is not bad. But if you don't surrender to the whole letter, there will be a dozen or twenty times, even those who are unintentional will become interested.

And don't surrender this. In order to surrender, the entire letter is also read, so it is really difficult to justify it.

"Lord, my lord, my servant! I will not betray the lord! I also ask the lord to see my life in the house of my family for the sake of the family's wealth!" Although I don't understand, I saw Sun Gan. The smile, as well as the simple shaking of his head, and Liu Bei's cool color, naturally also know that he is afraid of escaping, and immediately giggled up, I hope Liu Bei can get around him.

"Hey!" Jane had originally wanted to save the blasphemy. After all, he and he had been happy to get along with each other, but Jane had not spoken yet. This cockroach had blocked his own path. There is simply no cure.

"The family, the family, the family, the family, the family!" These two words stopped in the ears of Liu Bei, the eyes inside, so harsh, so ugly.

Liu Bei’s eyes were all smashed, and the killings on his body were shaking. These two words were like pointing at Liu Bei’s nose when they were told. You waste, you waste, I give You have a whole family, I am rich and can be enemies, but in the end you lost this waste and was driven out of Xuzhou.

"Enough!" Liu Bei slammed up and stopped his mourning.

"Come on, let me drag the cockroach down into the prison and wait for it to fall!" Liu Bei said with a sigh of relief to his men, and he couldn’t put it directly into the prison.


"Lord, my lord, my servant, oh, constitution and save me, save me! Sun dry dog ​​thief, I don't share the day with you!" The crying of the cockroach became farther and farther, until the end was directly plugged up. There is no sound.

Jane shook his head, and it was finished. Jane couldn’t help but look at Sun’s side. Sun Gan’s betrayal of Liu Bei was not believed, but if it was Sun Gan’s use of death, Jane’s I believe it, because you are too close to a person, this person is Pang Tong, but Pang Tong and Sun Gan have hatred.

Jane saw the smile in Sun Gan’s eyes, but he didn’t break it, because the two people’s hatreds were not easy to insert them!

"Constituency, how should this be?!" Liu Bei started to kill, basically can't stop it, and finished it.

Hearing the words of Liu Bei, Jane would not know the meaning of Liu Bei! Liu Bei wants to kill him. Regardless of whether he betrayed his own family, he always remembers that their family had done their best for Liu Bei’s family, so Liu Bei was killed, but he could not kill it because he was To be right, they have done so much for Liu Bei after all, even if they betray Liu Bei, they can’t kill it clearly, just like the original Liu Pi, even if Liu Bei killed Liu Bian to please Zhang Xiu, it was also used to kill Liu. An excuse in the chaos.

And before this, Liu Bei also gave the family a three-hour lord. If you say that you have been betrayed, you will be killed. This is not to say that it is a joke! Once people ask why this one wants to betray Liu Bei, is it because he can't afford the 60,000 stone grain that makes people live and die, and the two brothers are dead. But went, betrayed him Liu Bei! Once this is passed out, then Liu Bei’s reputation for benevolence and righteousness will be finished, and the heart will be cold.

Therefore, you must die, but you must die gloriously.

糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺 糜竺After dying, I finally mourned and died!"

"Tear!" Sun Gan stood on the side and heard the simple words. He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. This is a simple poison. The lively Fang Fang and his wife were killed by him, but this is He also died, and he died so much that he died, mourning and dying. The simple point is that he is sad to death! Such a hat is buckled up, I can't live without thinking about it, and I can give Liu Beixiu his benevolence.

"Sad and dead!" Liu Bei sneered a sneer, "It’s cheaper! This thing is handed over to you!" Liu Bei did not hand over to Jane, but Liu Bei did not believe in Jane, but instead gave it to him. It’s too comfortable to die, but it’s not the same when it’s handed over to Sun. It’s Sun’s discovery that he’s not comfortable.

"Chen will certainly not live up to the Lord's office! It is sure to let the adults go sad!" Sun Gan nodded his face and smiled, one is not in the eyes of Sun Gan, Sun is happy, kill It is equivalent to unplugging a tooth of Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan, so that he can no longer reveal his face! At the very least, Pang Tong will hurt some days. (To be continued.)

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