My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 478: Loyalty

"Where is the Lord, where are you, don't leave the Sun, don't!" Sun Gan is still in a coma, don't know what he dreamed of. "Where is the Lord, where are you?" Sun Gan's arm is in four . ()

"Gongyou, Gongyou! The Lord is here, here!" Liu Bei looked at his face in the pale face of Sun Gan Sun Gongyou simply regretted it, such a loyal minister, even the coma was thinking about himself, could not help but touched Sun Gan’s hand sat on the bed of Sun Gan’s bed.

If Liu Bei knows what Sun Gan is thinking about, I am afraid that even the heart of Sun Gan has been killed. What Sun Gan thinks now is that Liu Bei discovered his betrayal and prayed for Liu Bei’s forgiveness, so this is so panic.

"Han, let me send all the people out, I will definitely turn over the whole Wancheng. I have to find those black people, and I will definitely break them down!" Looking at the pale face of Sun Gan’s face And there is blood on the chest above the movement, the more distressed, facing the simple and succinct.

"Yes!" Jane did not dare to have any hesitation. He knew that he had already let Liu Bei resent. If he was going on, then Liu Bei would really get angry with Jane, so Jane was very indifferent. Even if there are doubts, he will not say much more. Now what he needs is to spread all the dead men under his hand, and he must find out these black people in this Wancheng, otherwise He is not good at it.

Jane nodded and could only go out.

"Gongyou, Gongyou, the Lord is here! Here!" Liu Bei remembered Sun Gan and his experience. When Sun Gan followed him, Liu Bei had not yet made a living! It is Sun Gan who supported Liu Bei to finish the journey of starting a business. Sun Qian has always been the core figure of Liu Beijun. However, after the appearance of Pang Tong, Sun Gan’s status has only come down. It can even be said that Liu Bei’s Pamper Pang Tong, almost sold Sun Gan.

Today, all this happened, Liu Bei regretted it, where is a loyal minister looking for it!

"Master?!" Sun Gan gradually woke up, this opened his eyes, and immediately Sun Gan cried. His grandson in the dream was discovered by Liu Bei and Liu Wei. After the disaster, Liu Bei wanted to kill. He, his grandson, was awakened. So I saw Liu Bei, this is the old tears, and Liu Bei, I thought that this loyal minister is really loyal to himself, even the coma does not forget himself! It was also moved to a mess.

The two old men cried and cried on the bed, so that the people they saw could not help but get a goose bump.

"The Lord, I almost can't see you!"

"I know, I know, Gongyou! You have been blessed with hard work!" Seeing this miserable appearance of Sun Gan, Liu Bei will still doubt Sun Qian, now Sun Qian is his firm dog leg of Liu Bei, but even the other one even It was the one who even abandoned his own relatives and also loyal to follow Liu Bei’s doglegs and was ruthlessly abandoned.

Directly labeled as a traitor.

"Give you peace of mind, this time I will definitely catch this cockroach, let him succumb to the ruin of the dead, and let you report a revenge!" Liu Bei clenched his fist, this time it must be The family disappeared completely under his command.

"The Lord is so wise, and Sun Gan died!" (To be continued.)

Ps: Yesterday I am ready to upload! But the background can't get in! I rubbed the pit! My full-time gg!

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