My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 476: Thank you

"It’s not so easy to die," Sun’s face sneered. .

"You!" With his eyes wide open, he has already conceded his fate. If he is big, it is a death. What he wants to ask is that Sun Gan can give her a comfortable death and die a little bit more, but now it seems this little wish. Sun Gan did not give it.

"Come on, tie me up and send it to my house!" Sun Gan loudly ordered.

"Yes!" The guard behind Sun Gan nodded and immediately went forward to tie up the shackles.

"Sun Gan, Sun Gongyou, you can't die! You can't die, I won't let you go!" His face is all awkward, he is awkward, why do he let himself put the best Xuzhou richest man? If I don’t do it, I have to go to the country, and finally I have tried to make a living out of my family’s wealth. I thought I had reported Liu Bei’s thighs. I became a big scorpion of Liu Bei and thought that I could make my family a sect. Now, this wish is realized. Yes, I have a family of three titles, but people are not there. What is the use of these titles? Oh, if he was relieved to be the richest man in Xuzhou, there would not be so many things. At that time, Cao Cao of Xudu also sent a messenger to contact him. If you don’t support Liu Bei, you can at least be a rich family. Weng is not like this now.

He also looked at the wrong person, Liu Bei, known as Renyi, but in the end it was the wolf ambition, they lost their entire family for his family, even if he knew that Liu Bei did not want to pay for the military to redeem his brother and sister. I didn’t feel surprised, I even covered Liu Bei. How can younger brothers and sisters compare to the promotion of the clan! But now. He also put himself in.

"Ghost? Hehe. It depends on what kind of ghost you are doing! You are still alive, I am not afraid, I am afraid that you are dead!" Sun Gan sneered and took away.

I still want to struggle, but how can he be a weak man, compared with those sergeants, he is directly **** and afraid of his rumors, but also directly tears a piece of rag from his body, directly Stuffed into the mouth of the cockroach. This time, you can kill the Sun Sun with your eyes! It is.

He was directly pressed into a carriage by the guards of a group of grandchildren. This is to be sent to the Sungan House. Once he has entered the house of Sun Gan, he will not survive. He is sent by his staff. He has also been diligently guarding Sun Qian and others around him, and has to **** Sun Qian to the Sun Qian House.

Sun Gan is closing his eyes in the carriage, but the smile on his mouth can't cover the joy in his heart. Sun Qian did not want to get rid of it, because it is irrelevant. He removed the cockroaches because of the messengers sent by Liu Wei, but today he removed the cockroaches. Sun Gan discovered that he did not earn a little bit. The first exemption from the Jingzhou and Yuzhou trades, the status of the shackles increased, to bring great trouble to Sun Gan, and even let his grandson with a tail and a man.

Second, if you get rid of it, then the rights in your hands will be put down. Since the Lord has handed over the blasphemy to his own disposal, the right that represents the shackles will also fall into the hands of his grandson. Although the rights are not big, but they are in charge of Liu Bei’s money bag, the five thousand gold that Pang Tong went to Jingzhou to take away was taken from the hands of the scorpion.

If Pang Tong can't get through the business road between Jingzhou and Yuzhou, Sun Gan can rely on this matter to pressure the unified head and let Pang Tong lower the importance in front of Liu Bei. If Pang Tong gets through the business road between Jingzhou and Yuzhou. Then, the last thing he earned was his grandson. Pang Tong did all this but he was doing a dowry for his grandson, because Sun Gan had completely taken over the right of shackles. When Jingzhou wants to trade with Yuzhou, it must be After his grandson’s work here, his grandson can’t run away. The people of Yuzhou who want to expand their family’s wealth must go through his grandchildren. At that time, these scholars will inevitably fight with his grandchildren. The ship, when his Sun Qian’s status in Liu Beijun will inevitably increase, it depends on how this Pang Tong fights with himself.

Sun Gan’s idea is beautiful. What he needs to do now is to get rid of the smashing smashing and smashing the roots. “Pang black fat, Pang black fat, you didn’t expect it, everything you did was just hard for me!” Sun Gan’s heart Very refreshing, this is not because he is laughing in the carriage.

However, when Sun Gan just wanted to smile, suddenly "Boom!", Sun Gan directly hit a squat in the carriage, and immediately Sun Gan’s good mood immediately disappeared, and his head directly hit the carriage. Sun Gan bleeds with his hand.

"How to set up the carriage!" Sun Gan's mouth was full of anger, this good thing did not come, it saw red, and immediately Sun Gan wanted to take out the waist of the sword to kill the driving carriage.

"Come to protect the owner!"

"Protect the military master!" Sun Gan heard this voice, and then he was protected by a group of guards.

"What happened?!" Sun Gan did not know that the general person knew what was going on when he heard the voice.

"Please ask the military division to quickly return to the carriage, the thief is in the public, I am afraid that the protection is not good!" A simple man said to Sun Qiang.

"Hmm?!" Sun Gan saw that the entire team was intercepted, and a group of black people were rushing out of his ranks.

"Who?" Sun Gan looked at these black hostages.

"Oh, nature is the one who kills you!" A black man's head replied.

"Killing me?!" Sun Gan was immediately angry. Where is this place? Here is the county town of Nanyang County, Wancheng. It can be said that it is the second old nest of Liu Bei. Here, there are tens of thousands of Liu Bei. Among the soldiers and horses, there is the most elite Xiliang iron ride. In this place where the army gathers, there is a black man who has to kill himself. This is simply a madness to a certain extent.

But then Sun Gan reacted. This voice, how could this sound be so familiar, when he looked at the black man again, the black man smiled at Sun’s surprise, and the red face was added. It’s a sword. There is that voice.

Sun Gan’s eyes were all smashed. Not this one. This is not, not a warrior under the singer Liu Wei, Wei Yan! Sun Gan finally remembered who this person is. In the identity of Wei Yan, Sun Gan would not know it. At the beginning, Wei Yan was just a small captain, but who made him Sun Wei was caught by Wei Yan. So for this Wei Yan Sungan can be considered a hate. There was also a kind of fear. At that time, he was accompanied by a few of Sun’s men, but Wei Yan’s three knives were like cutting watermelons. Wei Yan’s kind of effort on the battlefield, but the Sun visa was shocked. And Wei Yan's sentence is high, Liu Bei's men will only be related to Yu and Zhang Fei!

Even because of Wei Yan’s red face, Sun Gan’s Sun Gan and the second general Guan Yu were inconsistent with each other. Both of them are proud figures, and they are proud of themselves. A ruthless one.

Yes, these people are really Wei Yan and his Yiyang martial arts. They went into the city along with the second wave of messengers, but they were hidden and only appeared until today.

Sun Gan himself is carrying more than a dozen men, and there are more than a dozen of his men. It is reasonable to say that there are more than a few black people. Wei Yan’s hand is less than ten people, but these ones are simple. The sly men and Sun Gan’s people could not stop Wei Yan’s people. These dozens of black people are all the characters who killed hundreds of battles on the battlefield, and Sun Qian and the rudimentary people’s assassinations It is a good hand, but this positive kill is not an opponent.

What's more, there is still Wei Yan, so Sun Gan's men have a hard time, and soon they lay down dozens of bodies on the ground.

"Block them to stop them!" Although Sun Gan also knows that this Wei Yan can't really be Liu Wei sent to kill himself, because a dead Sun Gan does not meet the interests of Liu Wei, Sun Gan himself knows that he Being released by Liu Wei is because he and Pang Tong are not in harmony. If Liu Bei’s men and women are integrated, I am afraid that Sun Gan has already died in the cunnilingus, but Sun Gan is still guilty. After all, there is a shadow on Wei Yan. I was arrested once, but I don’t want to see you again.

"Can you stop it?" Wei Yan smiled and looked at Sun Gan, the old acquaintance who was guarded in the center by the crowd. To tell the truth, Wei Yan really didn't have a bad impression on Sun Gan, because Sun Gan said to Wei Yan every time. It’s a lucky heart. As long as Sun Gan appears, Wei Yan has a good general, or has a meritorious deed. The last time Sun Gan put down the empty city plan, the military commander Liu Wei was stuck in the city for a few days, it is difficult to break the cunnilingus, but this The great credit was given to Wei Yan, Wei Yan and his yinyang martial arts rushed into the city of 汝 ,, to visit the real, even after the lord Liu Wei saw the virtual reality directly into the city, but Wei Yan brought out the news, and Wei Yan took the lead of this empty city, Sun Gan, and Mr. Sun Gongyou.

Grasping the enemy's main lord, this credit is really not small, but also makes Wei Yan completely rid of the identity of his own small soldier, turned into a Zaoyang prefect, and led the five thousand Yiyang martial arts.

Now I have met Sun Gan again, this time is the order given by the military division Xu Wei, that is, ambush in the city, waiting for the Sun Gan’s carriage, waiting for the opportunity to dispatch.

Now encountered, Wei Yan also dispatched Sun Gan, although he can not kill, but Wei Yan as long as this success, at least a title can not run, so Wei Yan's heart is really very excited.

"Behold the jackpot, the defender in this city will come soon, must hold on! Wait until the reinforcements arrive!" Sun Qian shouted loudly, the fighting here, shouting and killing the sound can not attract the defenders in the city Attention, so as long as you insist on a moment in the city, the defenders will inevitably arrive.

Sun Gan’s luck is really good enough. The words just landed, and there was a sound of vibration from the earth, horseshoes, armor, and the reinforcements.

"Well!?" Wei Yan brows, the sound of the horse galloping, how can he not hear it, this Liu Bei now has a cavalry, that is, the former ally Zhang Qiang's men Xiliang iron ride, Xiliang iron ride even in the city It is difficult to spread all of them, but it is not something that Wei Yan’s hands can resist.

Wei Yan is not a fool of hard resistance. If it is, Xu Wei will not let him out. Besides, Wei Yan said, "Withdrew!"

"What do you want to do! What to do!" Wei Yan's men are retreating, but Wei Yan does not, but violently erupted. Wei Yan itself is a refining warrior. In the battlefield, there are hundreds of people and even disharmony. Only by relying on the same level of warfare or consuming him, and now Weiyan broke out, the explosive power is simply amazing.

The sword in his hand seems to be alive. With a knife, two people head straight into the sky and blood splashes.

Wei Yan is an explosive force. It will not be done on the battlefield. Because a war may be a few hours, even if it is a break, Wei Yan can only hold on for a while, but once a refinement The explosion broke out and it was really hard to stop.

It was only in an instant, there were five people who died in Wei Yan’s hands. Soon, Sun’s side was left with only two people.

"Block him, stop him!" Sun was panicked and wanted to climb the carriage.

"The bar is down!" Wei Yan sneered, and the two guards, after all, were eating under the hands of Sun Gan, even if they were scared, but they rushed over for their master.

However, the strength of courage is not enough, but only sent Wei Yan two people. Wei Yan soon became close to Sun Gan.

"What do you want to do!" Sun was panicked. He thought that Liu Wei would not kill himself, but now it seems that Wei Yan’s killing is not fake.

"Mr. Gongyou don't panic, some will not kill you!" Wei Yanjin let himself smile, but his blood is full of laughter, not as good as laughing.

"You are Wei Yan?"

"Some is saving you! You will thank a certain!" Wei Yan had no effort and Sun Gan was old, and the sword in his hand suddenly lifted up and waved.

"Hey!" The blood rose directly.

"The thief dare!" The Xiliang iron ride finally arrived, and a warrior armed with a long gun Mengde came to Wei Yan.

Here is where Sun Gan is. When he meets a black man, Sun Gan’s men are going to report it. The Xiliang Iron Riding Force in today’s patrol city can come so fast.

Who is this grandson? That is Liu Zhong’s heavy minister. Even now, because of the appearance of Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan, Sun Gan ranks second, but it is not his small thousand who will dare to provoke.

If Sun Gan died here, then he will be finished. The enemy entered the city. He didn't know, and he killed his own minister. This is not the face of Liu Bei. Liu Bei does not kill him before he blames it!

So this thousand people will be rushed over regardless of the situation.

"cut"! Wei Yan looked at the thousand people who came from this charge, but a second-class war will be gone. Wei Yan’s hands are not ten rounds. Wei Yan has the heart to kill this, but this will still have enemies behind him, so he will swear. With a sip of it, Wei Yan turned around and left. Now is not the time to stay here.

"The enemy will take a break!" The thousand people will soon be out of their eyes. The corpse on the ground, there is a figure in a Chinese costume lying on the carriage. It is not a harm! Don't look at it and know that it is Sun Gan.

However, if he rides a horse, if it is in the plains, it may catch up, but here in Wancheng City, the houses are in front of them, and Wei Yan only needs a few departures to be sheltered into the alley. It is difficult to chase after riding a horse. (To be continued.)

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